Beispiel #1
CBotInstr* CBotInstrCall::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)

    CBotToken*  pp = p;
    p = p->GetNext();

    if (p->GetType() == ID_OPENPAR)

        CBotVar*    ppVars[1000];

        CBotInstrCall* inst = new CBotInstrCall();

        // compile la list of parameters
        inst->m_parameters = CompileParams(p, pStack, ppVars);

        if ( !pStack->IsOk() )
            delete inst;
            return nullptr;

        // the routine is known?
//      CBotClass*  pClass = nullptr;
        inst->m_typRes = pStack->CompileCall(pp, ppVars, inst->m_nFuncIdent);
        if ( inst->m_typRes.GetType() >= 20 )
//          if (pVar2!=nullptr) pp = pVar2->RetToken();
            pStack->SetError( static_cast<CBotError>(inst->m_typRes.GetType()), pp );
            delete pStack->TokenStack();
            delete inst;
            return nullptr;

        delete pStack->TokenStack();
        if ( inst->m_typRes.GetType() > 0 )
            CBotVar* pRes = CBotVar::Create("", inst->m_typRes);
            pStack->SetVar(pRes);   // for knowing the type of the result
        else pStack->SetVar(nullptr);          // routine returns void

        if (nullptr != (inst->m_exprRetVar = CBotExprRetVar::Compile(p, pStack)))
            delete pStack->TokenStack();
        if ( !pStack->IsOk() )
            delete inst;
            return nullptr;

        return inst;
    p = pp;
    delete pStack->TokenStack();
    return nullptr;
Beispiel #2
CBotInstr* CBotInstrCall::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
    CBotVar*    ppVars[1000];

    int         i = 0;

    CBotToken*  pp = p; 
    p = p->GetNext();

    CBotCStack* pile = pStack;

    if ( IsOfType(p, ID_OPENPAR) )
        int start, end;
        CBotInstrCall* inst = new CBotInstrCall();

        // compile la list of parameters
        if (!IsOfType(p, ID_CLOSEPAR)) while (true)
            start = p->GetStart();
            pile = pile->TokenStack();                      // keeps the results on the stack

            CBotInstr*  param = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pile);
            end   = p->GetStart();
            if ( inst->m_Parameters == NULL ) inst->m_Parameters = param;
            else inst->m_Parameters->AddNext(param);            // constructs the list

            if ( !pile->IsOk() )
                delete inst;
                return pStack->Return(NULL, pile);

            if ( param != NULL )
                if ( pile->GetTypResult().Eq(99) )
                    delete pStack->TokenStack();
                    pStack->SetError(TX_VOID, p->GetStart());
                    delete inst;
                    return NULL;
                ppVars[i] = pile->GetVar();
                ppVars[i]->GetToken()->SetPos(start, end);

                if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA)) continue;            // skips the comma
                if (IsOfType(p, ID_CLOSEPAR)) break;

            pStack->SetError(TX_CLOSEPAR, p->GetStart());
            delete pStack->TokenStack();
            delete inst;
            return NULL;
        ppVars[i] = NULL;

        // the routine is known?
//      CBotClass*  pClass = NULL;
        inst->m_typRes = pStack->CompileCall(pp, ppVars, inst->m_nFuncIdent);
        if ( inst->m_typRes.GetType() >= 20 )
//          if (pVar2!=NULL) pp = pVar2->RetToken();
            pStack->SetError( inst->m_typRes.GetType(), pp );
            delete pStack->TokenStack();
            delete inst;
            return NULL;

        delete pStack->TokenStack();
        if ( inst->m_typRes.GetType() > 0 )
            CBotVar* pRes = CBotVar::Create("", inst->m_typRes);
            pStack->SetVar(pRes);   // for knowing the type of the result
        else pStack->SetVar(NULL);          // routine returns void

        return inst;
    p = pp;
    delete pStack->TokenStack();
    return NULL;