// for each vda_chunk_host not in file list: // - delete from DB // - mark vda_file for update // static int process_chunks_missing_on_client(CHUNK_LIST& chunks) { CHUNK_LIST::iterator it; for (it = chunks.begin(); it != chunks.end(); it++) { DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST& ch = it->second; if (!ch.present_on_host && ch.transfer_in_progress) continue; if (!ch.found) { if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] in DB but not on client: %s\n", ch.physical_file_name ); } char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "host_id=%d and vda_file_id=%d and physical_file_name='%s'", ch.host_id, ch.vda_file_id, ch.physical_file_name ); int retval = ch.delete_from_db_multi(buf); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "VDA: failed to delete %s\n", buf ); } ch.transfer_in_progress = false; mark_for_update(ch.vda_file_id); } } return 0; }
// if project is using more than its share of disk space, // remove some chunks and mark vda_files for update // static int enforce_quota(CHUNK_LIST& chunks) { if (!g_request->host.d_boinc_max) return 0; double x = g_request->host.d_boinc_used_project; if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] share: %f used: %f\n", g_request->host.d_boinc_max, x ); } CHUNK_LIST::iterator it = chunks.begin(); while (x > g_request->host.d_boinc_max && it != chunks.end()) { DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST& ch = it->second; if (!ch.found) continue; FILE_INFO fi; strcpy(fi.name, ch.physical_file_name); if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] deleting: %s\n", ch.physical_file_name ); } DB_VDA_FILE vf; vf.lookup_id(ch.vda_file_id); x -= vf.chunk_size; g_reply->file_deletes.push_back(fi); it++; } return 0; }
// Process a present file; possibilities: // - a download finished // - this host hasn't communicated in a while, and we deleted the // VDA_CHUNK_HOST record // So: // - create a vda_chunk_host record if needed // - set present_on_host flag in vda_chunk_host // - mark our in-memory vda_chunk_host record as "found" // - mark vda_file for update // static void process_present_file(FILE_INFO& fi, CHUNK_LIST& chunks) { char fname[256], chunk_name[256], buf[256]; int hostid, retval; retval = parse_physical_filename(fi.name, hostid, chunk_name, fname); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "Can't parse VDA filename %s\n", fi.name ); return; } DB_VDA_FILE vf; sprintf(buf, "where file_name='%s'", fname); retval = vf.lookup(buf); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "No VDA file %s\n", fname); return; } if (fi.nbytes != vf.chunk_size) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "wrong chunk size: %.0f != %.0f\n", fi.nbytes, vf.chunk_size ); return; } CHUNK_LIST::iterator cli = chunks.find(string(fi.name)); if (cli == chunks.end()) { // don't have a record of this chunk on this host; make one // DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST ch; ch.create_time = dtime(); ch.vda_file_id = vf.id; ch.host_id = g_reply->host.id; strcpy(ch.physical_file_name, fi.name); ch.present_on_host = true; ch.transfer_in_progress = false; ch.transfer_wait = false; ch.transfer_request_time = 0; ch.transfer_send_time = 0; retval = ch.insert(); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "ch.insert() failed\n"); return; } } else { // update the existing record // DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST* chp = &(cli->second); chp->transfer_in_progress = false; chp->transfer_wait = false; chp->present_on_host = true; chp->update(); } mark_for_update(vf.id); }
// process a completed upload: // if vda_chunk_host found // verify md5 of upload // move it from upload dir to vda_file dir // mark vda_file for update // clear transfer_in_progress flag in vda_chunk_host // else // delete from upload dir // static int process_completed_upload(char* chunk_name, CHUNK_LIST& chunks) { char path[1024], client_filename[1024], dir[1024]; int retval; physical_file_name(g_reply->host.id, chunk_name, client_filename); dir_hier_path( client_filename, config.upload_dir, config.uldl_dir_fanout, dir, false ); sprintf(path, "%s/%s", dir, client_filename); CHUNK_LIST::iterator i2 = chunks.find(string(chunk_name)); if (i2 == chunks.end()) { if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] chunk_host not found for %s\n", chunk_name ); } boinc_delete_file(path); } else { char client_md5[64], server_md5[64]; char chunk_dir[1024]; DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST& ch = i2->second; DB_VDA_FILE vf; double size; retval = vf.lookup_id(ch.vda_file_id); get_chunk_dir(vf, chunk_name, chunk_dir); retval = get_chunk_md5(chunk_dir, server_md5); if (retval) return retval; retval = md5_file(path, client_md5, size); if (retval) return retval; if (strcmp(client_md5, server_md5)) { if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] MD5 mismatch %s %s\n", client_md5, server_md5 ); } boinc_delete_file(path); } else { retval = vf.update_field("need_update=1"); if (retval) return retval; retval = ch.update_field("transfer_in_progress=0"); if (retval) return retval; } } return 0; }
