BasicVec<int> find_with_index(Sc2String name, BasicVec<Sc2String> list){
    BasicVec<int> res; res.reserve(list.size());
    for(unsigned i=0;i<list.size();i++){
    return res;
 void aaadd( BasicVec<String> var_templ, BasicVec<BasicVec<String,2> > rep ) {
     if ( var_templ.size() ) {
         BasicVec<String> t = tokenize( var_templ.back(), ' ' );
         for( int i = 1; i < t.size(); ++i ) {
             rep.push_back( t[ 0 ], t[ i ] );
             aaadd( var_templ, rep );
     } else
         res << rep;
Ptr<CompilationTree> CompilationEnvironment::make_lnk_compilation_tree( const String &exe, const BasicVec<Ptr<CompilationTree> > &obj, bool lib, bool dyn ) {
    Ptr<CompilationTree> &res = deepest_child()->cor_files[ exe ];
    if ( not res ) {
        res = NEW( CompilationTree, exe );
        for( int i = 0; i < obj.size(); ++i )
            res->add_child( obj[ i ] );
        BasicVec<String> obj_str;
        for( int i = 0; i < obj.size(); ++i )
            obj_str << obj[ i ]->dst;
        res->cmd = lnk_cmd( exe, obj_str, lib, dyn );
    return res;
void write_groups_attributs_datasets(std::ofstream &f,Sc2String input_hdf5, Sc2String name_elements, Sc2String name_fields, BasicVec<Sc2String>  attributs, int time) {
    Hdf hdf(input_hdf5);
    BasicVec<Sc2String> lists;

#if DIM==2
    BasicVec<Sc2String> tensor_comp("xx","yy","xy");
    BasicVec<Sc2String> vector_comp("x","y");    
    BasicVec<Sc2String> tensor_comp("xx","yy","zz","xy","xz","yz");
    BasicVec<Sc2String> vector_comp("x","y","z");
    BasicVec<Sc2String> list_fields_tensor_time("sigma","epsilon","sigma_skin", "epsilon_skin");
    BasicVec<Sc2String> list_fields_vector_time("F", "W", "Fchap", "Wchap");
    BasicVec<Sc2String> list_fields_scalar_time("sigma_von_mises","sigma_von_mises_skin");
    BasicVec<Sc2String> list_fields_global("num_proc","material","num_group", "number", "nature");
    for (unsigned i=0; i< lists.size(); i++) {
        Sc2String name_list;
        name_list << name_elements <<"/"<< lists[i];
        Sc2String name_list_c0=name_list+"/mesh_c0";
        int nb_elems;

