Beispiel #1
static bool change_tool(Settings* settings, GdkEventButton* event,
                        GtkXournal* xournal)
	ButtonConfig* cfg = NULL;
	ButtonConfig* cfgTouch = settings->getTouchButtonConfig();
	ToolHandler* h = xournal->view->getControl()->getToolHandler();

	if (event->button == 2)   // Middle Button
		cfg = settings->getMiddleButtonConfig();
	else if (event->button == 3 && !xournal->selection)     // Right Button
		cfg = settings->getRightButtonConfig();
	else if (event->device->source == GDK_SOURCE_ERASER)
		cfg = settings->getEraserButtonConfig();
	else if (cfgTouch->device == event->device->name)
		cfg = cfgTouch;

		// If an action is defined we do it, even if it's a drawing action...
		if (cfg->getDisableDrawing() && cfg->getAction() == TOOL_NONE)
			ToolType tool = h->getToolType();
			if (tool == TOOL_PEN || tool == TOOL_ERASER || tool == TOOL_HILIGHTER)
				printf("ignore touchscreen for drawing!\n");
				return true;

	if (cfg && cfg->getAction() != TOOL_NONE)

	return false;
Beispiel #2
gboolean gtk_xournal_button_press_event(GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventButton * event) {
	 * true: Core event, false: XInput event
	gboolean isCore = (event->device == gdk_device_get_core_pointer());

	INPUTDBG("ButtonPress (%s) (x,y)=(%.2f,%.2f), button %d, modifier %x, isCore %i", gdk_device_get_name(event->device), event->x, event->y,
			event->button, event->state, isCore);

	GtkXournal * xournal = GTK_XOURNAL(widget);
	Settings * settings = xournal->view->getControl()->getSettings();

	if(isCore && settings->isXinputEnabled() && settings->isIgnoreCoreEvents()) {
		INPUTDBG2("gtk_xournal_button_press_event return false (ignore core)");
		return false;

	XInputUtils::fixXInputCoords((GdkEvent*) event, widget);

	if (event->type != GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) {
		INPUTDBG2("gtk_xournal_button_press_event return false (event->type != GDK_BUTTON_PRESS)");
		return false; // this event is not handled here

	if (event->button > 3) { // scroll wheel events
		XInputUtils::handleScrollEvent(event, widget);
		INPUTDBG2("gtk_xournal_button_press_event return true handled scroll event");
		return true;


	ToolHandler * h = xournal->view->getControl()->getToolHandler();

	// none button release event was sent, send one now
	if (xournal->currentInputPage) {
		INPUTDBG2("gtk_xournal_button_press_event (xournal->currentInputPage != NULL)");

		GdkEventButton ev = *event;
		xournal->currentInputPage->translateEvent((GdkEvent*) &ev, xournal->x, xournal->y);
		xournal->currentInputPage->onButtonReleaseEvent(widget, &ev);

	// Change the tool depending on the key or device
	ButtonConfig * cfg = NULL;
	ButtonConfig * cfgTouch = settings->getTouchButtonConfig();
	if (event->button == 2) { // Middle Button
		cfg = settings->getMiddleButtonConfig();
	} else if (event->button == 3) { // Right Button
		cfg = settings->getRightButtonConfig();
	} else if (event->device->source == GDK_SOURCE_ERASER) {
		cfg = settings->getEraserButtonConfig();
	} else if (cfgTouch->device == event->device->name) {
		cfg = cfgTouch;

		// If an action is defined we do it, even if it's a drawing action...
		if (cfg->getDisableDrawing() && cfg->getAction() == TOOL_NONE) {
			ToolType tool = h->getToolType();
			if (tool == TOOL_PEN || tool == TOOL_ERASER || tool == TOOL_HILIGHTER) {
				printf("ignore touchscreen for drawing!\n");
				return true;

	if (cfg && cfg->getAction() != TOOL_NONE) {

	// hand tool don't change the selection, so you can scroll e.g.
	// with your touchscreen without remove the selection
	if (h->getToolType() == TOOL_HAND) {
		Cursor * cursor = xournal->view->getCursor();
		xournal->lastMousePositionX = 0;
		xournal->lastMousePositionY = 0;
		xournal->inScrolling = true;
		gtk_widget_get_pointer(widget, &xournal->lastMousePositionX, &xournal->lastMousePositionY);

		INPUTDBG2("gtk_xournal_button_press_event (h->getToolType() == TOOL_HAND) return true");
		return true;
	} else if (xournal->selection) {
		EditSelection * selection = xournal->selection;

		PageView * view = selection->getView();
		GdkEventButton ev = *event;
		view->translateEvent((GdkEvent*) &ev, xournal->x, xournal->y);
		CursorSelectionType selType = selection->getSelectionTypeForPos(ev.x, ev.y, xournal->view->getZoom());
		if (selType) {
			xournal->selection->mouseDown(selType, ev.x, ev.y);
			INPUTDBG2("gtk_xournal_button_press_event (selection) return true");
			return true;
		} else {

	PageView * pv = gtk_xournal_get_page_view_for_pos_cached(xournal, event->x, event->y);
	if (pv) {
		xournal->currentInputPage = pv;
		pv->translateEvent((GdkEvent*) event, xournal->x, xournal->y);
		INPUTDBG2("gtk_xournal_button_press_event (pv->onButtonPressEvent) return");

		return pv->onButtonPressEvent(widget, event);

	INPUTDBG2("gtk_xournal_button_press_event (not handled) return false");
	return false; // not handled
Beispiel #3
 * Change the tool according to the device and button
 * @return true to ignore event
bool InputSequence::changeTool()

	Settings* settings = inputHandler->getSettings();
	ButtonConfig* cfgTouch = settings->getTouchButtonConfig();
	ToolHandler* h = inputHandler->getToolHandler();
	GtkXournal* xournal = inputHandler->getXournal();

	ButtonConfig* cfg = NULL;
	if (gdk_device_get_source(device) == GDK_SOURCE_PEN)
		penDevice = true;
		if (button == 2)
			cfg = settings->getStylusButton1Config();
		else if (button == 3)
			cfg = settings->getStylusButton2Config();
	else if (button == 2 /* Middle Button */ && !xournal->selection)
		cfg = settings->getMiddleButtonConfig();
	else if (button == 3 /* Right Button */ && !xournal->selection)
		cfg = settings->getRightButtonConfig();
	else if (gdk_device_get_source(device) == GDK_SOURCE_ERASER)
		penDevice = true;
		cfg = settings->getEraserButtonConfig();
	else if (cfgTouch->device == gdk_device_get_name(device))
		cfg = cfgTouch;

		// If an action is defined we do it, even if it's a drawing action...
		if (cfg->getDisableDrawing() && cfg->getAction() == TOOL_NONE)
			ToolType tool = h->getToolType();
			if (tool == TOOL_PEN || tool == TOOL_ERASER || tool == TOOL_HILIGHTER)
				g_message("ignore touchscreen for drawing!\n");
				return true;

	if (cfg && cfg->getAction() != TOOL_NONE)

	return false;