Beispiel #1
bool UIText::display(int offsetX, int offsetY) {
	if (!_visible) {
		return STATUS_OK;

	BaseFont *font = _font;
	if (!font) {
		font = _gameRef->getSystemFont();

	if (_back) {
		_back->display(offsetX + _posX, offsetY + _posY, _width, _height);
	if (_image) {
		_image->draw(offsetX + _posX, offsetY + _posY, nullptr);

	if (font && _text) {
		int textOffset;
		switch (_verticalAlign) {
		case VAL_TOP:
			textOffset = 0;
		case VAL_BOTTOM:
			textOffset = _height - font->getTextHeight((byte *)_text, _width);
			textOffset = (_height - font->getTextHeight((byte *)_text, _width)) / 2;
		font->drawText((byte *)_text, offsetX + _posX, offsetY + _posY + textOffset, _width, _textAlign, _height);

	//_gameRef->_renderer->_rectList.add(new BaseActiveRect(_gameRef,  this, NULL, OffsetX + _posX, OffsetY + _posY, _width, _height, 100, 100, false));

	return STATUS_OK;
Beispiel #2
bool UIEdit::display(int offsetX, int offsetY) {
	if (!_visible) {
		return STATUS_OK;

	// hack!
	TTextEncoding OrigEncoding = _gameRef->_textEncoding;
	_gameRef->_textEncoding = TEXT_ANSI;

	if (_back) {
		_back->display(offsetX + _posX, offsetY + _posY, _width, _height);
	if (_image) {
		_image->draw(offsetX + _posX, offsetY + _posY, NULL);

	// prepare fonts
	BaseFont *font;
	BaseFont *sfont;

	if (_font) {
		font = _font;
	} else {
		font = _gameRef->_systemFont;

	if (_fontSelected) {
		sfont = _fontSelected;
	} else {
		sfont = font;

	bool focused = isFocused();

	_selStart = MAX(_selStart, 0);
	_selEnd   = MAX(_selEnd, 0);

	_selStart = (int)MIN((size_t)_selStart, strlen(_text));
	_selEnd   = (int)MIN((size_t)_selEnd,   strlen(_text));

	//int CursorWidth = font->GetCharWidth(_cursorChar[0]);
	int cursorWidth = font->getTextWidth((byte *)_cursorChar);

	int s1, s2;
	bool curFirst;
	// modify scroll offset
	if (_selStart >= _selEnd) {
		while (font->getTextWidth((byte *)_text + _scrollOffset, MAX(0, _selEnd - _scrollOffset)) > _width - cursorWidth - 2 * _frameWidth) {
			if (_scrollOffset >= (int)strlen(_text)) {

		_scrollOffset = MIN(_scrollOffset, _selEnd);

		s1 = _selEnd;
		s2 = _selStart;
		curFirst = true;
	} else {
		while (font->getTextWidth((byte *)_text + _scrollOffset, MAX(0, _selStart - _scrollOffset)) +
		        sfont->getTextWidth((byte *)(_text + MAX(_scrollOffset, _selStart)), _selEnd - MAX(_scrollOffset, _selStart))

		        > _width - cursorWidth - 2 * _frameWidth) {
			if (_scrollOffset >= (int)strlen(_text)) {

		_scrollOffset = MIN(_scrollOffset, _selEnd);

		s1 = _selStart;
		s2 = _selEnd;
		curFirst = false;

	int alignOffset = 0;

	for (int count = 0; count < 2; count++) {
		// draw text
		int xxx, yyy, width, height;

		xxx = _posX + _frameWidth + offsetX;
		yyy = _posY + _frameWidth + offsetY;

		width = _posX + _width + offsetX - _frameWidth;
		height = MAX(font->getLetterHeight(), sfont->getLetterHeight());

		if (_gameRef->_textRTL) {
			xxx += alignOffset;

		TTextAlign align = TAL_LEFT;

		// unselected 1
		if (s1 > _scrollOffset) {
			if (count) {
				font->drawText((byte *)_text + _scrollOffset, xxx, yyy, width - xxx, align, height, s1 - _scrollOffset);
			xxx += font->getTextWidth((byte *)_text + _scrollOffset, s1 - _scrollOffset);
			alignOffset += font->getTextWidth((byte *)_text + _scrollOffset, s1 - _scrollOffset);