        //Ecriture des attributs en fonction de leur nom
        for (unsigned attr=0;attr<attributs.size();attr++) {
            if (find(attributs[attr], list_fields_tensor_time) ) {
                for(unsigned d=0;d<tensor_comp.size();d++){
                    Sc2String name_field; name_field << name_fields << "/pt_"<<time<<"/"<<attributs[attr]<<"/"<<lists[i]<<"/"<<tensor_comp[d];
                    f <<"           <DataItem Name=\"" << name_field <<"\" Format=\"HDF\" NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\" Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << " \">" << input_hdf5 <<":"<< name_field <<" </DataItem>" << endl;                
            else if (find(attributs[attr], list_fields_vector_time) ) {
                for(unsigned d=0;d<DIM;d++){
                    Sc2String name_field; name_field << name_fields << "/pt_"<<time<<"/"<<attributs[attr]<<"/"<<lists[i]<<"/"<<vector_comp[d];
                    f <<"           <DataItem Name=\"" << name_field <<"\" Format=\"HDF\" NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\" Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << " \">" << input_hdf5 <<":"<< name_field <<" </DataItem>" << endl;                
            else if (find(attributs[attr], list_fields_scalar_time) ) {
                Sc2String name_field; name_field << name_fields << "/pt_"<<time<<"/"<<attributs[attr]<<"/"<<lists[i];
                f <<"           <DataItem Name=\"" << name_field <<"\" Format=\"HDF\" NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\" Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << " \">" << input_hdf5 <<":"<< name_field << " </DataItem>" << endl;
            else if (find(attributs[attr], list_fields_global)) {
                Sc2String name_field; name_field << name_elements << "/"<<lists[i]<<"/"<<attributs[attr];
                f <<"           <DataItem Name=\"" << name_field <<"\" Format=\"HDF\" NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\" Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << " \">" << input_hdf5 <<":"<< name_field << " </DataItem>" << endl;
void write_groups_datasets_2(std::ofstream &f,Sc2String input_hdf5, Sc2String name_group_elements){
    //lecture des noms des listes d'elements
//     int nb_elems_tot=0;
//     int nb_nodes_elem_glob=4;
    Hdf hdf(input_hdf5);
    BasicVec<Sc2String> lists;
    for (unsigned i=0; i< lists.size(); i++) {
        Sc2String name_list; name_list << name_group_elements << "/"<<lists[i];
        Sc2String name_list_c0=name_list+"/mesh_c0";
        int nb_elems;
        hdf.read_size(name_list_c0,nb_elems); //lecture du nombre d'elements dans la liste
        //lecture du type d'elements
        int nb_nodes_elem;
        Metil::String base;
        if (base=="Bar") nb_nodes_elem=2;                   // Bar
        else if (base=="Bar_3") nb_nodes_elem=2;            // Bar_3, on ne prend que les 2 premiers noeuds
        else if (base=="Triangle") nb_nodes_elem=3;         // Triangle
        else if (base=="Triangle_6") nb_nodes_elem=3;       // Triangle_6, on ne prend que les 3 premiers noeuds
        else if (base=="Quadrilateral") nb_nodes_elem=4;    // quad
        else if (base=="Tetrahedron") nb_nodes_elem=4;      // Tetra
        else if (base=="Tetrahedron_10") nb_nodes_elem=10;  // Tetra_10,   on ne prend que les 4 premiers noeuds
        else if (base=="Hexahedron") nb_nodes_elem=8;       // quad
        else { std::cerr << "Type d'element non implementé - voir le tag \"base\" dans le fichier hdf5" ; assert(0);}
        for (unsigned j=0;j<nb_nodes_elem ; j++) {
            Sc2String data_item;
            data_item << name_list << "/mesh_c" <<j ;
            f <<"           <DataItem Name=\"" << data_item << "\" Format=\"HDF\" NumberType=\"Int\" Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << " 1\">" <<  input_hdf5 <<":"<< data_item <<" </DataItem>" << endl;
bool find(Sc2String name, BasicVec<Sc2String> list){
    bool res=0; 
    for(unsigned i=0;i<list.size();i++){
        if(name==list[i]){res=1; break;}
    return res;
Ptr<CompilationTree> CompilationEnvironment::make_compilation_tree( const String &app, const String &cpp, bool lib, bool dyn, bool make_libs ) {
    BasicVec<Ptr<CompilationTree> > obj;
    parse_cpp( obj, cpp, dyn );

    // sort by directory
    if ( make_libs ) {
        String base_dir = directory_of( cpp );
        std::map<String,Lib> map_lib;
        for( int i = 0; i < obj.size(); ++i ) {
            String dir = directory_of( obj[ i ]->children[ 0 ]->dst );
            if ( dir == base_dir )
            map_lib[ dir ].obj << obj[ i ];
            obj.remove( i-- );

        // make dylibs
        int cpt = 0;
        for( std::map<String,Lib>::iterator iter = map_lib.begin(); iter != map_lib.end(); ++iter ) {
            String name; name << app << "_" << cpt++;
            obj << make_lnk_compilation_tree( lib_for( name, dyn ), iter->second.obj, true, dyn );

    return make_lnk_compilation_tree( app, obj, lib, dyn );
String CompilationEnvironment::find_src( const String &filename, const String &current_dir, const BasicVec<String> &add_paths, bool allow_cur_dir ) const {
    // absolute path ?
    if ( filename[ 0 ] == '/' or filename[ 0 ] == '\\' )
        return ( file_exists( filename ) ? filename : String() );

    // try with current_dir
    String trial = current_dir + filename;    
    if ( allow_cur_dir and file_exists( trial ) )
        return trial;

    // try with add_paths
    for( int i = 0; i < add_paths.size(); ++i ) {
        trial = add_paths[ i ] + filename;
        if ( file_exists( trial ) )
            return trial;

    // try with inc_paths
    for( int i = 0; i < inc_paths.size(); ++i ) {
        trial = inc_paths[ i ] + filename;
        if ( file_exists( trial ) )
            return trial;

    // try with inc_paths of child
    if ( child )
        return child->find_src( filename, current_dir );

