Beispiel #1
BOOL NodeSimpleShape::IsNearControlHandle(DocCoord Coord, INT32* CoordNum)
#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
	// Find the blob manager
	BlobManager* pBlobMgr = GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();
	if (pBlobMgr==NULL)
		return FALSE;

	// Find out about the size of a blob
	DocRect BlobRect;
	pBlobMgr->GetBlobRect(Coord, &BlobRect);

	// Check to see if it is near any of the blobs
	for (INT32 i=0; i<4; i++)
		// Check for collision with the control points
		if (BlobRect.ContainsCoord(Parallel[i]))
			// Tell them which control point it waas over
			*CoordNum = i;

			// we have used that click up, so tell the world
			return TRUE;
	// was not over any of the control points
	return FALSE;
Beispiel #2
DocRect NodeSimpleShape::GetBlobBoundingRect()
#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
	// Find the Shapes bounding rectangle
	DocRect Rect = GetBoundingRect();

	// Find the blob manager
	BlobManager* pBlobMgr = GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();

	// And if we can find the current view, add on the size of a selection blob
	if (pBlobMgr!= NULL)
		// Wee need to add in each of the blobs. there is a blob on each corner
		// of the parallelogram
		DocRect BlobSize;
		pBlobMgr->GetBlobRect(Parallel[0], &BlobSize);
		Rect = Rect.Union(BlobSize);
		// Next corner of the parallelogram
		pBlobMgr->GetBlobRect(Parallel[1], &BlobSize);
		Rect = Rect.Union(BlobSize);

		// and the next
		pBlobMgr->GetBlobRect(Parallel[2], &BlobSize);
		Rect = Rect.Union(BlobSize);

		// and the last one
		pBlobMgr->GetBlobRect(Parallel[3], &BlobSize);
		Rect = Rect.Union(BlobSize);

	// Make sure we include the Bounds of our children

	// return the rectangle with the blobs included
	return Rect;
	return DocRect(0,0,0,0);
Beispiel #3
DocRect NodeEllipse::GetBlobBoundingRect()
#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
	// Find the paths bounding rectangle
	DocRect ShapeRect = GetBoundingRect();
	DocRect Rect(Parallel[0], Parallel[0]);

	// Find the blob manager
	BlobManager* pBlobMgr = GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();
	// Get a rect to put the extra rectangle on
	DocRect BlobRect;

	// Get the rect round a blob in the corner of the ellipse and add it to the total
	DocCoord Corner = Rect.HighCorner();
	pBlobMgr->GetBlobRect(Corner, &BlobRect);
	Rect = Rect.Union(BlobRect);

	// and the same with the other corner
	Corner = Rect.LowCorner();
	pBlobMgr->GetBlobRect(Corner, &BlobRect);
	Rect = Rect.Union(BlobRect);

	// and union it with the rect of the shape or things like Linewidth get in the way
	Rect = Rect.Union(ShapeRect);

	// Make sure we include the Bounds of our children

	// return the rectangle with the blobs included
	return Rect;
	return DocRect(0,0,0,0);
Beispiel #4
void LiveEffectsTool::OnMouseMove(DocCoord Coord, Spread* pSpread, ClickModifiers mods)
// Stub out this function if the tool isn't wanted

	// We are interested in any selected paths that the cursor is over
	// we will also be needing the current docview
	SelRange* Selected = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
	Node* pNode = Selected->FindFirst();

	// Check to see if the selection is on the same spread as the mouse
	if (pNode!=NULL)
		// Get the spread and return if it is different from the one with the cursor
		Spread* pNodeSpread = pNode->FindParentSpread();
		if (pNodeSpread!=pSpread)

	// Find the Blob manager, so we can find out how big a rect to use
	BlobManager* pBlobMgr = GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();
	if (pBlobMgr==NULL)
	// Find the Rect round the mouse pos that counts as a hit
	DocRect BlobRect;
	pBlobMgr->GetBlobRect(Coord, &BlobRect);
	// Work out the square of the distance that we will count as 'close' to the line
	INT32 Range = BlobRect.Width() / 2;
	Range *= Range;

//	// loop through the selection
//	while (pNode!=NULL)
//	{
//		// Now find the next selected node
//		pNode = Selected->FindNext(pNode);
//	}

	// We did not find anything good, so set the cursor to the normal one

	// And set the status bar text
	StatusMsg.Load(_R(IDS_LIVEEFFECTSTART), Tool::GetModuleID(GetID()));