		// cursor
		if (focused && curFirst) {
			if (count) {
				if (g_system->getMillis() - _lastBlinkTime >= _cursorBlinkRate) {
					_lastBlinkTime = g_system->getMillis();
					_cursorVisible = !_cursorVisible;
				if (_cursorVisible) {
					font->drawText((byte *)_cursorChar, xxx, yyy, width - xxx, align, height, 1);
			xxx += cursorWidth;
			alignOffset += cursorWidth;

		// selected
		int s3 = MAX(s1, _scrollOffset);

		if (s2 - s3 > 0) {
			if (count) {
				sfont->drawText((byte *)_text + s3, xxx, yyy, width - xxx, align, height, s2 - s3);
			xxx += sfont->getTextWidth((byte *)_text + s3, s2 - s3);
			alignOffset += sfont->getTextWidth((byte *)_text + s3, s2 - s3);

		// cursor
		if (focused && !curFirst) {
			if (count) {
				if (g_system->getMillis() - _lastBlinkTime >= _cursorBlinkRate) {
					_lastBlinkTime = g_system->getMillis();
					_cursorVisible = !_cursorVisible;
				if (_cursorVisible) {
					font->drawText((byte *)_cursorChar, xxx, yyy, width - xxx, align, height, 1);
			xxx += cursorWidth;
			alignOffset += cursorWidth;

		// unselected 2
		if (count) {
			font->drawText((byte *)_text + s2, xxx, yyy, width - xxx, align, height);
		alignOffset += font->getTextWidth((byte *)_text + s2);

		alignOffset = (_width - 2 * _frameWidth) - alignOffset;
		if (alignOffset < 0) {
			alignOffset = 0;

	_gameRef->_renderer->addRectToList(new BaseActiveRect(_gameRef,  this, NULL, offsetX + _posX, offsetY + _posY, _width, _height, 100, 100, false));

	_gameRef->_textEncoding = OrigEncoding;

	return STATUS_OK;
Beispiel #3
bool UIWindow::display(int offsetX, int offsetY) {
	// go exclusive
		if (!_shieldWindow) {
			_shieldWindow = new UIWindow(_gameRef);
		if (_shieldWindow) {
			_shieldWindow->_posX = _shieldWindow->_posY = 0;
			_shieldWindow->_width = _gameRef->_renderer->getWidth();
			_shieldWindow->_height = _gameRef->_renderer->getHeight();

	} else if (_isMenu) {
		if (!_shieldButton) {
			_shieldButton = new UIButton(_gameRef);
			_shieldButton->setListener(this, _shieldButton, 0);
			_shieldButton->_parent = this;
		if (_shieldButton) {
			_shieldButton->_posX = _shieldButton->_posY = 0;


	if (!_visible) {
		return STATUS_OK;

	if (_fadeBackground) {
		Graphics::PixelFormat format = _gameRef->_renderer->getPixelFormat();
		byte fadeR, fadeG, fadeB, fadeA;
		// First convert from the internal format to the screen-format
		uint32 fadeColor = format.ARGBToColor(RGBCOLGetA(_fadeColor), RGBCOLGetR(_fadeColor), RGBCOLGetG(_fadeColor), RGBCOLGetB(_fadeColor));
		// Then get components
		format.colorToARGB(fadeColor, fadeA, fadeR, fadeG, fadeB);
		_gameRef->_renderer->fadeToColor(fadeR, fadeG, fadeB, fadeA);

	if (_dragging) {
		_posX += (_gameRef->_mousePos.x - _dragFrom.x);
		_posY += (_gameRef->_mousePos.y - _dragFrom.y);

		_dragFrom.x = _gameRef->_mousePos.x;
		_dragFrom.y = _gameRef->_mousePos.y;

	if (!_focusedWidget || (!_focusedWidget->canFocus() || _focusedWidget->isDisabled() || !_focusedWidget->isVisible())) {

	bool popViewport = false;
	if (_clipContents) {
		if (!_viewport) {
			_viewport = new BaseViewport(_gameRef);
		if (_viewport) {
			_viewport->setRect(_posX + offsetX, _posY + offsetY, _posX + _width + offsetX, _posY + _height + offsetY);
			popViewport = true;