    // not found :(
    return String();
void write_nodes_attributs_datasets(std::ofstream &f,Sc2String input_hdf5,int nb_nodes,Sc2String name_fields, BasicVec<Sc2String>  attributs, int time, int i_proc) {
    //ecriture des attributs aux noeuds
    BasicVec<Sc2String> dimensions("x","y","z");
    for (unsigned attr=0;attr<attributs.size();attr++) {
        if (attributs[attr]=="displacements" or attributs[attr]=="displacements_skin") 
            for(unsigned d=0;d<DIM;d++){
                Sc2String name_field; name_field << name_fields <<"/pt_"<<time<<"/"<<attributs[attr]<<"/"<<dimensions[d];
                f <<"           <DataItem Name=\""<<name_field<<"_proc_"<<i_proc<<"\" Format=\"HDF\" NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\" Dimensions=\" "<< nb_nodes << " 1 \">" << input_hdf5 <<":"<< name_field<< " </DataItem>" << endl;
void CompilationEnvironment::load_env_var() {
    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_INC_PATHS" ) ) {
        BasicVec<String> lst = tokenize( str, ';' );
        for( int i = 0; i < lst.size(); ++i )
            add_inc_path( lst[ i ] );

    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_LIB_PATHS" ) ) {
        BasicVec<String> lst = tokenize( str, ';' );
        for( int i = 0; i < lst.size(); ++i )
            add_lib_path( lst[ i ] );

    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_LIB_NAMES" ) ) {
        BasicVec<String> lst = tokenize( str, ';' );
        for( int i = 0; i < lst.size(); ++i )
            add_lib_name( lst[ i ] );

    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_PARSED" ) ) {
        BasicVec<String> lst = tokenize( str, ';' );
        for( int i = 0; i < lst.size(); ++i )
            parsed << lst[ i ];

    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_COMP_DIR"  ) ) _comp_dir = str;
    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_CXX"       ) ) CXX       = str;
    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_LD"        ) ) LD        = str;
    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_NVCC"      ) ) NVCC      = str;
    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_CPPFLAGS"  ) ) CPPFLAGS  = str;
    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_LDFLAGS"   ) ) LDFLAGS   = str;
    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_DEV_EMU"   ) ) device_emulation = Val( str );
    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_REG_CNT"   ) ) maxrregcount = Val( str );
    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_DBG_LEVEL" ) ) dbg_level = Val( str );
    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_OPT_LEVEL" ) ) opt_level = Val( str );
    if ( String str = get_env( "METIL_CXX_NAME"  ) ) cxx_name  = str;
String CompilationEnvironment::lnk_cmd( const String &exe, const BasicVec<String> &obj, bool lib, bool dyn ) const {
    String cmd = get_LD();
    // basic flags
    if ( lib )
        cmd << ( dyn ? " -shared" : " -static" );
    // input / output
    cmd << " -o '" << exe << "'";
    for( int i = 0; i < obj.size(); ++i )
        cmd << " '" << obj[ i ] << "'";
    // -L... -l...
    extra_lnk_cmd( cmd, lib, dyn );
    // dylibs
    for (int i = 0; i < dylibs.size(); ++i)
        cmd << " " << dylibs[ i ];
    return cmd;
void write_grids_2(std::ofstream &f,Sc2String name_hdf5, Sc2String name_elements, Sc2String name_nodes, Sc2String name_fields, Sc2String generic_grid_name, BasicVec<Sc2String>  attributs, int time, int i_proc) {
    Sc2String input_hdf5; input_hdf5 << name_hdf5 <<"_"<<i_proc<<".h5";
    Hdf hdf(input_hdf5);
    int nb_nodes;
    Sc2String data_node_x = (name_nodes + "/x");
    BasicVec<Sc2String> lists;

    BasicVec<Sc2String> list_fields_tensor_time("sigma","epsilon","sigma_skin", "epsilon_skin");
    BasicVec<Sc2String> list_fields_vector_time("F", "W", "Fchap", "Wchap");
    BasicVec<Sc2String> list_fields_scalar_time("sigma_von_mises","sigma_von_mises_skin");
    BasicVec<Sc2String> list_fields_global("num_proc","material","num_group", "number", "nature");

    for (unsigned i=0; i< lists.size(); i++) {
        Sc2String name_list; name_list << name_elements <<  "/" <<lists[i];

