int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CStratege* stratege = new CStrategeB(); CContext* context = new CContext(stratege); context->operation(); return 0; }
bool CConfigParser::ParseContexts(DOMNodeList* contextNodes, ADeviceListener& configClass) { ASSERT(contextNodes->getLength() == 1); DOMNode* contextNode = contextNodes->item(0); DOMNodeList* contexts = contextNode->getChildNodes(); for(unsigned long idx = 0; idx < contexts->getLength(); idx++) { DOMNode* currentContext = contexts->item(idx); wstring contextNodeName = currentContext->getNodeName(); if("#text") == 0) continue; wstring contextName = currentContext->getAttributes()->getNamedItem(L"name")->getNodeValue(); CContext* contextToAdd = new CContext(); unsigned long attrLen = currentContext->getAttributes()->getLength(); for(unsigned long attr = 0; attr < attrLen; attr++) { DOMNode* deviceContextAttr = currentContext->getAttributes()->item(attr); if(wcscmp(deviceContextAttr->getNodeName(), L"deviceContext") == 0) { wstring deviceContextName = deviceContextAttr->getNodeValue(); CDeviceContext* deviceContext = configClass.GetDeviceContexts()[deviceContextName]; IDeviceCapture* device = configClass.GetDevices()[deviceContext->GetDeviceName()]; contextToAdd->AddDeviceContext(device, deviceContext); } } configClass.AddContext(contextName, contextToAdd); } return true; }
void cxios_solve_inheritance() { CTimer::get("XIOS").resume(); CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); context->solveAllInheritance(false); CTimer::get("XIOS").suspend(); }
void cxios_set_variable_data_char(const char* varId, int varIdSize, const char* data, int dataSizeIn, bool* isVarExisted) { std::string varIdStr, dataStr; if (!cstr2string(varId, varIdSize, varIdStr)) return; if (!cstr2string(data, dataSizeIn, dataStr)) { *isVarExisted = false; return; } CTimer::get("XIOS").resume(); CTimer::get("XIOS set variable data").resume(); CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); *isVarExisted = CVariable::has(context->getId(), varIdStr); if (*isVarExisted) { CVariable::get(context->getId(), varIdStr)->setData<string>(dataStr); //CVariable::get(context->getId(), varIdStr)->sendValue(); } CTimer::get("XIOS set variable data").suspend(); CTimer::get("XIOS").suspend(); }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CContext context; CConcreteStrategyA *pconcreteA = new CConcreteStrategyA(); ClientToUseContext( &context ); context.SetStrategyObj( pconcreteA ); ClientToUseContext( &context ); CConcreteStrategyB *pconcreteB = new CConcreteStrategyB(); context.SetStrategyObj( pconcreteB ); ClientToUseContext( &context ); CConcreteDefault *pconcrete_default = new CConcreteDefault(); context.SetStrategyObj( pconcrete_default ); ClientToUseContext( &context ); context.SetStrategyObj( nullptr ); ClientToUseContext( &context ); delete pconcreteA; delete pconcreteB; delete pconcrete_default; return 0; }
void CHmac32::SetKey(const Byte *key, size_t keySize) { UInt32 keyTemp[kBlockSizeInWords]; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < kBlockSizeInWords; i++) keyTemp[i] = 0; if(keySize > kBlockSize) { CContext sha; sha.Init(); sha.Update(key, keySize); Byte digest[kDigestSize]; sha.Final(digest); for (int i = 0 ; i < kDigestSizeInWords; i++) keyTemp[i] = ((UInt32)(digest[i * 4 + 0]) << 24) | ((UInt32)(digest[i * 4 + 1]) << 16) | ((UInt32)(digest[i * 4 + 2]) << 8) | ((UInt32)(digest[i * 4 + 3])); keySize = kDigestSizeInWords; } else for (size_t i = 0; i < keySize; i++) keyTemp[i / 4] |= (key[i] << (24 - 8 * (i & 3))); for (i = 0; i < kBlockSizeInWords; i++) keyTemp[i] ^= 0x36363636; _sha.Init(); _sha.Update(keyTemp, kBlockSizeInWords); for (i = 0; i < kBlockSizeInWords; i++) keyTemp[i] ^= 0x36363636 ^ 0x5C5C5C5C; _sha2.Init(); _sha2.Update(keyTemp, kBlockSizeInWords); }