// for each vda_chunk_host not in file list: // - delete from DB // - mark vda_file for update // static int process_missing_chunks(CHUNK_LIST& chunks) { CHUNK_LIST::iterator it; for (it = chunks.begin(); it != chunks.end(); it++) { DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST& ch = it->second; if (!ch.present_on_host && ch.transfer_in_progress) continue; if (!ch.found) { if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] in DB but not on client: %s\n", ch.name ); } ch.delete_from_db(); ch.transfer_in_progress = false; mark_for_update(ch.vda_file_id); } } return 0; }
// handle a scheduler request: // // - handle completed uploads // - handle set of files present on client // (update or create VDA_CHUNK_HOST record) // - handle files expected but not present // - issue delete commands if needed to enforce share // - issue upload or download commands to client // // relevant fields of SCHEDULER_REQUEST // file_infos: list of sticky files // file_xfer_results: list of completed file xfers // void handle_vda() { int retval; unsigned int i; CHUNK_LIST chunks; // chunks that are supposed to be on this host // if client is outdated, mark as dead // if (outdated_client(g_reply->host)) { g_reply->host.cpu_efficiency = 1; return; } // otherwise mark it as alive // g_reply->host.cpu_efficiency = 0; // enumerate the vda_chunk_host records for this host from DB // DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST ch; char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "where host_id=%d", g_reply->host.id); while (1) { retval = ch.enumerate(buf); if (retval == ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND) break; if (retval) { // if we didn't get a complete enumeration, // give up rather than continuing with partial info // log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda]: ch.enumerate() failed %d\n", retval ); return; } if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] DB: has chunk %s, file %d\n", ch.physical_file_name, ch.vda_file_id ); } chunks.insert( pair<string, DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST>(string(ch.physical_file_name), ch) ); } // process completed uploads // (completed downloads are handled below) // for (i=0; i<g_request->file_xfer_results.size(); i++) { RESULT& r = g_request->file_xfer_results[i]; if (strstr(r.name, "upload_vda_")) { char* phys_file_name = r.name + strlen("upload_"); if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] completed upload of %s\n", phys_file_name ); } retval = process_completed_upload(phys_file_name, chunks); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "[vda] process_completed_upload(): %d\n", retval ); return; } } } // process files present on client // for (i=0; i<g_request->file_infos.size(); i++) { FILE_INFO& fi = g_request->file_infos[i]; if (!starts_with(fi.name, "vda_")) { continue; } if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] request: client has file %s, status %d\n", fi.name, fi.status ); } if (fi.status != FILE_PRESENT) { continue; } process_chunk_present_on_client(fi, chunks); } process_chunks_missing_on_client(chunks); enforce_quota(chunks); issue_transfer_commands(chunks); }
// issue upload and download commands // static int issue_transfer_commands(CHUNK_LIST& chunks) { char xml_buf[8192], chunk_name[256], file_name[1024]; int retval; char url[1024], buf[1024]; CHUNK_LIST::iterator it; for (it = chunks.begin(); it != chunks.end(); it++) { vector<const char*> urls; DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST& ch = it->second; if (!ch.transfer_in_progress) continue; if (!ch.transfer_wait) continue; DB_VDA_FILE vf; retval = vf.lookup_id(ch.vda_file_id); if (retval) return retval; if (ch.present_on_host) { // upload // sprintf(buf, "upload_%s", ch.physical_file_name); if (result_already_on_host(buf)) { if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] upload of %s already in progress\n", ch.physical_file_name ); } continue; } if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] sending command to upload %s\n", ch.physical_file_name ); } urls.push_back(config.upload_url); R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY key; retval = get_file_xml( ch.physical_file_name, urls, vf.chunk_size, dtime() + VDA_HOST_TIMEOUT, false, key, xml_buf ); } else { // download // sprintf(buf, "download_%s", ch.physical_file_name); if (result_already_on_host(buf)) { if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] download of %s already in progress\n", ch.physical_file_name ); } continue; } char md5[64], chunk_dir[1024]; int hostid; if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] sending command to download %s\n", ch.physical_file_name ); } parse_physical_filename( ch.physical_file_name, hostid, chunk_name, file_name ); get_chunk_url(vf, chunk_name, url); urls.push_back(url); get_chunk_dir(vf, chunk_name, chunk_dir); retval = get_chunk_md5(chunk_dir, md5); if (retval) return retval; retval = put_file_xml( ch.physical_file_name, urls, md5, vf.chunk_size, dtime() + VDA_HOST_TIMEOUT, xml_buf ); } g_reply->file_transfer_requests.push_back(string(xml_buf)); } return 0; }
// Process a file that's present on client. // A VDA_CHUNK_HOST record may not be in the DB, // e.g. because this host hasn't communicated in a while // and we deleted the VDA_CHUNK_HOST record // So: // - create a vda_chunk_host record if needed // - set present_on_host flag in vda_chunk_host // - mark our in-memory vda_chunk_host record as "found" // - mark vda_file for update // static void process_chunk_present_on_client(FILE_INFO& fi, CHUNK_LIST& chunks) { char fname[256], chunk_name[256], buf[1024]; int hostid, retval; retval = parse_physical_filename(fi.name, hostid, chunk_name, fname); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "Can't parse VDA filename %s\n", fi.name ); return; } DB_VDA_FILE vf; sprintf(buf, "where file_name='%s'", fname); retval = vf.lookup(buf); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "No VDA file for %s, deleting\n", fi.name ); delete_file_xml(fi.name, buf); g_reply->file_transfer_requests.push_back(string(buf)); return; } if (fi.nbytes != vf.chunk_size) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "wrong chunk size for %s: %.0f != %.0f, deleting\n", fi.name, fi.nbytes, vf.chunk_size ); delete_file_xml(fi.name, buf); g_reply->file_transfer_requests.push_back(string(buf)); return; } CHUNK_LIST::iterator cli = chunks.find(string(fi.name)); if (cli == chunks.end()) { // we don't have a record of this chunk on this host; make one // DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST ch; ch.create_time = dtime(); ch.vda_file_id = vf.id; ch.host_id = g_reply->host.id; strcpy(ch.physical_file_name, fi.name); ch.present_on_host = true; ch.transfer_in_progress = false; ch.transfer_wait = false; ch.transfer_request_time = 0; ch.transfer_send_time = 0; retval = ch.insert(); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "ch.insert() failed\n"); return; } mark_for_update(vf.id); } else { // we already have a DB record. // If needed, update it and mark file for update // DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST* chp = &(cli->second); chp->found = true; // if file wasn't previously on host, update the main file // if (!chp->present_on_host) { mark_for_update(vf.id); chp->transfer_in_progress = false; chp->transfer_wait = false; chp->present_on_host = true; sprintf(buf, "host_id=%d and physical_file_name='%s'", chp->host_id, chp->physical_file_name ); chp->update_fields_noid( "transfer_in_progress=0, transfer_wait=0, present_on_host=1", buf ); } } }
// process a completed upload: // if vda_chunk_host found // verify md5 of upload // move it from upload dir to vda_file dir // mark vda_file for update // clear transfer_in_progress flag in vda_chunk_host // else // delete from upload dir // static int process_completed_upload(char* phys_filename, CHUNK_LIST& chunks) { char path[1024], buf[256]; char chunk_name[1024], file_name[1024]; int retval, hostid; retval = parse_physical_filename( phys_filename, hostid, chunk_name, file_name ); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] bad upload filename: %s\n", phys_filename ); return retval; } dir_hier_path( phys_filename, config.upload_dir, config.uldl_dir_fanout, path, false ); // if we don't have a DB record for this chunk, delete the file // TODO: maybe we should create a DB record instead // CHUNK_LIST::iterator i2 = chunks.find(string(phys_filename)); if (i2 == chunks.end()) { if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] chunk_host not found for %s\n", chunk_name ); } boinc_delete_file(path); return 0; } char client_md5[64], server_md5[64]; char chunk_dir[1024]; DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST& ch = i2->second; DB_VDA_FILE vf; double size; retval = vf.lookup_id(ch.vda_file_id); get_chunk_dir(vf, chunk_name, chunk_dir); // if file already exists on server, delete the upload file // Otherwise move the file from upload dir to data dir // sprintf(buf, "%s/data.vda", chunk_dir); if (boinc_file_exists(buf)) { boinc_delete_file(path); } else { retval = get_chunk_md5(chunk_dir, server_md5); if (retval) return retval; retval = md5_file(path, client_md5, size); if (retval) return retval; if (strcmp(client_md5, server_md5)) { if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] MD5 mismatch %s %s\n", client_md5, server_md5 ); } boinc_delete_file(path); } else { char dst_path[1024]; sprintf(buf, "%s/data.vda", chunk_dir); ssize_t n = readlink(buf, dst_path, sizeof(dst_path)-1); if (n < 0) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "[vda] readlink() failed\n" ); } else { dst_path[n] = 0; sprintf(buf, "mv %s %s; chmod g+rw %s", path, dst_path, dst_path); retval = system(buf); if (retval == -1 || WEXITSTATUS(retval)) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] command failed: %s\n", buf ); } else { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] file move succeeded: %s\n", buf ); } } retval = vf.update_field("need_update=1"); } } sprintf(buf, "host_id=%d and physical_file_name='%s'", ch.host_id, ch.physical_file_name ); ch.transfer_in_progress = 0; retval = ch.update_fields_noid("transfer_in_progress=0", buf); if (retval) return retval; return 0; }
// handle a scheduler request: // // - handle completed uploads // - handle set of files present on client // (update or create VDA_CHUNK_HOST record) // - handle files expected but not present // - issue delete commands if needed to enforce share // - issue upload or download commands to client // // relevant fields of SCHEDULER_REQUEST // file_infos: list of sticky files // file_xfer_results: list of completed file xfers // void handle_vda() { int retval; unsigned int i; CHUNK_LIST chunks; // chunks that are supposed to be on this host // enumerate the vda_chunk_host records for this host from DB // DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST ch; char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "where host_id=%d", g_reply->host.id); while (1) { retval = ch.enumerate(buf); if (retval == ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND) break; if (retval) { // if we didn't get a complete enumeration, // give up rather than continuing with partial info // log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda]: ch.enumerate() failed %d\n", retval ); return; } if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] DB: has chunk %s\n", ch.name ); } chunks.insert(pair<string, DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST>(string(ch.name), ch)); } // process completed uploads // for (i=0; i<g_request->file_xfer_results.size(); i++) { RESULT& r = g_request->file_xfer_results[i]; if (!starts_with(r.name, "vda_upload_")) continue; char* chunk_name = r.name + strlen("vda_upload_"); if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] DB: completed upload %s\n", chunk_name ); } retval = process_completed_upload(chunk_name, chunks); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "[vda] process_completed_upload(): %d\n", retval ); return; } } // process files present on host // for (i=0; i<g_request->file_infos.size(); i++) { FILE_INFO& fi = g_request->file_infos[i]; if (!starts_with(fi.name, "vda_")) { continue; } if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] request: client has file %s\n", fi.name ); } process_present_file(fi, chunks); } process_missing_chunks(chunks); enforce_quota(chunks); issue_transfer_commands(chunks); }
// issue upload and download commands // static int issue_transfer_commands(CHUNK_LIST& chunks) { char xml_buf[8192], file_name[1024]; int retval; char url[1024]; CHUNK_LIST::iterator it; for (it = chunks.begin(); it != chunks.end(); it++) { vector<const char*> urls; DB_VDA_CHUNK_HOST& ch = it->second; if (!ch.transfer_in_progress) continue; if (!ch.transfer_wait) continue; DB_VDA_FILE vf; retval = vf.lookup_id(ch.vda_file_id); if (retval) return retval; if (ch.present_on_host) { if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] sending upload command: %s\n", ch.name ); } // upload // sprintf(file_name, "%d_%s__%s", g_reply->host.id, ch.name, vf.name); urls.push_back(config.upload_url); R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY key; retval = get_file_xml( file_name, urls, ch.size, dtime() + VDA_HOST_TIMEOUT, false, key, xml_buf ); } else { if (config.debug_vda) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[vda] sending download command: %s\n", ch.name ); } // download // char md5[64], chunk_dir[1024]; sprintf(file_name, "%s__%s", ch.name, vf.name); get_chunk_url(vf, ch.name, url); urls.push_back(url); get_chunk_dir(vf, ch.name, chunk_dir); retval = get_chunk_md5(chunk_dir, md5); if (retval) return retval; retval = put_file_xml( file_name, urls, md5, ch.size, dtime() + VDA_HOST_TIMEOUT, xml_buf ); } g_reply->file_transfer_requests.push_back(string(xml_buf)); } return 0; }