Beispiel #1
 * Manual page at process.def
INT32 CGEN_PUBLIC CProcess::Start()
  const SMic* pMic    = NULL;                                                   // Method invocation context of Start()
  CFunction*  iCaller = NULL;                                                   // Function calling Start()
  CFunction*  iFnc    = NULL;                                                   // Process function
  StkItm*     pStkItm = NULL;                                                   // Stack item
  INT32       nArgs   = 0;                                                      // Number of process function arguments

  // Validate and initialize                                                    // ------------------------------------
  if (m_nState!=0)                                                              // Not virginal
    return IERROR(this,PRC_CANTSTART,"multiple starts not allowed",0,0);        //   Forget it!
  if (!(pMic = CDlpObject_MicGet(_this))) return -1;                            // Get method invocation context
  iCaller = (CFunction*)CDlpObject_OfKind("function",pMic->iCaller);            // Get calling CFunction
  if (!iCaller) return -1;                                                      // Must be a function!

  // Initialize process                                                         // ------------------------------------
  sprintf(m_psTmpFile,"%s%ld",dlp_tempnam(NULL,"~dLabPro#process#"),(long)dlp_time());// Initialize temp. file name prefix

  // Marshal arguments                                                          // ------------------------------------
  if (!(pStkItm=iCaller->StackGet(0))) return IERROR(this,PRC_TOOFEWARGS,0,0,0);// Get stack top
  if (pStkItm->nType==T_INSTANCE)                                               // Stack top is an instance
    iFnc = (CFunction*)CDlpObject_OfKind("function",pStkItm->val.i);            //   Get function to be called
  if (iFnc)                                                                     // This process is a function call
  {                                                                             // >>
    IFIELD_RESET(CDlpObject,"dto");                                             //   Create data transfer object
    nArgs = CData_GetNRecs(iFnc->m_idArg);                                      //   Get number of function arguments
    Marshal(m_iDto,iCaller,nArgs);                                              //   Marshal arguments for transfer
  }                                                                             // <<
  else                                                                          // This process is a program call
    dlp_strcpy(m_psCmdLine,iCaller->PopString(0));                              //   Get program command line

#ifdef USE_FORK
  if (iFnc)                                                                     // This process is a function call
  {                                                                             // >>
    m_hPid=fork();                                                              //   Fork the process
    if(m_hPid>0){                                                               //   Parent process >>
      m_nState |= PRC_DATASENT;                                                 //     Remember data have been sent
      m_nState |= PRC_RUNNING;                                                  //     Set running flag
      m_hThread = 0;                                                            //     Clear thread handle
      return O_K;                                                               //     Everything is fine
    }                                                                           //   <<
    if(m_hPid==0) return DoJobFork(iCaller,iFnc);                               //   The child process runs the function
    return IERROR(this,PRC_CANTSTART,"fork() failed",0,0);                      //   On error (fid<0) we return
  }                                                                             // <<
  // Start job in watcher thread                                                // ------------------------------------
  m_hPid = 0;                                                                   // Reset process id
  SendData();                                                                   // Send transfer data
  m_hThread = dlp_create_thread(DoJob,this);                                    // Do the job and watch it

  return O_K;                                                                   // Yo!
Beispiel #2
 * Manual page at process.def
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CProcess::MarshalRetval()
  CDlpObject* iDto    = NULL;                                                   // Data transfer object
  const SMic* pMic    = NULL;                                                   // Current method invocation context
  CFunction*  iCaller = NULL;                                                   // Calling function
  StkItm*     pStkItm = NULL;                                                   // Stack item to marshal

  // Validate and initialize                                                    // ------------------------------------
  if (!(pMic = CDlpObject_MicGet(_this))) return -1;                            // Get method invocation context
  iCaller = (CFunction*)CDlpObject_OfKind("function",pMic->iCaller);            // Get calling CFunction
  if (!iCaller) return -1;                                                      // Must be a function!

  // Pack second stack element into the CDlpObject on the stack top             // ------------------------------------
  iDto = iCaller->PopInstance(0);                                               // Get instance on stack top
  if (!iDto) return NOT_EXEC;                                                   // No instance on stack top --> puuh!
  if (iCaller->StackGetLength()==0) return O_K;                                 // Nothing more on the stack --> ok
  pStkItm = iCaller->StackGet(0);                                               // Get stack top
  Pack(iDto,NULL,pStkItm,PRC_S_RETV);                                           // Pack it as "~iRetv"
  iCaller->Pop(0);                                                              // Remove stack top

  return O_K;                                                                   // Ok