// Purpose: 
// Input  : *actor - 
//			*parameters - 
void CBaseFlex::AddFlexGesture( CExpressionInfo *info )
	if ( !info )

	CChoreoEvent *event = info->m_pEvent;
	if ( !event )

	CChoreoScene *scene = info->m_pScene;
	if ( !scene )
	if (info->m_iLayer >= 0)
		// this happens after StudioFrameAdvance()
		float duration = event->GetDuration( );
		float orig_duration = SequenceDuration( info->m_nSequence );

		// when we come by again after StudioFrameAdvance() has moved forward 0.1 seconds, what frame should we be on?
		float flCycle = GetLayerCycle( info->m_iLayer );
		float flNextCycle = event->GetShiftedTimeFromReferenceTime( (m_flAnimTime - info->m_flStartAnim + 0.1) / duration );

		// FIXME: what time should this use?
		SetLayerWeight( info->m_iLayer, event->GetIntensity( scene->GetTime() ) );

		float rate = (flNextCycle - flCycle) * orig_duration / 0.1;

		Msg( "%d : %.2f (%.2f) : %.3f %.3f : %.3f\n",
			(scene->GetTime() - event->GetStartTime()) / duration,
			rate );

		SetLayerPlaybackRate( info->m_iLayer, rate );
// Purpose: FIXME:  This should either be embedded or we should draw the caption
//  here
void CChoreoEventWidget::redraw( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper )
	if ( !getVisible() )

	CChoreoEvent *event = GetEvent();
	if ( !event )

	int deflateborder = 1;
	int fontsize = 9;

	HDC dc = drawHelper.GrabDC();
	RECT rcClient = getBounds();

	drawHelper.GetClientRect( rcDC );

	RECT dummy;
	if ( !IntersectRect( &dummy, &rcDC, &rcClient ) )

	bool ramponly = m_pView->IsRampOnly();

	if ( IsSelected() && !ramponly )
		InflateRect( &rcClient, 3, 1 );
		//rcClient.bottom -= 1;
		rcClient.right += 1;

		RECT rcFrame = rcClient;
		RECT rcBorder = rcClient;

		rcFrame.bottom = rcFrame.top + 17;
		rcBorder.bottom = rcFrame.top + 17;

		COLORREF clrSelection = RGB( 0, 63, 63 );
		COLORREF clrBorder = RGB( 100, 200, 255 );

		HBRUSH brBorder = CreateSolidBrush( clrBorder );
		HBRUSH brSelected = CreateHatchBrush( HS_FDIAGONAL, clrSelection );
		for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
			FrameRect( dc, &rcFrame, brSelected );
			InflateRect( &rcFrame, -1, -1 );
		FrameRect( dc, &rcBorder, brBorder );
		FrameRect( dc, &rcFrame, brBorder );

		DeleteObject( brSelected );
		DeleteObject( brBorder );
		rcClient.right -= 1;
		//rcClient.bottom += 1;
		InflateRect( &rcClient, -3, -1 );

	RECT rcEvent;
	rcEvent = rcClient;

	InflateRect( &rcEvent, 0, -deflateborder );

	rcEvent.bottom = rcEvent.top + 10;

	if ( event->GetType() == CChoreoEvent::SPEAK && m_pWaveFile && !event->HasEndTime() )
		event->SetEndTime( event->GetStartTime() + m_pWaveFile->GetRunningLength() );
		rcEvent.right = ( int )( m_pWaveFile->GetRunningLength() * m_pView->GetPixelsPerSecond() );  

	if ( event->HasEndTime() )
		rcEvent.right = rcEvent.left + m_nDurationRightEdge;

		RECT rcEventLine = rcEvent;
		OffsetRect( &rcEventLine, 0, 1 );

		if ( event->GetType() == CChoreoEvent::SPEAK )
			if ( m_pWaveFile )
				HBRUSH brEvent = CreateSolidBrush( COLOR_CHOREO_EVENT );
				HBRUSH brBackground = CreateSolidBrush( COLOR_CHOREO_DARKBACKGROUND );

				if ( !ramponly )
					FillRect( dc, &rcEventLine, brBackground );

