Beispiel #1
void Utils::displayBookInformation(Book book) {
	cout << "\tISBN            \t" << book.getIsbn() << endl;
	cout << "\tTitle           \t" << book.getTitle() << endl;
	cout << "\tAuthor          \t" << book.getAuthor() << endl;
	cout << "\tPublisher       \t" << book.getPublisher() << endl;
	cout << "\tDate Added      \t" << toString(book.getDateAdded()) << endl;
	cout << "\tQuantity-On-Hand\t" << book.getQuantityOnHand() << endl;
	cout << "\tWholesale Cost  \t" << setprecision(2) << book.getWholesaleCost() << endl;
	cout << "\tRetail Price    \t" << setprecision(2) << book.getRetailPrice() << endl << endl;
Beispiel #2
Converts a Book object to string representation

ISBN:               0399257748
Title:				The Martian
Author:				Andy Weir
Publisher:			Scribner
Date Added:			2015-1-16 23:56:11
Quantity:			1
string Utils::toString(int itemNumber, int quantity, Book book) {
	string bookString = "";
	bookString += to_string(itemNumber) + "\n";
	bookString += "\t ISBN:              " + book.getIsbn() + "\n";
	bookString += "\t Title:             " + book.getTitle() + "\n";
	bookString += "\t Author:            " + book.getAuthor() + "\n";
	bookString += "\t Publisher:         " + book.getPublisher() + "\n";
	bookString += "\t Date Added:        " + toString(book.getDateAdded()) + "\n";
	bookString += "\t Quantity:          " + to_string(quantity) + "\n";

	ostringstream stream;
	stream << fixed << setprecision(2) << book.getRetailPrice();
	bookString += "\t Retail Price:      " + stream.str() + "\n";

	return bookString;