Beispiel #1
// Purpose: We're about to run this usercmd for the specified player.  We can set up groupinfo and masking here, etc.
//  This is the time to examine the usercmd for anything extra.  This call happens even if think does not.
// Input  : *player - 
//			*cmd - 
void CPlayerMove::StartCommand( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *cmd )
	VPROF( "CPlayerMove::StartCommand" );

#if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )

	player->m_pCurrentCommand = cmd;
	CBaseEntity::SetPredictionRandomSeed( cmd );
	CBaseEntity::SetPredictionPlayer( player );
#if defined (HL2_DLL)
	// pull out backchannel data and move this out

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < cmd->entitygroundcontact.Count(); i++)
		int entindex =  cmd->entitygroundcontact[i].entindex;
		CBaseEntity *pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance( engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( entindex) );
		if (pEntity)
			CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = pEntity->GetBaseAnimating();
			if (pAnimating)
				pAnimating->SetIKGroundContactInfo( cmd->entitygroundcontact[i].minheight, cmd->entitygroundcontact[i].maxheight );

void SpawnAllEntities( int nEntities, HierarchicalSpawn_t *pSpawnList, bool bActivateEntities )
	int nEntity;
	for (nEntity = 0; nEntity < nEntities; nEntity++)
		VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_Spawn");
		CBaseEntity *pEntity = pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pEntity;

		if ( pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pDeferredParent )
			// UNDONE: Promote this up to the root of this function?
			CBaseEntity *pParent = pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pDeferredParent;
			int iAttachment = -1;
			CBaseAnimating *pAnim = pParent->GetBaseAnimating();
			if ( pAnim )
				iAttachment = pAnim->LookupAttachment(pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pDeferredParentAttachment);
			pEntity->SetParent( pParent, iAttachment );
		if ( pEntity )
			if (DispatchSpawn(pEntity) < 0)
				for ( int i = nEntity+1; i < nEntities; i++ )
					// this is a child object that will be deleted now
					if ( pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity && pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity->IsMarkedForDeletion() )
						pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity = NULL;
				// Spawn failed.
				// Remove the entity from the spawn list
				pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pEntity = NULL;

	if ( bActivateEntities )
		VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_Activate");
		bool bAsyncAnims = mdlcache->SetAsyncLoad( MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, false );
		for (nEntity = 0; nEntity < nEntities; nEntity++)
			CBaseEntity *pEntity = pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pEntity;

			if ( pEntity )
		mdlcache->SetAsyncLoad( MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, bAsyncAnims );
Beispiel #3
// Purpose: 
// Input  : inputdata - 
void CEntityDissolve::InputDissolve( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	string_t strTarget = inputdata.value.StringID();

	if (strTarget == NULL_STRING)
		strTarget = m_target;

	CBaseEntity *pTarget = NULL;
	while ((pTarget = gEntList.FindEntityGeneric(pTarget, STRING(strTarget), this, inputdata.pActivator)) != NULL)
		CBaseAnimating *pBaseAnim = pTarget->GetBaseAnimating();
		if (pBaseAnim)
			pBaseAnim->Dissolve( NULL, gpGlobals->curtime, false, m_nDissolveType, GetAbsOrigin(), m_nMagnitude );
void PropBreakableCreateAll( int modelindex, IPhysicsObject *pPhysics, const breakablepropparams_t &params, CBaseEntity *pEntity, int iPrecomputedBreakableCount, bool bIgnoreGibLimit, bool defaultLocation )
        // Check for prop breakable count reset. 
	int nPropCount = props_break_max_pieces_perframe.GetInt(); 
	if ( nPropCount != -1 ) 
		if ( nFrameNumber != gpGlobals->framecount ) 
			nPropBreakablesPerFrameCount = 0; 
			nFrameNumber = gpGlobals->framecount; 
		// Check for max breakable count for the frame. 
		if ( nPropBreakablesPerFrameCount >= nPropCount ) 
	int iMaxBreakCount = bIgnoreGibLimit ? -1 : props_break_max_pieces.GetInt();
	if ( iMaxBreakCount != -1 )
		if ( iPrecomputedBreakableCount != -1 )
			iPrecomputedBreakableCount = MIN( iMaxBreakCount, iPrecomputedBreakableCount );
			iPrecomputedBreakableCount = iMaxBreakCount;

#ifdef GAME_DLL
	// On server limit break model creation
	if ( !PropBreakableCapEdictsOnCreateAll(modelindex, pPhysics, params, pEntity, iPrecomputedBreakableCount ) )
		DevMsg( "Failed to create PropBreakable: would exceed MAX_EDICTS\n" );
	vcollide_t *pCollide = modelinfo->GetVCollide( modelindex );
	if ( !pCollide )

	int nSkin = 0;
	CBaseEntity *pOwnerEntity = pEntity;
	CBaseAnimating *pOwnerAnim = NULL;
	if ( pPhysics )
		pOwnerEntity = static_cast<CBaseEntity *>(pPhysics->GetGameData());
	if ( pOwnerEntity )
		pOwnerAnim = pOwnerEntity->GetBaseAnimating();
		if ( pOwnerAnim )
			nSkin = pOwnerAnim->m_nSkin;
	matrix3x4_t localToWorld;

	CStudioHdr studioHdr;
	const model_t *model = modelinfo->GetModel( modelindex );
	if ( model )
		studioHdr.Init( modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( model ) );

	Vector parentOrigin = vec3_origin;
	int parentAttachment = 	Studio_FindAttachment( &studioHdr, "placementOrigin" ) + 1;
	if ( parentAttachment > 0 )
		GetAttachmentLocalSpace( &studioHdr, parentAttachment-1, localToWorld );
		MatrixGetColumn( localToWorld, 3, parentOrigin );
		AngleMatrix( vec3_angle, localToWorld );
	CUtlVector<breakmodel_t> list;

	BreakModelList( list, modelindex, params.defBurstScale, params.defCollisionGroup );

	if ( list.Count() )
		for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count(); i++ )
			int modelIndex = modelinfo->GetModelIndex( list[i].modelName );
			if ( modelIndex <= 0 )

			// Skip multiplayer pieces that should be spawning on the other dll
#ifdef GAME_DLL
			if ( gpGlobals->maxClients > 1 && breakable_multiplayer.GetBool() )
			if ( gpGlobals->maxClients > 1 )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
				if ( list[i].mpBreakMode == MULTIPLAYER_BREAK_CLIENTSIDE )
				if ( list[i].mpBreakMode == MULTIPLAYER_BREAK_SERVERSIDE )

				if ( !defaultLocation && list[i].mpBreakMode == MULTIPLAYER_BREAK_DEFAULT )

			if ( ( nPropCount != -1 ) && ( nPropBreakablesPerFrameCount > nPropCount ) )

			if ( ( iPrecomputedBreakableCount != -1 ) && ( i >= iPrecomputedBreakableCount ) )

			matrix3x4_t matrix;
			AngleMatrix( params.angles, params.origin, matrix );

			CStudioHdr studioHdr;
			const model_t *model = modelinfo->GetModel( modelIndex );
			if ( model )
				studioHdr.Init( modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( model ) );

			// Increment the number of breakable props this frame.

