TEST_F(PluginCompatibilityTest, PreBorel) {
  serialization::Multivector message;

  Vector<Length, Barycentric> const v({ -1 * Metre, 2 * Metre, 3 * Metre });
  Vector<Length, Barycentric> const w =
    Vector<Length, Barycentric>::ReadFromMessage(message);
  Vector<Length, Barycentric> const expected_w(
  { -1 * Metre, 3 * Metre, 2 * Metre });
  EXPECT_EQ(expected_w, w);

  Bivector<Length, Barycentric> const b({ 4 * Metre, 5 * Metre, -6 * Metre });
  Bivector<Length, Barycentric> const c =
    Bivector<Length, Barycentric>::ReadFromMessage(message);
  Bivector<Length, Barycentric> const expected_c(
  { -4 * Metre, 6 * Metre, -5 * Metre });
  EXPECT_EQ(expected_c, c);

  Trivector<Length, Barycentric> const t(-7 * Metre);
  Trivector<Length, Barycentric> const u =
    Trivector<Length, Barycentric>::ReadFromMessage(message);
  Trivector<Length, Barycentric> const expected_u(7 * Metre);
  EXPECT_EQ(expected_u, u);
Rotation<Frame, Frame> Exp(Bivector<quantities::Angle, Frame> const& exponent) {
  quantities::Angle const angle = exponent.Norm();
  if (angle == quantities::Angle()) {
    return Rotation<Frame, Frame>::Identity();
  } else {
    return Rotation<Frame, Frame>(angle, exponent);
Rotation<Frenet<ThisFrame>, ThisFrame>
DynamicFrame<InertialFrame, ThisFrame>::FrenetFrame(
    Instant const& t,
    DegreesOfFreedom<ThisFrame> const& degrees_of_freedom) const {
  Velocity<ThisFrame> const& velocity = degrees_of_freedom.velocity();
  Vector<Acceleration, ThisFrame> const acceleration =
      GeometricAcceleration(t, degrees_of_freedom);
  Vector<Acceleration, ThisFrame> normal_acceleration = acceleration;
  velocity.template Orthogonalize<Acceleration>(&normal_acceleration);
  Vector<double, ThisFrame> tangent = Normalize(velocity);
  Vector<double, ThisFrame> normal = Normalize(normal_acceleration);
  Bivector<double, ThisFrame> binormal = Wedge(tangent, normal);
  // Maps |tangent| to {1, 0, 0}, |normal| to {0, 1, 0}, and |binormal| to
  // {0, 0, 1}.
  return Rotation<Frenet<ThisFrame>, ThisFrame>(
Beispiel #4
Bivector<Scalar, ToFrame> Identity<FromFrame, ToFrame>::operator()(
    Bivector<Scalar, FromFrame> const& bivector) const {
  return Bivector<Scalar, ToFrame>(bivector.coordinates());
Vector<quantities::Product<LScalar, RScalar>, Frame> operator*(
    Trivector<LScalar, Frame> const& left,
    Bivector<RScalar, Frame> const& right) {
  return Vector<quantities::Product<LScalar, RScalar>, Frame>(
      left.coordinates() * right.coordinates());
quantities::Angle AngleBetween(Bivector<LScalar, Frame> const& v,
                               Bivector<RScalar, Frame> const& w) {
  auto const v_norm_w = v * w.Norm();
  auto const w_norm_v = w * v.Norm();
  return 2 * ArcTan((v_norm_w - w_norm_v).Norm(), (v_norm_w + w_norm_v).Norm());
Bivector<quantities::Product<LScalar, RScalar>, Frame> Commutator(
    Bivector<LScalar, Frame> const& left,
    Bivector<RScalar, Frame> const& right) {
  return Bivector<quantities::Product<LScalar, RScalar>, Frame>(
      Cross(left.coordinates(), right.coordinates()));
Trivector<quantities::Product<LScalar, RScalar>, Frame> Wedge(
    Vector<LScalar, Frame> const& left,
    Bivector<RScalar, Frame> const& right) {
  return Trivector<quantities::Product<LScalar, RScalar>, Frame>(
      Dot(left.coordinates(), right.coordinates()));
quantities::Product<LScalar, RScalar> InnerProduct(
    Bivector<LScalar, Frame> const& left,
    Bivector<RScalar, Frame> const& right) {
  return Dot(left.coordinates(), right.coordinates());
Beispiel #10
	Bivector operator*(const BaseTransformation &transformation, const Bivector &bivector)
		return Bivector(transformation * bivector.u(), transformation * bivector.v());
Beispiel #11
Rotation<Frame, Frame> Exp(Bivector<quantities::Angle, Frame> const& exponent) {
  return Rotation<Frame, Frame>(exponent.Norm(), exponent);
Beispiel #12
inline Vector<quantities::Product<LScalar, RScalar>, Frame> operator*(
    Bivector<LScalar, Frame> const& left,
    Vector<RScalar, Frame> const& right) {
  return Vector<quantities::Product<LScalar, RScalar>, Frame>(
      Cross(left.coordinates(), right.coordinates()));
Bivector<Scalar, ToFrame> Permutation<FromFrame, ToFrame>::operator()(
    Bivector<Scalar, FromFrame> const& bivector) const {
  return Bivector<Scalar, ToFrame>(
      Determinant() * (*this)(bivector.coordinates()));