Beispiel #1
BigUnsigned CryptoScheme::genCoprime(const BigUnsigned& n) {
    BigUnsigned gen = random(n.bitLength());
    while(gcd(gen, n) != 1) {
        gen = random(n.bitLength());
    return gen;
Beispiel #2
 BigUnsigned operator+(const BigUnsigned& one) const {
     BigUnsigned res;
     for (int i = 0, x = 0; i < max(len, one.len) + 1; i++) {
         int tmp = d[i] + one.d[i] + x;
         res.d[res.len++] = tmp % 10;
         x = tmp / 10;
     return res;
BigUnsigned gcd(BigUnsigned a, BigUnsigned b) {
	BigUnsigned trash;
	// Neat in-place alternating technique.
	for (;;) {
		if (b.isZero())
			return a;
		a.divideWithRemainder(b, trash);
		if (a.isZero())
			return b;
		b.divideWithRemainder(a, trash);
Beispiel #4
 BigUnsigned operator*(const BigUnsigned& one) {
     BigUnsigned res;
     res.len = len + one.len;
     for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
         for(int j = 0; j < one.len; j++)
             res.d[i + j] += d[i] * one.d[j];
     for(int i = 0; i < res.len - 1; i++) {
         res.d[i + 1] += res.d[i] / 10;
         res.d[i] %= 10;
     return res;
BigUnsignedInABase::BigUnsignedInABase(const BigUnsigned &x, Base base) {
	// Check the base
	if (base < 2)
		throw "BigUnsignedInABase(BigUnsigned, Base): The base must be at least 2";
	this->base = base;

	// Get an upper bound on how much space we need
	int maxBitLenOfX = x.getLength() * BigUnsigned::N;
	int minBitsPerDigit = bitLen(base) - 1;
	int maxDigitLenOfX = ceilingDiv(maxBitLenOfX, minBitsPerDigit);
	len = maxDigitLenOfX; // Another change to comply with `staying in bounds'.
	allocate(len); // Get the space

	BigUnsigned x2(x), buBase(base);
	Index digitNum = 0;

	while (!x2.isZero()) {
		// Get last digit.  This is like `lastDigit = x2 % buBase, x2 /= buBase'.
		BigUnsigned lastDigit(x2);
		lastDigit.divideWithRemainder(buBase, x2);
		// Save the digit.
		blk[digitNum] = lastDigit.toUnsignedShort();
		// Move on.  We can't run out of room: we figured it out above.

	// Save the actual length.
	len = digitNum;
Beispiel #6
bool CryptoScheme::isProbablyPrime(const BigUnsigned& n) {
    if (n%2 == 0 || n==1) return n==2;
    for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
        BigUnsigned a = random(n.bitLength()-1);
        if (modexp(a, n-1, n) != 1) return false;
    return true;
BigUnsigned modexp(const BigInteger &base, const BigUnsigned &exponent,
		const BigUnsigned &modulus) {
	BigUnsigned ans = 1, base2 = (base % modulus).getMagnitude();
	BigUnsigned::Index i = exponent.bitLength();
	// For each bit of the exponent, most to least significant...
	while (i > 0) {
		// Square.
		ans *= ans;
		ans %= modulus;
		// And multiply if the bit is a 1.
		if (exponent.getBit(i)) {
			ans *= base2;
			ans %= modulus;
	return ans;