			Vector position = vec3_origin;
			QAngle angles = params.angles;
			if ( pOwnerAnim && list[i].placementName[0] )
				if ( list[i].placementIsBone )
					int boneIndex = pOwnerAnim->LookupBone( list[i].placementName );
					if ( boneIndex >= 0 )
						pOwnerAnim->GetBonePosition( boneIndex, position, angles );
						AngleMatrix( angles, position, matrix );
					int attachmentIndex = Studio_FindAttachment( &studioHdr, list[i].placementName ) + 1;
					if ( attachmentIndex > 0 )
						pOwnerAnim->GetAttachment( attachmentIndex, matrix );
						MatrixAngles( matrix, angles );
				int placementIndex = Studio_FindAttachment( &studioHdr, "placementOrigin" ) + 1;
				Vector placementOrigin = parentOrigin;
				if ( placementIndex > 0 )
					GetAttachmentLocalSpace( &studioHdr, placementIndex-1, localToWorld );
					MatrixGetColumn( localToWorld, 3, placementOrigin );
					placementOrigin -= parentOrigin;

				VectorTransform( list[i].offset - placementOrigin, matrix, position );
			Vector objectVelocity = params.velocity;

			if (pPhysics)
				pPhysics->GetVelocityAtPoint( position, &objectVelocity );

			int nActualSkin = nSkin;
			if ( nActualSkin > studioHdr.numskinfamilies() )
				nActualSkin = 0;

			CBaseEntity *pBreakable = NULL;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
			if ( GetGibManager() == NULL || GetGibManager()->AllowedToSpawnGib() )
				pBreakable = BreakModelCreateSingle( pOwnerEntity, &list[i], position, angles, objectVelocity, params.angularVelocity, nActualSkin, params );

			if ( pBreakable )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
				if ( GetGibManager() )
					GetGibManager()->AddGibToLRU( pBreakable->GetBaseAnimating() );
				if ( pOwnerEntity && pOwnerEntity->IsEffectActive( EF_NOSHADOW ) )
					pBreakable->AddEffects( EF_NOSHADOW );

				// If burst scale is set, this piece should 'burst' away from
				// the origin in addition to travelling in the wished velocity.
				if ( list[i].burstScale != 0.0 )
					Vector vecBurstDir = position - params.origin;

					// If $autocenter wasn't used, try the center of the piece
					if ( vecBurstDir == vec3_origin )
						vecBurstDir = pBreakable->WorldSpaceCenter() - params.origin;

					VectorNormalize( vecBurstDir );

					pBreakable->ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( vecBurstDir * list[i].burstScale );

				// If this piece is supposed to be motion disabled, disable it
				if ( list[i].isMotionDisabled )
					IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = pBreakable->VPhysicsGetObject();
					if ( pPhysicsObject != NULL )
						pPhysicsObject->EnableMotion( false );
	// Then see if the propdata specifies any breakable pieces
	else if ( pEntity )
		IBreakableWithPropData *pBreakableInterface = dynamic_cast<IBreakableWithPropData*>(pEntity);
		if ( pBreakableInterface && pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableModel() != NULL_STRING && pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableCount() )
			breakmodel_t breakModel;

			for ( int i = 0; i < pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableCount(); i++ )
				if ( ( iPrecomputedBreakableCount != -1 ) && ( i >= iPrecomputedBreakableCount ) )

				Q_strncpy( breakModel.modelName, g_PropDataSystem.GetRandomChunkModel(STRING(pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableModel()), pBreakableInterface->GetMaxBreakableSize()), sizeof(breakModel.modelName) ); = 1;
				breakModel.fadeTime = RandomFloat(5,10);
				breakModel.fadeMinDist = 0.0f;
				breakModel.fadeMaxDist = 0.0f;
				breakModel.burstScale = params.defBurstScale;
				breakModel.collisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS;
				breakModel.isRagdoll = false;
				breakModel.isMotionDisabled = false;
				breakModel.placementName[0] = 0;
				breakModel.placementIsBone = false;

				Vector vecObbSize = pEntity->CollisionProp()->OBBSize();

				// Find a random point on the plane of the original's two largest axis
				int smallestAxis = SmallestAxis( vecObbSize );
				Vector vecMins(0,0,0);
				Vector vecMaxs(1,1,1);
				vecMins[smallestAxis] = 0.5;
				vecMaxs[smallestAxis] = 0.5;
				pEntity->CollisionProp()->RandomPointInBounds( vecMins, vecMaxs, &breakModel.offset );

				// Push all chunks away from the center
				Vector vecBurstDir = breakModel.offset - params.origin;
				VectorNormalize( vecBurstDir );
				Vector vecVelocity = vecBurstDir * params.defBurstScale;

				QAngle vecAngles = pEntity->GetAbsAngles();
				int iSkin = pBreakableInterface->GetBreakableSkin();

				CBaseEntity *pBreakable = NULL;

#ifdef GAME_DLL
				if ( GetGibManager() == NULL || GetGibManager()->AllowedToSpawnGib() )
					pBreakable = BreakModelCreateSingle( pOwnerEntity, &breakModel, breakModel.offset, vecAngles, vecVelocity, vec3_origin/*params.angularVelocity*/, iSkin, params );
					if ( !pBreakable )
						DevWarning( "PropBreakableCreateAll: Could not create model %s\n", breakModel.modelName );

				if ( pBreakable )
#ifdef GAME_DLL
					if ( GetGibManager() )
						GetGibManager()->AddGibToLRU( pBreakable->GetBaseAnimating() );
					Vector vecBreakableObbSize = pBreakable->CollisionProp()->OBBSize();