        Sc2String num_list = Metil::String(lists[i]).end_from(5);
        Sc2String name_list_c0=name_list +"/mesh_c0";
        int nb_elems;
        int nb_nodes_elem;
        Sc2String JOIN, name_element_xdmf;
        Metil::String base;
        if (base=="Bar" or base=="Bar_3") {
            JOIN="JOIN($0 , $1 )";
        else if (base=="Triangle" or base=="Triangle_6") {
            JOIN="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2  )";
        else if (base=="Quadrilateral" ) {
            JOIN="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2, $3  )";
        else if (base=="Tetrahedron" or base=="Tetrahedron_10") {
            JOIN="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2  , $3)";
        else if (base=="Hexahedron" ) {
            JOIN="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2  , $3, $4 , $5 , $6  , $7 )";
        else {
            std::cerr << "Type d'element non implementé - creation grids xdmf" ;
        f<<"                    <Grid Name=\""<< generic_grid_name << "_" << num_list <<"\">" << endl;
        //reference a la topology (connectivites)
        f<<"                            <Topology Type=\""<<name_element_xdmf<<"\" NumberOfElements=\" "<< nb_elems << " \" >" << endl;
        f<<"                                    <DataItem Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << "  " << nb_nodes_elem <<" \" ItemType=\"Function\" Function=\""<<JOIN<<"\"> " <<endl;
        for (unsigned j=0;j<nb_nodes_elem ; j++) {
            Sc2String data_item;
            data_item << name_list << "/mesh_c" <<j ;
            f<<"                                            <DataItem Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\""<< data_item <<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
        f<<"                                     </DataItem> " <<endl;
        f<<"                            </Topology>" <<endl;
        //reference aux noeuds
#if DIM==2
        f<<"                            <Geometry Type=\"XY_Z\">"<<endl;
        Sc2String JOIN_vector="JOIN($0 , $1 )";
        f<<"                            <Geometry Type=\"X_Y_Z\">"<<endl;
        Sc2String JOIN_vector="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2)";
        BasicVec<Sc2String> dimensions("x","y","z");
        for(unsigned d=0;d<DIM;d++){
            Sc2String name_coor_node; name_coor_node << name_nodes << "/"<< dimensions[d]<<"_proc_"<<i_proc;
            f<<"                                    <DataItem Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\""<<name_coor_node<<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
        f<<"                            </Geometry>" <<endl;
        //reference aux attributs
        for (unsigned attr=0;attr<attributs.size();attr++) {
            if (attributs[attr]=="displacements" or attributs[attr]=="displacements_skin") {
                f<<"                            <Attribute Name=\""<<attributs[attr]<<"\"  AttributeType=\"Vector\" Center=\"Node\">" << endl;
                f<<"                                    <DataItem Dimensions=\" "<< nb_nodes << " "<< DIM <<" \" ItemType=\"Function\" Function=\""<<JOIN_vector<<"\"> " <<endl;
                for(unsigned d=0;d<DIM;d++){
                    Sc2String name_field; name_field << name_fields <<"/pt_"<<time<<"/"<<attributs[attr]<<"/"<<dimensions[d]<<"_proc_"<<i_proc;
                    f<<"                                            <DataItem Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\""<<name_field<<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
                f<<"                                     </DataItem> " <<endl;
                f<<"                            </Attribute>"<<endl;
            else if (find(attributs[attr], list_fields_vector_time)) {
                f<<"                            <Attribute Name=\""<<attributs[attr]<<"\"  AttributeType=\"Vector\" Center=\"Cell\">" << endl;
                f<<"                                    <DataItem Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << " "<< DIM <<" \" ItemType=\"Function\" Function=\""<<JOIN_vector<<"\"> " <<endl;
                for(unsigned d=0;d<DIM;d++){
                    Sc2String name_field; name_field << name_fields <<"/pt_"<<time<<"/"<<attributs[attr]<<"/"<<lists[i]<<"/"<<dimensions[d];
                    f<<"                                            <DataItem Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\""<<name_field<<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
                f<<"                                     </DataItem> " <<endl;
                f<<"                            </Attribute>"<<endl;
            else if(find(attributs[attr], list_fields_tensor_time)) {
#if DIM==2
                int nb_comp_tensor=3;
                Sc2String JOIN_tensor="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2 )";
                BasicVec<Sc2String> tensor_comp=("xx","yy","xy");
                int nb_comp_tensor=6;
                Sc2String JOIN_tensor="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2, $3 , $4 , $5 )";
                BasicVec<Sc2String> tensor_comp("xx","yy","zz","xy","xz","yz");
                f<<"                            <Attribute AttributeType=\"Tensor6\" Name=\""<<attributs[attr] <<"\" Center=\"Cell\">" << endl;
                f<<"                                    <DataItem Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << " " << tensor_comp.size() << " \" ItemType=\"Function\" Function=\""<<JOIN_tensor<<"\"> " <<endl;
                for(unsigned d=0;d<tensor_comp.size();d++){
                    Sc2String name_field; name_field << name_fields << "/pt_"<<time<<"/"<<attributs[attr]<<"/"<<lists[i]<<"/"<<tensor_comp[d];
                    f<<"                                    <DataItem Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\""<< name_field <<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
                f<<"                                    </DataItem> " <<endl;
                f<<"                            </Attribute>"<<endl;
            else if(find(attributs[attr], list_fields_scalar_time)) {
                f<<"                            <Attribute AttributeType=\"Scalar\" Name=\""<<attributs[attr]<<"\" Center=\"Cell\">" << endl;
                Sc2String name_field; name_field << name_fields << "/pt_"<<time<<"/"<<attributs[attr]<<"/"<<lists[i];
                                    std::cout << name_field << std::endl;