void cxios_context_close_definition() { CTimer::get("XIOS").resume(); CTimer::get("XIOS close definition").resume(); CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); context->closeDefinition(); CTimer::get("XIOS close definition").suspend(); CTimer::get("XIOS").suspend(); }
void cxios_context_finalize() { CTimer::get("XIOS").resume(); CTimer::get("XIOS context finalize").resume(); CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); context->finalize(); CTimer::get("XIOS context finalize").suspend(); CTimer::get("XIOS").suspend(); }
void cxios_context_is_initialized(const char* context_id , int len_context_id, bool* initialized) { std::string str; if (!cstr2string(context_id, len_context_id, str)) return; CTimer::get("XIOS").resume(); CContext* context = CContext::get(str, str); *initialized=context->isInitialized(); CTimer::get("XIOS").suspend(); }
void CDrawLine::PaintHandles( CContext &dc ) { dc.SelectBrush(cBLACK); dc.SelectPen(PS_SOLID,0,cBLACK); CDRect r1(m_point_a.x-2,m_point_a.y-2,m_point_a.x+2,m_point_a.y+2); CDRect r2(m_point_b.x-2,m_point_b.y-2,m_point_b.x+2,m_point_b.y+2); dc.Rectangle(r1); dc.Rectangle(r2); }
void* create(IConfig* config, IFactory* factory) { CContext* context = new CContext(config, factory); if (!context->create()) { delete context; context = NULL; } return context; }
void cxios_write_data_k80(const char* fieldid, int fieldid_size, double* data_k8, int data_Xsize) { std::string fieldid_str; if (!cstr2string(fieldid, fieldid_size, fieldid_str)) return; CTimer::get("XIOS").resume(); CTimer::get("XIOS send field").resume(); CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); if (!context->hasServer && !context->client->isAttachedModeEnabled()) context->checkBuffersAndListen(); CArray<double, 1> data(data_k8, shape(data_Xsize), neverDeleteData); CField::get(fieldid_str)->setData(data); CTimer::get("XIOS send field").suspend(); CTimer::get("XIOS").suspend(); }
void CDrawRectOutline::PaintHandles( CContext &dc ) { // Put some handles around this object CDRect r(m_point_a.x,m_point_a.y,m_point_b.x,m_point_b.y); dc.PaintTracker( r ); }
void CDrawBlockRotate::Paint(CContext &dc, paint_options options) { // Draw marquee dc.SelectBrush(); if (m_point_a.x < m_point_b.x) { dc.SelectPen(PS_MARQUEE, 1, cBLOCK); } else { // Other marquee pen for right to left selection dc.SelectPen(PS_MARQUEE2, 1, cBLOCK); } dc.SetROP2(R2_COPYPEN); dc.Rectangle(theArea); }
void cxios_get_variable_data_logic(const char* varId, int varIdSize, bool* data, bool* isVarExisted) { std::string varIdStr; if (!cstr2string(varId, varIdSize, varIdStr)) return; CTimer::get("XIOS").resume(); CTimer::get("XIOS get variable data").resume(); CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); *isVarExisted = CVariable::has(context->getId(), varIdStr); if (*isVarExisted) { *data = CVariable::get(context->getId(), varIdStr)->getData<bool>(); } CTimer::get("XIOS get variable data").suspend(); CTimer::get("XIOS").suspend(); }