					// Try to align the gibs along the original axis 
					matrix3x4_t matrix;
					AngleMatrix( vecAngles, matrix );
					AlignBoxes( &matrix, vecObbSize, vecBreakableObbSize );
					MatrixAngles( matrix, vecAngles );

					if ( pBreakable->VPhysicsGetObject() )
						Vector pos;
						pBreakable->VPhysicsGetObject()->GetPosition( &pos, NULL );
						pBreakable->VPhysicsGetObject()->SetPosition( pos, vecAngles, true );

					pBreakable->SetAbsAngles( vecAngles );

					if ( pOwnerEntity->IsEffectActive( EF_NOSHADOW ) )
						pBreakable->AddEffects( EF_NOSHADOW );
bool CParticleSystemQuery::IsPointInControllingObjectHitBox( 
	CParticleCollection *pParticles,
	int nControlPointNumber, Vector vecPos, bool bBBoxOnly )
	bool bSuccess = false;
#ifndef GAME_DLL

	EHANDLE *phMoveParent = reinterpret_cast<EHANDLE *> ( pParticles->m_ControlPoints[nControlPointNumber].m_pObject );
	CBaseEntity *pMoveParent = NULL;
	if ( phMoveParent )
		pMoveParent = *( phMoveParent );
	if ( pMoveParent )
		C_BaseAnimating *pAnimating = pMoveParent->GetBaseAnimating();

		bool bInBBox = false;
		Vector vecBBoxMin;
		Vector vecBBoxMax;
		Vector vecOrigin;

		vecBBoxMin = pMoveParent->CollisionProp()->OBBMins();
		vecBBoxMax = pMoveParent->CollisionProp()->OBBMaxs();

		matrix3x4_t matOrientation;
		matOrientation = pMoveParent->EntityToWorldTransform();
		Vector vecLocalPos;
		VectorITransform( vecPos, matOrientation, vecLocalPos );
		if ( IsPointInBox( vecLocalPos, vecBBoxMin, vecBBoxMax ) )
			bInBBox = true;

		if ( bInBBox && bBBoxOnly )
			bSuccess = true;
		else if ( pAnimating && bInBBox )
			matrix3x4_t	*hitboxbones[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
			if ( pAnimating->HitboxToWorldTransforms( hitboxbones ) )

				studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( pAnimating->GetModel() );

				if ( pStudioHdr )
					mstudiohitboxset_t *set = pStudioHdr->pHitboxSet( pAnimating->GetHitboxSet() );

					if ( set )
						// do a point in solid test
						Ray_t ray;
						trace_t tr;
						ray.Init( vecPos, vecPos );
						enginetrace->ClipRayToEntity( ray, MASK_ALL, pMoveParent, &tr );
						if ( tr.startsolid )
							bSuccess = true;
		else if ( pMoveParent->IsBrushModel() && bInBBox )
			// do a point in solid test
			Ray_t ray;
			trace_t tr;
			ray.Init( vecPos, vecPos );
			enginetrace->ClipRayToEntity( ray, MASK_ALL, pMoveParent, &tr );
			if ( tr.startsolid )
				bSuccess = true;

	return bSuccess;
int CParticleSystemQuery::GetControllingObjectHitBoxInfo(
	CParticleCollection *pParticles,
	int nControlPointNumber,
	int nBufSize,										// # of output slots available
	ModelHitBoxInfo_t *pHitBoxOutputBuffer )
	int nRet = 0;

#ifndef GAME_DLL

	EHANDLE *phMoveParent = reinterpret_cast<EHANDLE *> ( pParticles->m_ControlPoints[nControlPointNumber].m_pObject );
	CBaseEntity *pMoveParent = NULL;
	if ( phMoveParent )
		pMoveParent = *( phMoveParent );

	if ( pMoveParent )
		C_BaseAnimating *pAnimating = pMoveParent->GetBaseAnimating();
		if ( pAnimating )
			matrix3x4_t	*hitboxbones[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
			if ( pAnimating->HitboxToWorldTransforms( hitboxbones ) )
				studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( pAnimating->GetModel() );
				if ( pStudioHdr )
					mstudiohitboxset_t *set = pStudioHdr->pHitboxSet( pAnimating->GetHitboxSet() );
					if ( set )
						nRet = min( nBufSize, set->numhitboxes );
						for( int i=0 ; i < nRet; i++ )
							mstudiobbox_t *pBox = set->pHitbox( i );
							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[i].m_vecBoxMins.x = pBox->bbmin.x;
							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[i].m_vecBoxMins.y = pBox->bbmin.y;
							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[i].m_vecBoxMins.z = pBox->bbmin.z;

							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[i].m_vecBoxMaxes.x = pBox->bbmax.x;
							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[i].m_vecBoxMaxes.y = pBox->bbmax.y;
							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[i].m_vecBoxMaxes.z = pBox->bbmax.z;

							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[i].m_Transform = *hitboxbones[pBox->bone];
		if ( pMoveParent->IsBrushModel() )
			Vector vecMin;
			Vector vecMax;
			matrix3x4_t matOrientation;
			pMoveParent->GetRenderBounds( vecMin, vecMax  );
			matOrientation = pMoveParent->EntityToWorldTransform();
			pHitBoxOutputBuffer[0].m_vecBoxMins = vecMin;
			pHitBoxOutputBuffer[0].m_vecBoxMaxes = vecMax;
			pHitBoxOutputBuffer[0].m_Transform = matOrientation;
			nRet = 1;
	return nRet;
void CParticleSystemQuery::GetRandomPointsOnControllingObjectHitBox( 
	CParticleCollection *pParticles,
	int nControlPointNumber, 
	int nNumPtsOut,
	float flBBoxScale,
	int nNumTrysToGetAPointInsideTheModel,
	Vector *pPntsOut,
	Vector vecDirectionalBias,
	Vector *pHitBoxRelativeCoordOut,
	int *pHitBoxIndexOut

	bool bSucesss = false;

#ifndef GAME_DLL

	EHANDLE *phMoveParent = reinterpret_cast<EHANDLE *> ( pParticles->m_ControlPoints[nControlPointNumber].m_pObject );
	CBaseEntity *pMoveParent = NULL;
	if ( phMoveParent )
		pMoveParent = *( phMoveParent );
	if ( pMoveParent )
		float flRandMax = flBBoxScale;
		float flRandMin = 1.0 - flBBoxScale;
		Vector vecBasePos;
		pParticles->GetControlPointAtTime( nControlPointNumber, pParticles->m_flCurTime, &vecBasePos );

