BOOL CFileView::CloseSkinFile(CString& strPath) { CDocument* pDoc = FindSkinFile(strPath); if(pDoc == NULL) return FALSE; pDoc->OnCloseDocument(); return TRUE; }
void SECEditView::UpdateViews(CWnd* pSender, LPARAM lHint, CObject* pHint) { // This is declared in SECEditCore.h because many OE functions // Update the view. The default implementation does nothing // and is called for SECEditCtrl derivatives. This is called // for SECEditView derivatives CDocument* pDoc = GetDocument(); if (pDoc) pDoc->UpdateAllViews((CView*)pSender, lHint, pHint); }
void CInstrument::InstrumentChanged() const { // Set modified flag CFrameWnd *pFrameWnd = dynamic_cast<CFrameWnd*>(AfxGetMainWnd()); if (pFrameWnd != NULL) { CDocument *pDoc = pFrameWnd->GetActiveDocument(); if (pDoc != NULL) pDoc->SetModifiedFlag(); } }
LPDISPATCH CMUSHclientDoc::Open(LPCTSTR FileName) { //CDocument * pDoc = App.m_pWorldDocTemplate->OpenDocumentFile (FileName); CDocument * pDoc = App.OpenDocumentFile (FileName); if (pDoc) return pDoc->GetIDispatch (TRUE); return NULL; } // end of CMUSHclientDoc::Open
void CDocTemplate::OnIdle() { POSITION pos = GetFirstDocPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CDocument* pDoc = GetNextDoc(pos); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); ASSERT_KINDOF(CDocument, pDoc); pDoc->OnIdle(); } }
void CXTPShellListView::OnDblclk(NMHDR* /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT* pResult) { int iIndex = GetDoubleClickedItem(); if (iIndex >= 0) { CDocument* pDoc = GetDocument(); pDoc->UpdateAllViews(this, SHN_XTP_SELECTCHILD, (CObject*)GetListCtrl().GetItemData(iIndex)); } *pResult = 0; }
HMENU COleIPFrameWnd::GetInPlaceMenu() { // get active document associated with this frame window CDocument* pDoc = GetActiveDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); // get in-place menu from the doc template CDocTemplate* pTemplate = pDoc->GetDocTemplate(); ASSERT_VALID(pTemplate); return pTemplate->m_hMenuInPlaceServer; }
BOOL CDocTemplate::SaveAllModified() { POSITION pos = GetFirstDocPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CDocument* pDoc = GetNextDoc(pos); if (!pDoc->SaveModified()) return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void test_parser() { std::string page("<h1><a>wrong link</a><a class=\"special\"\\>some link</a></h1>"); CDocument doc; doc.parse(page.c_str()); CSelection c = doc.find("h1 a.special"); CNode node = c.nodeAt(0); printf("Node: %s\n", node.text().c_str()); std::string content = page.substr(node.startPos(), node.endPos()-node.startPos()); printf("Node: %s\n", content.c_str()); }
// @pymethod int|PyCDocument|IsModified|Return a flag indicating if the document has been modified. PyObject * ui_doc_is_modified(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { CDocument *pDoc; if (!(pDoc=PyCDocument::GetDoc(self))) return NULL; CHECK_NO_ARGS2(args,IsModified); GUI_BGN_SAVE; int rc = pDoc->IsModified(); GUI_END_SAVE; return Py_BuildValue("i", rc); // @pyseemfc CDocument|IsModified }
// @pymethod string|PyCDocument|GetTitle|Returns the title of the current document. // This will often be the file name portion of the path name. PyObject * ui_doc_get_title(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { CDocument *pDoc; if (!(pDoc=PyCDocument::GetDoc(self))) return NULL; CHECK_NO_ARGS2(args,GetTitle); GUI_BGN_SAVE; CString path = pDoc->GetTitle(); // @pyseemfc CDocument|GetTitle GUI_END_SAVE; return PyWinObject_FromTCHAR(path); }