void CDrawMetaFile::Paint(CContext &dc,paint_options options) { CDPoint sma = m_point_a; CDPoint smb = m_point_b; CDRect drect(sma.x,sma.y,smb.x,smb.y); CRect rect = dc.GetTransform().Scale( drect ); int rotmir = dc.GetTransform().GetRotMir(); CImage *pImage = m_pDesign->GetOptions()->GetImage(m_metafile); if (pImage) { pImage->Paint( *dc.GetDC(), rect, rotmir ); } else { CImage::PaintInvalid( *dc.GetDC(), rect ); } }
void cxios_read_data_k43(const char* fieldid, int fieldid_size, float* data_k4, int data_Xsize, int data_Ysize, int data_Zsize) { std::string fieldid_str; if (!cstr2string(fieldid, fieldid_size, fieldid_str)) return; CTimer::get("XIOS").resume(); CTimer::get("XIOS recv field").resume(); CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); if (!context->hasServer && !context->client->isAttachedModeEnabled()) context->checkBuffersAndListen(); CArray<double, 3> data(data_Xsize, data_Ysize, data_Zsize); CField::get(fieldid_str)->getData(data); CArray<float, 3> data_tmp(data_k4, shape(data_Xsize, data_Ysize, data_Zsize), neverDeleteData); data_tmp = data; CTimer::get("XIOS recv field").suspend(); CTimer::get("XIOS").suspend(); }
void cxios_get_variable_data_char(const char* varId, int varIdSize, char* data, int dataSizeIn, bool* isVarExisted) { std::string varIdStr; if (!cstr2string(varId, varIdSize, varIdStr)) return; CTimer::get("XIOS").resume(); CTimer::get("XIOS get variable data").resume(); CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); *isVarExisted = CVariable::has(context->getId(), varIdStr); if (*isVarExisted) { int dataSizeOut = CVariable::get(context->getId(), varIdStr)->getData<string>().length(); strncpy(data, CVariable::get(context->getId(), varIdStr)->getData<string>().c_str(), std::min(dataSizeIn, dataSizeOut)); } CTimer::get("XIOS get variable data").suspend(); CTimer::get("XIOS").suspend(); }
STDMETHODIMP CPermissionChecker::HasAccess( BSTR bstrLocalUrl, VARIANT_BOOL *pfRetVal) { HRESULT rc = E_FAIL; try { if (bstrLocalUrl == NULL || pfRetVal == NULL) return ::ReportError(E_POINTER); *pfRetVal = VARIANT_FALSE; CContext cxt; if ( cxt.Init( CContext::get_Server ) != S_OK ) { return ::ReportError( E_NOINTERFACE ); } // Map logical filename to a physical filesystem name CComBSTR bstrPhysicalFile; HRESULT hr = cxt.Server()->MapPath(bstrLocalUrl, &bstrPhysicalFile); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *pfRetVal = ::DoesUserHaveAccessToFile(bstrPhysicalFile); else // failed to map as URL, try as regular path *pfRetVal = ::DoesUserHaveAccessToFile(bstrLocalUrl); rc = S_OK; } catch( alloc_err& ) { rc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch( ... ) { rc = E_FAIL; } return rc; }
void cxios_write_data_k47(const char* fieldid, int fieldid_size, float* data_k4, int data_0size, int data_1size, int data_2size, int data_3size, int data_4size, int data_5size, int data_6size) { std::string fieldid_str; if (!cstr2string(fieldid, fieldid_size, fieldid_str)) return; CTimer::get("XIOS").resume(); CTimer::get("XIOS send field").resume(); CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); if (!context->hasServer && !context->client->isAttachedModeEnabled()) context->checkBuffersAndListen(); CArray<float, 7> data_tmp(data_k4, shape(data_0size, data_1size, data_2size, data_3size, data_4size, data_5size, data_6size), neverDeleteData); CArray<double, 7> data(data_0size, data_1size, data_2size, data_3size, data_4size, data_5size, data_6size); data = data_tmp; CField::get(fieldid_str)->setData(data); CTimer::get("XIOS send field").suspend(); CTimer::get("XIOS").suspend(); }
