Beispiel #1
void LinkedOptionsMenu::SetChoices( const CStringArray &asChoices )

	for( unsigned i = 0; i < asChoices.size(); i++ )
		CString ch = asChoices[i];
		BitmapText *bt = new BitmapText;
		m_Rows.push_back( bt );
		bt->LoadFromFont( THEME->GetPathF( m_sName, "menutext" ) );
		bt->SetName( "Row" );
		bt->SetText( ch );
		m_Frame.AddChild( bt );
		ON_COMMAND( *bt );

	// show first page of choices
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < asChoices.size() && i < (unsigned)ROWS_PER_PAGE; i++ )
	m_iCurPage = 0;
	if ( asChoices.size() > (unsigned)ROWS_PER_PAGE )
		m_bIndTweenedOn[1] = true;

	if ( m_Rows.size() > 0 )
		if ( m_bFocus ) m_Cursor.PlayCommand( "TweenOn" );
		m_Cursor.SetXY( CURSOR_OFFSET_X + m_Rows[0]->GetX(), m_Rows[0]->GetY() );
		m_Cursor.SetBarWidth( floor(m_Rows[0]->GetZoomedWidth()) );
		m_iCurrentSelection = 0;
		m_iCurrentSelection = -1;
		m_Cursor.PlayCommand( "TweenOff" );
		if ( m_bFocus )
			SCREENMAN->PostMessageToTopScreen( m_smChangeMenu, 0.0f );
// begin ScreenTextEntryVisual
void ScreenTextEntryVisual::Init()
	ROW_START_X.Load( m_sName, "RowStartX" );
	ROW_START_Y.Load( m_sName, "RowStartY" );
	ROW_END_X.Load( m_sName, "RowEndX" );
	ROW_END_Y.Load( m_sName, "RowEndY" );


	m_sprCursor.Load( THEME->GetPathG(m_sName,"cursor") );
	m_sprCursor->SetName( "Cursor" );
	LOAD_ALL_COMMANDS( m_sprCursor );
	this->AddChild( m_sprCursor );

	// Init keyboard
		BitmapText text;
		text.LoadFromFont( THEME->GetPathF(m_sName,"keyboard") );
		text.SetName( "Keys" );
		ActorUtil::LoadAllCommands( text, m_sName );
		text.PlayCommand( "Init" );

		FOREACH_KeyboardRow( r )
			for( int x=0; x<KEYS_PER_ROW; ++x )
				BitmapText *&pbt = m_ptextKeys[r][x];
				pbt = text.Copy();
				this->AddChild( pbt );

				RString s = g_szKeys[r][x];
				if( !s.empty()  &&  r == KEYBOARD_ROW_SPECIAL )
					s = THEME->GetString( m_sName, s );
				pbt->SetText( s );

	m_sndChange.Load( THEME->GetPathS(m_sName,"change"), true );
void ScreenDebugOverlay::Init()

	// Init debug mappings
	// TODO: Arch-specific?

		g_Mappings.holdForDebug1 = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F3);
		g_Mappings.holdForSlow = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_ACCENT);
		g_Mappings.holdForFast = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_TAB);
		g_Mappings.toggleMute = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_PAUSE);

		/* TODO: Find a better way of indicating which option is which here.
		 * Maybe we should take a page from ScreenEdit's menus and make
		 * RowDefs()? */

		int i=0;
		g_Mappings.gameplayButton[i++]	= DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F8);
		g_Mappings.gameplayButton[i++]	= DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F7);
		g_Mappings.gameplayButton[i++]	= DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F6);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C1);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C2);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C3);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C4);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C5);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C6);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C7);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C8);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C9);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C0);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cq);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cw);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Ce);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cr);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Ct);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cy);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cu);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Ci);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Co);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cp);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Ca);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cs);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cd);
		g_Mappings.pageButton[DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F5)] = 0;
		g_Mappings.pageButton[DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F6)] = 1;
		g_Mappings.pageButton[DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F7)] = 2;
		g_Mappings.pageButton[DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F8)] = 3;

	std::map<std::string,int> iNextDebugButton;
	int iNextGameplayButton = 0;
	for (auto *p: *g_pvpSubscribers)
		std::string sPageName = p->GetPageName();

