Beispiel #1
void G2API_CopySpecificG2Model(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2From, int modelFrom, CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2To, int modelTo)
	qboolean forceReconstruct = qfalse;

	// have we real ghoul2 models yet?
	if (((int)&ghoul2From) && ((int)&ghoul2To))
		// assume we actually have a model to copy from
		if (ghoul2From.size() > modelFrom)
			// if we don't have enough models on the to side, resize us so we do
			if (ghoul2To.size() <= modelTo)
				ghoul2To.resize(modelTo + 1);
				forceReconstruct = qtrue;
			// do the copy
			ghoul2To[modelTo] = ghoul2From[modelFrom];

			if (forceReconstruct)
			{ //rww - we should really do this shouldn't we? If we don't mark a reconstruct after this,
			  //and we do a GetBoltMatrix in the same frame, it doesn't reconstruct the skeleton and returns
			  //a completely invalid matrix
				ghoul2To[0].mSkelFrameNum = 0;
Beispiel #2
// copy a model from one ghoul2 instance to another, and reset the root surface on the new model if need be
// NOTE if modelIndex = -1 then copy all the models
// returns the last model index in destination.  -1 equals nothing copied.
int G2API_CopyGhoul2Instance(CGhoul2Info_v &g2From, CGhoul2Info_v &g2To, int modelIndex)
	int returnval=-1;

	int	i, model;
	int	from = 0;
	int	to = g2From.size();

 	if (!g2From)
	// determing if we are only copying one model or not
	if (modelIndex != -1)
		from = modelIndex;
		to = modelIndex + 1;

	model = 0;
	// now copy the models
	for (i=from; i<to; i++)
		// find a free spot in the list
		for (; model< g2To.size(); model++)
			if (g2To[model].mModelindex == -1)
				// Copy model to clear position
				g2To[model] = g2From[i];


		if (model >= g2To.size())
		{	// didn't find a spare slot, so new ones to add

	if (i < to)
	{	// add in any other ones to the end
		model = g2To.size();
		g2To.resize(model + to - i);

			g2To[model] = g2From[i];

	return returnval;
Beispiel #3
qboolean G2API_GetBoltMatrix_SPMethod(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const int boltIndex, mdxaBone_t *matrix, const vec3_t angles,
							 const vec3_t position, const int frameNum, qhandle_t *modelList, const vec3_t scale )
	assert(ghoul2.size() > modelIndex);

	if ((int)&ghoul2 && (ghoul2.size() > modelIndex))
		CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo = &ghoul2[modelIndex];

		//assert(boltIndex < ghlInfo->mBltlist.size());

		if (ghlInfo && (boltIndex < ghlInfo->mBltlist.size()) && boltIndex >= 0 )
			// make sure we have transformed the skeleton
			if (!gG2_GBMNoReconstruct)
				G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2, frameNum, modelList, true, angles, position, scale, false);

			gG2_GBMNoReconstruct = qfalse;

			mdxaBone_t scaled;
			mdxaBone_t *use;

			if (scale[0]||scale[1]||scale[2])

				// scale the bolt position by the scale factor for this model since at this point its still in model space
				if (scale[0])
					scaled.matrix[0][3] *= scale[0];
				if (scale[1])
					scaled.matrix[1][3] *= scale[1];
				if (scale[2])
					scaled.matrix[2][3] *= scale[2];
			// pre generate the world matrix
			G2_GenerateWorldMatrix(angles, position);


			Multiply_3x4Matrix(matrix, &worldMatrix, use);
			return qtrue;
	return qfalse;
Beispiel #4
int G2API_AddBolt(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *boneName)

	if ((int)&ghoul2 && ghoul2.size()>modelIndex)
		CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo = &ghoul2[modelIndex];
		if (ghlInfo)
			return G2_Add_Bolt(ghlInfo->mFileName, ghlInfo->mBltlist, ghlInfo->mSlist, boneName);
	return -1;
Beispiel #5
void G2_TraceModels(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, vec3_t rayStart, vec3_t rayEnd, CCollisionRecord *collRecMap, int entNum, EG2_Collision eG2TraceType, int useLod, float fRadius)
	int				i, lod;
	skin_t			*skin;
	shader_t		*cust_shader;