void DoNew() { //LiftState.h, LiftState.cpp, OpenningState.h, CloseingState.h, RunningState.h, StoppingState.h //Context.h, Context.cpp CContext context; CLifeState::SetContext(&context); context.SetLifeState(CContext::pClosingState); context.Close(); context.Open(); context.Run(); context.Stop(); context.Close(); context.Close(); context.Open(); context.Stop(); context.Run(); context.Stop(); }
BOOL CElemCycleStep::bExecuteNumExchange(int iNum,CElemList *pListExchange, BOOL bCanRead, BOOL bCanWrite,CEnumInterface &EnumInterface) { BOOL bReturn = TRUE; CElemExchangeJbus *pElem = NULL; BYTE aBuffer[10240]; CContext Context; int iNbrTrame; long iSizeToWrite; long iSizeToRead; int iNbrRetry = NBR_RETRY_EXCHANGE; CThreadInterface *pInterface = NULL; iNbrTrame = pListExchange->iGetCount(); if ((iNum < iNbrTrame) && (iNum > -1)) { if (pElem = (CElemExchangeJbus*)pListExchange->pGetAt(iNum)) { if (pElem->m_pTrameJbusRQ && pElem->m_pTrameJbusRP) { if (pElem->m_pTrameJbusRQ->bAccessAllowed(bCanRead,bCanWrite)) { if (pInterface = EnumInterface.pGetSelectedInterface(pElem->m_pTrameJbusRQ->ucGetNumDest())) { iNbrRetry = NBR_RETRY_EXCHANGE; do { Context.Reset(TRUE,NULL,aBuffer,sizeof(aBuffer),pInterface->bGetModeInteger(),FALSE); iSizeToWrite = pElem->m_pTrameJbusRQ->iGetStreamSize(Context); if (iSizeToWrite < sizeof(aBuffer)) { if (bReturn = pElem->m_pTrameJbusRQ->bSerialize(Context)) { iSizeToWrite = Context.iGetCurrentSize(); iSizeToRead = pElem->m_pTrameJbusRP->iGetStreamSize(Context); if (iSizeToRead < Context.m_iSize) { if (bReturn = pInterface->bWriteAndRead(iNum,Context.m_pBuffStart,iSizeToWrite,aBuffer,iSizeToRead,Context.m_iSize, &iSizeToRead,FALSE)) { bReturn = pElem->m_pTrameJbusRP->bUpdateData(aBuffer,iSizeToRead,Context.m_bModeInteger); if (!bReturn) { TRACE_DEBUG(eDebug,eCycle,_T(__FILE__),_T(__FUNCTION__),__LINE__,_T("Error bUpdateData: %s"),szGetLabel()); } } Sleep(DW_DELAI_INTER_TRAME);// delai inter-trame } else { TRACE_DEBUG(eDebug,eConfig,_T(__FILE__),_T(__FUNCTION__),__LINE__,_T("taille buffer d'échange trop petit, taille buffer = %d, taille trame = %d"),Context.m_iSize,iSizeToRead); } } } } while (!bReturn && (iNbrRetry-- > 0)); } } } } } else TRACE_LOG_MSG(_T("(iNum < iNbrTrame) && (iNum > -1)")); if (!bReturn) { TRACE_DEBUG(eError,eCycle,_T(__FILE__),_T(__FUNCTION__),__LINE__,_T("Erreur de com avec la carte n°%u"), (pElem)?pElem->m_pTrameJbusRQ->ucGetNumDest():99); } return bReturn; }
BOOL CElemCycleStep::bFindRqAndExecuteFromIHM(long lExtraHeader,BOOL bCanRead, BOOL bCanWrite,BYTE *pBufferIn,long lSizeIn,BYTE *pBufferOut, long *plSizeOut,long lSizeOutMax,CEnumInterface &EnumInterface) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; CElemExchangeJbus *pElem = NULL; CContext Context; int iNbrTrame; int iNbrRetry = NBR_RETRY_EXCHANGE; CThreadInterface *pInterface = NULL; // recherche de l'interface de sortie pInterface = EnumInterface.pGetSelectedInterface(*pBufferIn); *plSizeOut = 0; if (pInterface) { // si c'est un message de l'IHM if (EnumInterface.bSelectedInterfaceIsSocketIHM(pInterface)) { iNbrTrame = m_ListExchangeRealTime.iGetCount(); if ((lExtraHeader > -1) && (lExtraHeader < iNbrTrame)) { if (pElem = (CElemExchangeJbus*)m_ListExchangeRealTime.pGetAt(lExtraHeader)) { if (pElem->m_pTrameJbusRQ && pElem->m_pTrameJbusRP) { if (pElem->m_pTrameJbusRQ->bAccessAllowed(bCanRead,bCanWrite)) { // verif de la