int OpenPocket( const vector<CRossPocketItem>& UnitNos, CString Title) { CDocTemplate* tmpl = GetRossPocketTemplate();; CDocument* pDocument = tmpl->CreateNewDocument(); if (pDocument == NULL) { TRACE0("CDocTemplate::CreateNewDocument returned NULL.\n"); AfxMessageBox(AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DOC); return false; } ASSERT_VALID(pDocument); pDocument->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE; // don't destroy if something goes wrong CFrameWnd* pFrame = tmpl->CreateNewFrame(pDocument, NULL); pDocument->m_bAutoDelete = TRUE; if (pFrame == NULL) { AfxMessageBox(AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DOC); delete pDocument; // explicit delete on error return FALSE; }; ASSERT_VALID(pFrame); pDocument->SetPathName(CString("An entry subset by ")+Title); // open an existing document tmpl->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, pDocument, TRUE); POSITION pos = pDocument->GetFirstViewPosition(); CPocketForm* V = (CPocketForm*)(pDocument->GetNextView(pos)); V->m_PocketItems = UnitNos; V->m_WordList.InsertColumn(1,"Словарный вход", LVCFMT_LEFT, 200); V->m_WordList.InsertColumn(2,"Номер значения", LVCFMT_LEFT, 60); V->m_WordList.InsertColumn(2,"Название словаря", LVCFMT_LEFT, 60); V->m_WordList.SetItemCountEx(UnitNos.size()); V->m_UnitsSize.Format ("Число словарных входов : %i", V->m_WordList.GetItemCount()); V->UpdateData(FALSE); V->m_WordList.UpdateData(FALSE); V->m_WordList.Invalidate(); V->m_Title = Title; // установка размеров V->GetParent()->SetWindowPos(NULL, 0,0, 535 , 500, SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOMOVE); return true; };
void OleDocRoot::SetTitle(LPCTSTR lpszTitle) { CString s(lpszTitle); CDocTemplate* pTempl = GetDocTemplate(); if (pTempl) { flag Found = True; while (Found) { Found = False; POSITION Pos = pTempl->GetFirstDocPosition(); while (Pos && !Found) { CDocument * pDoc = pTempl->GetNextDoc(Pos); if (pDoc!=this) { CString Title = pDoc->GetTitle(); if (Title.GetLength()==s.GetLength() && _stricmp((const char*)s, (const char*)Title)==0) Found = True; } } if (Found) { CString Ext = ""; int DotPos = s.ReverseFind('.'); if (DotPos>=0) { Ext = s.Mid(DotPos, 256); s = s.Left(DotPos); } int _Pos = s.ReverseFind('_'); if (_Pos>=0) { CString ss = s.Mid(_Pos+1, 256); s = s.Left(_Pos+1); if (ss.GetLength()>0) { char Buff[32]; sprintf(Buff, "%d", atoi((const char*)ss) + 1); s += Buff; } else s += "1"; } else s += "_1"; s += Ext; } } } COleLinkingDoc::SetTitle((const char*)s); }
CWnd* WPhonePlugin::GetActiveWnd(CMultiDocTemplate* doc) { CWnd* pView = NULL; POSITION posdoc = doc->GetFirstDocPosition(); while(posdoc != NULL) { CDocument* pdoc = doc->GetNextDoc(posdoc); POSITION posview = pdoc->GetFirstViewPosition(); pView = (pdoc->GetNextView(posview)); } return pView; }
CMDIChildWnd *CMDIChildIter::GetNextChild() { CDocument *pDoc = m_DocIter.GetNextDoc(); if (pDoc != NULL) { POSITION pos = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition(); if (pos != NULL) { CView *pView = pDoc->GetNextView(pos); if (pView != NULL) return(DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CMDIChildWnd, pView->GetParentFrame())); } } return(NULL); }
void CFileView::OnFileNew() { CMultiDocTemplate* pUIDocTemplate = theApp.GetUIDocTemplate(); CDocument* pDoc = pUIDocTemplate->OpenDocumentFile(NULL); CString strFilePath = CGlobalVariable::m_strProjectPath + pDoc->GetTitle() + _T(".xml"); pDoc->DoSave(strFilePath); HTREEITEM hSelectedItem = m_wndFileView.GetSelectedItem(); DWORD dwInfo = m_wndFileView.GetItemData(hSelectedItem); HTREEITEM hParent = (dwInfo != INFO_FILE) ? hSelectedItem : m_wndFileView.GetParentItem(hSelectedItem); HTREEITEM hNewItem = m_wndFileView.InsertItem(pDoc->GetTitle(), 2, 2, hParent); m_wndFileView.SetItemData(hNewItem, INFO_FILE); m_wndFileView.Expand(hParent, TVE_EXPAND); }
// @pymethod <o PyCDocTemplate>|PyCDocument|GetDocTemplate|Returns the template for the document. PyObject * ui_doc_get_template(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { CDocument *pDoc; if (!(pDoc=PyCDocument::GetDoc(self))) return NULL; CHECK_NO_ARGS2(args,GetDocTemplate); GUI_BGN_SAVE; CDocTemplate *ret = pDoc->GetDocTemplate(); GUI_END_SAVE; // @pyseemfc CDocument|GetDocTemplate return ui_assoc_object::make(PyCDocTemplate::type, ret)->GetGoodRet(); }
