Beispiel #1
void subprod(const SiconosMatrix& A, const BlockVector& x, SiconosVector& y, const Index& coord, bool init)
  assert(!(A.isPLUFactorized()) && "A is PLUFactorized in prod !!");

  // Number of the subvector of x that handles element at position coord[4]
  std::size_t firstBlockNum = x.getNumVectorAtPos(coord[4]);
  // Number of the subvector of x that handles element at position coord[5]
  unsigned int lastBlockNum = x.getNumVectorAtPos(coord[5]);
  Index subCoord = coord;
  SPC::SiconosVector  tmp = x[firstBlockNum];
  std::size_t subSize =  tmp->size(); // Size of the sub-vector
  const SP::Index xTab = x.tabIndex();
  if (firstBlockNum != 0)
    subCoord[4] -= (*xTab)[firstBlockNum - 1];
    subCoord[5] =  std::min(coord[5] - (*xTab)[firstBlockNum - 1], subSize);
    subCoord[5] =  std::min(coord[5], subSize);

  if (firstBlockNum == lastBlockNum)
    subprod(A, *tmp, y, subCoord, init);
    unsigned int xPos = 0 ; // Position in x of the current sub-vector of x
    bool firstLoop = true;
    subCoord[3] = coord[2] + subCoord[5] - subCoord[4];
    for (VectorOfVectors::const_iterator it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it)
      if ((*it)->getNum() == 0)
        SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("subprod(A,x,y) error: not yet implemented for x block of blocks ...");
      if (xPos >= firstBlockNum && xPos <= lastBlockNum)
        tmp = x[xPos];
        if (firstLoop)
          subprod(A, *tmp, y, subCoord, init);
          firstLoop = false;
          subCoord[2] += subCoord[5] - subCoord[4]; // !! old values for 4 and 5
          subSize = tmp->size();
          subCoord[4] = 0;
          subCoord[5] = std::min(coord[5] - (*xTab)[xPos - 1], subSize);
          subCoord[3] = subCoord[2] + subCoord[5] - subCoord[4];
          subprod(A, *tmp, y, subCoord, false);