taille en retour Context.Reset(TRUE,NULL,pBufferOut,lSizeOutMax,pInterface->bGetModeInteger(),FALSE); if (pElem->m_pTrameJbusRP->iGetStreamSize(Context) <= lSizeOutMax) { // verif si c'est la bonne trame et mise à jour if (bReturn = pElem->m_pTrameJbusRQ->bUpdateData(pBufferIn,lSizeIn,Context.m_bModeInteger)) { // recup de la reponse RP *plSizeOut = pElem->m_pTrameJbusRP->iGetStreamSize(Context); if (pElem->m_pTrameJbusRP->bSerialize(Context)) { bReturn = TRUE; } } } } } } } } // trame pas pour cette interface else /// carte io ou mesure { do { // ecriture et lecture sur l'interface serie (IO ou mesure if (bReturn = pInterface->bWriteAndRead(-1,pBufferIn,lSizeIn,pBufferOut,lSizeOutMax,lSizeOutMax,plSizeOut,TRUE)) { // recup de la taille du buffer de sortie a retransmettre vers IHM en l'état } } while (!bReturn && (iNbrRetry-- > 0)); } } if (!bReturn) { TRACE_DEBUG(eDebug,eComSocket,_T(__FILE__),_T(__FUNCTION__),__LINE__,_T("Error: %s"),szGetLabel()); TRACE_DEBUG_IHM(eError,eComSocket,eErrorFindRqAndExecuteFromIHM); } return bReturn; }
STDMETHODIMP CAdRotator::get_GetAdvertisement(BSTR bstrVirtualPath, BSTR * pVal) { SCODE rc = E_FAIL; try { USES_CONVERSION; CContext cxt; rc = cxt.Init( CContext::get_Server ); if ( !FAILED(rc) ) { CComBSTR bstrPhysicalPath; // determine the physical path if ( ( rc = cxt.Server()->MapPath( bstrVirtualPath, &bstrPhysicalPath ) ) == S_OK ) { _TCHAR* szPath = OLE2T( bstrPhysicalPath ); CAdFilePtr pAdFile = AdFile( szPath ); if ( pAdFile.IsValid() ) { // refresh the ad file (make sure it's up to date) pAdFile->Refresh(); // block all writers CReader rdr( *pAdFile ); // if the border hasn't been set, use the default from the ad file short nBorder; if ( m_nBorder < 0 ) { nBorder = pAdFile->Border(); } else { nBorder = m_nBorder; } CAdDescPtr pAd = pAdFile->RandomAd(); if ( pAd.IsValid() ) { // write out the HTML line for this ad StringOutStream ss; if ( m_bClickable && ( pAd->m_strLink.size() > 1 ) ) { // use the href format ss << _T("<A HREF=\"") << pAdFile->Redirector() << _T("?url=") << pAd->m_strLink << _T("&image=") << pAd->m_strGif << _T("\" ") << m_strTargetFrame << _T(">"); } // now fill in the rest ss << _T("<IMG SRC=\"") << pAd->m_strGif << _T("\" ALT=\"") << pAd->m_strAlt << _T("\" WIDTH=") << pAdFile->Width() << _T(" HEIGHT=") << pAdFile->Height(); if ( pAdFile->HSpace() != CAdFile::defaultHSpace ) { ss << _T(" HSPACE=") << pAdFile->HSpace(); } if ( pAdFile->VSpace() != CAdFile::defaultVSpace ) { ss << _T(" VSPACE=") << pAdFile->VSpace(); } ss << _T(" BORDER=") << nBorder << _T(">"); if ( m_bClickable && ( pAd->m_strLink.size() > 1 ) ) { // put the trailing tag on ss << _T("</A>"); } String str = ss.toString(); if ( pVal ) { if ( *pVal ) { ::SysFreeString( *pVal ); } *pVal = T2BSTR( str.c_str() ); THROW_IF_NULL( *pVal ); rc = S_OK; } else { rc = E_POINTER; } } } } } else { _ASSERT(0); RaiseException( IDS_ERROR_NOSVR ); } // end if got server } catch ( alloc_err& ) { rc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch ( ... ) { rc = E_FAIL; } return rc; }
