Beispiel #1
bool GTAfunc_ProcessLineOfSight ( CVector *vecStart, CVector *vecEnd, CColPoint **colCollision,
								  CEntitySAInterface **CollisionEntity, bool bCheckBuildings, bool bCheckVehicles,
								  bool bCheckPeds, bool bCheckObjects, bool bCheckDummies, bool bSeeThroughStuff,
								  bool bIgnoreSomeObjectsForCamera, bool bShootThroughStuff )
	DWORD	dwPadding[100]; // stops the function missbehaving and overwriting the return address
	dwPadding[0] = 0;		// prevent the warning and eventual compiler optimizations from removing it
	CColPointSA				*pColPointSA = new CColPointSA();
	CColPointSAInterface	*pColPointSAInterface = pColPointSA->GetInterface();

	//DWORD targetEntity;
	CEntitySAInterface		*targetEntity = NULL;
	bool					bReturn = false;

	DWORD					dwFunc = FUNC_ProcessLineOfSight;
		push bShootThroughStuff
		push bIgnoreSomeObjectsForCamera
		push bSeeThroughStuff
		push bCheckDummies
		push bCheckObjects
		push bCheckPeds
		push bCheckVehicles
		push bCheckBuildings
		lea eax, targetEntity
		push eax
		push pColPointSAInterface
		push vecEnd
		push vecStart
		call dwFunc
		mov bReturn, al
		add esp, 0x30

	// hacky method to point to CEntitySA instead of the above
	*CollisionEntity = targetEntity;
	if ( colCollision )
		*colCollision = pColPointSA;

	return bReturn;
Beispiel #2
bool CWorldSA::ProcessLineOfSight(const CVector * vecStart, const CVector * vecEnd, CColPoint ** colCollision, 
                                  CEntity ** CollisionEntity,
                                  const SLineOfSightFlags flags,
                                  SLineOfSightBuildingResult* pBuildingResult )
    DEBUG_TRACE("VOID CWorldSA::ProcessLineOfSight(CVector * vecStart, CVector * vecEnd, CColPoint * colCollision, CEntity * CollisionEntity)");
    DWORD dwPadding[100]; // stops the function missbehaving and overwriting the return address
    dwPadding [0] = 0;  // prevent the warning and eventual compiler optimizations from removing it

    CColPointSA * pColPointSA = new CColPointSA();
    CColPointSAInterface * pColPointSAInterface = pColPointSA->GetInterface();  

    //DWORD targetEntity;
    CEntitySAInterface * targetEntity = NULL;
    bool bReturn = false;

    DWORD dwFunc = FUNC_ProcessLineOfSight;
    // bool bCheckBuildings = true,                 bool bCheckVehicles = true,     bool bCheckPeds = true, 
    // bool bCheckObjects = true,                   bool bCheckDummies = true,      bool bSeeThroughStuff = false, 
    // bool bIgnoreSomeObjectsForCamera = false,    bool bShootThroughStuff = false
    MemPutFast < BYTE > ( VAR_CWorld_bIncludeCarTires, flags.bCheckCarTires );

        push    flags.bShootThroughStuff
        push    flags.bIgnoreSomeObjectsForCamera
        push    flags.bSeeThroughStuff
        push    flags.bCheckDummies
        push    flags.bCheckObjects
        push    flags.bCheckPeds
        push    flags.bCheckVehicles
        push    flags.bCheckBuildings
        lea     eax, targetEntity
        push    eax
        push    pColPointSAInterface    
        push    vecEnd
        push    vecStart    
        call    dwFunc
        mov     bReturn, al
        add     esp, 0x30

    MemPutFast < BYTE > ( VAR_CWorld_bIncludeCarTires, 0 );

    // Building info needed?
    if ( pBuildingResult )
        CPoolsSA * pPools = ((CPoolsSA *)pGame->GetPools());
        if ( pPools )
            if ( targetEntity && targetEntity->nType == ENTITY_TYPE_BUILDING )
                pBuildingResult->bValid = true;
                pBuildingResult->usModelID = targetEntity->m_nModelIndex;
                if ( targetEntity->m_pLod )
                    pBuildingResult->usLODModelID = targetEntity->m_pLod->m_nModelIndex;
                    pBuildingResult->usLODModelID = 0;

                pBuildingResult->pInterface = targetEntity;
                pBuildingResult->vecPosition = targetEntity->Placeable.m_transform.m_translate;
                if ( targetEntity->Placeable.matrix )
                    CVector& vecRotation = pBuildingResult->vecRotation;
                    ConvertMatrixToEulerAngles ( *targetEntity->Placeable.matrix, vecRotation.fX, vecRotation.fY, vecRotation.fZ );
                    vecRotation = -vecRotation;
            if ( targetEntity && targetEntity->nType == ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT )
                pBuildingResult->bValid = true;
                pBuildingResult->usModelID = targetEntity->m_nModelIndex;
                if ( targetEntity->m_pLod )
                    pBuildingResult->usLODModelID = targetEntity->m_pLod->m_nModelIndex;
                    pBuildingResult->usLODModelID = 0;

                pBuildingResult->pInterface = targetEntity;

    if ( CollisionEntity )
        CPoolsSA * pPools = ((CPoolsSA *)pGame->GetPools());
                switch (targetEntity->nType)
                    case ENTITY_TYPE_PED:
                        *CollisionEntity = pPools->GetPed((DWORD *)targetEntity);
                    case ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT:
                        *CollisionEntity = pPools->GetObject((DWORD *)targetEntity);
                    case ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE:
                        *CollisionEntity = pPools->GetVehicle((DWORD *)targetEntity);

                /*CEntitySA * entity = new CEntitySA();
                entity->SetInterface((CEntitySAInterface *)targetEntity);
                eEntityType EntityType = entity->GetEntityType();
                delete entity;
                case ENTITY_TYPE_PED:
                case ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT:
                    *CollisionEntity = pPools->GetPed((DWORD *)targetEntity);
                    if ( *CollisionEntity )
                    *CollisionEntity = pPools->GetObject((CObjectSAInterface *)targetEntity);
                case ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE:
                    *CollisionEntity = pPools->GetVehicle((CVehicleSAInterface *)targetEntity);

    if ( colCollision ) *colCollision = pColPointSA;
    else pColPointSA->Destroy ();

    return bReturn;