	// download repository cache and put it in either the common/user cache
	// path, depending on where the corresponding repo-config lives

	// job fetching the cache
	BEntry tempRepoCache;
	status_t result = fContext.GetNewTempfile("repocache-", &tempRepoCache);
	if (result != B_OK)
		return result;
	BString repoCacheURL = BString(fRepoConfig.BaseURL()) << "/" << "repo";
	FetchFileJob* fetchCacheJob = new (std::nothrow) FetchFileJob(fContext,
		BString("Fetching repository-cache from ") << fRepoConfig.BaseURL(),
		repoCacheURL, tempRepoCache);
	if (fetchCacheJob == NULL)
		return B_NO_MEMORY;
	if ((result = QueueJob(fetchCacheJob)) != B_OK) {
		delete fetchCacheJob;
		return result;

	// job validating the cache's checksum
	ValidateChecksumJob* validateChecksumJob
		= new (std::nothrow) ValidateChecksumJob(fContext,
			BString("Validating checksum for ") << fRepoConfig.Name(),
			new (std::nothrow) ChecksumFileChecksumAccessor(
			new (std::nothrow) GeneralFileChecksumAccessor(tempRepoCache));
	if (validateChecksumJob == NULL)
		return B_NO_MEMORY;
	if ((result = QueueJob(validateChecksumJob)) != B_OK) {
		delete validateChecksumJob;
		return result;

	// job activating the cache
	BPath targetRepoCachePath;
	BPackageRoster roster;
	result = fRepoConfig.IsUserSpecific()
		? roster.GetUserRepositoryCachePath(&targetRepoCachePath, true)
		: roster.GetCommonRepositoryCachePath(&targetRepoCachePath, true);
	if (result != B_OK)
		return result;
	BDirectory targetDirectory(targetRepoCachePath.Path());
	ActivateRepositoryCacheJob* activateJob
		= new (std::nothrow) ActivateRepositoryCacheJob(fContext,
			BString("Activating repository cache for ") << fRepoConfig.Name(),
			tempRepoCache, fRepoConfig.Name(), targetDirectory);
	if (activateJob == NULL)
		return B_NO_MEMORY;
	if ((result = QueueJob(activateJob)) != B_OK) {
		delete activateJob;
		return result;

	return B_OK;