		DeviceInput di;
		switch( p->GetType() )
		case IDebugLine::all_screens:
			di = g_Mappings.debugButton[iNextDebugButton[sPageName]++];
		case IDebugLine::gameplay_only:
			di = g_Mappings.gameplayButton[iNextGameplayButton++];
		p->m_Button = di;

		if( find(m_asPages.begin(), m_asPages.end(), sPageName) == m_asPages.end() )
			m_asPages.push_back( sPageName );

	m_iCurrentPage = 0;
	m_bForcedHidden = false;

	m_Quad.StretchTo( Rage::RectF( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT ) );
	m_Quad.SetDiffuse( BACKGROUND_COLOR );
	this->AddChild( &m_Quad );

	// if you're going to add user commands, make sure to have the overrides
	// set after parsing the metrics. -aj
	m_textHeader.SetName( "HeaderText" );
	m_textHeader.LoadFromFont( THEME->GetPathF("ScreenDebugOverlay", "header") );
	m_textHeader.SetText( DEBUG_MENU.GetValue() );
	this->AddChild( &m_textHeader );

	for (auto s = m_asPages.begin(); s != m_asPages.end(); ++s)
		int iPage = s - m_asPages.begin();

		DeviceInput di;
		bool b = GetKeyFromMap( g_Mappings.pageButton, iPage, di );
		ASSERT( b );

		std::string sButton = INPUTMAN->GetDeviceSpecificInputString( di );

		BitmapText *p = new BitmapText;
		p->SetName( "PageText" );
		p->LoadFromFont( THEME->GetPathF("ScreenDebugOverlay", "page") );
		// todo: Y value is still hardcoded. -aj
		p->SetText( *s + " (" + sButton + ")" );
		m_vptextPages.push_back( p );
		this->AddChild( p );

	auto onEachLine = [this](IDebugLine *) {
			BitmapText *bt = new BitmapText;
			bt->SetName( "ButtonText" );
			bt->LoadFromFont( THEME->GetPathF("ScreenDebugOverlay", "line") );
			bt->SetHorizAlign( align_right );
			bt->SetText( "blah" );
			m_vptextButton.push_back( bt );
			this->AddChild( bt );
			BitmapText *bt = new BitmapText;
			bt->SetName( "FunctionText" );
			bt->LoadFromFont( THEME->GetPathF("ScreenDebugOverlay", "line") );
			bt->SetHorizAlign( align_left );
			bt->SetText( "blah" );
			m_vptextFunction.push_back( bt );
			this->AddChild( bt );
	std::for_each(g_pvpSubscribers->begin(), g_pvpSubscribers->end(), onEachLine);
	this->SetVisible( false );
void ScreenDebugOverlay::Init()

	// Init debug mappings
	// TODO: Arch-specific?

		g_Mappings.holdForDebug1 = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F3);
		g_Mappings.holdForSlow = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_ACCENT);
		g_Mappings.holdForFast = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_TAB);

		/* TODO: Find a better way of indicating which option is which here.
		 * Maybe we should take a page from ScreenEdit's menus and make
		 * RowDefs()? */

		int i=0;
		g_Mappings.gameplayButton[i++]	= DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F8);
		g_Mappings.gameplayButton[i++]	= DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F7);
		g_Mappings.gameplayButton[i++]	= DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F6);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C1);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C2);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C3);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C4);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C5);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C6);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C7);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C8);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C9);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_C0);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cq);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cw);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Ce);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cr);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Ct);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cy);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cu);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Ci);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Co);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_Cp);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_UP);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_DOWN);
		g_Mappings.debugButton[i++] = DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_BACK);
		g_Mappings.pageButton[DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F5)] = 0;
		g_Mappings.pageButton[DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F6)] = 1;
		g_Mappings.pageButton[DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F7)] = 2;
		g_Mappings.pageButton[DeviceInput(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, KEY_F8)] = 3;

	map<RString,int> iNextDebugButton;
	int iNextGameplayButton = 0;
	FOREACH( IDebugLine*, *g_pvpSubscribers, p )
		RString sPageName = (*p)->GetPageName();

		DeviceInput di;
		switch( (*p)->GetType() )
		case IDebugLine::all_screens:
			di = g_Mappings.debugButton[iNextDebugButton[sPageName]++];
		case IDebugLine::gameplay_only:
			di = g_Mappings.gameplayButton[iNextGameplayButton++];
		(*p)->m_Button = di;

		if( find(m_asPages.begin(), m_asPages.end(), sPageName) == m_asPages.end() )
			m_asPages.push_back( sPageName );

	m_iCurrentPage = 0;
	m_bForcedHidden = false;

	m_Quad.StretchTo( RectF( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT ) );
	m_Quad.SetDiffuse( BACKGROUND_COLOR );
	this->AddChild( &m_Quad );

