Beispiel #1
int CTest::test_ensureCapacityI(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Test for method void java.util.ArrayList.ensureCapacity(int)
    // TODO : There is no good way to test this as it only really impacts on
    // the private implementation.

    AutoPtr<IInteger32> testObject;
    CInteger32::New(10001, (IInteger32**)&testObject);
    int capacity = 20;
    AutoPtr<IArrayList> al;
    CArrayList::New(capacity, (IArrayList**)&al);
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < capacity / 2; i++) {
        AutoPtr<IInteger32> testObject1;
        CInteger32::New(1000 + i, (IInteger32**)&testObject1);
        al->AddEx(i, testObject1);
    al->AddEx(i, testObject);
    int location = 0;
    al->IndexOf(testObject, &location);
    // try {
    Int32 location2 = 0;
    assert(location == (al->IndexOf(testObject, &location2), location2));
    Boolean isflag = FALSE;
    AutoPtr<IInterface> outface;
    ECode ec = al->RemoveEx(0, (IInterface**)&outface);
PFL_EX("ec: %p, outface: %p", ec, outface.Get())
PFL_EX("location: %d, location2: %d", location, (al->IndexOf(testObject, &location2), location2))
    assert(--location == (al->IndexOf(testObject, &location2), location2));
    al->EnsureCapacity(capacity + 2);
    assert(location == (al->IndexOf(testObject, &location2), location2));
    // } catch (Exception e) {
    //     fail("Exception during test : " + e.getMessage());
    // }
    return 0;