CWordPadView* CEmbeddedItem::GetView() const { CDocument* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); POSITION pos = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition(); if (pos == NULL) return NULL; CWordPadView* pView = (CWordPadView*)pDoc->GetNextView(pos); ASSERT_VALID(pView); ASSERT(pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CWordPadView))); return pView; }
void CMDITabsDialogBar::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT pdis) { CRect rc = pdis->rcItem; int nTabIndex = pdis->itemID; bool fSelected = (nTabIndex == GetCurSel()); ODA_DRAWENTIRE; char label[64]; TCITEM tci; tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_PARAM; tci.pszText = label; tci.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(label); if (GetItem(nTabIndex, &tci)) { CMDITabChildWnd *pActive = reinterpret_cast<CMDITabChildWnd*>(tci.lParam); CDC dc; dc.Attach(pdis->hDC); int iIndex = _GetBitmapIndex(pActive->GetTabType()); CExtBitmap &bitmapToUse = fSelected ? _tabBitmap[iIndex] : _tabBitmapNS[iIndex]; CRect rcSrc(CPoint(0, 0), bitmapToUse.GetSize()); //CRect rcPadding(2, 2, 2, 2); CRect rcPadding(0, 0, 0, 0); bitmapToUse.AlphaBlendSkinParts(pdis->hDC, rc, rcSrc, rcPadding, /*__EXT_BMP_FLAG_PREMULTIPLIED_RGB_CHANNELS |*/ CExtBitmap::__EDM_STRETCH, true, true, 0xFF); // Use a different font decoration depending on if this is the most recent version of this item. bool fNotMostRecent = false; CDocument *pDocAny = pActive->GetActiveDocument(); if (pDocAny && pDocAny->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CResourceDocument))) { CResourceDocument *pDoc = static_cast<CResourceDocument*>(pDocAny); fNotMostRecent = !theApp._resourceRecency.IsResourceMostRecent(pDoc); } if (fNotMostRecent) { // Draw a diagonal line across the thing. dc.MoveTo(rc.TopLeft()); dc.LineTo(rc.BottomRight()); } rc.OffsetRect(4, 1); // indent COLORREF crText = RGB(0, 0, 0); // g_PaintManager->PAINTPUSHBUTTONDATA::m_clrForceTextNormal; // green in release, black in debug! int nOldText = dc.SetTextColor(crText); int nOldBk = dc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); dc.DrawText(tci.pszText, -1, &rc, DT_SINGLELINE); dc.SetBkMode(nOldBk); dc.SetTextColor(nOldText); dc.Detach(); } }
CString CXTPMDIWndTab::GetChildWndText(HWND hWnd) const { // Check to see if the user has defined a label for the tab first. CString strTitle; if (m_mapTabLabels.Lookup(hWnd, strTitle)) { return strTitle; } // Get a pointer to the frame window. CMDIChildWnd* pChildFrame = (CMDIChildWnd*)CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd); if (!::IsWindow(pChildFrame->GetSafeHwnd())) { return _T(""); } // Get the window text for the frame and use it for the tab label. pChildFrame->GetWindowText(strTitle); // If the string is empty the document's title. if (strTitle.IsEmpty()) { CWnd* pChildWnd = pChildFrame->GetWindow(GW_CHILD); while (pChildWnd) { if (pChildWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CView))) { // Get a pointer to the view's document. CDocument* pDoc = ((CView*)pChildWnd)->GetDocument(); if (pDoc == NULL) { return _T(""); } // Set the return string value strTitle = pDoc->GetTitle(); // Reset the frames title pChildFrame->SetWindowText(strTitle); // Return the document title. return strTitle; } pChildWnd = pChildWnd->GetWindow(GW_HWNDNEXT); } } // Return the MDI frame window's title. return strTitle; }
void CProcessApp::OnImageInverse() { CDocument* pDoc = PIGetActiveDocument(); if (pDoc == NULL) return; if (!pDoc->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CPIDocument))) return; CImage* pImage = ((CPIDocument*)pDoc)->GetImage(); if (pImage == NULL) return; AfxBeginThread(InverseThread, pImage); }