// Display the power item on the screen! void CDrawPower::Paint(CContext &dc, paint_options options) { int spacing; CDPoint pa, pb, pc, pd, pos = m_point_a; CalcLayout(); dc.SelectFont(*m_pDesign->GetOptions()->GetFont(fPIN), 2); dc.SetROP2(R2_COPYPEN); dc.SetTextColor(m_pDesign->GetOptions()->GetUserColor().Get(CUserColor::POWER)); if (which != 0) spacing = POWER_SIZE * 2 + POWER_SIZE / 4; else spacing = POWER_SIZE + POWER_SIZE / 4; // Find out which way round the power object goes switch (dir) { case 0: // Top pa = CDPoint(pos.x, pos.y - POWER_SIZE); pb = CDPoint(pos.x - POWER_SIZE / 2, pos.y - POWER_SIZE); pc = CDPoint(pos.x + POWER_SIZE / 2 + 1, pos.y - POWER_SIZE); pd = CDPoint(pos.x, pos.y - POWER_SIZE * 2); break; case 1: // Bottom pa = CDPoint(pos.x, pos.y + POWER_SIZE); pb = CDPoint(pos.x - POWER_SIZE / 2, pos.y + POWER_SIZE); pc = CDPoint(pos.x + POWER_SIZE / 2 + 1, pos.y + POWER_SIZE); pd = CDPoint(pos.x, pos.y + POWER_SIZE * 2); break; case 2: // Left pa = CDPoint(pos.x - POWER_SIZE, pos.y); pb = CDPoint(pos.x - POWER_SIZE, pos.y - POWER_SIZE / 2); pc = CDPoint(pos.x - POWER_SIZE, pos.y + POWER_SIZE / 2 + 1); pd = CDPoint(pos.x - POWER_SIZE * 2, pos.y); break; case 3: // Right pa = CDPoint(pos.x + POWER_SIZE, pos.y); pb = CDPoint(pos.x + POWER_SIZE, pos.y - POWER_SIZE / 2); pc = CDPoint(pos.x + POWER_SIZE, pos.y + POWER_SIZE / 2 + 1); pd = CDPoint(pos.x + POWER_SIZE * 2, pos.y); break; } dc.TextOut(str, TextPos, options); switch (options) { case draw_selected: case draw_selectable: dc.SelectPen(PS_SOLID, 1, cSELECT); break; default: dc.SelectPen(PS_SOLID, 1, cLINE); } dc.SelectBrush(); // Draw the main line of the power item switch (which) { case 0: // Draw the Bar dc.MoveTo(pb); dc.LineTo(pc); break; case 1: // Draw the Circle dc.Ellipse(CDRect(pb.x - (pa.x - pd.x), pb.y - (pa.y - pd.y), pc.x, pc.y)); break; case 2: // Draw the Wave // The PolyBezier function is not implemented in MFC! // So this hack has to be used.... { CDPoint pts[4]; pts[0] = CDPoint(pb.x + (pd.x - pa.x) / 2, pb.y + (pd.y - pa.y) / 2); pts[1] = CDPoint(pd.x + (pb.x - pa.x) / 2, pd.y + (pb.y - pa.y) / 2); pts[2] = CDPoint(pa.x + (pc.x - pa.x) / 2, pa.y + (pc.y - pa.y) / 2); pts[3] = CDPoint(pc.x - (pa.x - pd.x) / 2, pc.y - (pa.y - pd.y) / 2); dc.PolyBezier(pts, 4); } break; case 3: // Draw the Arrow dc.MoveTo(pb); dc.LineTo(pc); dc.MoveTo(pb); dc.LineTo(pd); dc.LineTo(pc); break; case 4: // Draw the Earth dc.MoveTo(pb); dc.LineTo(pc); dc.MoveTo(CDPoint(pb.x - (pb.x - pd.x) / 2, pb.y - (pb.y - pd.y) / 2)); dc.LineTo(CDPoint(pc.x - (pc.x - pd.x) / 2, pc.y - (pc.y - pd.y) / 2)); dc.MoveTo(CDPoint(pd.x - (pb.x - pa.x) / 4, pd.y - (pb.y - pa.y) / 4)); dc.LineTo(CDPoint(pd.x + (pb.x - pa.x) / 4, pd.y + (pb.y - pa.y) / 4)); break; } // Draw the bits that all power items have in comman dc.MoveTo(pos); dc.LineTo(pa); if (is_stuck) { // Draw a nice circle to show the stickness... dc.PaintConnectPoint(m_point_b); // Do we need a junction if (is_junction) { int js = JUNCTION_SIZE; CDPoint br, tl; br = CDPoint(m_point_b.x + js, m_point_b.y + js); tl = CDPoint(m_point_b.x - js, m_point_b.y - js); dc.SetROP2(R2_COPYPEN); dc.SelectPen(PS_SOLID, 1, m_pDesign->GetOptions()->GetUserColor().Get(CUserColor::JUNCTION)); dc.SelectBrush(m_pDesign->GetOptions()->GetUserColor().Get(CUserColor::JUNCTION)); dc.Ellipse1(CDRect(tl.x, tl.y, br.x, br.y)); } } }