                f<<"                                    <DataItem Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << " 1 \" Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\""<< name_field <<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
                f<<"                            </Attribute>"<<endl;               
            else if(find(attributs[attr], list_fields_global)) {
                f<<"                            <Attribute AttributeType=\"Scalar\" Name=\""<<attributs[attr]<<"\" Center=\"Cell\">" << endl;
                Sc2String name_field; name_field << name_elements << "/"<<lists[i]<<"/"<<attributs[attr];
                f<<"                                    <DataItem Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << " 1 \" Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\""<< name_field <<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
                f<<"                            </Attribute>"<<endl;               
        f<<"                    </Grid>"<< endl;
void write_grids(std::ofstream &f,Sc2String input_hdf5, Sc2String name_group_elements, Sc2String name_nodes, BasicVec<int> list, int nb_nodes, Sc2String generic_grid_name, Sc2String name_fields, BasicVec<Sc2String>  attributs, int nt, TYPE val_time, int type_element, int i_proc) {
    Hdf hdf(input_hdf5);

    for (unsigned i=0; i< list.size(); i++) {
        Sc2String name_list;
        name_list << name_group_elements <<  "/list_" <<  list[i];
        Sc2String name_list_c0=name_list+"/mesh_c0";
        int nb_elems;
        int nb_nodes_elem;
        Sc2String JOIN, name_element_xdmf;
            int pattern_id;
            if (pattern_id==0 or pattern_id==1) {
                JOIN="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2  )";
            else if (pattern_id==2 or pattern_id==3) {
                JOIN="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2  , $3)";
            else {
                std::cerr << "Type d'element enfant non implementé" ;
        }else if(type_element==1){  
            int interface_id;
            if (interface_id==0 or interface_id==1) {
                JOIN="JOIN($0 , $1 )";
            else if (interface_id==2 or interface_id==3) {
                JOIN="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2  )";
            else {
                std::cerr << "Type d'element enfant non implementé" ;
        f<<"                    <Grid Name=\""<< generic_grid_name << "_" << i <<"\">" << endl;
        f<<"                            <Time Value=\""<<val_time<<"\" />" << endl;
        f<<"                            <Topology Type=\""<<name_element_xdmf<<"\" NumberOfElements=\" "<< nb_elems << " \" >" << endl;
        f<<"                                    <DataItem Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << "  " << nb_nodes_elem <<" \" ItemType=\"Function\" Function=\""<<JOIN<<"\"> " <<endl;
        for (unsigned j=0;j<nb_nodes_elem ; j++) {
            Sc2String data_item;
            data_item << name_list << "/mesh_c" <<j ;
            f<<"                                            <DataItem Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\""<< data_item <<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
        f<<"                                     </DataItem> " <<endl;
        f<<"                            </Topology>" <<endl;
#if DIM==2
        f<<"                            <Geometry Type=\"XY_Z\">"<<endl;
        f<<"                            <Geometry Type=\"X_Y_Z\">"<<endl;
        BasicVec<Sc2String> dimensions("x","y","z");
        for(unsigned d=0;d<DIM;d++){
            Sc2String name_coor_node; name_coor_node << name_nodes << "/"<< dimensions[d]<<"_proc_"<<i_proc;
            f<<"                                    <DataItem Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\""<<name_coor_node<<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
        f<<"                            </Geometry>" <<endl;
        for (unsigned attr=0;attr<attributs.size();attr++) {
            if (attributs[attr]=="displacements") {
                f<<"                            <Attribute Name=\"displacements\"  AttributeType=\"Vector\" Center=\"Node\">" << endl;
                f<<"                                    <DataItem Dimensions=\" "<< nb_nodes << " "<< DIM <<" \" ItemType=\"Function\" Function=\""<<JOIN<<"\"> " <<endl;
                f<<"                                            <DataItem Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\"dx_"<<nt<<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
                f<<"                                            <DataItem Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\"dy_"<<nt<<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
#if DIM==3
                f<<"                                            <DataItem Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\"dz_"<<nt<<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