void CStartView::OnInitialUpdate() { CDocument* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); if (m_Image.GetCount() == 0) { m_Image.Load(IDR_START); m_Image.SetSingleImage(); m_Image.SetTransparentColor(RGB(255, 0, 255)); } pDoc->SetTitle(_T("Start Page")); }
void CGuiApp::newwin(CMultiDocTemplate *p) { POSITION pdoc = p->GetFirstDocPosition(); if (pdoc) { CDocument *doc = p->GetNextDoc(pdoc); POSITION pos = doc->GetFirstViewPosition(); if (pos) { raisekids(p); return ; } } p->OpenDocumentFile(NULL); raisekids(p); }
void CFrameWnd::OnUpdateFrameTitle( BOOL bAddToTitle ) /****************************************************/ { if( bAddToTitle ) { CDocument *pDoc = GetActiveDocument(); if( pDoc != NULL ) { UpdateFrameTitleForDocument( pDoc->GetTitle() ); } else { UpdateFrameTitleForDocument( NULL ); } } else { UpdateFrameTitleForDocument( NULL ); } }
void CLevelApp::OnImageLevel() { CDocument* pDoc = PIGetActiveDocument(); if (pDoc == NULL) return; if (!pDoc->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CPIDocument))) return; CLevelDlg dlg; dlg.DoModal(); // CLevelDlg* pDlg = new CLevelDlg; // PIDockablePane(pDlg, _T("Test")); }
void CdcmviewerView::draw_dcm_header(CDC *pDC,dicom::DataSet &data,int x, int &y,int line_height) { if(m_create_dcm_img_error) { CDocument *pDoc = GetDocument(); if(pDoc) { CString msg; msg.Format( _T("unrecognized file :%s"),pDoc->GetPathName()); pDC->TextOut(x,y,msg); } else { pDC->TextOut(x,y,_T("no file")); } y+= line_height; } CString text; CdcmviewerDoc* pDoc = (CdcmviewerDoc*)GetDocument(); if(pDoc && pDoc->m_photometric_interpretation!="RGB") { text.Format( _T("ww:%f,wc:%f,"),get_ww(),get_wc()); theApp.DebugOutput(text); pDC->TextOut(x,y,text); y += line_height; } if(m_number_of_frame>1) { text.Format("frame index:%04d,navigate to next frame by key PAGE DOWN/RIGHT ARROW/DOWN ARROW",m_frame_index); pDC->TextOut(x,y,text); y += line_height; } std::stringstream oss; for(dicom::DataSet::const_iterator it=data.begin(); it!=data.end(); it++) { dicom::Tag tag = it->first; if(GroupTag(tag)==0x28 || /*GroupTag(tag) == 0x08 ||*/ GroupTag(tag)==0x10) { oss.str(""); IndentDumper::write_tag(oss,tag,0); oss<<it->second; pDC->TextOut(x,y,oss.str().c_str()); y += line_height; } } }
CMineView* CMainFrame::GetMineView() { CView* view = NULL; CDocument* doc = GetActiveDocument(); if (doc) { POSITION pos = doc->GetFirstViewPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { view = (CMineView *)doc->GetNextView(pos); if (view->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMineView))) break; } ASSERT(view->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMineView))); } return (CMineView *)view; }
void CGuiApp:: raisekids(CMultiDocTemplate *doc_temp) { POSITION pos_doc_temp = doc_temp->GetFirstDocPosition(); while (pos_doc_temp) { CDocument *doc = doc_temp->GetNextDoc(pos_doc_temp); POSITION p = doc->GetFirstViewPosition(); while (p) { CView *view = doc->GetNextView (p); // view->GetParentFrame()->SetParent(crap); CFrameWnd *f = (CFrameWnd *)(view->GetParentFrame()); f->ActivateFrame(SW_SHOWNORMAL); } } }
void CXTPShellTreeView::SelectionChanged(HTREEITEM hItem, CString strFolderPath) { if (hItem != NULL && !m_bTunneling) { CDocument* pDoc = GetDocument(); if (pDoc != NULL) { pDoc->UpdateAllViews(this, SHN_XTP_TREESELCHANGE, (CObject*)GetTreeCtrl().GetItemData(hItem)); } } CXTPShellTreeBase::SelectionChanged(hItem, strFolderPath); }
void CMDITabChildWnd::OnUpdateFrameTitle(BOOL bAddToTitle) { // Don't call super - all it does it take the document title and put it there. CDocument* pDocument = GetActiveDocument(); if (bAddToTitle && pDocument) { bool fModified = (pDocument->IsModified() == TRUE); if (_fFirstTime || (_fModifiedCache != fModified)) { _fModifiedCache = (pDocument->IsModified() == TRUE); _UpdateFrameTitle(pDocument); _fFirstTime = true; } } }