	UITiledImage *back = _back;
	BaseSprite *image = _image;
	BaseFont *font = _font;

	if (!isFocused()) {
		if (_backInactive) {
			back = _backInactive;
		if (_imageInactive) {
			image = _imageInactive;
		if (_fontInactive) {
			font = _fontInactive;

	if (_alphaColor != 0) {
		_gameRef->_renderer->_forceAlphaColor = _alphaColor;
	if (back) {
		back->display(_posX + offsetX, _posY + offsetY, _width, _height);
	if (image) {
		image->draw(_posX + offsetX, _posY + offsetY, _transparent ? nullptr : this);

	if (!BasePlatform::isRectEmpty(&_titleRect) && font && _text) {
		font->drawText((byte *)_text, _posX + offsetX + _titleRect.left, _posY + offsetY +, _titleRect.right - _titleRect.left, _titleAlign, _titleRect.bottom -;

	if (!_transparent && !image) {
		_gameRef->_renderer->addRectToList(new BaseActiveRect(_gameRef,  this, nullptr, _posX + offsetX, _posY + offsetY, _width, _height, 100, 100, false));

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < _widgets.size(); i++) {
		_widgets[i]->display(_posX + offsetX, _posY + offsetY);

	if (_alphaColor != 0) {
		_gameRef->_renderer->_forceAlphaColor = 0;

	if (popViewport) {

	return STATUS_OK;
Beispiel #4
bool UIButton::display(int offsetX, int offsetY) {
	if (!_visible) {
		return STATUS_OK;

	UITiledImage *back = nullptr;
	BaseSprite *image = nullptr;
	BaseFont *font = 0;

	//RECT rect;
	//BasePlatform::setRect(&rect, OffsetX + _posX, OffsetY + _posY, OffsetX+_posX+_width, OffsetY+_posY+_height);
	//_hover = (!_disable && BasePlatform::ptInRect(&rect, _gameRef->_mousePos)!=FALSE);
	_hover = (!_disable && _gameRef->_activeObject == this && (_gameRef->_interactive || _gameRef->_state == GAME_SEMI_FROZEN));

	if ((_press && _hover && !_gameRef->_mouseLeftDown) ||
	        (_oneTimePress && g_system->getMillis() - _oneTimePressTime >= 100)) {

	if (_disable) {
		if (_backDisable) {
			back = _backDisable;
		if (_imageDisable) {
			image = _imageDisable;
		if (_text && _fontDisable) {
			font = _fontDisable;
	} else if (_press || _oneTimePress || _stayPressed) {
		if (_backPress) {
			back = _backPress;
		if (_imagePress) {
			image = _imagePress;
		if (_text && _fontPress) {
			font = _fontPress;
	} else if (_hover) {
		if (_backHover) {
			back = _backHover;
		if (_imageHover) {
			image = _imageHover;
		if (_text && _fontHover) {
			font = _fontHover;
	} else if (_canFocus && isFocused()) {
		if (_backFocus) {
			back = _backFocus;
		if (_imageFocus) {
			image = _imageFocus;
		if (_text && _fontFocus) {
			font = _fontFocus;

	if (!back && _back) {
		back = _back;
	if (!image && _image) {
		image = _image;
	if (_text && !font) {
		if (_font) {
			font = _font;
		} else {
			font = _gameRef->getSystemFont();

	int imageX = offsetX + _posX;
	int imageY = offsetY + _posY;

	if (image && _centerImage) {
		Rect32 rc;
		image->getBoundingRect(&rc, 0, 0);
		imageX += (_width - (rc.right - rc.left)) / 2;
		imageY += (_height - (rc.bottom - / 2;

	if (back) {
		back->display(offsetX + _posX, offsetY + _posY, _width, _height);
	//if (image) image->Draw(ImageX +((_press||_oneTimePress)&&back?1:0), ImageY +((_press||_oneTimePress)&&back?1:0), nullptr);
	if (image) {
		image->draw(imageX + ((_press || _oneTimePress) && back ? 1 : 0), imageY + ((_press || _oneTimePress) && back ? 1 : 0), _pixelPerfect ? this : nullptr);

	if (font && _text) {
		int text_offset = (_height - font->getTextHeight((byte *)_text, _width)) / 2;
		font->drawText((byte *)_text, offsetX + _posX + ((_press || _oneTimePress) ? 1 : 0), offsetY + _posY + text_offset + ((_press || _oneTimePress) ? 1 : 0), _width, _align);

	if (!_pixelPerfect || !_image) {
		_gameRef->_renderer->addRectToList(new BaseActiveRect(_gameRef, this, nullptr, offsetX + _posX, offsetY + _posY, _width, _height, 100, 100, false));

	// reset unused sprites
	if (_image && _image != image) {
	if (_imageDisable && _imageDisable != image) {
	if (_imageFocus && _imageFocus != image) {
	if (_imagePress && _imagePress != image) {
	if (_imageHover && _imageHover != image) {

	_press = _hover && _gameRef->_mouseLeftDown && _gameRef->_capturedObject == this;

	return STATUS_OK;