Beispiel #1
	Stringp FileClass::read(Stringp filename)
		Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();
		AvmCore* core = this->core();

		if (!filename) {
			toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "filename");
		StUTF8String filenameUTF8(filename);
		File* fp = Platform::GetInstance()->createFile();
		if(!fp || !fp->open(filenameUTF8.c_str(), File::OPEN_READ))

			toplevel->throwError(kFileOpenError, filename);

		int64_t fileSize = fp->size();
		if(fileSize >= (int64_t)INT32_T_MAX) //File APIs cannot handle files > 2GB
			toplevel->throwRangeError(kOutOfRangeError, filename);

		int len = (int)fileSize;

		MMgc::GC::AllocaAutoPtr _c;
		union {
			uint8_t* c;
			wchar* c_w;
		c = (uint8_t*)VMPI_alloca(core, _c, len+1);

		len = (int)fp->read(c, len); //need to force since the string creation functions expect an int
		c[len] = 0;

		if (len >= 3)
			// UTF8 BOM
			if ((c[0] == 0xef) && (c[1] == 0xbb) && (c[2] == 0xbf))
				return core->newStringUTF8((const char*)c + 3, len - 3);
			else if ((c[0] == 0xfe) && (c[1] == 0xff))
				//UTF-16 big endian
				c += 2;
				len = (len - 2) >> 1;
				return core->newStringEndianUTF16(/*littleEndian*/false, c_w, len);
			else if ((c[0] == 0xff) && (c[1] == 0xfe))
Beispiel #2
    Stringp FileClass::read(Stringp filename)
        Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();
        AvmCore* core = this->core();

        if (!filename) {
            toplevel->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, "filename");
        StUTF8String filenameUTF8(filename);
        File* fp = Platform::GetInstance()->createFile();
        if(!fp || !fp->open(filenameUTF8.c_str(), File::OPEN_READ))

            toplevel->throwError(kFileOpenError, filename);

        int64_t fileSize = fp->size();
        if(fileSize >= (int64_t)INT32_T_MAX) //File APIs cannot handle files > 2GB
            toplevel->throwRangeError(kOutOfRangeError, filename);

        int len = (int)fileSize;

        // Avoid VMPI_alloca - the buffer can be large and the memory is non-pointer-containing,
        // but the GC will scan it conservatively.
        uint8_t* c = (uint8_t*)core->gc->Alloc(len+1);
        len = (int)fp->read(c, len); //need to force since the string creation functions expect an int
        c[len] = 0;


        Stringp ret = NULL;

        if (len >= 3)
            // UTF8 BOM
            if ((c[0] == 0xef) && (c[1] == 0xbb) && (c[2] == 0xbf))
                ret = core->newStringUTF8((const char*)c + 3, len - 3);
            else if ((c[0] == 0xfe) && (c[1] == 0xff))
                //UTF-16 big endian
                c += 2;
                len = (len - 2) >> 1;
                ret = core->newStringEndianUTF16(/*littleEndian*/false, (wchar*)(void*)c, len);
            else if ((c[0] == 0xff) && (c[1] == 0xfe))