void CASW_Campaign_Save::SetMoveDestination(int iMission)
	if (!ASWGameRules() || !ASWGameRules()->GetCampaignInfo())

	CASW_Campaign_Info *pCI = ASWGameRules()->GetCampaignInfo();
	if ( !pCI )

	CASW_Campaign_Info::CASW_Campaign_Mission_t *pMission = pCI->GetMission( iMission );
	if (!pMission)

	if (iMission != m_iMoveDestination)
		m_iMoveDestination = iMission;
		SetThink( &CASW_Campaign_Save::MoveThink );
		SetNextThink(gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f);
void C_MOD_Objective_Escape::BuildMissionMapForNextMission()
	Msg("Sever indicated mission is complete.  Building map for next mission.\n");

	if (ASWGameRules()->CampaignMissionsLeft() <= 0)
		//This is the last mission.

	CASW_Campaign_Info *pCampaign = ASWGameRules()->GetCampaignInfo();		
	if (!pCampaign)
		Msg("Failed to load Campaign with CAlienSwarm::GetCampaignInfo()\n");
	CASW_Campaign_Save *pSave = ASWGameRules()->GetCampaignSave();
	if (!pSave)
		Msg("Failed to load Campaign Save with CAlienSwarm::GetCampaignInfoGetCampaignSave()\n");

	int iNextMission = pSave->m_iNumMissionsComplete + 1;	
	CASW_Campaign_Info::CASW_Campaign_Mission_t* pNextMission = 
	if (!pNextMission)
		Msg("Failed to load next campaign mission with pCampaign->GetMission(iNextMission)\n");
		pNextMission->m_MapName, m_iPlayerPerformance);

bool CASW_Campaign_Save::BuildCampaignRoute(int iStart, int iEnd)
	if (!ASWGameRules() || !ASWGameRules()->GetCampaignInfo())
		return false;
	CASW_Campaign_Info *pCI = ASWGameRules()->GetCampaignInfo();
	if (iStart < 0 || iStart >= pCI->GetNumMissions())
		return false;
	if (iEnd < 0 || iEnd >= pCI->GetNumMissions())
		return false;	

	// do A*
	m_iRouteDest = iEnd;
	m_iRouteStart = iStart;

	// add starting mission to the open list
	campaign_route_node_t start_node;
	start_node.iMission = iStart;
	start_node.iParentMission = iStart;	
	start_node.g = 0;
	start_node.h = EstimateCost(pCI, iStart, iEnd);
	start_node.f = start_node.g + start_node.h;
	int iOverflow = 0;
	while (iOverflow < 1000)
		// find the lowest node on the open list
		int iLowestF = -1;
		float fLowestF_Value = 99999;
		//Msg("%d nodes in open list\n", m_OpenList.Count());
		for (int i=0;i<m_OpenList.Count();i++)
			if (m_OpenList[i].f < fLowestF_Value)
				//Msg(" and node %d is lower than lowest\n", i);
				fLowestF_Value = m_OpenList[i].f;
				iLowestF = i;
		// if open list is empty, that means we've searched all routes and still didn't arrive at the dest
		if (iLowestF == -1)
			//Msg("Failed to find route\n");
			return false;
		// move it to the closed list
		int iCurrentMission = m_OpenList[iLowestF].iMission;
		float fCurrentCost = m_OpenList[iLowestF].f;

		if (iCurrentMission == iEnd)		// found the target
			//Msg("current mission is the destination!\n");
			return true;
		//Msg("Current mission is %d, open list size %d closed list size %d\n", iCurrentMission, m_OpenList.Count(), m_ClosedList.Count());
		// check all linked missions
		CASW_Campaign_Info::CASW_Campaign_Mission_t *pMission = pCI->GetMission(iCurrentMission);
		if (!pMission)
			//Msg("Failed to get current mission in BuildCampaignRoute\n");
			return false;
		//Msg("Current mission (%d) has %d links\n", iCurrentMission, pMission->m_Links.Count());
		for (int i=0;i<pMission->m_Links.Count();i++)
			int iOtherMission = pMission->m_Links[i];
			//Msg("other mission[%d] is %d\n", i, iOtherMission);
			CASW_Campaign_Info::CASW_Campaign_Mission_t *pOtherMission = pCI->GetMission(pMission->m_Links[i]);
			if (!pOtherMission)

			// check if it's on the open list
			int iOnOpenList = -1;
			for (int k=0;k<m_OpenList.Count();k++)
				if (m_OpenList[k].iMission == iOtherMission)
					//Msg("Other mission (%d) is on the open list\n", iOtherMission);
					iOnOpenList = k;
			// if not, check if it's already on the closed list
			if (iOnOpenList == -1)
				int iOnClosedList = -1;
				for (int k=0;k<m_ClosedList.Count();k++)
					if (m_ClosedList[k].iMission == iOtherMission)
						//Msg("Other mission (%d) is on the closed list already, so ignoring\n", iOtherMission);
						iOnClosedList = k;
				if (iOnClosedList != -1)
			// if not, add it and calculate costs
			if (iOnOpenList == -1)
				//Msg("other mission %d not on the open list, so adding it...", iOtherMission);
				campaign_route_node_t new_node;
				new_node.iMission = iOtherMission;
				new_node.iParentMission = iCurrentMission;				
				new_node.g = fCurrentCost + EstimateCost(pCI, iCurrentMission, iOtherMission);	// actual cost from start to here
				new_node.h = EstimateCost(pCI, iOtherMission, iEnd);
				new_node.f = new_node.g + new_node.h;
			else		// if it is, check if going there from us is cheaper, if so update parent and costs
				//Msg("other mission %d already on open list, checking costs\n", iOtherMission);
				float my_g_cost = fCurrentCost + EstimateCost(pCI, iCurrentMission, iOtherMission);
				if (my_g_cost < m_OpenList[iOnOpenList].g)
					m_OpenList[iOnOpenList].iParentMission = iCurrentMission;
					m_OpenList[iOnOpenList].g = my_g_cost;
					m_OpenList[iOnOpenList].f = m_OpenList[iOnOpenList].g + m_OpenList[iOnOpenList].h;
	//Msg("Error, BuildCampaignRoute overflow!\n");
	return false;