                f<<"                                     </DataItem> " <<endl;
                f<<"                            </Attribute>"<<endl;
            else if(attributs[attr]=="sigma") {
#if DIM==2
                int nb_comp_tensor=3;
                Sc2String JOIN_tensor="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2 )";
                BasicVec<Sc2String> tensor_comp_sigma=BasicVec<Sc2String>("sxx","syy","sxy");
                int nb_comp_tensor=6;
                Sc2String JOIN_tensor="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2, $3 , $4 , $5 )";
                BasicVec<Sc2String> tensor_comp_sigma=BasicVec<Sc2String>("sxx","syy","szz","sxy","sxz","syz");
                f<<"                            <Attribute AttributeType=\"Tensor6\" Name=\"sigma\" Center=\"Cell\">" << endl;
                f<<"                                    <DataItem Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << " " << nb_comp_tensor << " \" ItemType=\"Function\" Function=\""<<JOIN_tensor<<"\"> " <<endl;
                for(unsigned nc=0;nc<nb_comp_tensor;nc++)
                    f<<"                                    <DataItem Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\""<< name_group_elements << "_"<<tensor_comp_sigma[nc]<<"_"<<nt<<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
                f<<"                                    </DataItem> " <<endl;
                f<<"                            </Attribute>"<<endl;
            else if(attributs[attr]=="epsilon") {
#if DIM==2
                int nb_comp_tensor=3;
                Sc2String JOIN_tensor="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2 )";
                BasicVec<Sc2String> tensor_comp_sigma=BasicVec<Sc2String>("exx","eyy","exy");
                int nb_comp_tensor=6;
                Sc2String JOIN_tensor="JOIN($0 , $1 , $2, $3 , $4 , $5 )";
                BasicVec<Sc2String> tensor_comp_sigma=BasicVec<Sc2String>("exx","eyy","ezz","exy","exz","eyz");
                f<<"                            <Attribute AttributeType=\"Tensor6\" Name=\"epsilon\" Center=\"Cell\">" << endl;
                f<<"                                    <DataItem Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << " " << nb_comp_tensor << " \" ItemType=\"Function\" Function=\""<<JOIN_tensor<<"\"> " <<endl;
                for(unsigned nc=0;nc<nb_comp_tensor;nc++)
                    f<<"                                    <DataItem Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\""<< name_group_elements << "_"<<tensor_comp_sigma[nc]<<"_"<<nt<<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
                f<<"                                    </DataItem> " <<endl;
                f<<"                            </Attribute>"<<endl;
            else if(attributs[attr]=="sigma_von_mises") {
                f<<"                            <Attribute AttributeType=\"Scalar\" Name=\"sigma_von_mises\" Center=\"Cell\">" << endl;
                f<<"                                    <DataItem Dimensions=\" "<< nb_elems << " 1 \" Reference=\"XML\"> /Xdmf/Domain/DataItem[@Name=\""<< name_group_elements << "_smises_"<< nt<<"\"] </DataItem> " << endl;
                f<<"                            </Attribute>"<<endl;               
        f<<"                    </Grid>"<< endl;
Beispiel #14
static void save_dep_vec( String &fd, const BasicVec<String> &vec ) {
    for( int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i )
        fd << vec[ i ].size() << vec[ i ];
    fd << "0\n";
Beispiel #15
bool CompilationCppParser::init_using_dep( CompilationEnvironment &ce, const String &cpp_file, const String &dep_file ) {
    SI64 date_cpp = last_modification_time_or_zero_of_file_named( cpp_file );
    SI64 date_dep = last_modification_time_or_zero_of_file_named( dep_file );
    if ( date_cpp > date_dep )
        return false;

    File fd( dep_file, "r" );
    const char *c = fd.c_str();

    // orig flags are conform ?
    BasicVec<String> loc_inc_paths;
    BasicVec<String> loc_def_procs;
    load_dep_vec( c, loc_inc_paths );
    load_dep_vec( c, loc_def_procs );
    if ( ce_inc_paths.size() != loc_inc_paths.size() or ce_def_procs.size() != loc_def_procs.size() )
        return false;
    if ( any( ce_inc_paths != loc_inc_paths ) or any( ce_def_procs != loc_def_procs ) )
        return false;

    // include file are older than dep file ?
    load_dep_vec( c, inc_files );
    for( ST i = 0; i < inc_files.size(); ++i ) {
        if ( last_modification_time_or_zero_of_file_named( inc_files[ i ] ) > date_dep ) {
            inc_files.resize( 0 );
            return false;

    // -> OK
    load_dep_vec( c, moc_files );
    load_dep_vec( c, src_files );

    load_dep_vec( c, lib_paths );
    load_dep_vec( c, lib_names );
    load_dep_vec( c, fra_names );
    load_dep_vec( c, inc_paths );
    load_dep_vec( c, cpp_flags );
    load_dep_vec( c, lnk_flags );
    load_dep_vec( c, gpu_flags );
    load_dep_vec( c, var_templ );
    load_dep_vec( c, cxx_name  );

