UISettingsCacheGlobalExtensionItem UIGlobalSettingsExtension::fetchData(const CExtPack &package) const
    UISettingsCacheGlobalExtensionItem item;
    item.m_strName = package.GetName();
    item.m_strDescription = package.GetDescription();
    item.m_strVersion = package.GetVersion();
    item.m_strRevision = package.GetRevision();
    item.m_fIsUsable = package.GetUsable();
    if (!item.m_fIsUsable)
        item.m_strWhyUnusable = package.GetWhyUnusable();
    return item;
bool UIMachineSettingsDisplay::validate(QList<UIValidationMessage> &messages)
    /* Check if video RAM requirement changed first: */

    /* Pass by default: */
    bool fPass = true;

    /* Video tab: */
        /* Prepare message: */
        UIValidationMessage message;
        message.first = VBoxGlobal::removeAccelMark(m_pTabWidget->tabText(0));

        /* 3D acceleration test: */
        if (m_pCheckbox3D->isChecked() && !vboxGlobal().is3DAvailable())
            message.second << tr("The virtual machine is set up to use hardware graphics acceleration. "
                                 "However the host system does not currently provide this, "
                                 "so you will not be able to start the machine.");

        /* Video RAM amount test: */
        if (shouldWeWarnAboutLowVideoMemory() && !m_guestOSType.isNull())
            quint64 uNeedBytes = VBoxGlobal::requiredVideoMemory(m_guestOSType.GetId(), m_pEditorVideoScreenCount->value());

            /* Basic video RAM amount test: */
            if ((quint64)m_pEditorVideoMemorySize->value() * _1M < uNeedBytes)
                message.second << tr("The virtual machine is currently assigned less than <b>%1</b> of video memory "
                                     "which is the minimum amount required to switch to fullscreen or seamless mode.")
                                     .arg(vboxGlobal().formatSize(uNeedBytes, 0, FormatSize_RoundUp));
            /* 2D acceleration video RAM amount test: */
            else if (m_pCheckbox2DVideo->isChecked() && m_f2DVideoAccelerationSupported)
                uNeedBytes += VBoxGlobal::required2DOffscreenVideoMemory();
                if ((quint64)m_pEditorVideoMemorySize->value() * _1M < uNeedBytes)
                    message.second << tr("The virtual machine is currently assigned less than <b>%1</b> of video memory "
                                         "which is the minimum amount required for High Definition Video to be played efficiently.")
                                         .arg(vboxGlobal().formatSize(uNeedBytes, 0, FormatSize_RoundUp));
#if 0
            /* 3D acceleration video RAM amount test: */
            else if (m_pCheckbox3D->isChecked() && m_fWddmModeSupported)
                int cGuestScreenCount = m_pEditorVideoScreenCount->value();
                uNeedBytes += VBoxGlobal::required3DWddmOffscreenVideoMemory(m_guestOSType.GetId(), cGuestScreenCount);
                uNeedBytes = qMax(uNeedBytes, 128 * _1M);
                uNeedBytes = qMin(uNeedBytes, 256 * _1M);
                if ((quint64)m_pEditorVideoMemorySize->value() * _1M < uNeedBytes)
                    message.second << tr("The virtual machine is set up to use hardware graphics acceleration "
                                         "and the operating system hint is set to Windows Vista or later. "
                                         "For best performance you should set the machine's video memory to at least b>%1</b>.")
                                         .arg(vboxGlobal().formatSize(uNeedBytes, 0, FormatSize_RoundUp));
# endif /* VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI */
#endif /* 0 */

        /* 2D video acceleration is available for Windows guests only: */
        if (m_pCheckbox2DVideo->isChecked() && !m_f2DVideoAccelerationSupported)
            message.second << tr("The virtual machine is set up to use Video Stream Acceleration. "
                                 "As this feature only works with Windows guest systems it will be disabled.");

        /* Serialize message: */
        if (!message.second.isEmpty())
            messages << message;

    /* Remote Display tab: */
        /* Prepare message: */
        UIValidationMessage message;
        message.first = VBoxGlobal::removeAccelMark(m_pTabWidget->tabText(1));

        CExtPack extPack = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetExtensionPackManager().Find(GUI_ExtPackName);
        if (m_pCheckboxRemoteDisplay->isChecked() && (extPack.isNull() || !extPack.GetUsable()))
            message.second << tr("Remote Display is currently enabled for this virtual machine. "
                                 "However, this requires the <b>%1</b> to be installed. "
                                 "Please install the Extension Pack from the VirtualBox download site as "
                                 "otherwise your VM will be started with Remote Display disabled.")
#endif /* VBOX_WITH_EXTPACK */

        /* Check VRDE server port: */
        if (m_pEditorRemoteDisplayPort->text().trimmed().isEmpty())
            message.second << tr("The VRDE server port value is not currently specified.");
            fPass = false;

        /* Check VRDE server timeout: */
        if (m_pEditorRemoteDisplayTimeout->text().trimmed().isEmpty())
            message.second << tr("The VRDE authentication timeout value is not currently specified.");
            fPass = false;

        /* Serialize message: */
        if (!message.second.isEmpty())
            messages << message;

    /* Return result: */
    return fPass;