CDeviceClass *CDeviceDescList::GetNamedDevice (DeviceNames iDev) const

//	GetNamedDevice
//	Returns the named device (or NULL if not found)

	int i;
	ItemCategories iCatToFind = CDeviceClass::GetItemCategory(iDev);

	for (i = 0; i < m_iCount; i++)
		CDeviceClass *pDevice = GetDeviceClass(i);

		//	See if this is the category that we want to find

		if (pDevice->GetCategory() == iCatToFind)
			return pDevice;

	return NULL;
void CUIHelper::CreateClassInfoDeviceSlots (CShipClass *pClass, const CDeviceDescList &Devices, int x, int y, int cxWidth, DWORD dwOptions, int *retcyHeight, IAnimatron **retpInfo) const

//	CreateClassInfoDeviceSlots
//	Creates info about the number of open device slots

	int i;

	const CVisualPalette &VI = m_HI.GetVisuals();

	//	Count the number of slots being used

	int iAll = 0;
	int iWeapons = 0;
	int iNonWeapons = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < Devices.GetCount(); i++)
		CDeviceClass *pDevice = Devices.GetDeviceClass(i);
		int iSlots = pDevice->GetSlotsRequired();
		iAll += iSlots;

		if (pDevice->GetCategory() == itemcatWeapon || pDevice->GetCategory() == itemcatLauncher)
			iWeapons += iSlots;
			iNonWeapons += iSlots;

	int iAllLeft = Max(0, pClass->GetMaxDevices() - iAll);
	int iWeaponsLeft = Max(0, Min(iAllLeft, pClass->GetMaxWeapons() - iWeapons));
	int iNonWeaponsLeft = Max(0, Min(iAllLeft, pClass->GetMaxNonWeapons() - iNonWeapons));

	//	Add the device slot statistic

	CString sNumber = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%d"), iAllLeft);
	CString sHeader = (iAllLeft == 1 ? CONSTLIT("device slot for expansion") : CONSTLIT("device slots for expansion"));
	CString sDesc;
	if (iWeaponsLeft != iAllLeft && iNonWeaponsLeft != iAllLeft)
		sDesc = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("only %d for weapons; only %d for non-weapons"), iWeaponsLeft, iNonWeaponsLeft);
	else if (iWeaponsLeft != iAllLeft)
		sDesc = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("only %d device slot%p available for weapons"), iWeaponsLeft);
	else if (iNonWeaponsLeft != iAllLeft)
		sDesc = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("only %d device slot%p available for non-weapons"), iNonWeaponsLeft);

	//	Figure out some dimensions and metrics. Everything is relative to x, y.

	bool bRightAlign = ((dwOptions & OPTION_ITEM_RIGHT_ALIGN) ? true : false);
	int cxIcon = SMALL_ICON_WIDTH;
	int cyIcon = SMALL_ICON_HEIGHT;
	int xIcon = (bRightAlign ? -cxIcon : 0);
	int yIcon = 0;

	int cxText = cxWidth - (cxIcon + ITEM_INFO_SPACING_HORZ);
	int xText = (bRightAlign ? -cxWidth : cxIcon + ITEM_INFO_SPACING_HORZ);
	int yText = 0;

	//	Create a sequencer to hold all the controls

	CAniSequencer *pRoot;
	CAniSequencer::Create(CVector(x, y), &pRoot);

	//	Create a small item icon

	IAnimatron *pImageFrame = new CAniRect;
	pImageFrame->SetPropertyVector(PROP_POSITION, CVector(xIcon, yIcon));
	pImageFrame->SetPropertyVector(PROP_SCALE, CVector(SMALL_ICON_WIDTH, SMALL_ICON_HEIGHT));
	pImageFrame->SetFillMethod(new CAniImageFill(&VI.GetImage(imageSlotIcon), false));

	pRoot->AddTrack(pImageFrame, 0);

	//	Create some text

	int cyText = 0;

	CString sText = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("{/rtf {/f:LargeBold;/c:%d; %s} {/f:MediumBold;/c:%d; %s}\n{/f:Medium;/c:%d; %s}}"),

	//	Add the text item

	IAnimatron *pRef = new CAniRichText(VI);
	pRef->SetPropertyVector(PROP_POSITION, CVector(xText, yText + cyText));
	pRef->SetPropertyVector(PROP_SCALE, CVector(cxText, 1000));
	pRef->SetPropertyString(PROP_TEXT, sText);
	if (bRightAlign)

	pRoot->AddTrack(pRef, 0);

	RECT rcRef;
	cyText += RectHeight(rcRef);

	//	Done

	if (retcyHeight)
		*retcyHeight = Max(cyText, SMALL_ICON_HEIGHT);

