void testFileValidity() {
      // Use libsndfile to read the file.  Make sure:
      //    1. it is correctly recognized as an AU file
      //    2. it has all the header information we expect

      std::cout << "\tthe created files should be valid AU files with the expected number of samples...";
      std::cout << std::flush;

      BlockFile *theFiles[] = {int16BlockFile, int24BlockFile, floatBlockFile};

      for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
         BlockFile *bf = theFiles[i];
         SF_INFO info;

         memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
         SNDFILE *sf = sf_open(bf->GetFileName().GetFullPath(), SFM_READ, &info);

         assert(info.frames == dataLen);
         assert(info.channels == 1);
         assert(info.format & SF_FORMAT_AU);


      std::cout << "OK\n";
Beispiel #2
// get the sum of the sizes of all blocks this track list
// references.  However, if a block is referred to multiple
// times it is only counted once.  Return value is in bytes.
wxLongLong UndoManager::CalculateSpaceUsage(int index)
   TrackListOfKindIterator iter(Track::Wave);
   WaveTrack *wt;
   WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it;
   BlockArray *blocks;
   unsigned int i;

   // get a map of all blocks referenced in this TrackList
   std::map<BlockFile*, wxLongLong> cur;

   wt = (WaveTrack *) iter.First(stack[index]->tracks);
   while (wt) {
      for (it = wt->GetClipIterator(); it; it = it->GetNext()) {
         blocks = it->GetData()->GetSequenceBlockArray();
         for (i = 0; i < blocks->GetCount(); i++) 
            BlockFile* pBlockFile = blocks->Item(i)->f;
            if (pBlockFile->GetFileName().FileExists())
               cur[pBlockFile] = pBlockFile->GetSpaceUsage();
      wt = (WaveTrack *) iter.Next();

   if (index > 0) {
      // get a set of all blocks referenced in all prev TrackList
      std::set<BlockFile*> prev;
      while (--index) {
         wt = (WaveTrack *) iter.First(stack[index]->tracks);
         while (wt) {
            for (it = wt->GetClipIterator(); it; it = it->GetNext()) {
               blocks = it->GetData()->GetSequenceBlockArray();
               for (i = 0; i < blocks->GetCount(); i++) {
            wt = (WaveTrack *) iter.Next();

      // remove all blocks in prevBlockFiles from curBlockFiles
      std::set<BlockFile*>::const_iterator prevIter;
      for (prevIter = prev.begin(); prevIter != prev.end(); prevIter++) {

   // sum the sizes of the blocks remaining in curBlockFiles;
   wxLongLong bytes = 0;
   std::map<BlockFile*, wxLongLong>::const_iterator curIter;
   for (curIter = cur.begin(); curIter != cur.end(); curIter++) {
      bytes += curIter->second;

   return bytes;
Beispiel #3
bool DirManager::EnsureSafeFilename(wxFileName fName)
   // Quick check: If it's not even in our alias list,
   // then the file name is A-OK.

   #if 0
   printf("file name: %s\n", fName.GetFullPath().c_str());
   printf("string list:\n");
   wxStringListNode *node = aliasList.GetFirst();
   while (node)
      wxString string = node->GetData();
      printf("%s\n", string.c_str());
      node = node->GetNext();

   if (!aliasList.Member(fName.GetFullPath()))
      return true;

   // If any of the following commands fail, your guess is as
   // good as mine why.  The following error message is the
   // best we can do - we'll use it if any of the renames,
   // creates, or deletes fail.
   wxString errStr =
     _( "Error: is directory write-protected or disk full?" );

   /* i18n-hint: 'old' is part of a filename used when a file is renamed. */
   // Figure out what the new name for the existing file would be.  
   /* i18n-hint: e.g. Try to go from "mysong.wav" to "mysong-old1.wav". */
   // Keep trying until we find a filename that doesn't exist.

   wxFileName renamedFile = fName;
   int i = 0;
   do {
      /* i18n-hint: This is the pattern for filenames that are created
         when a file needs to be backed up to a different name.  For
         example, mysong would become mysong-old1, mysong-old2, etc. */
      renamedFile.SetName(wxString::Format(_("%s-old%d"), fName.GetName().c_str(), i));
   } while (renamedFile.FileExists());

   // Test creating a file by that name to make sure it will
   // be possible to do the rename

   wxFile testFile(renamedFile.GetFullPath(), wxFile::write);
   if (!testFile.IsOpened()) {
      return false;
   if (!wxRemoveFile(renamedFile.GetFullPath())) {
      return false;

   printf(_("Renamed file: %s\n"), (const char *)renamedFile.GetFullPath());

