/** Load the PLY mesh. */
bool PiMeshImportPLY::Import(const char * name) {

    // Reset mesh.

    // Open file.
    PiAutoPtr<PiVirtualFile> vf( PiFileSystem::OpenFile( name ) );
    if( vf == NULL ) {
        piDebug( "*** Cannot open PLY file: '%s'\n", name );
        return false;

    piDebug("--- Loading PLY file '%s'.\n", name );

    PiParser parser;
    parser.StartParseBuffer( vf->GetMem(), vf->GetSize() );

    if( !parser.GetToken( true ) || strCmp(parser.token, "ply") ) {
        piDebug( "*** File '%s' does not appear to be a ply file.\n", name );
        return false;

    PlyHeader head;
    PlyElement * current = NULL;
    LL_Reset( &head.elems, next, prev );

    bool result = false;

    while(true) {

        if( !parser.GetToken( true ) ) {
            piDebug( "*** Unexpected 'end of file' found while reading ply file '%s'.\n", name );

        if( !strCmp( parser.token, "format" ) ) {
            // 'format' <type> <version>
            if( !parser.GetToken( false ) ) {
                piDebug( "*** Type expected while reading ply file '%s'.\n", name );

            if( !strCmp( parser.token, "ascii" ) ) head.format = PLY_ASCII;
            else if( !strCmp( parser.token, "binary_big_endian" ) ) head.format = PLY_BINARY_BE;
            else if( !strCmp( parser.token, "binary_little_endian" ) ) head.format = PLY_BINARY_LE;

            if( !parser.GetToken( false ) ) {
                piDebug( "*** Version expected while reading ply file '%s'.\n", name );

            head.version = 0;
        else if( !strCmp( parser.token, "element" ) ) {
            // 'element' <type> <num>

            current = new PlyElement;
            LL_Reset( current, next, prev );
            LL_AddLast( &head.elems, current, next, prev );
            LL_Reset( &current->props, next, prev );

            if( !parser.GetToken( false ) ) {
                piDebug( "*** Element type expected while reading ply file '%s'.\n", name );
            current->name = piStrDup( parser.token );
            if( !strCmp( parser.token, "vertex" ) ) current->type = PLET_VERTEX;
            else if( !strCmp( parser.token, "face" ) ) current->type = PLET_FACE;
            else current->type = PLET_OTHER;

            if( !parser.GetToken( false ) ) {
                piDebug( "*** Number of elements expected while reading ply file '%s'.\n", name );
            current->num = atoi( parser.token );

        else if( !strCmp( parser.token, "property" ) ) {
            // 'property' <type> <name>

            PlyProperty * prop = new PlyProperty;
            LL_Reset( prop, next, prev );
            LL_AddLast( &current->props, prop, next, prev );

            if( !parser.GetToken( false ) ) {
                piDebug( "*** Property type expected while reading ply file '%s'.\n", name );

            if( !strCmp( parser.token, "list" ) ) {
                prop->mode = PLPM_LIST;
                if( !parser.GetToken( false ) ) {
                    piDebug( "*** Property type expected while reading ply file '%s'.\n", name );
                if( !ReadType( parser, (int &)prop->ctype ) ) {
                    piDebug( "*** Unknown property type while reading ply file '%s'.\n", name );

                if( !parser.GetToken( false ) ) {
                    piDebug( "*** Property type expected while reading ply file '%s'.\n", name );
            else {
                prop->mode = PLPM_SCALAR;

            if( !ReadType( parser, (int &)prop->type ) ) {
                piDebug( "*** Unknown property type while reading ply file '%s'.\n", name );

            // read name
            if( !parser.GetToken( false ) ) {
                piDebug( "*** Property name expected while reading ply file '%s'.\n", name );
            prop->name = piStrDup( parser.token );
        else if( !strCmp( parser.token, "comment" ) ) {
            AutoString comment;
            while( parser.GetToken( false ) ) {
                comment.Append(" ");
            piDebug( "---   Comment:%s\n", comment.GetStr() );
        else if( !strCmp( parser.token, "end_header" ) ) {
            if( parser.NextLine() )
                result = true;

    if( result == false ) {
        piDebug("***   Load failed.\n");
    else {

        // Analize what we have:
        PlyElement * e;
        for( e = head.elems.next; e != &head.elems; e = e->next ) {
            if( strCmp( e->name, "vertex" ) == 0 ) {
                mesh->SetVertexNum( e->num );
                //pos_array.Resize( e->num );
                //col_array.Resize( e->num );
            else if( strCmp( e->name, "face" ) == 0 ) {
                // Number of faces is not the number of triangles.
                //face_array.Resize( e->num );

        PiMesh::Channel * pos_channel = mesh->GetChannel(mesh->CreateChannel("position", VS_POS, VF_FLOAT, 3));

        uint pos_num = 0;
        Vec2 tmp(0, 0);

        // Extract data.
        for( e = head.elems.next; e != &head.elems; e = e->next ) {

            for( uint i = 0; i < e->num; i++ ) {

                PlyProperty * p;
                for( p = e->props.next; p != &e->props; p = p->next ) {

                    if( p->mode == PLPM_SCALAR ) {
                        float value;
                        ReadFloatValue( parser, head.format, p->type, value );

                        if( strCmp( p->name, "x" ) == 0 ) {
                            tmp.x = value;
                        else if( strCmp( p->name, "y" ) == 0 ) {
                            tmp.y = value;
                        else if( strCmp( p->name, "z" ) == 0 ) {
                            pos_channel->data[pos_num++] = Vec4(tmp, value, 1.0f);
                    else if( p->mode == PLPM_LIST ) {
                        uint count;
                        ReadIntValue( parser, head.format, p->ctype, count );

                        uint v0, v1, v2;
                        ReadIntValue( parser, head.format, p->type, v0 );
                        ReadIntValue( parser, head.format, p->type, v1 );

                        // conver poly to fan
                        for( uint f = 0; f < count-2; f++ ) {
                            ReadIntValue( parser, head.format, p->type, v2 );
                            mesh->AddFace(v0, v1, v2);
                            v1 = v2;

        piDebug("---   Load succeed.\n");
        piDebug( "---   %d vertices\n", mesh->GetVertexNum() );
        piDebug( "---   %d faces\n", mesh->GetFaceNum() );

    // clean header
    PlyElement * e, * enext;
    for( e=head.elems.next; e!=&head.elems; e=enext ) {
        enext = e->next;
        LL_Reset( e, next, prev );

        PlyProperty * p, * pnext;
        for( p=e->props.next; p!=&e->props; p=pnext ) {
            pnext = p->next;
            LL_Reset( p, next, prev );

            mem::free( p->name );
            delete p;

        mem::free( e->name );
        delete e;

    return result;