// This creates the list of excerpt terms that are later stored in the ab_tree.
	// @param doc_id - this is the doc id of the excerpt
	void StoreExcerptPriorityTerms(_int64 &doc_id) {

		uChar size = (uChar)m_tok_queue.Size();
		int ovf_size = sizeof(S5Byte) + sizeof(uLong) + sizeof(uChar);
		ovf_size += (sizeof(S5Byte) + sizeof(uChar)) * m_tok_queue.Size();


		CSort<STokenPtr> sort(m_sorted_tok_set.Size(), CompareTermPosition);
		for(int i=0; i<m_sorted_tok_set.Size(); i++) {
			SToken &ptr = *m_sorted_tok_set[i].ptr;
			int id = m_duplicate_term.FindWord((char *)&ptr.word_id, sizeof(S5Byte));
			ptr.assoc_num <= 3;
			ptr.assoc_num |= m_term_occurr[id];

Beispiel #2
int CoreScript::GetPave()
	if (pave) {
		return pave;

	// OLD: Pavement is used as a flag for "this is a road" by the AI.
	// It's important to use the least common pave in a domain
	// so that building isn't interfered with.
	// NOW: Just use least common pave to spread things out.
	CArray<int, WorldGrid::NUM_PAVE> nPave;
	for (int i = 0; i < WorldGrid::NUM_PAVE; ++i) nPave.Push(0);

	if (pave == 0) {
		Rectangle2I inner = InnerSectorBounds(ToSector(parentChit->Position()));
		for (Rectangle2IIterator it(inner); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
			const WorldGrid& wg = Context()->worldMap->GetWorldGrid(it.Pos());
			nPave[wg.Pave()] += 1;

	nPave[0] = 0;
	int maxPave = nPave[nPave.FindMax(0, [](int, int count) { return count; })];

	if (maxPave == 0) {
		pave = 1 + parentChit->random.Rand(WorldGrid::NUM_PAVE - 1);
	else {
		pave = 1 + ArrayFindMax(nPave.Mem()+1, nPave.Size() - 1, 0, [](int, int count) { return -count; });
	GLASSERT(pave > 0 && pave < nPave.Size());
	if (pave == 0) {
		pave = 1;
	return pave;
Beispiel #3
int main()
    CArray arr;
    char* str = new char[MAX_LENGTH];
    cin >> str;
    while(!cin.eof()) {
        cin >> str;
    for(int i = 0; i < arr.Size(); i++) {
        cout << arr[i] << endl;
    delete[] str;
    return 0;
	// This creates the final set of ranked urls
	void CreateSpiderList(CArray<SRankURLPtr> &ptr_buff) {

			("GlobalData/SpiderList/fin_spider_list", GetClientID()));

		int list_num = 0;
		int offset = 0;
		while(list_num < m_spider_num && offset < ptr_buff.Size()) {
			SRankURL *ptr = ptr_buff[offset++].ptr;

			if(m_domain_occur[ptr->domain_id] < 25) {
				char *url = m_url_buff.Buffer() + m_url_offset[ptr->url_id];
				int url_length = m_url_offset[ptr->url_id+1] - m_url_offset[ptr->url_id];
				m_spider_list_file.WriteCompObject(url, url_length);
Beispiel #5
void Web::Calc(const Vector2I* exclude)
	static Vector2I origin = { NUM_SECTORS / 2, NUM_SECTORS / 2 };
	CArray<Vector2I, NUM_SECTORS * NUM_SECTORS> cores;