   // Go through our block files and see if any indeed point to
   // the file we're concerned about.  If so, point the block file
   // to the renamed file and when we're done, perform the rename.

   bool needToRename = false;
   wxBusyCursor busy;
   wxNode *n = blockFileHash->Next();
   while(n) {
      BlockFile *b = (BlockFile *)n->GetData();
      // don't worry, we don't rely on this cast unless IsAlias is true
      AliasBlockFile *ab = (AliasBlockFile*)b;

      if (b->IsAlias() && ab->GetAliasedFile() == fName) {
         needToRename = true;
         printf(_("Changing block %s\n"), (const char *)b->GetFileName().GetFullName());

      n = blockFileHash->Next();

   if (needToRename) {
      if (!wxRenameFile(fName.GetFullPath(), renamedFile.GetFullPath())) {
         // ACK!!! The renaming was unsuccessful!!!
         // (This shouldn't happen, since we tried creating a
         // file of this name and then deleted it just a
         // second earlier.)  But we'll handle this scenario
         // just in case!!!

         // Put things back where they were
         n = blockFileHash->Next();
         while(n) {
            BlockFile *b = (BlockFile *)n->GetData();
            AliasBlockFile *ab = (AliasBlockFile*)b;

            if (b->IsAlias() && ab->GetAliasedFile() == renamedFile)
            n = blockFileHash->Next();

         // Print error message and cancel the export
         return false;


   // Success!!!  Either we successfully renamed the file,
   // or we didn't need to!
   return true;
Beispiel #4
bool DirManager::EnsureSafeFilename(wxFileName fName)
   // Quick check: If it's not even in our alias list,
   // then the file name is A-OK.

   if (aliasList.Index(fName.GetFullPath()) == wxNOT_FOUND)
      return true;

   /* i18n-hint: 'old' is part of a filename used when a file is renamed. */
   // Figure out what the new name for the existing file would be.  
   /* i18n-hint: e.g. Try to go from "mysong.wav" to "mysong-old1.wav". */
   // Keep trying until we find a filename that doesn't exist.

   wxFileName renamedFile = fName;
   int i = 0;
   do {
      /* i18n-hint: This is the pattern for filenames that are created
         when a file needs to be backed up to a different name.  For
         example, mysong would become mysong-old1, mysong-old2, etc. */
      renamedFile.SetName(wxString::Format(_("%s-old%d"), fName.GetName().c_str(), i));
   } while (wxFileExists(renamedFile.GetFullPath()));

   // Test creating a file by that name to make sure it will
   // be possible to do the rename

   wxFile testFile(renamedFile.GetFullPath(), wxFile::write);
   if (!testFile.IsOpened()) {
      wxLogSysError(_("Unable to open/create test file"),
      return false;

   // Close the file prior to renaming.

   if (!wxRemoveFile(renamedFile.GetFullPath())) {
      wxLogSysError(_("Unable to remove '%s'"),
      return false;

   wxPrintf(_("Renamed file: %s\n"), renamedFile.GetFullPath().c_str());

   // Go through our block files and see if any indeed point to
   // the file we're concerned about.  If so, point the block file
   // to the renamed file and when we're done, perform the rename.

   bool needToRename = false;
   wxBusyCursor busy;
   BlockHash::iterator it=blockFileHash.begin();
   while(it != blockFileHash.end()) {
      BlockFile *b = it->second;
      // don't worry, we don't rely on this cast unless IsAlias is true
      AliasBlockFile *ab = (AliasBlockFile*)b;

      if (b->IsAlias() && ab->GetAliasedFile() == fName) {
         needToRename = true;
         wxPrintf(_("Changing block %s\n"), b->GetFileName().GetFullName().c_str());


   if (needToRename) {
      if (!wxRenameFile(fName.GetFullPath(),
                        renamedFile.GetFullPath())) {
         // ACK!!! The renaming was unsuccessful!!!
         // (This shouldn't happen, since we tried creating a
         // file of this name and then deleted it just a
         // second earlier.)  But we'll handle this scenario
         // just in case!!!

         // Put things back where they were
         BlockHash::iterator it=blockFileHash.begin();
         while(it != blockFileHash.end()) {
            BlockFile *b = it->second;
            AliasBlockFile *ab = (AliasBlockFile*)b;

            if (b->IsAlias() && ab->GetAliasedFile() == renamedFile)

         // Print error message and cancel the export
         wxLogSysError(_("Unable to rename '%s' to '%s'"),
         return false;


   // Success!!!  Either we successfully renamed the file,
   // or we didn't need to!
   return true;