	// walk each possible model for this entity and try tracing against it
	for (i=0; i<ghoul2.size(); i++)
		// don't bother with models that we don't care about.
		if (!ghoul2[i].mValid)
		// do we really want to collide with this object?
		if (ghoul2[i].mFlags & GHOUL2_NOCOLLIDE) 
		if (ghoul2[i].mCustomShader)
			cust_shader = R_GetShaderByHandle(ghoul2[i].mCustomShader );
			cust_shader = NULL;

		// figure out the custom skin thing
		if ( ghoul2[i].mSkin > 0 && ghoul2[i].mSkin < tr.numSkins ) 
			skin = R_GetSkinByHandle( ghoul2[i].mSkin );
			skin = NULL;

		lod = G2_DecideTraceLod(ghoul2[i],useLod);

		//reset the quick surface override lookup
		G2_FindOverrideSurface(-1, ghoul2[i].mSlist); 

		CTraceSurface TS(ghoul2[i].mSurfaceRoot, ghoul2[i].mSlist,  ghoul2[i].currentModel, lod, rayStart, rayEnd, collRecMap, entNum, i, skin, cust_shader, ghoul2[i].mTransformedVertsArray, eG2TraceType, fRadius);
		// start the surface recursion loop

		// if we've hit one surface on one model, don't bother doing the rest
		if (TS.hitOne)
Beispiel #6
void G2API_SetBoltInfo(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, int modelIndex, int boltInfo)
	if ((int)&ghoul2)
		if (ghoul2.size() > modelIndex)
			ghoul2[modelIndex].mModelBoltLink = boltInfo;
Beispiel #7
// main calling point for the model transform for collision detection. At this point all of the skeleton has been transformed.
void G2_TransformModel(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int frameNum, vec3_t scale, CMiniHeap *G2VertSpace, int useLod)
	int				i, lod;
	vec3_t			correctScale;

	VectorCopy(scale, correctScale);
	// check for scales of 0 - that's the default I believe
	if (!scale[0])
		correctScale[0] = 1.0;
	if (!scale[1])
		correctScale[1] = 1.0;
	if (!scale[2])
		correctScale[2] = 1.0;

	// walk each possible model for this entity and try rendering it out
	for (i=0; i<ghoul2.size(); i++)
		CGhoul2Info &g=ghoul2[i];
		// don't bother with models that we don't care about.
		if (!g.mValid)
		// stop us building this model more than once per frame
		g.mMeshFrameNum = frameNum;

		// decide the LOD
		lod = G2_DecideTraceLod(g, useLod);

		// give us space for the transformed vertex array to be put in
		ghoul2[i].mTransformedVertsArray = (int*)G2VertSpace->MiniHeapAlloc(g.currentModel->mdxm->numSurfaces * 4);
		if (!g.mTransformedVertsArray)
			Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Ran out of transform space for Ghoul2 Models. Adjust MiniHeapSize in SV_SpawnServer.\n");

		memset(g.mTransformedVertsArray, 0,(g.currentModel->mdxm->numSurfaces * 4)); 

		G2_FindOverrideSurface(-1,g.mSlist); //reset the quick surface override lookup;
		// recursively call the model surface transform
		G2_TransformSurfaces(g.mSurfaceRoot, g.mSlist, g.mBoneCache,  g.currentModel, lod, correctScale, G2VertSpace, g.mTransformedVertsArray, false);
Beispiel #8
qboolean G2API_AttachG2Model(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2From, int modelFrom, CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2To, int toBoltIndex, int toModel)
	assert( toBoltIndex >= 0 );
	if ( toBoltIndex < 0 )
		return qfalse;
	// make sure we have a model to attach, a model to attach to, and a bolt on that model
	if (((int)&ghoul2From) &&
		((int)&ghoul2To) &&
		(ghoul2From.size() > modelFrom) &&
		(ghoul2To.size() > toModel) &&
		((ghoul2To[toModel].mBltlist[toBoltIndex].boneNumber != -1) || (ghoul2To[toModel].mBltlist[toBoltIndex].surfaceNumber != -1)))
		// encode the bolt address into the model bolt link
	   toModel &= MODEL_AND;
	   toBoltIndex &= BOLT_AND;
	   ghoul2From[modelFrom].mModelBoltLink = (toModel << MODEL_SHIFT)  | (toBoltIndex << BOLT_SHIFT);
	   return qtrue;
	return qfalse;
Beispiel #9
void G2API_AnimateG2Models(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, float speedVar)
	int model;