// Display the line on the screen! void CDrawLine::Paint(CContext &dc,paint_options options) { if (m_use_default_style) { switch (xtype) { case xWire: dc.SelectPen( PS_SOLID,1, m_pDesign->GetOptions()->GetUserColor().Get( CUserColor::WIRE ), options ); break; case xBus: dc.SelectPen( PS_SOLID,5, m_pDesign->GetOptions()->GetUserColor().Get( CUserColor::BUS ), options ); break; default: dc.SelectPen(m_pDesign->GetOptions()->GetStyle(m_style), options); break; } } else { dc.SelectPen(m_pDesign->GetOptions()->GetStyle(m_style), options); } dc.SetROP2(R2_COPYPEN); dc.MoveTo(m_point_a); if (!m_segment) { switch (g_EditToolBar.m_DrawLineEdit.mode) { case 1: dc.LineTo(CDPoint(m_point_b.x,m_point_a.y)); break; case 2: dc.LineTo(CDPoint(m_point_a.x,m_point_b.y)); break; } } dc.LineTo(m_point_b); if (is_stuck) { // Draw a nice circle to show the stickness... dc.PaintConnectPoint( m_point_b ); // Do we need a junction if (is_junction) { int js=JUNCTION_SIZE; CDPoint br,tl; br=CDPoint(m_point_b.x+js+1,m_point_b.y+js+1); tl=CDPoint(m_point_b.x-js,m_point_b.y-js); dc.SetROP2(R2_COPYPEN); dc.SelectPen(PS_SOLID,1,m_pDesign->GetOptions()->GetUserColor().Get( CUserColor::JUNCTION) ); dc.SelectBrush(m_pDesign->GetOptions()->GetUserColor().Get( CUserColor::JUNCTION)); dc.Ellipse(CDRect(tl.x,tl.y,br.x,br.y)); } } }
void destroy(void* server) { CContext* context = static_cast<CContext*>(server); context->destroy(); delete context; }
CContext::CContext(const CContext& context) { v8::HandleScope handle_scope(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent()); m_context.Reset(context.Handle()->GetIsolate(), context.Handle()); }
//! Initialize a file in order to write into it void CFile::initFile(void) { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); const CDate& currentDate = context->calendar->getCurrentDate(); CContextServer* server = context->server; lastSync = currentDate; lastSplit = currentDate; if (!split_freq.isEmpty()) { StdString keySuffix("CContext_"+CContext::getCurrent()->getId()+"::CFile_"+getFileOutputName()+"::") ; if (context->registryIn->foundKey(keySuffix+"splitStart") && context->registryIn->foundKey(keySuffix+"splitEnd")) { CDate savedSplitStart(*context->getCalendar()), savedSplitEnd(*context->getCalendar()); context->registryIn->getKey(keySuffix+"splitStart", savedSplitStart); context->registryIn->getKey(keySuffix+"splitEnd", savedSplitEnd); if (savedSplitStart <= lastSplit && lastSplit <= savedSplitEnd) lastSplit = savedSplitStart; } } isOpen = false; allDomainEmpty = true; // if (!record_offset.isEmpty() && record_offset < 0) // ERROR("void CFile::initFile(void)", // "Invalid 'record_offset', this attribute cannot be negative."); const int recordOffset = record_offset.isEmpty() ? 0 : record_offset; // set<CAxis*> setAxis; // set<CDomain*> setDomains; set<StdString> setAxis; set<StdString> setDomains; std::vector<CField*>::iterator it, end = this->enabledFields.end(); for (it = this->enabledFields.begin(); it != end; it++) { CField* field = *it; allDomainEmpty &= !field->grid->doGridHaveDataToWrite(); std::vector<CAxis*> vecAxis = field->grid->getAxis(); for (size_t i = 0; i < vecAxis.size(); ++i) setAxis.insert(vecAxis[i]->getAxisOutputName()); // setAxis.insert(vecAxis[i]); std::vector<CDomain*> vecDomains = field->grid->getDomains(); for (size_t i = 0; i < vecDomains.size(); ++i) setDomains.insert(vecDomains[i]->getDomainOutputName()); // setDomains.insert(vecDomains[i]); field->resetNStep(recordOffset); } nbAxis = setAxis.size(); nbDomains = setDomains.size(); // create sub communicator for file int color = allDomainEmpty ? 0 : 1; MPI_Comm_split(server->intraComm, color, server->intraCommRank, &fileComm); if (allDomainEmpty) MPI_Comm_free(&fileComm); // if (time_counter.isEmpty()) time_counter.setValue(time_counter_attr::centered); if (time_counter_name.isEmpty()) time_counter_name = "time_counter"; }