		C_BaseAnimating *pAnimating = pMoveParent->GetBaseAnimating();
		if ( pAnimating )
			matrix3x4_t	*hitboxbones[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
			if ( pAnimating->HitboxToWorldTransforms( hitboxbones ) )
				studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( pAnimating->GetModel() );
				if ( pStudioHdr )
					mstudiohitboxset_t *set = pStudioHdr->pHitboxSet( pAnimating->GetHitboxSet() );
					if ( set )
						bSucesss = true;
						Vector vecWorldPosition;
						float u = 0, v = 0, w = 0;
						int nHitbox = 0;
						int nNumIters = nNumTrysToGetAPointInsideTheModel;
						if (! vecDirectionalBias.IsZero( 0.0001 ) )
							nNumIters = max( nNumIters, 5 );

						for( int i=0 ; i < nNumPtsOut; i++)
							int nTryCnt = nNumIters;
							float flBestPointGoodness = -1.0e20;
								int nTryHitbox = pParticles->RandomInt( 0, set->numhitboxes - 1 );
								mstudiobbox_t *pBox = set->pHitbox(nTryHitbox);
								float flTryU = pParticles->RandomFloat( flRandMin, flRandMax );
								float flTryV = pParticles->RandomFloat( flRandMin, flRandMax );
								float flTryW = pParticles->RandomFloat( flRandMin, flRandMax );

								Vector vecLocalPosition;
								vecLocalPosition.x = GetSurfaceCoord( flTryU, pBox->bbmin.x, pBox->bbmax.x );
								vecLocalPosition.y = GetSurfaceCoord( flTryV, pBox->bbmin.y, pBox->bbmax.y );
								vecLocalPosition.z = GetSurfaceCoord( flTryW, pBox->bbmin.z, pBox->bbmax.z );

								Vector vecTryWorldPosition;

								VectorTransform( vecLocalPosition, *hitboxbones[pBox->bone], vecTryWorldPosition );
								float flPointGoodness = pParticles->RandomFloat( 0, 72 )
									+ DotProduct( vecTryWorldPosition - vecBasePos, 
												  vecDirectionalBias );

								if ( nNumTrysToGetAPointInsideTheModel )
									// do a point in solid test
									Ray_t ray;
									trace_t tr;
									ray.Init( vecTryWorldPosition, vecTryWorldPosition );
									enginetrace->ClipRayToEntity( ray, MASK_ALL, pMoveParent, &tr );
									if ( tr.startsolid )
										flPointGoodness += 1000.; // got a point inside!
								if ( flPointGoodness > flBestPointGoodness )
									u = flTryU;
									v = flTryV;
									w = flTryW;
									vecWorldPosition = vecTryWorldPosition;
									nHitbox = nTryHitbox;
									flBestPointGoodness = flPointGoodness;
							} while ( nTryCnt-- );
							*( pPntsOut++ ) = vecWorldPosition;
							if ( pHitBoxRelativeCoordOut )
								( pHitBoxRelativeCoordOut++ )->Init( u, v, w );
							if ( pHitBoxIndexOut )
								*( pHitBoxIndexOut++ ) = nHitbox;

		if ( pMoveParent->IsBrushModel() )
			Vector vecMin;
			Vector vecMax;
			matrix3x4_t matOrientation;
			Vector VecOrigin;
			pMoveParent->GetRenderBounds( vecMin, vecMax  );
			VecOrigin = pMoveParent->GetRenderOrigin();
			matOrientation = pMoveParent->EntityToWorldTransform();


			Vector vecWorldPosition;
			float u = 0, v = 0, w = 0;
			int nHitbox = 0;
			int nNumIters = nNumTrysToGetAPointInsideTheModel;
			if (! vecDirectionalBias.IsZero( 0.0001 ) )
				nNumIters = max( nNumIters, 5 );

			for( int i=0 ; i < nNumPtsOut; i++)
				int nTryCnt = nNumIters;
				float flBestPointGoodness = -1.0e20;
					float flTryU = pParticles->RandomFloat( flRandMin, flRandMax );
					float flTryV = pParticles->RandomFloat( flRandMin, flRandMax );
					float flTryW = pParticles->RandomFloat( flRandMin, flRandMax );

					Vector vecLocalPosition;
					vecLocalPosition.x = GetSurfaceCoord( flTryU, vecMin.x, vecMax.x );
					vecLocalPosition.y = GetSurfaceCoord( flTryV, vecMin.y, vecMax.y );
					vecLocalPosition.z = GetSurfaceCoord( flTryW, vecMin.z, vecMax.z );

					Vector vecTryWorldPosition;
					VectorTransform( vecLocalPosition, matOrientation, vecTryWorldPosition );

					float flPointGoodness = pParticles->RandomFloat( 0, 72 )
						+ DotProduct( vecTryWorldPosition - vecBasePos, 
						vecDirectionalBias );

					if ( nNumTrysToGetAPointInsideTheModel )
						// do a point in solid test
						Ray_t ray;
						trace_t tr;
						ray.Init( vecTryWorldPosition, vecTryWorldPosition );
						enginetrace->ClipRayToEntity( ray, MASK_ALL, pMoveParent, &tr );
						if ( tr.startsolid )
							flPointGoodness += 1000.; // got a point inside!
					if ( flPointGoodness > flBestPointGoodness )
						u = flTryU;
						v = flTryV;
						w = flTryW;
						vecWorldPosition = vecTryWorldPosition;
						nHitbox = 0;
						flBestPointGoodness = flPointGoodness;
				} while ( nTryCnt-- );
				*( pPntsOut++ ) = vecWorldPosition;
				if ( pHitBoxRelativeCoordOut )
					( pHitBoxRelativeCoordOut++ )->Init( u, v, w );
				if ( pHitBoxIndexOut )
					*( pHitBoxIndexOut++ ) = nHitbox;

	if (! bSucesss )
		// don't have a model or am in editor or something - fill return with control point
		for( int i=0 ; i < nNumPtsOut; i++)
			pPntsOut[i] = pParticles->m_ControlPoints[nControlPointNumber].m_Position; // fallback if anything goes wrong
			if ( pHitBoxIndexOut )
				pHitBoxIndexOut[i] = 0;
			if ( pHitBoxRelativeCoordOut )
void CSDKPlayer::FireBullet( 
						   Vector vecSrc,	// shooting postion
						   const QAngle &shootAngles,  //shooting angle
						   float vecSpread, // spread vector
						   SDKWeaponID eWeaponID,	// weapon that fired this shot
						   int iDamage, // base damage
						   int iBulletType, // ammo type
						   CBaseEntity *pevAttacker, // shooter
						   bool bDoEffects,	// create impact effect ?
						   float x,	// spread x factor
						   float y	// spread y factor
	float flCurrentDistance = 0.0;  //distance that the bullet has traveled so far

