Beispiel #1
 * UVdata
UVdata::UVdata(Bsimplex* s) :
   SimplexData(key(), s),
   _calc_type(SIMPLE_CALC),     // default: simple subdiv scheme
   // The constructor is called (internally) only when the given
   // simplex does not already have a UVdata associated with it.
   // UVdata gets looked-up by its classname.

   // For face data, slather UVdatas all over the
   // vertices and edges:
   if (is_face(s)) {
      Bface* f = (Bface*)s;

      // XXX - 
      //   If the UVdata is created on a pre-existing face
      //   that has already generated its subdivision
      //   elements, then currently the UVdatas won't be
      //   created on those subdivision elements ...
Beispiel #2
INFLATE::stroke_cb(CGESTUREptr& gest, DrawState*& s)
   err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::stroke_cb");


   // Verify that we have a starting face
   if ( _orig_face ) {
      Bface* face = 0;

      // Check that the stroke is straight enough to represent a line
      if (!(gest->straightness() > 0.8)) {
         err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::stroke_cb: gesture not straight");
         return false;

      // Check that the gesture starts on the mesh
      Bsurface::hit_ctrl_surface(gest->start(), 1, &face);
      if (!(face)) {
         err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::stroke_cb: can't get hit face");
         return false;

      // create VEXELs for the gesture and the face normal
      VEXEL fvec  = VEXEL(face->v1()->loc(), face->norm());
      VEXEL fgest = gest->endpt_vec();

      // If gesture nearly parallel to normal:
      double a = rad2deg(line_angle(fvec,fgest));
      err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::stroke_cb: angle: %f %s",
              a, (a > 15) ? "(bad)" : "(good)");
      if (a > 15) {
         // Fail if angle is too extreme
         WORLD::message("Bad angle");
         return 0;

      // calculate extrude width
      double dist = fgest.length()/fvec.length();

      err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::stroke_cb: strong_edge_len: %f, gest_len: %f, \
fvect_len: %f", avg_strong_edge_len(face), fgest.length(), fvec.length() );

      // Convert to relative to local edge length
      dist /= avg_strong_edge_len(face);
      if (fvec*fgest<0)
         dist=-dist; // Get the sign right

      // Store the new inflate distance
      _preview_dist = dist;

   return 1;    // we used up the gesture...
Beispiel #3
visit(OctreeNode* node,  
      double regularity, Bface_list& flist, ARRAY<Wvec>& blist)
   if (node->get_leaf()) {
      if (node->get_disp()) {
         // subdivision
         ARRAY<QuadtreeNode*> fs;
         Bface_list temp;
         for (int i = 0; i < node->intersects().num(); i++) {
            Bface* f = node->intersects()[i];
            temp += f;
            fs += new QuadtreeNode(f->v1()->loc(), f->v2()->loc(), f->v3()->loc());
            fs.last()->build_quadtree(node, regularity);

         // assign weights
         assign_weights(fs, regularity, node->center());
         // pick a triangle
         int t = pick(fs);

         // moved below; want to ensure flist and blist stay in sync:
//         flist += temp[t];

         //set node face
         Bface_list ftemp;
         ftemp += temp[t];

         // pick a point
         int p = pick(fs[t]->terms());
         if (p != -1) {
            Wvec bc;
            temp[t]->project_barycentric(fs[t]->terms()[p]->urand_pick(), bc);
            blist += bc;
            flist += temp[t]; // moved from above

         for (int i = 0; i < fs.num(); i++)
            delete fs[i];
   } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
         visit(node->get_children()[i], regularity, flist, blist);
Beispiel #4
INFLATE::line_cb(CGESTUREptr& gest, DrawState*& s)
   // Activity occurred to extend the deadline for fading away:

   err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::line_cb");

   // Verify that we have a starting face
   if ( _orig_face ) {
      // Check that the stroke is straight enough to represent a line
      Bface* face = 0;
      if (!(gest->straightness() > 0.8)) {
         err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::line_cb: gesture not straight");
         return false;

      // Check that the gesture starts on the mesh
      Bsurface::hit_ctrl_surface(gest->start(), 1, &face);
      if (!(face)) {
         err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::line_cb: can't get hit face");
         return false;

      // create VEXELs for the gesture and the face normal
      VEXEL fvec  = VEXEL(face->v1()->loc(), face->norm());
      VEXEL fgest = gest->endpt_vec();

      // If gesture nearly parallel to normal:
      double a = rad2deg(line_angle(fvec,fgest));
      err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::line_cb: angle: %f %s",
              a, (a > 15) ? "(bad)" : "(good)");
      if (a > 15) {
         return false;

      // calculate extrude width
      double dist = fgest.length()/fvec.length();
      if (fvec*fgest<0)
         dist=-dist; // Get the sign right

      _preview_dist = dist;

   // get here if nothing happened...
   // don't cancel (which would deactivate the widget),
   // just return 1 to indicate that we used up the gesture:
   return 1;
Beispiel #5
OctreeNode::build_octree(int height) 

   if (_leaf || _height == height) 

   int i, j;
   Wpt_list pts;

   for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      _children[i] = new OctreeNode((pts[0]+pts[i])/2, (pts[i]+pts[7])/2, 
                                    _height+1, this);

   for (j = 0; j < _intersects.num(); j++) {
      Bface* f = _intersects[j];

      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
         OctreeNode* n = _children[i];
         if (n->contains(f->v1()->loc()) && n->contains(f->v2()->loc())
             && n->contains(f->v3()->loc())) {
            n->intersects() += f;
         } else if (n->overlaps(bface_bbox(f))) {
            n->intersects() += f;

   for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      if (_height+1 == height) {
      if (_children[i]->intersects().empty()) {