	// Walk the list and find all models that are active
	for (model=0; model< ghoul2.size(); model++)
		if (ghoul2[model].mModel)
			G2_Animate_Bone_List(ghoul2, speedVar, model);
Beispiel #10
	int AnimTest(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2,const char *m,const char *, int line)
		if (G2_SetupModelPointers(ghoul2))
			int i;
			for (i=0; i<ghoul2.size(); i++)
			return i;
		return 666; //these return values are to saisfy the optimizer
Beispiel #11
// decide if we have Ghoul2 models associated with this ghoul list or not
qboolean G2API_HaveWeGhoul2Models(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2)
	int i;
	if ((int)&ghoul2)
		for (i=0; i<ghoul2.size();i++)
			if (ghoul2[i].mModelindex != -1)
				return qtrue;
	return qfalse;
Beispiel #12
qboolean G2API_SetBoneAngles(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *boneName, const vec3_t angles, const int flags,
							 const Eorientations up, const Eorientations left, const Eorientations forward,
							 qhandle_t *modelList, int blendTime, int currentTime )
	if ((int)&ghoul2 && ghoul2.size()>modelIndex)
		CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo = &ghoul2[modelIndex];
		if (ghlInfo)
				// ensure we flush the cache
			ghlInfo->mSkelFrameNum = 0;
			return G2_Set_Bone_Angles(ghlInfo->mFileName, ghlInfo->mBlist, boneName, angles, flags, up, left, forward, modelList, ghlInfo->mModelindex, blendTime, currentTime);
	return qfalse;
Beispiel #13
qboolean G2API_SetBoneAnim(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *boneName, const int AstartFrame, const int AendFrame, const int flags, const float animSpeed, const int currentTime, const float AsetFrame, const int blendTime)
	int endFrame=AendFrame;
	int startFrame=AstartFrame;
	float setFrame=AsetFrame;
	if (endFrame<=0)
	if (endFrame>=100000)
	if (startFrame<0)
	if (startFrame>=100000)
	if (setFrame<0.0f&&setFrame!=-1.0f)
	if (setFrame>100000.0f)
	if ((int)&ghoul2 && ghoul2.size()>modelIndex)
		CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo = &ghoul2[modelIndex];
		if (ghlInfo)
			// ensure we flush the cache
			ghlInfo->mSkelFrameNum = 0;
 			return G2_Set_Bone_Anim(ghlInfo->mFileName, ghlInfo->mBlist, boneName, startFrame, endFrame, flags, animSpeed, currentTime, setFrame, blendTime);
	return qfalse;
Beispiel #14
qboolean G2API_SetSurfaceOnOff(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const char *surfaceName, const int flags)
	CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo = NULL;

	if ((int)&ghoul2 && ghoul2.size()>0)
		ghlInfo = &ghoul2[0];

	if (ghlInfo)
		// ensure we flush the cache
		ghlInfo->mMeshFrameNum = 0;
		return G2_SetSurfaceOnOff(ghlInfo->mFileName, ghlInfo->mSlist, surfaceName, flags);
	return qfalse;
Beispiel #15
qboolean G2API_SetNewOrigin(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int boltIndex)
	CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo = NULL;

	if ((int)&ghoul2 && ghoul2.size()>0)
		ghlInfo = &ghoul2[0];

