Beispiel #1
///note that carposition must be in patch space
///returns distance from left side of the track
float GetHorizontalDistanceAlongPatch(const BEZIER & patch, MATHVECTOR <float, 3> carposition)
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> leftside = (patch.GetPoint(0,0) + patch.GetPoint(3,0))*0.5;
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> rightside = (patch.GetPoint(0,3) + patch.GetPoint(3,3))*0.5;
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> patchwidthvector = rightside - leftside;
	return patchwidthvector.Normalize().dot(carposition-leftside);
Beispiel #2
///trim the patch's width in-place
void TrimPatch(BEZIER & patch, float trimleft_front, float trimright_front, float trimleft_back, float trimright_back)
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> frontvector = (patch.GetPoint(0,3) - patch.GetPoint(0,0));
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> backvector = (patch.GetPoint(3,3) - patch.GetPoint(3,0));
	float frontwidth = frontvector.Magnitude();
	float backwidth = backvector.Magnitude();
	if (trimleft_front + trimright_front > frontwidth)
		float scale = frontwidth/(trimleft_front + trimright_front);
		trimleft_front *= scale;
		trimright_front *= scale;
	if (trimleft_back + trimright_back > backwidth)
		float scale = backwidth/(trimleft_back + trimright_back);
		trimleft_back *= scale;
		trimright_back *= scale;

	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> newfl = patch.GetPoint(0,0);
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> newfr = patch.GetPoint(0,3);
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> newbl = patch.GetPoint(3,0);
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> newbr = patch.GetPoint(3,3);

	if (frontvector.Magnitude() > 0.001)
		MATHVECTOR <float, 3> trimdirection_front = frontvector.Normalize();
		newfl = patch.GetPoint(0,0) + trimdirection_front*trimleft_front;
		newfr = patch.GetPoint(0,3) - trimdirection_front*trimright_front;

	if (backvector.Magnitude() > 0.001)
		MATHVECTOR <float, 3> trimdirection_back = backvector.Normalize();
		newbl = patch.GetPoint(3,0) + trimdirection_back*trimleft_back;
		newbr = patch.GetPoint(3,3) - trimdirection_back*trimright_back;

	patch.SetFromCorners(newfl, newfr, newbl, newbr);
Beispiel #3
BEZIER AI::RevisePatch(const BEZIER * origpatch, bool use_racingline)
	BEZIER patch = *origpatch;

	//take into account the racing line
	//use_racingline = false;
	if (use_racingline && patch.GetNextPatch() && patch.HasRacingline())
		float widthfront = std::min((patch.GetNextPatch()->GetRacingLine()-patch.GetPoint(0,0)).Magnitude(),
		float widthback = std::min((patch.GetRacingLine()-patch.GetPoint(3,0)).Magnitude(),
		float trimleft_front = (patch.GetNextPatch()->GetRacingLine() - patch.GetPoint(0,0)).Magnitude()-widthfront;
		float trimright_front = (patch.GetNextPatch()->GetRacingLine() - patch.GetPoint(0,3)).Magnitude()-widthfront;
		float trimleft_back = (patch.GetRacingLine() - patch.GetPoint(3,0)).Magnitude()-widthback;
		float trimright_back = (patch.GetRacingLine() - patch.GetPoint(3,3)).Magnitude()-widthback;
		TrimPatch(patch, trimleft_front, trimright_front, trimleft_back, trimright_back);

	//check for revisions due to other cars
	/*const float trim_falloff_distance = 100.0; //trim fallof distance in meters per (meters per second)
	const MATHVECTOR <float, 3> throttle_axis(-1,0,0); //positive is in front of the car
	std::map <const CAR *, PATH_REVISION> & revmap = path_revisions;
	for (std::map <const CAR *, PATH_REVISION>::iterator i = revmap.begin(); i != revmap.end(); i++)
		if (i->first != c->car)
			//compute relative info
			MATHVECTOR <float, 3> myvel = c->car->GetVelocity();
			MATHVECTOR <float, 3> othervel = i->first->GetVelocity();
			float speed_diff = -; //positive if other car is faster //actually positive if my car is faster, right?

			float cardist_back = patch.dist_from_start - i->second.car_pos_along_track; //positive if patch is ahead of car
			float patchlen = GetPatchDirection(patch).Magnitude();
			float cardist_front = (patch.dist_from_start+patchlen) - i->second.car_pos_along_track;

			const float minfalloff = 10;
			const float maxfalloff = 60;
			float cur_trim_falloff_distance_fwd = minfalloff;
			float cur_trim_falloff_distance_rear = minfalloff;
			float falloff = clamp(trim_falloff_distance*std::abs(speed_diff),minfalloff,maxfalloff);
			if (speed_diff > 0)
				//cur_trim_falloff_distance_fwd = falloff;
				cur_trim_falloff_distance_rear = falloff;

			float scale_front = clamp(1.0f-cardist_front/cur_trim_falloff_distance_fwd, 0, 1);
			if (cardist_front < 0)
				scale_front = clamp(1.0f+cardist_front/cur_trim_falloff_distance_rear, 0, 1);
			float scale_back = clamp(1.0f-cardist_back/cur_trim_falloff_distance_fwd, 0, 1);
			if (cardist_back < 0)
				scale_back = clamp(1.0f+cardist_back/cur_trim_falloff_distance_rear, 0, 1);

			std::cout << speed_diff << ", " << cur_trim_falloff_distance_fwd << ", " << cur_trim_falloff_distance_rear << ", " << cardist_front << ", " << cardist_back << ", " << scale_front << ", " << scale_back << std::endl;

			float trimleft_front = i->second.trimleft_front*scale_front;
			float trimright_front = i->second.trimright_front*scale_front;
			float trimleft_back = i->second.trimleft_back*scale_back;
			float trimright_back = i->second.trimright_back*scale_back;

			TrimPatch(patch, trimleft_front, trimright_front, trimleft_back, trimright_back);

	return patch;
Beispiel #4
MATHVECTOR <float, 3> GetPatchWidthVector(const BEZIER & patch)
	return ((patch.GetPoint(0,0) + patch.GetPoint(3,0)) -
			(patch.GetPoint(0,3) + patch.GetPoint(3,3))) * 0.5;
Beispiel #5
MATHVECTOR <float, 3> GetPatchBackCenter(const BEZIER & patch)
	return (patch.GetPoint(3,0) + patch.GetPoint(3,3)) * 0.5;
Beispiel #6
MATHVECTOR <float, 3> GetPatchFrontCenter(const BEZIER & patch)
	return (patch.GetPoint(0,0) + patch.GetPoint(0,3)) * 0.5;
MATHVECTOR <float, 3> AI_Car_Experimental::GetPatchWidthVector(const BEZIER & patch)
	return ((patch.GetPoint(0,0) + patch.GetPoint(3,0)) -
			(patch.GetPoint(0,3) + patch.GetPoint(3,3))) * 0.5;
MATHVECTOR <float, 3> AI_Car_Experimental::GetPatchBackCenter(const BEZIER & patch)
	return (patch.GetPoint(3,0) + patch.GetPoint(3,3)) * 0.5;