	*retpInfo = pRoot;
void CNewGameSession::SetShipClass (CShipClass *pClass, int x, int y, int cxWidth)

//	SetShipClass
//	Sets the ship class

	int i;

	const CPlayerSettings *pPlayerSettings = pClass->GetPlayerSettings();

	const CVisualPalette &VI = m_HI.GetVisuals();
	const CG16bitFont &MediumBoldFont = VI.GetFont(fontMediumBold);
	const CG16bitFont &SubTitleFont = VI.GetFont(fontSubTitle);

	//	Ship class name

	SetShipClassName(pClass->GetName(), x, y, cxWidth);
	SetShipClassDesc(pPlayerSettings->GetDesc(), x, y, cxWidth);

	//	Offset

	int yOffset = SMALL_BUTTON_HEIGHT + SMALL_SPACING_VERT + MediumBoldFont.GetHeight() + 2 * SubTitleFont.GetHeight();

	//	Ship class image

	SetShipClassImage(pClass, x, y + yOffset, cxWidth);

	//	Delete previous info


	//	Create a sequencer for all class info components

	CAniSequencer *pClassInfo;
	CAniSequencer::Create(CVector(x, y + yOffset + SubTitleFont.GetHeight()), &pClassInfo);

	//	Generate default devices for the ship class

	CDeviceDescList Devices;
	pClass->GenerateDevices(1, Devices);

	//	Generate list of all weapons, sorted by level and name

	TSortMap<CString, CItem> RightSide;
	for (i = 0; i < Devices.GetCount(); i++)
		CDeviceClass *pDevice = Devices.GetDeviceClass(i);
		if (pDevice->GetCategory() == itemcatWeapon ||
				pDevice->GetCategory() == itemcatLauncher)
			RightSide.Insert(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%02d_%02d_%s"), 1, pDevice->GetLevel(), pDevice->GetName()), CItem(pDevice->GetItemType(), 1));

	//	Add shields

	TSortMap<CString, CItem> LeftSide;
	CDeviceClass *pShields = Devices.GetNamedDevice(devShields);
	if (pShields)
		RightSide.Insert(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%02d_%02d_%s"), 2, pShields->GetLevel(), pShields->GetName()), CItem(pShields->GetItemType(), 1));

	//	Add armor

	RightSide.Insert(CONSTLIT("03"), CItem(g_pUniverse->GetItemType(0), SPECIAL_ARMOR));

	//	Add reactor

	LeftSide.Insert(CONSTLIT("01"), CItem(g_pUniverse->GetItemType(0), SPECIAL_REACTOR));

	//	Add engines

	LeftSide.Insert(CONSTLIT("02"), CItem(g_pUniverse->GetItemType(0), SPECIAL_DRIVE));

	//	Add cargo

	LeftSide.Insert(CONSTLIT("03"), CItem(g_pUniverse->GetItemType(0), SPECIAL_CARGO));

	//	Add misc devices

	for (i = 0; i < Devices.GetCount(); i++)
		CDeviceClass *pDevice = Devices.GetDeviceClass(i);
		if (pDevice->GetCategory() == itemcatMiscDevice)
			LeftSide.Insert(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%02d_%02d_%s"), 4, pDevice->GetLevel(), pDevice->GetName()), CItem(pDevice->GetItemType(), 1));

	//	Add device slots

	LeftSide.Insert(CONSTLIT("05"), CItem(g_pUniverse->GetItemType(0), SPECIAL_DEVICE_SLOTS));

	//	Set the ship class info. All weapons go to the right of the ship image

	int xPos = (cxWidth / 2) + (SHIP_IMAGE_RECT_WIDTH / 2);
	int yPos = 0;
	int cxInfo = (cxWidth - xPos);

	for (i = 0; i < RightSide.GetCount(); i++)
		int cyInfo;
		IAnimatron *pInfo;
		AddClassInfo(pClass, Devices, RightSide[i], xPos, yPos, cxInfo, 0, &cyInfo, &pInfo);

		pClassInfo->AddTrack(pInfo, 0);
		yPos += cyInfo + ITEM_INFO_PADDING_VERT;

	//	Misc devices go on the left

	xPos = (cxWidth / 2) - (SHIP_IMAGE_RECT_WIDTH / 2);
	yPos = 0;
	cxInfo = xPos;

	for (i = 0; i < LeftSide.GetCount(); i++)
		int cyInfo;
		IAnimatron *pInfo;
		AddClassInfo(pClass, Devices, LeftSide[i], xPos, yPos, cxInfo, CUIHelper::OPTION_ITEM_RIGHT_ALIGN, &cyInfo, &pInfo);

		pClassInfo->AddTrack(pInfo, 0);
		yPos += cyInfo + ITEM_INFO_PADDING_VERT;
