virtual void execute (CCtrlBase *pCaller, const std::string &/* Params */) { CInterfaceManager *im = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CGroupContainer *gc = NULL; CCtrlBase *cb = pCaller; while (cb) { gc = dynamic_cast<CGroupContainer *>(cb); if (gc) break; cb = cb->getParent(); } if (!gc) return; AlphaChooserTarget = gc; if (!_AlphaObserversAdded) { _UiVariableBGAlpha = im->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:ALPHA_BG"); _UiVariableContentAlpha = im->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:ALPHA_CONTENT"); _UiVariableRolloverAlphaBG = im->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:ALPHA_ROLLOVER_BG"); _UiVariableRolloverAlphaContent = im->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:ALPHA_ROLLOVER_CONTENT"); ICDBNode::CTextId textIdBGAlpha, textIdContentAlpha, textIdRolloverAlphaBG, textIdRolloverAlphaContent; _UiVariableBGAlpha->addObserver(&_BgAlphaObs, textIdBGAlpha); _UiVariableContentAlpha->addObserver(&_ContentAlphaObs, textIdContentAlpha); _UiVariableRolloverAlphaBG->addObserver(&_RolloverAlphaBGObs, textIdRolloverAlphaBG); _UiVariableRolloverAlphaContent->addObserver(&_RolloverAlphaContentObs, textIdRolloverAlphaContent); _AlphaObserversAdded = true; } // disable observers _ContentAlphaObs.On = false; _BgAlphaObs.On = false; _RolloverAlphaBGObs.On = false; _RolloverAlphaContentObs.On = false; // set alpha of current chosen container _UiVariableBGAlpha->setValue32(gc->getContainerAlpha()); _UiVariableContentAlpha->setValue32(gc->getContentAlpha()); _UiVariableRolloverAlphaBG->setValue32(255 - gc->getRolloverAlphaContainer()); _UiVariableRolloverAlphaContent->setValue32(255 - gc->getRolloverAlphaContent()); // enable observers _ContentAlphaObs.On = true; _BgAlphaObs.On = true; _RolloverAlphaBGObs.On = true; _RolloverAlphaContentObs.On = true; // backup current alpha (if the user cancel) OldContentAlpha = gc->getContentAlpha(); OldBgAlpha = gc->getContainerAlpha(); OldRolloverAlphaBG = gc->getRolloverAlphaContainer(); OldRolloverAlphaContent = gc->getRolloverAlphaContent(); OldUseGlobalAlpha = gc->isUsingGlobalAlpha(); // Enable 'use global alpha' button im->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:USER_ALPHA")->setValue64(gc->isUsingGlobalAlpha() ? 0 : 1); // show the modal box im->enableModalWindow(gc, "ui:interface:define_ui_transparency"); }
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase *pCaller, const std::string &/* Params */) { // CInterfaceManager *im = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CGroupContainer *gc = NULL; CCtrlBase *cb = pCaller; while (cb) { gc = dynamic_cast<CGroupContainer *>(cb); if (gc) break; cb = cb->getParent(); } if (!gc) return; //gc->setMovable(!gc->isMovable()); gc->setLocked(!gc->isLocked()); }
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase *pCaller, const string &Params) { CInterfaceManager *im = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // get the parent container CGroupContainer *gc = NULL; CCtrlBase *cb = pCaller; while (cb) { gc = dynamic_cast<CGroupContainer *>(cb); if (gc) break; cb = cb->getParent(); } // update GC_POPUP flag if (gc) { im->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:GC_POPUP")->setValue64((gc->isPopuped() || gc->getLayerSetup() == 0) ? 1 : 0); } else { im->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:GC_POPUP")->setValue64(0); } // update GC_HAS_HELP flag if(gc && !gc->getHelpPage().empty()) { im->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:GC_HAS_HELP")->setValue64(1); } else { im->getDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:GC_HAS_HELP")->setValue64(0); } // open the menu if (CDBCtrlSheet::getDraggedSheet() == NULL) { CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->enableModalWindow (pCaller, getParam(Params, "menu")); } }
