void BackdropNodeGadget::doRender( const Style *style ) const
	// this is our bound in gadget space
	Box2f bound = boundPlug()->getValue();
	// but because we're going to draw our contents at an arbitrary scale,
	// we need to compute a modified bound which will be in the right place
	// following scaling. 
	const Backdrop *backdrop = static_cast<const Backdrop *>( node() );
	const float scale = backdrop->scalePlug()->getValue();
	bound.min /= scale;
	bound.max /= scale;
	glScalef( scale, scale, scale );

	const Box3f titleCharacterBound = style->characterBound( Style::HeadingText );
	const float titleBaseline = bound.max.y - g_margin - titleCharacterBound.max.y;

	if( IECoreGL::Selector::currentSelector() )
		// when selecting we render in a simplified form.
		// we only draw a thin strip around the edge of the backdrop
		// to allow the edges to be grabbed for dragging, and a strip
		// at the top to allow the title header to be grabbed for moving
		// around. leaving the main body of the backdrop as a hole is
		// necessary to allow the GraphGadget to continue to perform
		// drag selection on the nodes on top of the backdrop.
		const float width = hoverWidth() / scale;
		style->renderSolidRectangle( Box2f( bound.min, V2f( bound.min.x + width, bound.max.y ) ) ); // left
		style->renderSolidRectangle( Box2f( V2f( bound.max.x - width, bound.min.y ), bound.max ) ); // right
		style->renderSolidRectangle( Box2f( bound.min, V2f( bound.max.x, bound.min.y + width ) ) ); // bottom
		style->renderSolidRectangle( Box2f( V2f( bound.min.x, bound.max.y - width ), bound.max ) ); // top
		style->renderSolidRectangle( Box2f( V2f( bound.min.x, titleBaseline - g_margin ), bound.max ) ); // heading
		// normal drawing mode
		style->renderBackdrop( bound, getHighlighted() ? Style::HighlightedState : Style::NormalState );

		const std::string title = backdrop->titlePlug()->getValue();
		if( title.size() )
			Box3f titleBound = style->textBound( Style::HeadingText, title );
				glTranslatef( bound.center().x - titleBound.size().x / 2.0f, titleBaseline, 0.0f );
				style->renderText( Style::HeadingText, title );

		if( m_hovered )
				V2f( bound.center().x, titleBaseline - g_margin / 2.0f ),
				bound.size().x - g_margin * 2.0f,

		Box2f textBound = bound;
		textBound.min += V2f( g_margin );
		textBound.max = V2f( textBound.max.x - g_margin, titleBaseline - g_margin );
		if( textBound.hasVolume() )
			std::string description = backdrop->descriptionPlug()->getValue();
			style->renderWrappedText( Style::BodyText, description, textBound );