    BasicVec<String> defs;
    load_dep_vec( c, defs );
    for( int i = 0; i < defs.size(); ++i )
        defines[ defs[ i ] ];

    // ?
    for( int i = 0; i < inc_files.size(); ++i ) {
        String inc_file = inc_files[ i ];
        if ( inc_file.ends_with( ".h" ) ) {
            String h_py = inc_file + ".py";
            if ( file_exists( h_py ) ) {
                if ( last_modification_time_or_zero_of_file_named( h_py ) >
                     last_modification_time_or_zero_of_file_named( inc_file ) )
                    make_h_py( h_py, inc_file );

    return true;
Beispiel #16
void CompilationCppParser::parse_src_file_rec( CompilationEnvironment &ce, const String &filename ) {
    if ( is_a_directory( filename ) )
    String current_dir = directory_of( filename ) + "/";
    File file( filename, "r" );
    for ( const char *c = file.c_str(); *c; ) {
        // string ?
        if ( c[ 0 ] == '"' ) {
            go_after_next_double_quote( ++c );
        // comment ?
        if ( c[ 0 ] == '/' ) {
            if ( c[ 1 ] == '/' ) {
                go_to_next_line( c += 2 );
            if ( c[ 1 ] == '*' ) {
                go_to_next_mul_slash( c += 2 );
        // QOBJECT ?
        if ( c[ 0 ] == 'Q' ) {
            if ( strncmp( c + 1, "_OBJECT", 7 ) == 0 ) {
                c += 8;
                if ( not filename.begins_by( "/usr/" ) ) // hum !!
                    moc_files.push_back_unique( filename );
        if ( c[ 0 ] == '#' ) {
            if ( c[ 1 ] == 'd' and c[ 2 ] == 'e' and c[ 3 ] == 'f' and c[ 4 ] == 'i' and c[ 5 ] == 'n' and c[ 6 ] == 'e' and c[ 7 ] == ' ' ) {
                defines[ get_next_word( c += 8 ) ];
            if ( c[ 1 ] == 'i' ) {
                if ( c[ 2 ] == 'f' ) {
                    if ( c[ 3 ] == 'd' and c[ 4 ] == 'e' and c[ 5 ] == 'f' and c[ 6 ] == ' ' ) {
                        if ( not defines.count( get_next_word( c += 7 ) ) )
                            skip_lines_until_endif_or_else( c );
                    if ( c[ 3 ] == 'n' and c[ 4 ] == 'd' and c[ 5 ] == 'e' and c[ 6 ] == 'f' and c[ 7 ] == ' ' ) {
                        if ( defines.count( get_next_word( c += 8 ) ) )
                            skip_lines_until_endif_or_else( c );
                if ( c[ 2 ] == 'n' and c[ 3 ] == 'c' and c[ 4 ] == 'l' and c[ 5 ] == 'u' and c[ 6 ] == 'd' and c[ 7 ] == 'e' and c[ 8 ] == ' ' ) {
                    bool syst;
                    String bas_name = get_include_filename( c += 9, syst );
                    String inc_file =  ce.find_src( bas_name, current_dir, inc_paths, not syst );
                    if ( not inc_file )
                        inc_file = ce.find_src( bas_name, current_dir, ce_inc_paths, not syst );

                    // formulation.
                    if ( not inc_file ) {
                        int form_ind = bas_name.find( "formulation." );
                        if ( form_ind >= 0 and bas_name != "formulation.h" ) {
                            String h_py = bas_name + ".py";
                            if ( not file_exists( h_py ) ) {
                                int beg_form = form_ind + 12;
                                int end_form = bas_name.find( ".", beg_form );
                                String form = bas_name.beg_upto( end_form ).end_from( beg_form );

                                int beg_elem = end_form + 1;
                                int end_elem = bas_name.find( ".", beg_elem );
                                String elem = bas_name.beg_upto( end_elem ).end_from( beg_elem );
                                BasicVec<String> elem_list = tokenize( elem, ',' );

                                int beg_parm = end_elem + 1;
                                int end_parm = bas_name.find( ".", beg_parm );
                                String parm = bas_name.beg_upto( end_parm ).end_from( beg_parm );
                                BasicVec<String> parm_list = tokenize( parm, ',' );
                                BasicVec<String> der_vars;
                                BasicVec<String> dim;
                                for( int np = 0; np < parm_list.size(); ++np ) {
                                    if ( parm_list[ np ].begins_by( "name_der_vars=" ) )
                                        der_vars << parm_list[ np ].end_from( 14 );
                                    else if ( parm_list[ np ].begins_by( "dim=" ) )
                                        dim << parm_list[ np ].end_from( 4 );

