BOOL CObjects::Remove(CArrayBlockObjectPtr* papcKilled)
	int								i;
	int								iNumElements;
	CBaseObject*					pcKilled;
	CBaseObject*					pcContainer;

	//No embedded objects should be in the list papcKilled.

	iNumElements = papcKilled->NumElements();
	if (iNumElements == 0)
		return TRUE;

	for (i = 0; i < iNumElements; i++)
		pcKilled = *papcKilled->Get(i);
		if (pcKilled->IsEmbedded())
			pcContainer = pcKilled->GetEmbeddingContainer();
			gcLogger.Error2(__METHOD__, " Object of class [", pcKilled->ClassName(), "] is marked for killing but is embedded in object with index [", IndexToString(pcContainer->GetOI()),"] of class [", pcContainer->ClassName(), "].", NULL);
			return FALSE;
		else if (!pcKilled->IsAllocatedInObjects())
			gcLogger.Error2(__METHOD__, " Object of class [", pcKilled->ClassName(), "] is marked for killing but is not allocated in Objects [0x", PointerToString(this),"].", NULL);
			return FALSE;

	for (i = 0; i < iNumElements; i++)
		pcKilled = *papcKilled->Get(i);


	return TRUE;
void CEmbeddedObject::LogNotExpectedToBeEmbedded(char* szMethod)
	CBaseObject*					pcContainer;

	pcContainer = GetEmbeddingContainer();
	gcLogger.Error2(szMethod, " Cannot be called on embedded object of class [", ClassName(), "] with embedding index [", IndexToString(pcContainer->GetOI()),"] and embedding class [", pcContainer->ClassName(), "].", NULL);
CBaseObject* CObjectAllocator::Add(char* szClassName, char* szObjectName, OIndex oiForced, OIndex* poiExisting)
	CBaseObject*	pvObject;
	CBaseObject*	pvExisting;
	BOOL			bResult;

	pvObject = mpcObjects->Allocate(szClassName);
	if (!pvObject)
		gcLogger.Error2(__METHOD__, " Cannot add object named [", szObjectName, "] class [", szClassName, "].", NULL);
		return NULL;

	if (!pvObject->IsNamed())
		gcLogger.Error2(__METHOD__, " Cannot add object named [", szObjectName, "] the class ", pvObject->ClassName(), " is not derived from NamedObject.", NULL);
		return NULL;

	pvExisting = mpcObjects->GetFromMemory(szObjectName);
	if (pvExisting == NULL)
		bResult = mpcObjects->AddWithIDAndName(pvObject, szObjectName, oiForced);
		if (!bResult)
			return NULL;

		*poiExisting = INVALID_O_INDEX;
		return pvObject;
		*poiExisting = pvExisting->GetOI();
		pvObject = ReplaceExisting(pvExisting, pvObject, szObjectName, oiForced);

		return pvObject;