// Purpose:
void CPropAirboat::FireGun( void )
	// Trace from eyes and see what we hit.
	Vector vecEyeDirection;
	m_hPlayer->EyeVectors( &vecEyeDirection, NULL, NULL );
	Vector vecEndPos = m_hPlayer->EyePosition() + ( vecEyeDirection * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH );
	trace_t	trace;
	UTIL_TraceLine( m_hPlayer->EyePosition(), vecEndPos, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trace );

	if ( trace.m_pEnt )
		// Get the gun position.
		Vector	vecGunPosition;
		QAngle	vecGunAngles;
		GetAttachment( LookupAttachment( "gun_barrel" ), vecGunPosition, vecGunAngles );
		// Get a ray from the gun to the target.
		Vector vecRay = trace.endpos - vecGunPosition;
		VectorNormalize( vecRay );
		CAmmoDef *pAmmoDef = GetAmmoDef();
		int ammoType = pAmmoDef->Index( "MediumRound" );
		FireBullets( 1, vecGunPosition, vecRay, vec3_origin, 4096, ammoType );
CAmmoDef* GetAmmoDef()
	static CAmmoDef def;
	static bool bInitted = false;

	if ( !bInitted )
		bInitted = true;
		// Start at 1 here and skip the dummy ammo type to make CAmmoDef use the same indices
		// as our #defines.
		for ( int i=1; i < TFC_NUM_AMMO_TYPES; i++ )
			def.AddAmmoType( g_AmmoTypeNames[i], DMG_BULLET, TRACER_LINE, 0, 0, "ammo_max", 2400, 10, 14 );
			Assert( def.Index( g_AmmoTypeNames[i] ) == i );

	return &def;
Beispiel #3
// Spawn
void CASW_PropJeep::Spawn( void )
	// Setup vehicle as a real-wheels car.

	m_flHandbrakeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1;
	m_bInitialHandbrake = false;

	m_flMinimumSpeedToEnterExit = LOCK_SPEED;

	m_nBulletType = GetAmmoDef()->Index("GaussEnergy");

	if ( m_bHasGun )
		SetBodygroup( 1, true );
		SetBodygroup( 1, false );

	// Initialize pose parameters
	SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_YAW, 0 );
	SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_PITCH, 0 );
	m_nSpinPos = 0;
	SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_SPIN, m_nSpinPos );
	m_aimYaw = 0;
	m_aimPitch = 0;


	CAmmoDef *pAmmoDef = GetAmmoDef();
	m_nAmmoType = pAmmoDef->Index("GaussEnergy");

	// normal HL2 vehicles don't feel nice in a network game
	//  so destroy ourselves and spawn the serverside component of our custom ASW client authorative vehicle system
// Spawn
void CPropJeep::Spawn( void )
	// Setup vehicle as a real-wheels car.

	m_flHandbrakeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1;
	m_bInitialHandbrake = false;

	m_VehiclePhysics.SetHasBrakePedal( false );

	m_flMinimumSpeedToEnterExit = LOCK_SPEED;

	m_nBulletType = GetAmmoDef()->Index("GaussEnergy");

	if ( m_bHasGun )
		SetBodygroup( 1, true );
		SetBodygroup( 1, false );

	// Initialize pose parameters
	SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_YAW, 0 );
	SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_PITCH, 0 );
	m_nSpinPos = 0;
	SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_SPIN, m_nSpinPos );
	m_aimYaw = 0;
	m_aimPitch = 0;


	CAmmoDef *pAmmoDef = GetAmmoDef();
	m_nAmmoType = pAmmoDef->Index("GaussEnergy");