				// Only draw wav form here if selected
				if ( IsSelected() )
					sound->RenderWavToDC( dc, rcEventLine, IsSelected() ? COLOR_CHOREO_EVENT_SELECTED : COLOR_CHOREO_EVENT, 0.0, m_pWaveFile->GetRunningLength(), m_pWaveFile );

				//FrameRect( dc, &rcEventLine, brEvent );
				drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( COLOR_CHOREO_EVENT, PS_SOLID, 3,
					rcEventLine.left, rcEventLine.top, rcEventLine.left, rcEventLine.bottom );
				drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( COLOR_CHOREO_EVENT, PS_SOLID, 3,
					rcEventLine.right, rcEventLine.top, rcEventLine.right, rcEventLine.bottom );
				DeleteObject( brBackground );
				DeleteObject( brEvent );

				//rcEventLine.top -= 3;
				DrawRelativeTags( drawHelper, rcEventLine, m_pWaveFile->GetRunningLength(), event );
			if ( event->GetType() == CChoreoEvent::SUBSCENE )
				clrEvent = RGB( 200, 180, 200 );

			HBRUSH brEvent = CreateSolidBrush( clrEvent );
			if ( !ramponly )
				FillRect( dc, &rcEventLine, brEvent );
			DeleteObject( brEvent );

			if ( ramponly && IsSelected() )
				drawHelper.DrawOutlinedRect( RGB( 150, 180, 250 ), PS_SOLID, 1,
					rcEventLine );
				drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( RGB( 127, 127, 127 ), PS_SOLID, 1, rcEventLine.left, rcEventLine.bottom,
					rcEventLine.left, rcEventLine.top );
				drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( RGB( 127, 127, 127 ), PS_SOLID, 1, rcEventLine.left, rcEventLine.top,
					rcEventLine.right, rcEventLine.top );
				drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( RGB( 31, 31, 31 ), PS_SOLID, 1, rcEventLine.right, rcEventLine.top,
					rcEventLine.right, rcEventLine.bottom );
				drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( RGB( 0, 0, 0 ), PS_SOLID, 1, rcEventLine.right, rcEventLine.bottom,
					rcEventLine.left, rcEventLine.bottom );

			g_pRampTool->DrawSamplesSimple( drawHelper, event, false, RGB( 63, 63, 63 ), rcEventLine );

			DrawRelativeTags( drawHelper, rcEventLine, event->GetDuration(), event );
			DrawAbsoluteTags( drawHelper, rcEventLine, event->GetDuration(), event );

		RECT rcEventLine = rcEvent;
		OffsetRect( &rcEventLine, 0, 1 );

		drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( COLOR_CHOREO_EVENT, PS_SOLID, 3,
			rcEventLine.left - 1, rcEventLine.top, rcEventLine.left - 1, rcEventLine.bottom );

	if ( event->IsUsingRelativeTag() )
		RECT rcTagName;
		rcTagName = rcClient;

		int length = drawHelper.CalcTextWidth( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, event->GetRelativeTagName() );

		rcTagName.right = rcTagName.left;
		rcTagName.left = rcTagName.right - length - 4;
		rcTagName.top += 3;
		rcTagName.bottom = rcTagName.top + 10;
		drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, RGB( 0, 100, 200 ), rcTagName, event->GetRelativeTagName() );

		drawHelper.DrawFilledRect( RGB( 0, 100, 250 ), rcTagName.right-1, rcTagName.top-2,
			rcTagName.right+2, rcTagName.bottom + 2 );


	// Now draw the label
	RECT rcEventLabel;
	rcEventLabel = rcClient;

	InflateRect( &rcEventLabel, 0, -deflateborder );

	rcEventLabel.top += 15; // rcEventLabel.bottom - 2 * ( fontsize + 2 ) - 1;
	rcEventLabel.bottom = rcEventLabel.top + fontsize + 2;
	rcEventLabel.left += 1;

	//rcEventLabel.left -= 8;

	int leftAdd = 16;

	if ( CChoreoEventWidget::GetImage( event->GetType() ) )
		mxbitmapdata_t *image = CChoreoEventWidget::GetImage( event->GetType() );
		if ( image )
			DrawBitmapToDC( dc, rcEventLabel.left, rcEventLabel.top, leftAdd, leftAdd,
				*image );	

	if ( event->IsResumeCondition() )
		RECT rc = rcEventLabel;
		OffsetRect( &rc, leftAdd, 0 );
		rc.right = rc.left + leftAdd;