	Vector vecDirShooting, vecRight, vecUp;
	AngleVectors( shootAngles, &vecDirShooting, &vecRight, &vecUp );

	if ( !pevAttacker )
		pevAttacker = this;  // the default attacker is ourselves

	// add the spray 
	Vector vecDir = vecDirShooting +
		x * vecSpread * vecRight +
		y * vecSpread * vecUp;

	VectorNormalize( vecDir );

	float flMaxRange = 8000;

	Vector vecEnd = vecSrc + vecDir * flMaxRange; // max bullet range is 10000 units
	CBaseEntity* pIgnore = this;

	// initialize these before the penetration loop, we'll need them to make our tracer after
	Vector vecTracerSrc = vecSrc;
	trace_t tr; // main enter bullet trace

	for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		CTraceFilterSimpleList tf(COLLISION_GROUP_NONE);


		if ( tr.fraction == 1.0f )
			break; // we didn't hit anything, stop tracing shoot

		if ( sv_showimpacts.GetBool() )
			// draw red client impact markers
			debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( tr.endpos, Vector(-2,-2,-2), Vector(2,2,2), QAngle( 0, 0, 0), 255,0,0,127, 4 );

			if ( tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->IsPlayer() )
				C_BasePlayer *player = ToBasePlayer( tr.m_pEnt );
				player->DrawClientHitboxes( 4, true );
			// draw blue server impact markers
			NDebugOverlay::Box( tr.endpos, Vector(-2,-2,-2), Vector(2,2,2), 0,0,255,127, 4 );

			if ( tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->IsPlayer() )
				CBasePlayer *player = ToBasePlayer( tr.m_pEnt );
				player->DrawServerHitboxes( 4, true );

		weapontype_t eWeaponType = WT_NONE;

		CSDKWeaponInfo *pWeaponInfo = CSDKWeaponInfo::GetWeaponInfo(eWeaponID);
		if (pWeaponInfo)
			eWeaponType = pWeaponInfo->m_eWeaponType;

		float flDamageMultiplier = 1;
		float flMaxRange = 3000;

		// Power formula works like so:
		// pow( x, distance/y )
		// The damage will be at 1 when the distance is 0 units, and at
		// x% when the distance is y units, with a gradual decay approaching zero
		switch (eWeaponType)
		case WT_RIFLE:
			flDamageMultiplier = 0.75f;
			flMaxRange = 3000;

		case WT_SHOTGUN:
			flDamageMultiplier = 0.40f;
			flMaxRange = 500;

		case WT_SMG:
			flDamageMultiplier = 0.50f;
			flMaxRange = 1000;

		case WT_PISTOL:
			flDamageMultiplier = 0.55f;
			flMaxRange = 1500;

		//calculate the damage based on the distance the bullet travelled.
		flCurrentDistance += tr.fraction * flMaxRange;

		// First 500 units, no decrease in damage.
		if (eWeaponType == WT_SHOTGUN)
			flCurrentDistance -= 350;
			flCurrentDistance -= 500;

		if (flCurrentDistance < 0)
			flCurrentDistance = 0;

		if (flCurrentDistance > flMaxRange)
			flCurrentDistance = flMaxRange;

		float flDistanceMultiplier = pow(flDamageMultiplier, (flCurrentDistance / flMaxRange));

		int iDamageType = DMG_BULLET | DMG_NEVERGIB | GetAmmoDef()->DamageType(iBulletType);

		if (i == 0)
			iDamageType |= DMG_DIRECT;

		if( bDoEffects )
			// See if the bullet ended up underwater + started out of the water
			if ( enginetrace->GetPointContents( tr.endpos ) & (CONTENTS_WATER|CONTENTS_SLIME) )
				trace_t waterTrace;
				UTIL_TraceLine( vecSrc, tr.endpos, (MASK_SHOT|CONTENTS_WATER|CONTENTS_SLIME), pIgnore, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &waterTrace );

				if( waterTrace.allsolid != 1 )
					CEffectData	data;
					data.m_vOrigin = waterTrace.endpos;
					data.m_vNormal = waterTrace.plane.normal;
					data.m_flScale = random->RandomFloat( 8, 12 );

					if ( waterTrace.contents & CONTENTS_SLIME )
						data.m_fFlags |= FX_WATER_IN_SLIME;

					DispatchEffect( "gunshotsplash", data );
				//Do Regular hit effects

				// Don't decal nodraw surfaces
				if ( !( tr.surface.flags & (SURF_SKY|SURF_NODRAW|SURF_HINT|SURF_SKIP) ) )
					CBaseEntity *pEntity = tr.m_pEnt;
					//Tony; only while using teams do we check for friendly fire.
					if ( pEntity && pEntity->IsPlayer() && (pEntity->GetBaseAnimating() && !pEntity->GetBaseAnimating()->IsRagdoll()) )
#if defined ( SDK_USE_TEAMS )
						if ( pEntity->GetTeamNumber() == GetTeamNumber() )
							if ( !friendlyfire.GetBool() )
								UTIL_ImpactTrace( &tr, iDamageType );
						UTIL_ImpactTrace( &tr, iDamageType );
					//Tony; non player, just go nuts,
						UTIL_ImpactTrace( &tr, iDamageType );
		} // bDoEffects

		// add damage to entity that we hit

#ifdef GAME_DLL
		float flBulletDamage = iDamage * flDistanceMultiplier / (i+1);	// Each iteration the bullet drops in strength


		CTakeDamageInfo info( pevAttacker, pevAttacker, flBulletDamage, iDamageType );
		CalculateBulletDamageForce( &info, iBulletType, vecDir, tr.endpos );
		tr.m_pEnt->DispatchTraceAttack( info, vecDir, &tr );

		TraceAttackToTriggers( info, tr.startpos, tr.endpos, vecDir );

		flDistanceMultiplier = flDistanceMultiplier; // Silence warning.

		pIgnore = tr.m_pEnt;

		float flPenetrationDistance;
		switch (eWeaponType)
		case WT_RIFLE:
			flPenetrationDistance = 25;

		case WT_SHOTGUN:
			flPenetrationDistance = 5;

		case WT_SMG:
			flPenetrationDistance = 15;

		case WT_PISTOL:
			flPenetrationDistance = 15;

		Vector vecBackwards = tr.endpos + vecDir * flPenetrationDistance;
		if (tr.m_pEnt->IsBSPModel())
			UTIL_TraceLine( vecBackwards, tr.endpos, CONTENTS_HITBOX, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

		if (tr.startsolid)
		if (tr.m_pEnt)
			// let's have a bullet exit effect if we penetrated a solid surface
			if (tr.m_pEnt->IsBSPModel())
				UTIL_ImpactTrace( &tr, iDamageType );