	int n = 0;
	CoreScript** list = CoreScript::GetCoreList(&n);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		CoreScript* cs = list[i];
		Vector2I sector = ToSector(cs->ParentChit()->Position());
		if (    (sector != origin) && cs && cs->InUse() 
			 && Team::Instance()->GetRelationship(cs->ParentChit()->Team(), TEAM_VISITOR) != ERelate::ENEMY) 
			if (!exclude || (*exclude != sector)) {
	tree.Calc(cores.Mem(), cores.Size());
Beispiel #6
bool CElement::CheckIf(CIfData *pIfData, const CParameters *paParameters) const
		CParameters aSearchParameters;
		for(CArray<CExpression>::CIterator p = pIfData->m_aSearchParameters.GetIterator(); p.Exists(); p.Next())
			aSearchParameters.Add(ComputeValue(p.Get(), paParameters));
		CArray<CElement *> apElements;
		m_pDatabase->SearchElements(pIfData->m_ElementType, pIfData->m_ElementModelName, pIfData->m_SearchFunction, &aSearchParameters, &apElements);
		bool True = apElements.Size() > 0;
#ifdef SPB_DEBUG
		printf("success: condition find %d\n", True);
		return True;
		bool True = ComputeValue(pIfData->m_Expression, paParameters) != 0;
#ifdef SPB_DEBUG
		printf("success: condition %d\n", True);
		return True;
Beispiel #7
void CEffectsGame::DoPicking()
	bool hit = false;
	Vector3 tileHitPos;
	SMapTile *tileHit;
	Vector3 start = pCamera->GetWorldPosition();
	Vector3 end = start + pCamera->forward * 1000.0f;
	Vector3 pos;


	// find tile we are pointing at
	if (hit = pLevel->CastRay(start, end, OUT tileHitPos, OUT &tileHit, OUT &pos))
		pLevel->HighlightTile(tileHitPos.x, tileHitPos.y, tileHitPos.z);		

	static float force = 10;
	if (gInput.WasKeyPressed(K_PGUP)) force += 5.0f;
	if (gInput.WasKeyPressed(K_PGDN)) force -= 5.0f;
	//gVGUI.AddTextMessage(300,200,WHITE,"Force: %f",force);


	// shooting - delete tile
	if (gInput.IsKeydown(K_MOUSE1))
		static float delay = 0;
		delay += frametime;
		if (delay > 0.05f)
			// shoot a bullet
			CreateBullet(car->pBarrel->GetWorldPosition(), car->pBarrel->up);

			float puffSpeed = 0.35;

			// add puff effect
			for (int i = 0; i<3; i++)
				static CTexture *puffTex = new CTexture("particles/explosion4.dds");
				CParticle *p = new CParticle(puffTex);
				p->size = Vector2(0.15, 0.15);
				p->position = car->pBarrel->GetWorldPosition() + car->pBarrel->up/2;
				p->velocity = Vector3( frand(-puffSpeed,puffSpeed), frand(-puffSpeed,puffSpeed)+1, frand(-puffSpeed,puffSpeed) );
				//p->gravity = -10;
				p->lifetime = 0.25;
				p->color = SRGBA(255,255,255,50);
				p->sizeVel = Vector2(1,1);
				p->colorChange = SRGBA(255,255,255,0);

			// add muzzle flash
			static CTexture *muzzleTex[] = {
				new CTexture("particles/flame1.dds"),
				new CTexture("particles/explosion1.dds")				
				CParticle *p = new CParticle(muzzleTex[rand()%2]);
				p->size = Vector2(0.7, 0.7);
				p->position = car->pBarrel->GetWorldPosition() + car->pBarrel->up/2;								
				p->lifetime = 0.01;
				p->additive = true;
				//p->color = SRGBA(255,255,255,50);
				//p->sizeVel = Vector2(1,1);
				//p->colorChange = SRGBA(255,255,255,0);

			delay = 0;

			// if hit a tile, destroy it
	/*		if (hit)
				tileHit->type = 0;

				SMapChunk *chunk = pLevel->GetChunk(
					floor(tileHitPos.z/SMapChunk::Size) );

				chunk->dirtyBody = true;
				chunk->dirty = true;

				//pLevel->UpdateTile(tileHitPos.x, tileHitPos.y, tileHitPos.z);

				SSpawnTile s;
				s.pos = tileHitPos;
				s.vel = pCamera->forward * force;
				// create a physical entity in this place
				/*NewtonBody *box = AddBox(pScene, pWorld, tileHitPos+Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), Vector3(0.95f,0.95f,0.95f), Vector3(), 100);