		DrawBitmapToDC( dc, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top,
			*CChoreoEventWidget::GetPauseImage() );

	//rcEventLabel.left += 8;

	OffsetRect( &rcEventLabel, 18, 1 );
	int len = drawHelper.CalcTextWidth( "Arial", fontsize, FW_NORMAL, event->GetName() );

	rcEventLabel.right = rcEventLabel.left + len + 2;
	drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", fontsize, FW_NORMAL, RGB( 0, 0, 120 ), 
		rcEventLabel, event->GetName() );
void CChoreoChannel::ReconcileGestureTimes()
	// Sort gesture events within channel by starting time
	CUtlRBTree< CChoreoEvent * >  sortedGestures( 0, 0, ChoreEventStartTimeLessFunc );
	int i;
	// Sort items
	int c = GetNumEvents();
	for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
		CChoreoEvent *e = GetEvent( i );
		Assert( e );
		if ( e->GetType() != CChoreoEvent::GESTURE )

		sortedGestures.Insert( e );

	// Now walk list of gestures
	if ( !sortedGestures.Count() )

	CChoreoEvent *previous = NULL;

	for ( i = sortedGestures.FirstInorder(); i != sortedGestures.InvalidIndex(); i = sortedGestures.NextInorder( i ) )
		CChoreoEvent *event = sortedGestures[ i ];

		if ( !previous )
			// event->SetStartTime( 0.0f );
		else if ( previous->GetSyncToFollowingGesture() )
			// TODO: ask the sequence for what tags to match

			CEventAbsoluteTag *pEntryTag = event->FindEntryTag( CChoreoEvent::PLAYBACK );
			CEventAbsoluteTag *pExitTag = previous->FindExitTag( CChoreoEvent::PLAYBACK );

			if (pEntryTag && pExitTag)
				float entryTime = pEntryTag->GetAbsoluteTime( );

				// get current decay rate of previous gesture
				float duration = previous->GetDuration();
				float decayTime = (1.0 - pExitTag->GetPercentage()) * duration;

				// adjust the previous gestures end time to current apex + existing decay rate
				previous->RescaleGestureTimes( previous->GetStartTime(), entryTime + decayTime, true );
				previous->SetEndTime( entryTime + decayTime );

				// set the previous gestures end tag to the current apex
				pExitTag->SetAbsoluteTime( entryTime );

				event->PreventTagOverlap( );
				previous->PreventTagOverlap( );
			// BUG: Tracker 3298:  ywb 1/31/04
			// I think this fixes the issue with abutting past NULL gestures on paste:
			// Here's the bug report:
			// -------------------------
			// When copying and pasteing posture and gesture clips in face poser the beginings of the clips stretch 
			//  to the begining of the scene even if there is a null gesture in place at the begining.
			// -------------------------
			else if ( pEntryTag && !Q_stricmp( previous->GetName(), "NULL" ) )
				// If the previous was a null event, then do a bit of fixup
				event->SetStartTime( previous->GetEndTime() );

				event->PreventTagOverlap( );

			// The previous event decays from it's end dispaly end time to the current event's display start time
			// The next event starts just after the display end time of the previous event

		previous = event;

	if ( previous )
		CChoreoScene *scene = previous->GetScene();
		if ( scene )
			// HACK:  Could probably do better by allowing user to drag the blue "end time" bar
			//float finish = scene->FindStopTime();
			//previous->RescaleGestureTimes( previous->GetStartTime(), finish );
			//previous->SetEndTime( finish );

	c = 0;
	for ( i = sortedGestures.FirstInorder(); i != sortedGestures.InvalidIndex(); i = sortedGestures.NextInorder( i ) )
		CChoreoEvent *event = sortedGestures[ i ];

		Msg( "event %i start %f disp %f dispend %f end %f\n",
			c + 1,
			event->GetStartTime( CChoreoEvent::SIMULATION ),
			event->GetStartTime( CChoreoEvent::DISPLAY ),
			event->GetEndTime( CChoreoEvent::DISPLAY ),
			event->GetEndTime( CChoreoEvent::SIMULATION )