CInterfaceElement* CRootGroup::getElement (const std::string &id) { if (_Id == id) return this; if (id.substr(0, _Id.size()) != _Id) return NULL; std::vector<CViewBase*>::const_iterator itv; for (itv = _Views.begin(); itv != _Views.end(); itv++) { CViewBase *pVB = *itv; if (pVB->getId() == id) return pVB; } std::vector<CCtrlBase*>::const_iterator itc; for (itc = _Controls.begin(); itc != _Controls.end(); itc++) { CCtrlBase* ctrl = *itc; if (ctrl->getId() == id) return ctrl; } // Accelerate std::string sTmp = id; sTmp = sTmp.substr(_Id.size()+1,sTmp.size()); std::string::size_type pos = sTmp.find(':'); if (pos != std::string::npos) sTmp = sTmp.substr(0,pos); std::map<std::string,CInterfaceGroup*>::iterator it = _Accel.find(sTmp); if (it != _Accel.end()) { CInterfaceGroup *pIG = it->second; return pIG->getElement(id); } return NULL; }
virtual void OnInitDialog() { // what, no plugins?! if (arDbPlugins.getCount() == 0) { m_driverList.Enable(false); m_profileName.Enable(false); ShowWindow(m_warning.GetHwnd(), TRUE); } else { for (int i = 0; i < arDbPlugins.getCount(); i++) { DATABASELINK *p = arDbPlugins[i]; m_driverList.AddString(TranslateTS(p->szFullName), (LPARAM)p); } } // default item m_driverList.SetCurSel(0); // subclass the profile name box mir_subclassWindow(m_profileName.GetHwnd(), ProfileNameValidate); // decide if there is a default profile name given in the INI and if it should be used if (m_pd->noProfiles || (shouldAutoCreate(m_pd->ptszProfile) && _taccess(m_pd->ptszProfile, 0))) { TCHAR *profile = _tcsrchr(m_pd->ptszProfile, '\\'); if (profile) ++profile; else profile = m_pd->ptszProfile; TCHAR *p = _tcsrchr(profile, '.'); TCHAR c = 0; if (p) { c = *p; *p = 0; } m_profileName.SetText(profile); if (c) *p = c; } // focus on the textbox PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_FOCUSTEXTBOX, 0, 0); }
virtual void OnInitDialog() { SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)LoadImage(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_DETAILSLOGO), IMAGE_ICON, g_iIconSX, g_iIconSY, 0)); SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)LoadImage(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_DETAILSLOGO), IMAGE_ICON, g_iIconX, g_iIconY, 0)); if (m_pd->noProfiles || shouldAutoCreate(m_pd->ptszProfile)) m_tab.ActivatePage(1); // service mode combobox if (servicePlugins.getCount() == 0) { ShowWindow(m_warning.GetHwnd(), FALSE); ShowWindow(m_servicePlugs.GetHwnd(), FALSE); } else { m_servicePlugs.AddStringA("", -1); m_servicePlugs.SetCurSel(0); for (int i = 0; i < servicePlugins.getCount(); i++) { pluginEntry *p = servicePlugins[i]; m_servicePlugs.AddString(TranslateTS(p->pluginname), i); } } }
virtual void execute (CCtrlBase *pCaller, const string &Params) { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); string dblink = getParam (Params, "dblink"); string property = getParam (Params, "target_property"); string propertyToEval = getParam (Params, "target"); string expr = getParam (Params, "value"); //nlinfo("set %s %s %s %s", dblink.c_str(), property.c_str(), propertyToEval.c_str(), expr.c_str()); CInterfaceExprValue value; if (CInterfaceExpr::eval(expr, value, NULL)) { if (!dblink.empty()) { // Do not allow Write on SERVER: or LOCAL: static const std::string dbServer= "SERVER:"; static const std::string dbLocal= "LOCAL:"; static const std::string dbLocalR2= "LOCAL:R2"; if( (, dbServer.size(), dbServer)) || (, dbLocal.size(), dbLocal)) ) { if (0!, dbLocalR2.size(), dbLocalR2)) { //nlwarning("You are not allowed to write on 'SERVER:...' or 'LOCAL:...' database"); nlstop; return; } } string dblinkeval; CInterfaceExpr::unpackDBentry(dblink.c_str(), NULL, dblinkeval); if (!value.toInteger()) { nlwarning("<CAHSet:execute> expression doesn't evaluate to a numerical