                                File f( h_py, "w" );
                                // f << "import sys, os\n";
                                // f << "sys.path.append( os.getcwd() + '/LMT' )\n";
                                // f << "sys.path.append( os.getcwd() + '/LMTpp' )\n";
                                f << "import formal_lf\n";
                                f << "formal_lf.write_pb(\n";
                                f << "    name = '" << form << "',\n";
                                f << "    formulations = ['" << form << "'],\n";
                                f << "    elements = [";
                                for( int i = 0; i < elem_list.size(); ++i )
                                    f << ( i ? ",'" : "'" ) << elem_list[ i ] << "'";
                                f << "],\n";
                                f << "    incpaths = ['.'";
                                for( int i = 0; i < ce_inc_paths.size(); ++i )
                                    if ( ce_inc_paths[ i ].find( "LMT" ) >= 0 )
                                        f << ",'" << ce_inc_paths[ i ].beg_upto( ce_inc_paths[ i ].find( "/include" ) ) << "/formulations'";
                                f << "],\n";
                                f << "    name_der_vars=[";
                                for( int nd = 0; nd < der_vars.size(); ++nd )
                                    f << ( nd ? "," : "" ) << '"' << der_vars[ nd ] << '"';
                                f << "],\n";
                                if ( dim.size() )
                                    f << "    dim='" << dim[ 0 ] << "',\n";
                                f << ")\n";
                                // f << "    options = { 'behavior_simplification' : 'plane stress', 'behavior_law' : s },
                                // f << "    # name_der_vars = [ "frac_E2", "frac_G12", "nu12" ] #

                    // ?
                    if ( bas_name.ends_with( ".h" ) ) {
                        if ( String h_py = ce.find_src( bas_name + ".py", current_dir ) ) {
                            inc_file = h_py.beg_upto( h_py.size() - 3 );
                            if ( last_modification_time_or_zero_of_file_named( h_py ) >
                                 last_modification_time_or_zero_of_file_named( inc_file ) )
                                make_h_py( h_py, inc_file );

                    // parse rec
                    if ( inc_file ) {
                        inc_file = canonicalize_filename( inc_file );
                        inc_files << inc_file;

                        if ( not already_parsed.contains( inc_file ) ) {
                            already_parsed << inc_file;
                            parse_src_file_rec( ce, inc_file );
            if ( c[ 1 ] == 'p' and c[ 2 ] == 'r' and c[ 3 ] == 'a' and c[ 4 ] == 'g' and c[ 5 ] == 'm' and c[ 6 ] == 'a' and c[ 7 ] == ' ' ) {
                c += 8;
                if ( strncmp( c, "src_file ", 9 ) == 0 ) {
                    String o = get_pragma_arg( c += 9 );
                    String s = ce.find_src( o, current_dir );
                    if ( s.size() )
                        src_files << s;
                        cerrn << "Impossible to find src '" << o << "'";
                if ( strncmp( c, "lib_path ", 9 ) == 0 ) {
                    lib_paths << ce.find_src( get_pragma_arg( c += 9 ), current_dir );
                if ( strncmp( c, "lib_name ", 9 ) == 0 ) {
                    lib_names << get_pragma_arg( c += 9 );
                if ( strncmp( c, "fra_name ", 9 ) == 0 ) {
                    fra_names << get_pragma_arg( c += 9 );
                if ( strncmp( c, "inc_path ", 9 ) == 0 ) {
                    String path = ce.find_src( get_pragma_arg( c += 9 ), current_dir );
                    if ( not ( path.ends_with( '/' ) or path.ends_with( '\\' ) ) )
                        path += '/';
                    inc_paths << path;
                if ( strncmp( c, "cpp_flag ", 9 ) == 0 ) {
                    cpp_flags << get_pragma_arg( c += 9 );
                if ( strncmp( c, "lnk_flag ", 9 ) == 0 ) {
                    lnk_flags << get_pragma_arg( c += 9 );
                if ( strncmp( c, "gpu_flag ", 9 ) == 0 ) {
                    gpu_flags << get_pragma_arg( c += 9 );
                if ( strncmp( c, "template ", 9 ) == 0 ) {
                    var_templ << get_pragma_arg( c += 9 );
                if ( strncmp( c, "cxx_name ", 9 ) == 0 ) {
                    cxx_name << get_pragma_arg( c += 9 );