	if (ghlInfo)
		ghlInfo->mNewOrigin = boltIndex;
		ghlInfo->mFlags |= GHOUL2_NEWORIGIN;
		return qtrue;
	return qfalse;
Beispiel #16
qboolean G2_SetRootSurface( CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *surfaceName)
	int					surf;
	int					flags;   
 	// first find if we already have this surface in the list
	surf = G2_IsSurfaceLegal(ghoul2[modelIndex].currentModel, surfaceName, &flags);
	if (surf != -1)
		ghoul2[modelIndex].mSurfaceRoot = surf;
		return qtrue;
	return qfalse;
Beispiel #17
// run through the Ghoul2 models and set each of the mModel values to the correct one from the cgs.gameModel offset lsit
void G2API_SetGhoul2ModelIndexes(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, qhandle_t *modelList, qhandle_t *skinList)
#if 0
	int i;
	if ((int)&ghoul2)
		for (i=0; i<ghoul2.size(); i++)
			if (ghoul2[i].mModelindex != -1)
				// broken into 3 lines for debugging, STL is a pain to view...
				int iModelIndex  = ghoul2[i].mModelindex;
				qhandle_t mModel = modelList[iModelIndex];
				ghoul2[i].mModel = mModel;

				ghoul2[i].mSkin = skinList[ghoul2[i].mCustomSkin];
Beispiel #18
qboolean G2_SetRootSurface(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *surfaceName)
	int					surf;
	int					flags;
	int					*activeSurfaces, *activeBones;

	assert(ghoul2[modelIndex].currentModel && ghoul2[modelIndex].animModel);

	model_t				*mod_m = (model_t *)ghoul2[modelIndex].currentModel;
	model_t				*mod_a = (model_t *)ghoul2[modelIndex].animModel;

	// did we find a ghoul 2 model or not?
	if (!mod_m->mdxm)
		return qfalse;

	// first find if we already have this surface in the list
	surf = G2_IsSurfaceLegal(mod_m, surfaceName, &flags);
	if (surf != -1)
		// first see if this ghoul2 model already has this as a root surface
		if (ghoul2[modelIndex].mSurfaceRoot == surf)
			return qtrue;

		// set the root surface
		ghoul2[modelIndex].mSurfaceRoot = surf;

		// ok, now the tricky bits.
		// firstly, generate a list of active / on surfaces below the root point

		// gimme some space to put this list into
		activeSurfaces = (int *)Z_Malloc(mod_m->mdxm->numSurfaces * 4, TAG_GHOUL2, qtrue);
		memset(activeSurfaces, 0, (mod_m->mdxm->numSurfaces * 4));
		activeBones = (int *)Z_Malloc(mod_a->mdxa->numBones * 4, TAG_GHOUL2, qtrue);
		memset(activeBones, 0, (mod_a->mdxa->numBones * 4));

		G2_FindRecursiveSurface(mod_m, surf, ghoul2[modelIndex].mSlist, activeSurfaces);

		// now generate the used bone list
		CConstructBoneList	CBL(ghoul2[modelIndex].mSurfaceRoot, 


		// now remove all procedural or override surfaces that refer to surfaces that arent on this list
		G2_RemoveRedundantGeneratedSurfaces(ghoul2[modelIndex].mSlist, activeSurfaces);

		// now remove all bones that are pointing at bones that aren't active
		G2_RemoveRedundantBoneOverrides(ghoul2[modelIndex].mBlist, activeBones);

		// then remove all bolts that point at surfaces or bones that *arent* active.
		G2_RemoveRedundantBolts(ghoul2[modelIndex].mBltlist, ghoul2[modelIndex].mSlist, activeSurfaces, activeBones);

		// then remove all models on this ghoul2 instance that use those bolts that are being removed.
		for (int i=0; i<ghoul2.size(); i++)
			// are we even bolted to anything?
			if (ghoul2[i].mModelBoltLink != -1)
				int	boltMod = (ghoul2[i].mModelBoltLink >> MODEL_SHIFT) & MODEL_AND;
				int	boltNum = (ghoul2[i].mModelBoltLink >> BOLT_SHIFT) & BOLT_AND;
				// if either the bolt list is too small, or the bolt we are pointing at references nothing, remove this model
				if (((int)ghoul2[boltMod].mBltlist.size() <= boltNum) || 
					((ghoul2[boltMod].mBltlist[boltNum].boneNumber == -1) && 
					 (ghoul2[boltMod].mBltlist[boltNum].surfaceNumber == -1)))
					CGhoul2Info_v *g2i = &ghoul2;
					G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model((CGhoul2Info_v **)&g2i, i);
		//No support for this, for now.