	// if you're going to add user commands, make sure to have the overrides
	// set after parsing the metrics. -aj
	m_textHeader.SetName( "HeaderText" );
	m_textHeader.LoadFromFont( THEME->GetPathF("ScreenDebugOverlay", "header") );
	m_textHeader.SetText( DEBUG_MENU );
	this->AddChild( &m_textHeader );

	FOREACH_CONST( RString, m_asPages, s )
		int iPage = s - m_asPages.begin();

		DeviceInput di;
		bool b = GetKeyFromMap( g_Mappings.pageButton, iPage, di );
		ASSERT( b );

		RString sButton = INPUTMAN->GetDeviceSpecificInputString( di );

		BitmapText *p = new BitmapText;
		p->SetName( "PageText" );
		p->LoadFromFont( THEME->GetPathF("ScreenDebugOverlay", "page") );
		// todo: Y value is still hardcoded. -aj
		p->SetText( *s + " (" + sButton + ")" );
		m_vptextPages.push_back( p );
		this->AddChild( p );
Beispiel #5
void ComboGraph::Load( CString Path, const StageStats &s, PlayerNumber pn )
	ASSERT( m_SubActors.size() == 0 );

	/* Find the largest combo. */
	int MaxComboSize = 0;
	unsigned i;
	for( i = 0; i < s.ComboList[pn].size(); ++i )
		MaxComboSize = max( MaxComboSize, s.ComboList[pn][i].GetStageCnt() );

	float width = -1;
	for( i = 0; i < s.ComboList[pn].size(); ++i )
		const StageStats::Combo_t &combo = s.ComboList[pn][i];
		if( combo.GetStageCnt() < MinComboSizeToShow )
			continue; /* too small */

		const bool IsMax = (combo.GetStageCnt() == MaxComboSize);

		LOG->Trace("combo %i is %f+%f", i, combo.fStartSecond, combo.fSizeSeconds);
		Sprite *sprite = new Sprite;
		sprite->SetName( "ComboBar" );
		const CString path = ssprintf( "%s %s", Path.c_str(), IsMax? "max":"normal" );
		sprite->Load( THEME->GetPathToG(path) );

		const float start = SCALE( combo.fStartSecond, s.fFirstSecond[pn], s.fLastSecond[pn], 0.0f, 1.0f );
		const float size = SCALE( combo.fSizeSeconds, 0, s.fLastSecond[pn]-s.fFirstSecond[pn], 0.0f, 1.0f );
		sprite->SetCropLeft ( SCALE( size, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f ) );
		sprite->SetCropRight( SCALE( size, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f ) );

		sprite->BeginTweening( .5f );
		sprite->SetCropLeft( start );
		sprite->SetCropRight( 1 - (size + start) );

		if( width < 0 )
			width = sprite->GetUnzoomedWidth();

		m_Sprites.push_back( sprite );
		this->AddChild( sprite );

	for( i = 0; i < s.ComboList[pn].size(); ++i )
		const StageStats::Combo_t &combo = s.ComboList[pn][i];
		if( combo.GetStageCnt() < MinComboSizeToShow )
			continue; /* too small */
		if( !MaxComboSize )

		const bool IsMax = (combo.GetStageCnt() == MaxComboSize);
		if( !IsMax )

		BitmapText *text = new BitmapText;
		text->SetName( "ComboMaxNumber" );
		text->LoadFromFont( THEME->GetPathToF(Path) );

		const float start = SCALE( combo.fStartSecond, s.fFirstSecond[pn], s.fLastSecond[pn], 0.0f, 1.0f );
		const float size = SCALE( combo.fSizeSeconds, 0, s.fLastSecond[pn]-s.fFirstSecond[pn], 0.0f, 1.0f );

		const float CenterPercent = start + size/2;
		const float CenterXPos = SCALE( CenterPercent, 0.0f, 1.0f, -width/2.0f, width/2.0f );
		text->SetX( CenterXPos );

		text->SetText( ssprintf("%i",combo.GetStageCnt()) );
		ON_COMMAND( text );

		m_Numbers.push_back( text );
		this->AddChild( text );