value"); } CInterfaceProperty ip; if (!value.toInteger()) { nlwarning("<CAHSet:execute> expression doesn't evaluate to a numerical value"); } if ( (dblinkeval.c_str())) { ip.setSInt64(value.getInteger()); } } if (!propertyToEval.empty()) { CInterfaceExprValue res; if (!CInterfaceExpr::eval(propertyToEval, res, NULL)) return; res.toString(); property = res.getString(); } if (!property.empty()) { std::vector<CInterfaceLink::CTargetInfo> targets; // find first enclosing group CCtrlBase *currCtrl = pCaller; CInterfaceGroup *ig = NULL; while (currCtrl) { ig = dynamic_cast<CInterfaceGroup *>(currCtrl); if (ig != NULL) break; currCtrl = currCtrl->getParent(); } if (ig == NULL) { string elt = property.substr(0,property.rfind(':')); CInterfaceElement *pIE = pIM->getElementFromId(elt); ig = dynamic_cast<CInterfaceGroup*>(pIE); if (ig == NULL && pIE != NULL) ig = pIE->getParent(); } if (ig != NULL) { CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTargets(property, ig, targets); for(uint k = 0; k < targets.size(); ++k) { if (targets[k].Elem) targets[k].affect(value); } } } } else { nlwarning("<CAHSet::execute> Couldn't evaluate expression to affect, expr = %s", expr.c_str()); } }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CViewPointer::draw () { // Do not display the pointer if not visible. if(!_PointerVisible) return; CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CViewRenderer &rVR = pIM->getViewRenderer(); if (pIM->isInGame()) if (!_StringCursor) { // Create the string cursor instance std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> > templateParams; templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string>("id", "string_cursor")); _StringCursor = pIM->createGroupInstance("string_cursor", "", templateParams); if (_StringCursor) _StringCursor->setParentPos(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:interface")); templateParams.clear(); templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string>("id", "string_cursor_hardware")); _StringCursorHardware = pIM->createGroupInstance("string_cursor_hardware", "", templateParams); if (_StringCursorHardware) _StringCursorHardware->setParentPos(pIM->getElementFromId("ui:interface")); } CRGBA col; if(getModulateGlobalColor()) col.modulateFromColor (_Color, pIM->getGlobalColor()); else col= _Color; //col.A = (uint8)(((sint32)col.A*((sint32)pIM->getGlobalColor().A+1))>>8); col.A = _Color.A; if (_LastHightLight != NULL) { _LastHightLight->setHighLighted(false,0); _LastHightLight = NULL; } if (pIM->getCapturePointerLeft() != NULL && pIM->isMouseHandlingEnabled()) { CCtrlMover *pCM = dynamic_cast<CCtrlMover*>(pIM->getCapturePointerLeft()); if ((pCM != NULL) && (pCM->canMove() == true)) { CGroupContainer *pGC = dynamic_cast<CGroupContainer *>(pCM->getParent()); if (pGC != NULL && !pGC->isLocked()) { pGC->setHighLighted(true, 255); _LastHightLight = pGC; } } } if (_TxIdDefault == -2) { _TxIdDefault = rVR.getTextureIdFromName (_TxDefault); _TxIdMoveWindow = rVR.getTextureIdFromName (_TxMoveWindow); _TxIdResizeBRTL = rVR.getTextureIdFromName (_TxResizeBRTL); _TxIdResizeBLTR = rVR.getTextureIdFromName (_TxResizeBLTR); _TxIdResizeTB = rVR.getTextureIdFromName (_TxResizeTB); _TxIdResizeLR = rVR.getTextureIdFromName (_TxResizeLR); _TxIdRotate = rVR.getTextureIdFromName (_TxRotate); _TxIdScale = rVR.getTextureIdFromName (_TxScale); _TxIdColPick = rVR.getTextureIdFromName (_TxColPick); _TxIdPan = rVR.getTextureIdFromName (_TxPan); _TxIdCanPan = rVR.getTextureIdFromName (_TxCanPan); if (ClientCfg.R2EDEnabled) { _TxIdPanR2 = rVR.getTextureIdFromName (_TxPanR2); _TxIdCanPanR2 = rVR.getTextureIdFromName (_TxCanPanR2); } } const vector<CCtrlBase *> &rICL = pIM->getCtrlsUnderPointer (); // Draw the captured cursor CCtrlBase *pCB = pIM->getCapturePointerLeft(); if (pCB != NULL) { if (drawResizer(pCB,col)) return; //if (drawMover(pCB,col)) return; if (drawColorPicker(pCB,col)) return; if (drawRotate(pCB,col)) return; if (drawPan(pCB,col)) return; if (drawCustom(pCB)) return; drawCursor(_TxIdDefault, col, 0); return; } const vector<CViewBase *> &vUP = pIM->getViewsUnderPointer (); for(uint i=0;i<vUP.size();i++) { CViewLink *vLink = dynamic_cast<CViewLink*>(vUP[i]); if (vLink != NULL) { string tooltip; uint8 rot; if (vLink->getMouseOverShape(tooltip, rot, col)) { setString(ucstring(tooltip)); sint32 texId = rVR.getTextureIdFromName ("curs_pick.tga"); CInterfaceGroup *stringCursor = IsMouseCursorHardware() ? _StringCursorHardware : _StringCursor; if (stringCursor) { stringCursor->setX(_PointerX); stringCursor->setY(_PointerY); stringCursor->updateCoords(); stringCursor->draw(); // if in hardware mode, force to draw the default cursor no matter what.. if (IsMouseCursorHardware()) drawCursor(texId, col, 0); } else { drawCursor(texId, col, 0); } return; } } } // Draw if capture right pCB = pIM->getCapturePointerRight(); if (pCB != NULL) { // Is it a 3d scene ? if (drawScale(pCB,col)) return; drawCursor(_TxIdDefault, col, 0); return; } bool overModalWindow = false; // is the cursor currently over a modal window ? CInterfaceGroup *currModal = pIM->getModalWindow(); if (currModal) { sint32 xPos = _XReal + _OffsetX; sint32 yPos = _YReal + _OffsetY; overModalWindow = currModal->isIn(xPos, yPos, _WReal, _HReal); } // Draw the cursor type that are under the pointer if (pIM->isMouseHandlingEnabled()) { // Sorts the controls according to their depth, to approximate as best the CapturePointerLeft algo. // Especially important so that Resizers controls get the precedence over the move control (else could randomly bug like in chat group) static vector<CCtrlDepthEntry> sortedControls; sortedControls.clear(); for(uint i=0;i<rICL.size();i++) { CCtrlDepthEntry cde; cde.Ctrl= rICL[i]; // NB: not the exact CInterfaceManager getDepth test here, but should work fine cde.Depth= cde.Ctrl->getParentDepth() + cde.Ctrl->getDeltaDepth(); sortedControls.push_back(cde); } std::sort(sortedControls.begin(), sortedControls.end()); // Then draw the correct cursor for (uint32 i = 0; i < sortedControls.size(); ++i) { CCtrlBase *pCB = sortedControls[i].Ctrl; if (overModalWindow) { if (!pCB->isSonOf(currModal)) continue; } if (drawBrowse(pCB, col)) return; if (drawResizer(pCB,col)) return; if (drawColorPicker(pCB,col)) return; if (drawLink (pCB, col)) return; if (drawCustom(pCB)) return; // test for move highlight if (_LastHightLight == NULL) { CCtrlMover *pCM = dynamic_cast<CCtrlMover*>(pCB); if ( (pCM != NULL) && (pCM->canMove() == true) ) { CGroupContainer *pGC = dynamic_cast<CGroupContainer *>(pCM->getParent()); if (pGC != NULL && !pGC->isLocked()) { if (pIM->getCapturePointerLeft() != pCM) pGC->setHighLighted(true, 128); else pGC->setHighLighted(true, 255); _LastHightLight = pGC; break; } } } //if (drawMover(pCB,col)) return; } } if (pIM->isMouseHandlingEnabled()) { if (rICL.empty()) { const vector<CInterfaceGroup *> &rIGL = pIM->getGroupsUnderPointer (); for (uint32 i = 0; i < rIGL.size(); ++i) { CInterfaceGroup *pG = rIGL[i]; if (overModalWindow) { if (!pG->isSonOf(currModal)) continue; } if (drawPan (pG, col)) return; if (drawBrowse(pG, col)) return; } } } if (_StringMode && pIM->isMouseHandlingEnabled()) { CInterfaceGroup *stringCursor = IsMouseCursorHardware() ? _StringCursorHardware : _StringCursor; if (stringCursor) { stringCursor->setX(_PointerX); stringCursor->setY(_PointerY); stringCursor->updateCoords(); stringCursor->draw(); // if in hardware mode, force to draw the default cursor no matter what.. if (IsMouseCursorHardware()) { drawCursor(_TxIdDefault, col, 0); } } } else { // Draw the default cursor drawCursor(_TxIdDefault, col, 0); } }