		// remember to free what we used

		return (qtrue);
Beispiel #19
qboolean G2API_GetBoltMatrix(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const int boltIndex, mdxaBone_t *matrix, const vec3_t angles, const vec3_t position, const int frameNum, qhandle_t *modelList, vec3_t scale )
	assert(ghoul2.size() > modelIndex);

	if (gG2_GBMUseSPMethod)
		gG2_GBMUseSPMethod = qfalse;
		return G2API_GetBoltMatrix_SPMethod(ghoul2, modelIndex, boltIndex, matrix, angles, position, frameNum, modelList, scale);

	if ((int)&ghoul2 && (ghoul2.size() > modelIndex))
		CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo = &ghoul2[modelIndex];

		//assert(boltIndex < ghlInfo->mBltlist.size());

		if (ghlInfo && (boltIndex < ghlInfo->mBltlist.size()) && boltIndex >= 0 )
			// make sure we have transformed the skeleton
			if (!gG2_GBMNoReconstruct)
				G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2, frameNum, modelList, true, angles, position, scale, false);

			gG2_GBMNoReconstruct = qfalse;

			mdxaBone_t scaled;
			mdxaBone_t *use;

			if (scale[0]||scale[1]||scale[2])

				// scale the bolt position by the scale factor for this model since at this point its still in model space
				if (scale[0])
					scaled.matrix[0][3] *= scale[0];
				if (scale[1])
					scaled.matrix[1][3] *= scale[1];
				if (scale[2])
					scaled.matrix[2][3] *= scale[2];
			// pre generate the world matrix
			G2_GenerateWorldMatrix(angles, position);

			// for some reason we get the end matrix rotated by 90 degrees
			mdxaBone_t	rotMat, tempMatrix;
			vec3_t		newangles = {0,270,0};
			Create_Matrix(newangles, &rotMat);
			// make the model space matrix we have for this bolt into a world matrix
//			Multiply_3x4Matrix(matrix, &worldMatrix,use);
			Multiply_3x4Matrix(&tempMatrix, &worldMatrix,use);
			vec3_t origin;
			origin[0] = tempMatrix.matrix[0][3];
			origin[1] = tempMatrix.matrix[1][3];
			origin[2] = tempMatrix.matrix[2][3];
			tempMatrix.matrix[0][3] = tempMatrix.matrix[1][3] = tempMatrix.matrix[2][3] = 0;
			Multiply_3x4Matrix(matrix, &tempMatrix, &rotMat);
			matrix->matrix[0][3] = origin[0];
			matrix->matrix[1][3] = origin[1];
			matrix->matrix[2][3] = origin[2];
			return qtrue;


	return qfalse;
Beispiel #20
void G2_LoadGhoul2Model(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, char *buffer)
	int i,x;
	// first thing, lets see how many ghoul2 models we have, and resize our buffers accordingly
	int newSize = *(int*)buffer;
	buffer += 4;

	// did we actually resize to a value?
	if (!newSize)
		// no, ok, well, done then.

	// this one isn't a define since I couldn't work out how to figure it out at compile time
	int ghoul2BlockSize = (int)&ghoul2[0].mTransformedVertsArray - (int)&ghoul2[0].mModelindex;

	// now we have enough instances, lets go through each one and load up the relevant details
	for (i=0; i<ghoul2.size(); i++)
		ghoul2[i].mSkelFrameNum = 0;
		// load the ghoul2 info from the buffer
		memcpy(&ghoul2[i].mModelindex, buffer, ghoul2BlockSize);
		buffer +=ghoul2BlockSize;

		if (ghoul2[i].mModelindex!=-1&&ghoul2[i].mFileName[0])
			ghoul2[i].mModelindex = i;

