Beispiel #1
void InGameMainMenu::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
	BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );

	// We cant remove button and resize flyout menu from code, but we can use another .res file for base menu.
	if ( demo_ui_enable.GetString()[0] )
		LoadControlSettings( CFmtStr( "Resource/UI/BaseModUI/InGameMainMenu_%s.res", demo_ui_enable.GetString() ) );
		LoadControlSettings( "Resource/UI/BaseModUI/InGameMainMenu.res" );
	// all that "demoui" stuff confuse me [str]
	const char *pSettings = "Resource/UI/BaseModUI/InGameMainMenu_NoGameplay.res";

	BaseModHybridButton *button = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( FindChildByName( "BtnDeveloperCommentaries" ) );
	if ( button )
		button->SetEnabled( true ); // we're not just removing button, because of ASWUI flyout system [str]
									// thought: maybe just use different control setting

	SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );

void InGameDifficultySelect::LoadLayout()

	CGameUIConVarRef z_difficulty("z_difficulty");

	if ( z_difficulty.IsValid() )
		// set a label that tells us what the current difficulty is
		char chBuffer[64];
		Q_snprintf( chBuffer, ARRAYSIZE( chBuffer ), "#L4D360UI_Difficulty_%s", z_difficulty.GetString() );

		const char *pszDifficultyLoc = chBuffer;
		wchar_t *pwcDifficulty = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszDifficultyLoc );
		if ( pwcDifficulty )
			wchar_t szWideBuff[200];		
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( szWideBuff, sizeof( szWideBuff ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_GameSettings_Current_Difficulty" ), 1, pwcDifficulty );

			SetControlString( "LblCurrentDifficulty", szWideBuff );
		// Disable the current difficulty's button, and navigate to it.
		BaseModHybridButton *pButton = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( FindChildByName( VarArgs( "Btn%s", z_difficulty.GetString() ) ) );
		if ( pButton )
			pButton->SetEnabled( false );
void Demo_DisableButton( Button *pButton )
	BaseModHybridButton *pHybridButton = dynamic_cast<BaseModHybridButton *>(pButton);

	if (pHybridButton)
		pHybridButton->SetEnabled( false );

		char szTooltip[512];
		wchar_t *wUnicode = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_DemoVersion" );
		if ( !wUnicode )
			wUnicode = L"";

		g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wUnicode, szTooltip, sizeof( szTooltip ) );

		pHybridButton->SetHelpText( szTooltip , false );