			// ignore the entity we just hit for the next trace to avoid weird impact behaviors
			pIgnore = tr.m_pEnt;

		// Set up the next trace.
		vecSrc = tr.endpos + vecDir;	// One unit in the direction of fire so that we firmly embed ourselves in whatever solid was hit.
	// the bullet's done penetrating, let's spawn our particle system
	if (bDoEffects && (pevAttacker == this))
		MakeTracer( vecTracerSrc, tr, TRACER_TYPE_DEFAULT );
int CParticleSystemQuery::GetControllingObjectHitBoxInfo(
	CParticleCollection *pParticles,
	int nControlPointNumber,
	int nBufSize,										// # of output slots available
	ModelHitBoxInfo_t *pHitBoxOutputBuffer )
	int nRet = 0;

#ifndef GAME_DLL

	EHANDLE *phMoveParent = reinterpret_cast<EHANDLE *> ( pParticles->ControlPoint( nControlPointNumber ).m_pObject );
	CBaseEntity *pMoveParent = NULL;
	if ( phMoveParent )
		pMoveParent = *( phMoveParent );

	if ( pMoveParent )
		C_BaseAnimating *pAnimating = pMoveParent->GetBaseAnimating();
		if ( pAnimating )
			matrix3x4_t	*hitboxbones[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
			if ( pAnimating->HitboxToWorldTransforms( hitboxbones ) )
				studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( pAnimating->GetModel() );
				if ( pStudioHdr )
					// Try to get the "effects" set first, otherwise use their current set
					int nEffectsHitboxSet = FindHitboxSetByName( pAnimating->GetModelPtr(), "effects" );
					mstudiohitboxset_t *set = pStudioHdr->pHitboxSet( nEffectsHitboxSet != -1 ? nEffectsHitboxSet : pAnimating->GetHitboxSet() );
					if ( set )
						for( int i=0 ; i < set->numhitboxes; i++ )
							mstudiobbox_t *pBox = set->pHitbox( i );

							// E3 HACK - check for hitboxes at the origin and ignore those
							if ( fabs( (*hitboxbones[pBox->bone])[0][3] ) < POINT_AT_ORIGIN_EPSILON && fabs( (*hitboxbones[pBox->bone])[1][3] ) < POINT_AT_ORIGIN_EPSILON && fabs( (*hitboxbones[pBox->bone])[2][3] ) < POINT_AT_ORIGIN_EPSILON )

							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[nRet].m_vecBoxMins.x = pBox->bbmin.x;
							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[nRet].m_vecBoxMins.y = pBox->bbmin.y;
							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[nRet].m_vecBoxMins.z = pBox->bbmin.z;

							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[nRet].m_vecBoxMaxes.x = pBox->bbmax.x;
							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[nRet].m_vecBoxMaxes.y = pBox->bbmax.y;
							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[nRet].m_vecBoxMaxes.z = pBox->bbmax.z;

							pHitBoxOutputBuffer[nRet].m_Transform = *hitboxbones[pBox->bone];


							if ( nRet >= nBufSize )
		if ( pMoveParent->IsBrushModel() )
			Vector vecMin;
			Vector vecMax;
			matrix3x4_t matOrientation;
			pMoveParent->GetRenderBounds( vecMin, vecMax  );
			matOrientation = pMoveParent->EntityToWorldTransform();
			pHitBoxOutputBuffer[0].m_vecBoxMins = vecMin;
			pHitBoxOutputBuffer[0].m_vecBoxMaxes = vecMax;
			pHitBoxOutputBuffer[0].m_Transform = matOrientation;
			nRet = 1;
	return nRet;
void CSDKPlayer::FireBullet( 
						   Vector vecSrc,	// shooting postion
						   const QAngle &shootAngles,  //shooting angle
						   float vecSpread, // spread vector
						   int iDamage, // base damage
						   int iBulletType, // ammo type
						   CBaseEntity *pevAttacker, // shooter
						   bool bDoEffects,	// create impact effect ?
						   float x,	// spread x factor
						   float y	// spread y factor
	float fCurrentDamage = iDamage;   // damage of the bullet at it's current trajectory
	float flCurrentDistance = 0.0;  //distance that the bullet has traveled so far

	Vector vecDirShooting, vecRight, vecUp;
	AngleVectors( shootAngles, &vecDirShooting, &vecRight, &vecUp );

	if ( !pevAttacker )
		pevAttacker = this;  // the default attacker is ourselves

	// add the spray 
	Vector vecDir = vecDirShooting +
		x * vecSpread * vecRight +
		y * vecSpread * vecUp;

	VectorNormalize( vecDir );

	float flMaxRange = 8000;

	Vector vecEnd = vecSrc + vecDir * flMaxRange; // max bullet range is 10000 units

	trace_t tr; // main enter bullet trace


	if ( tr.fraction == 1.0f )
		return; // we didn't hit anything, stop tracing shoot

	if ( sv_showimpacts.GetBool() )
		// draw red client impact markers
		debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( tr.endpos, Vector(-2,-2,-2), Vector(2,2,2), QAngle( 0, 0, 0), 255,0,0,127, 4 );

		if ( tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->IsPlayer() )
			C_BasePlayer *player = ToBasePlayer( tr.m_pEnt );
			player->DrawClientHitboxes( 4, true );
		// draw blue server impact markers
		NDebugOverlay::Box( tr.endpos, Vector(-2,-2,-2), Vector(2,2,2), 0,0,255,127, 4 );

		if ( tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->IsPlayer() )
			CBasePlayer *player = ToBasePlayer( tr.m_pEnt );
			player->DrawServerHitboxes( 4, true );

		//calculate the damage based on the distance the bullet travelled.
		flCurrentDistance += tr.fraction * flMaxRange;

		// damage get weaker of distance
		fCurrentDamage *= pow ( 0.85f, (flCurrentDistance / 500));

		int iDamageType = DMG_BULLET | DMG_NEVERGIB;

		if( bDoEffects )
			// See if the bullet ended up underwater + started out of the water
			if ( enginetrace->GetPointContents( tr.endpos ) & (CONTENTS_WATER|CONTENTS_SLIME) )
				trace_t waterTrace;
				UTIL_TraceLine( vecSrc, tr.endpos, (MASK_SHOT|CONTENTS_WATER|CONTENTS_SLIME), this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &waterTrace );

				if( waterTrace.allsolid != 1 )
					CEffectData	data;
					data.m_vOrigin = waterTrace.endpos;
					data.m_vNormal = waterTrace.plane.normal;
					data.m_flScale = random->RandomFloat( 8, 12 );

					if ( waterTrace.contents & CONTENTS_SLIME )
						data.m_fFlags |= FX_WATER_IN_SLIME;