		// give us enough surfaces to load up the data
		buffer +=4;

		// now load all the surfaces
		for (x=0; x<ghoul2[i].mSlist.size(); x++)
			memcpy(&ghoul2[i].mSlist[x], buffer, SURFACE_SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE);

		// give us enough bones to load up the data
		buffer +=4;

		// now load all the bones
		for (x=0; x<ghoul2[i].mBlist.size(); x++)
			memcpy(&ghoul2[i].mBlist[x], buffer, BONE_SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE);
			buffer += BONE_SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE;

		// give us enough bolts to load up the data
		buffer +=4;

		// now load all the bolts
		for (x=0; x<ghoul2[i].mBltlist.size(); x++)
			memcpy(&ghoul2[i].mBltlist[x], buffer, BOLT_SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE);
			buffer += BOLT_SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE;
Beispiel #21
qboolean G2_SaveGhoul2Models(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, char **buffer, int *size)
	int i, x;
	// is there anything to save?
	if (!ghoul2.IsValid()||!ghoul2.size())
		*buffer = (char *)Z_Malloc(4, TAG_GHOUL2, qfalse);
		int *tempBuffer = (int *)*buffer;
		*tempBuffer = 0;
		*size = 4;
		return qtrue;

	// yeah, lets get busy
	*size = 0;

	// this one isn't a define since I couldn't work out how to figure it out at compile time
	int ghoul2BlockSize = (int)&ghoul2[0].mTransformedVertsArray - (int)&ghoul2[0].mModelindex;

	// add in count for number of ghoul2 models
	*size += 4;	
	// start out working out the total size of the buffer we need to allocate
	for (i=0; i<ghoul2.size();i++)
		*size += ghoul2BlockSize;
		// add in count for number of surfaces
		*size += 4;	
		*size += (ghoul2[i].mSlist.size() * SURFACE_SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE);
		// add in count for number of bones
		*size += 4;	
		*size += (ghoul2[i].mBlist.size() * BONE_SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE);
		// add in count for number of bolts
		*size += 4;	
		*size += (ghoul2[i].mBltlist.size() * BOLT_SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE);

	// ok, we should know how much space we need now
	*buffer = (char*)Z_Malloc(*size, TAG_GHOUL2, qfalse);

	// now lets start putting the data we care about into the buffer
	char *tempBuffer = *buffer;

	// save out how many ghoul2 models we have
	*(int *)tempBuffer = ghoul2.size();
	tempBuffer +=4;

	for (i=0; i<ghoul2.size();i++)
		// first save out the ghoul2 details themselves
//		OutputDebugString(va("G2_SaveGhoul2Models(): ghoul2[%d].mModelindex = %d\n",i,ghoul2[i].mModelindex));
		memcpy(tempBuffer, &ghoul2[i].mModelindex, ghoul2BlockSize);
		tempBuffer += ghoul2BlockSize;

		// save out how many surfaces we have
		*(int*)tempBuffer = ghoul2[i].mSlist.size();
		tempBuffer +=4;

		// now save the all the surface list info
		for (x=0; x<ghoul2[i].mSlist.size(); x++)
			memcpy(tempBuffer, &ghoul2[i].mSlist[x], SURFACE_SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE);
		// save out how many bones we have
		*(int*)tempBuffer = ghoul2[i].mBlist.size();
		tempBuffer +=4;

		// now save the all the bone list info
		for (x=0; x<ghoul2[i].mBlist.size(); x++)
			memcpy(tempBuffer, &ghoul2[i].mBlist[x], BONE_SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE);
			tempBuffer += BONE_SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE;

		// save out how many bolts we have
		*(int*)tempBuffer = ghoul2[i].mBltlist.size();
		tempBuffer +=4;

		// lastly save the all the bolt list info
		for (x=0; x<ghoul2[i].mBltlist.size(); x++)
			memcpy(tempBuffer, &ghoul2[i].mBltlist[x], BOLT_SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE);
			tempBuffer += BOLT_SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE;

	return qtrue;