				// add some velocity
				Vector3 vel = pCamera->forward * force;
				Vector3 pos;
				NewtonBodySetVelocity(box, &vel[0]);*/				
		//	}

	static float lastRocketFire = -100;

	if (gInput.WasKeyPressed(K_MOUSE2) )
		float r = 3;
		int x = tileHitPos.x;
		int y = tileHitPos.y;
		int z = tileHitPos.z;

		if (lastRocketFire + 0 < realtime)
			Debug("Create rocket!");
			lastRocketFire = realtime;

			if (!hit)
				CreateRocket(car->pBarrel->GetWorldPosition() + car->pBarrel->up/2, car->pBarrel->up);
				Vector3 dir = (p os-(car->pBarrel->GetWorldPosition() + Vector3(0,10,0))).Normalize();
				if (dir.y < -0.25) 
					dir.y = -0.25;
				CreateRocket(car->pBarrel->GetWorldPosition() + car->pBarrel->up/2, dir );

	// show car meshes
	if (car)
		CArray<CObject3D*> meshes;
		GetMeshesList(car, meshes);

		float minT = 99999.0f;

		static int current = 0;
		if (KeyPressed(']')) { meshes[current]->color = WHITE; current++; if (current == meshes.Size()) current = 0; meshes[current]->color = RED;  }
		if (KeyPressed('[')) { meshes[current]->color = WHITE; current--; if (current < 0) current = meshes.Size()-1; meshes[current]->color = RED; }

		car->aimTarget = end;
Beispiel #8
void MSDSort(CArray &arr)
    countSortSym(arr, 0, 0, arr.Size());
Beispiel #9
void CRocket::Explode()
	Vector3 pos = GetPosition();
	int x = pos.x;
	int y = pos.y;
	int z = pos.z;

	int r = 3;


	CArray<CEntity*> enemies; 
	pGame->FindEntitiesByTypeInRange("Enemy", GetWorldPosition(), 5, OUT enemies);
	for (int i=0; i<enemies.Size(); i++)
		enemies[i]->hp -= 80;
	// destroy tiles in the area
	/*for (int ix = x, xsign = 1, xstep = 1; 
		(ix >= x - r) && (ix <= x + r);
		ix += xsign * xstep, xsign = -xsign, xstep++)
		for (int iy = y, ysign = 1, ystep = 1; 
			(iy >= y - r) && (iy <= y + r);
			iy += ysign * ystep, ysign = -ysign, ystep++)
			for (int iz = z, zsign = 1, zstep = 1; 
				(iz >= z - r) && (iz <= z + r);
				iz += zsign * zstep, zsign = -zsign, zstep++)
				SMapTile *tile = NULL;
				if ((tile = pLevel->GetTile(ix,iy,iz)) == NULL) continue;

				if (tile->type == 0) continue;

				tile->type = 0;

				SMapChunk *chunk = pLevel->GetChunk(
					floor((float)iz/SMapChunk::Size) );

				chunk->dirtyBody = true;
				chunk->dirty = true;

				SSpawnTile s;
				s.pos = Vector3(ix,iy,iz);
				s.vel = (Vector3(ix+frand(-0.25f,+0.25),iy+frand(-0.25f,+0.25),iz+frand(-0.25f,+0.25)) - pos).Normalize() * cv_explosionout.GetFloat() + (-forward)*cv_explosionforce.GetFloat();



	// add particle effect
	static CTexture *expTex = CTexture::Get("particles/flamer.dds");

	CParticle *p = new CParticle(expTex);
	p->position = pos;
	p->size = Vector2(10,10);
	p->sizeVel = Vector2(15,15);
	p->rotationVel = 90;
	p->colorChange = SRGBA(255,255,255,100);
	p->colorTime = 10;
	p->lifetime = 5;
	p->additive = true;
	p->depthWrite = false;

	p = new CParticle(expTex);
	p->position = pos;
	p->size = Vector2(8,8);
	p->sizeVel = Vector2(10,10);
	p->rotationVel = 90;
	p->colorChange = SRGBA(22,22,22,100);
	p->colorTime = 5;
	p->lifetime = 5;
	p->additive = true;
	p->depthWrite = false;
Beispiel #10
SCollisionResult CMovement::Trace( CArray<STriangle> &triangles, Vector3 start, Vector3 bboxMax, Vector3 boxdir[3], Vector3 displacement )
	float fraction = 1.0f;
	SCollisionResult trace, closest;
	float dist, mindist = 99999.0f;
	CArray<STriangle> colliding;