					DispatchEffect( "gunshotsplash", data );
				//Do Regular hit effects

				// Don't decal nodraw surfaces
				if ( !( tr.surface.flags & (SURF_SKY|SURF_NODRAW|SURF_HINT|SURF_SKIP) ) )
					CBaseEntity *pEntity = tr.m_pEnt;
					//Tony; only while using teams do we check for friendly fire.
					if ( pEntity && pEntity->IsPlayer() && (pEntity->GetBaseAnimating() && !pEntity->GetBaseAnimating()->IsRagdoll()) )
#if defined ( SDK_USE_TEAMS )
						if ( pEntity->GetTeamNumber() == GetTeamNumber() )
							if ( !friendlyfire.GetBool() )
								UTIL_ImpactTrace( &tr, iDamageType );
						UTIL_ImpactTrace( &tr, iDamageType );
					//Tony; non player, just go nuts,
						UTIL_ImpactTrace( &tr, iDamageType );
		} // bDoEffects

		// add damage to entity that we hit

#ifdef GAME_DLL

		CTakeDamageInfo info( pevAttacker, pevAttacker, fCurrentDamage, iDamageType );
		CalculateBulletDamageForce( &info, iBulletType, vecDir, tr.endpos );
		tr.m_pEnt->DispatchTraceAttack( info, vecDir, &tr );

		TraceAttackToTriggers( info, tr.startpos, tr.endpos, vecDir );

void CBulletManager::SimulateBullet(CBullet& oBullet, float dt)
	Vector vecOriginal = oBullet.m_vecOrigin;

	if (!oBullet.m_hShooter)

	bool bHasTraveledBefore = false;
	if (oBullet.m_flDistanceTraveled > 0)
		bHasTraveledBefore = true;

	// initialize these before the penetration loop, we'll need them to make our tracer after
	Vector vecTracerSrc = oBullet.m_vecOrigin;
	trace_t tr; // main enter bullet trace

	float flRange = dt;

	if (flRange < 0)
		flRange = 8000;

	bool bFullPenetrationDistance = false;

	Vector vecEnd = oBullet.m_vecOrigin + oBullet.m_vecDirection * flRange;

	int i;
	for (i = oBullet.m_iPenetrations; i < da_bullet_penetrations.GetInt(); i++)
		CTraceFilterSimpleList tf(COLLISION_GROUP_NONE);

		for (int j = 0; j < oBullet.m_ahObjectsHit.Count(); j++)

		UTIL_TraceLine( oBullet.m_vecOrigin, vecEnd, MASK_SOLID|CONTENTS_DEBRIS|CONTENTS_HITBOX, &tf, &tr );

		if (da_bullet_debug.GetBool())
			DebugDrawLine(oBullet.m_vecOrigin + Vector(0, 0, 1), tr.endpos + Vector(0, 0, 1), 0, 255, 255, true, dt<0?10:0.1);
			DebugDrawLine(oBullet.m_vecOrigin + Vector(0, 0, 1), tr.endpos + Vector(0, 0, 1), 255, 255, 0, true, dt<0?10:0.1);

		Vector vecTraceEnd = tr.endpos;

		bool bBSPModel = tr.DidHitWorld();

		if (tr.allsolid)
			oBullet.m_flDistanceTraveled += (oBullet.m_vecOrigin - vecEnd).Length();
			oBullet.m_vecOrigin = vecEnd;
			break; // We're inside something. Do nothing.

		if ( sv_showimpacts.GetBool() && tr.fraction < 1.0f )
			// draw red client impact markers
			debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( tr.endpos, Vector(-2,-2,-2), Vector(2,2,2), QAngle( 0, 0, 0), 255,0,0,127, sv_showimpacts.GetFloat() );

			if ( tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->IsPlayer() )
				C_BasePlayer *player = ToBasePlayer( tr.m_pEnt );
				player->DrawClientHitboxes( sv_showimpacts.GetFloat(), true );
			// draw blue server impact markers
			NDebugOverlay::Box( tr.endpos, Vector(-2,-2,-2), Vector(2,2,2), 0,0,255,127, sv_showimpacts.GetFloat() );

			if ( tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->IsPlayer() )
				CBasePlayer *player = ToBasePlayer( tr.m_pEnt );
				player->DrawServerHitboxes( sv_showimpacts.GetFloat(), true );

		Assert(oBullet.m_iBulletType > 0);
		int iDamageType = DMG_BULLET | DMG_NEVERGIB | GetAmmoDef()->DamageType(oBullet.m_iBulletType);

		if (i == 0)
			iDamageType |= DMG_DIRECT;

		if (tr.startsolid)
			trace_t tr2;

			UTIL_TraceLine( tr.endpos - oBullet.m_vecDirection, oBullet.m_vecOrigin, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_MOVEABLE, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr2 );

			// let's have a bullet exit effect if we penetrated a solid surface
			if (oBullet.m_bDoEffects && tr2.m_pEnt && tr2.m_pEnt->IsBSPModel())
				UTIL_ImpactTrace( &tr2, iDamageType );

			// ignore the entity we just hit for the next trace to avoid weird impact behaviors

		if ( tr.fraction == 1.0f )
			oBullet.m_flDistanceTraveled += (oBullet.m_vecOrigin - vecEnd).Length();
			oBullet.m_vecOrigin = vecEnd;
			break; // we didn't hit anything, stop tracing shoot

		weapontype_t eWeaponType = WT_NONE;

		CSDKWeaponInfo *pWeaponInfo = CSDKWeaponInfo::GetWeaponInfo(oBullet.m_eWeaponID);
		if (pWeaponInfo)
			eWeaponType = pWeaponInfo->m_eWeaponType;

		float flDamageMultiplier = 1;
		float flMaxRange = 3000;

		// Power formula works like so:
		// pow( x, distance/y )
		// The damage will be at 1 when the distance is 0 units, and at
		// x% when the distance is y units, with a gradual decay approaching zero
		switch (eWeaponType)
		case WT_RIFLE:
			flDamageMultiplier = 0.75f;
			flMaxRange = 3000;

		case WT_SHOTGUN:
			flDamageMultiplier = 0.40f;
			flMaxRange = 500;

		case WT_SMG:
			flDamageMultiplier = 0.50f;
			flMaxRange = 1000;

		case WT_PISTOL:
			flDamageMultiplier = 0.55f;
			flMaxRange = 1500;

		flMaxRange *= oBullet.m_hShooter->m_Shared.ModifySkillValue(1, 0.5f, SKILL_MARKSMAN);