	ZeroMemory(&closest, sizeof(closest));
	ZeroMemory(&trace, sizeof(trace));

	// Find the collisions with the closest triangles	
	for (int i=0; i<triangles.Size(); i++)
		STriangle &t = triangles[i];
		CArray<Vector3> vlist;

		if ( CCollision::OBBPolygon( vlist, start, bboxMax, boxdir, displacement, OUT trace ) )
			if ( trace.fraction <= fraction + 0.1f )
				//if ( trace.fraction < fraction + 0.1f ) colliding.Clear();

				// check if all points of our bbox are in front of the face
				SPlane plane = SPlane( t.v[0], t.v[1], t.v[2] );
				Vector3 size = bboxMax * 2.0f;
				Vector3 min = start - bboxMax;
				Vector3 max = start + bboxMax;

				//Debug("collided: %f %f %f", plane.normal.x, plane.normal.y, plane.normal.z);

				if ( plane.GetSide( min, OUT dist ) == EPlaneSide::Back ) continue; if ( dist < mindist ) mindist = dist;
				if ( plane.GetSide( max, OUT dist ) == EPlaneSide::Back ) continue; if ( dist < mindist ) mindist = dist;
				if ( plane.GetSide( min + Vector3( size.x, 0, 0 ), OUT dist ) == EPlaneSide::Back ) continue; if ( dist < mindist ) mindist = dist;
				if ( plane.GetSide( min + Vector3( 0, size.y, 0 ), OUT dist ) == EPlaneSide::Back ) continue; if ( dist < mindist ) mindist = dist;
				if ( plane.GetSide( min + Vector3( 0, 0, size.z ), OUT dist ) == EPlaneSide::Back ) continue; if ( dist < mindist ) mindist = dist;
				if ( plane.GetSide( max - Vector3( size.x, 0, 0 ), OUT dist ) == EPlaneSide::Back ) continue; if ( dist < mindist ) mindist = dist;
				if ( plane.GetSide( max - Vector3( 0, size.y, 0 ), OUT dist ) == EPlaneSide::Back ) continue; if ( dist < mindist ) mindist = dist;
				if ( plane.GetSide( max - Vector3( 0, 0, size.z ), OUT dist ) == EPlaneSide::Back ) continue; if ( dist < mindist ) mindist = dist;

				fraction = trace.fraction;
				closest = trace;
				t.normal = -(t.v[2] - t.v[0]).Cross(t.v[1] - t.v[0]).Normalize();
				closest.normal = t.normal;
				colliding.AddToTail( t );				// add triangle to colliding triangles list	
				//triangleList.Add( t );


	Vector3 dir = displacement;
	Vector3 normal = closest.normal;
	Vector3 endpoint = start;

	// If collided, process the collision
	if ( fraction < 1 )
		// OK
		float m = 0.005f;								// distance from the surface
		float f = closest.fraction;						// fraction of the full dir distance to the contact point
		Vector3 dirNorm = dir; dirNorm.Normalize();
		if ( Vector3::Dot( -dir, normal ) != 0 )
			// PERFECT !!!
			float ndir = dir.Length() * (m / Vector3::Dot( -dir, normal ));
			float x = (f * dir.Length() - ndir);				// distance we move along the dir direction to stay away from the surface
			//Debug.WriteLine( "normal: " + closest.normal + " x: " + x + "   f: " + f + "   ndir: " + ndir + "    distance to surf: " + mindist + "  ndir.Y: " );

			endpoint = start + dirNorm * x;

			Vector3 slide = ClipVelocity( dir, closest.normal, 1.00f );
			float left = 1.0f - (f - ndir / dir.Length());

			closest.slide = slide * left;
		endpoint = start + dir;

	closest.collision = fraction != 1.0f;
	closest.endpoint = endpoint;
	return closest;