		//calculate the damage based on the distance the bullet travelled.
		oBullet.m_flDistanceTraveled += tr.fraction * flRange;

		float flCurrentDistance = oBullet.m_flDistanceTraveled;

		// First 500 units, no decrease in damage.
		if (eWeaponType == WT_SHOTGUN)
			flCurrentDistance -= 350;
			flCurrentDistance -= 500;

		if (flCurrentDistance < 0)
			flCurrentDistance = 0;

		if (flCurrentDistance > flMaxRange)
			flCurrentDistance = flMaxRange;

		float flDistanceMultiplier = pow(flDamageMultiplier, (flCurrentDistance / flMaxRange));

		if( oBullet.m_bDoEffects )
			// See if the bullet ended up underwater + started out of the water
			if ( enginetrace->GetPointContents( tr.endpos ) & (CONTENTS_WATER|CONTENTS_SLIME) )
				CBaseEntity* pIgnore;
				if (oBullet.m_ahObjectsHit.Count())
					pIgnore = oBullet.m_ahObjectsHit.Tail();
					pIgnore = oBullet.m_hShooter;

				trace_t waterTrace;
				UTIL_TraceLine( oBullet.m_vecOrigin, tr.endpos, (MASK_SHOT|CONTENTS_WATER|CONTENTS_SLIME), pIgnore, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &waterTrace );

				if( waterTrace.allsolid != 1 )
					CEffectData	data;
					data.m_vOrigin = waterTrace.endpos;
					data.m_vNormal = waterTrace.plane.normal;
					data.m_flScale = random->RandomFloat( 8, 12 );

					if ( waterTrace.contents & CONTENTS_SLIME )
						data.m_fFlags |= FX_WATER_IN_SLIME;

					DispatchEffect( "gunshotsplash", data );
				//Do Regular hit effects

				// Don't decal nodraw surfaces
				if ( !( tr.surface.flags & (SURF_SKY|SURF_NODRAW|SURF_HINT|SURF_SKIP) ) )
					CBaseEntity *pEntity = tr.m_pEnt;
					//Tony; only while using teams do we check for friendly fire.
					if ( DAGameRules()->IsTeamplay() && pEntity && pEntity->IsPlayer() && (pEntity->GetBaseAnimating() && !pEntity->GetBaseAnimating()->IsRagdoll()) )
						if ( pEntity->GetTeamNumber() != oBullet.m_hShooter->GetTeamNumber() )
							UTIL_ImpactTrace( &tr, iDamageType );
					//Tony; non player, just go nuts,
						UTIL_ImpactTrace( &tr, iDamageType );
		} // bDoEffects

		// add damage to entity that we hit

#ifdef GAME_DLL
		float flBulletDamage = oBullet.m_iBulletDamage * flDistanceMultiplier / (i+1);	// Each iteration the bullet drops in strength
		if (oBullet.m_hShooter->IsStyleSkillActive(SKILL_MARKSMAN))
			flBulletDamage = oBullet.m_iBulletDamage * flDistanceMultiplier / (i/2+1);	// Each iteration the bullet drops in strength but not nearly as much.


		CTakeDamageInfo info( oBullet.m_hShooter, oBullet.m_hShooter, oBullet.m_hWeapon, flBulletDamage, iDamageType );
		CalculateBulletDamageForce( &info, oBullet.m_iBulletType, oBullet.m_vecDirection, tr.endpos );
		tr.m_pEnt->DispatchTraceAttack( info, oBullet.m_vecDirection, &tr );

		oBullet.m_hShooter->TraceAttackToTriggers( info, tr.startpos, tr.endpos, oBullet.m_vecDirection );

		flDistanceMultiplier = flDistanceMultiplier; // Silence warning.

		if (tr.m_pEnt && !FStrEq(tr.m_pEnt->GetClassname(), "worldspawn"))

		float flPenetrationDistance;
		switch (eWeaponType)
		case WT_RIFLE:
			flPenetrationDistance = 25;

		case WT_SHOTGUN:
			flPenetrationDistance = 5;

		case WT_SMG:
			flPenetrationDistance = 15;

		case WT_PISTOL:
			flPenetrationDistance = 15;

		flPenetrationDistance = oBullet.m_hShooter->m_Shared.ModifySkillValue(flPenetrationDistance, 1, SKILL_MARKSMAN);

		Vector vecBackwards = tr.endpos + oBullet.m_vecDirection * flPenetrationDistance;
		if (tr.m_pEnt->IsBSPModel())
			UTIL_TraceLine( vecBackwards, tr.endpos, CONTENTS_HITBOX, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

		if (tr.startsolid)
			bFullPenetrationDistance = true;

		// Set up the next trace. One unit in the direction of fire so that we firmly embed
		// ourselves in whatever solid was hit, to make sure we don't hit it again on next trace.
		if (dt < 0 && bBSPModel)
			UTIL_TraceLine( vecTraceEnd + oBullet.m_vecDirection, vecTraceEnd + oBullet.m_vecDirection * flPenetrationDistance, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_MOVEABLE, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

			if (tr.startsolid)
				oBullet.m_vecOrigin = tr.startpos + oBullet.m_vecDirection;
				oBullet.m_vecOrigin = vecTraceEnd + oBullet.m_vecDirection;
			oBullet.m_vecOrigin = vecTraceEnd + oBullet.m_vecDirection;

	oBullet.m_iPenetrations = i;

	// the bullet's done penetrating, let's spawn our particle system
	if (oBullet.m_bDoEffects && dt < 0)
		oBullet.m_hShooter->MakeTracer( oBullet.m_vecOrigin, tr, TRACER_TYPE_DEFAULT, !bHasTraveledBefore );

	if (oBullet.m_hRenderHandle != INVALID_CLIENT_RENDER_HANDLE)
		ClientLeafSystem()->RenderableChanged( oBullet.m_hRenderHandle );

	if (bFullPenetrationDistance || oBullet.m_iPenetrations >= da_bullet_penetrations.GetInt())

	if (dt < 0)

	if (!bHasTraveledBefore && oBullet.m_flCurrAlpha == 0 && oBullet.m_flGoalAlpha == 0)
		oBullet.m_bActive = false;

	if (da_bullet_debug.GetBool())
		DebugDrawLine(vecOriginal, oBullet.m_vecOrigin, 0, 0, 255, true, dt<0?10:0.1);
		DebugDrawLine(vecOriginal, oBullet.m_vecOrigin, 255, 0, 0, true, dt<0?10:0.1);