Beispiel #1
void CSoundAnimation::load()
	CIFile file;

	// Open the file
	if (!
		throw NLMISC::Exception("Can't open the file for reading");

	// Create the XML stream
	CIXml input;

	// Init
	if (input.init (file))
		xmlNodePtr animNode = input.getRootNode ();
		xmlNodePtr markerNode = input.getFirstChildNode(animNode, "MARKER");

		while (markerNode != 0)
			CSoundAnimMarker* marker = new CSoundAnimMarker();

			const char *time = (const char*) xmlGetProp(markerNode, (xmlChar*) "time");
			if (time == 0)
				throw NLMISC::Exception("Invalid sound animation marker");

			marker->setTime((float) atof(time));
			xmlFree ((void*)time);

			xmlNodePtr soundNode = input.getFirstChildNode(markerNode, "SOUND");

			while (soundNode != 0)
				char *name = (char*) xmlGetProp(soundNode, (xmlChar*) "name");
				if (name == 0)
					throw NLMISC::Exception("Invalid sound animation marker");

				marker->addSound(NLMISC::CSheetId(string(name), "sound"));

				xmlFree ((void*)name);

				soundNode = input.getNextChildNode(soundNode, "SOUND");


			markerNode = input.getNextChildNode(markerNode, "MARKER");

	// Close the file
	file.close ();
	_Dirty = false;
Beispiel #2
 *		readFile()
void	CPrimChecker::readFile(const string &filename)
	string	fullpath = CPath::lookup(filename, false);

	if (fullpath.empty())

	// lookup for primitive file
	CIFile		f(fullpath);
	CIXml		xml;

	CPrimitives	prims;

	// load xml file
	if (Verbose)
		nlinfo("Loaded prim file '%s'", filename.c_str());

	// read nodes
	if (!, filename.c_str(), LigoConfig))
		nlwarning("Can't use primitive file '%s', xml parse error",  filename.c_str());

	// get CPrimNode
	CPrimNode	*primRootNode = prims.RootNode;

	// read recursive node
// ***************************************************************************
bool CInputHandlerManager::readInputConfigFile(const std::string & fileName)
	// parse the XML input config file to build the events to actions map
	CIXml read;
	CIFile file;
	xmlNodePtr root;
	if (!
		nlinfo(" could not open file %s",fileName.c_str());
		read.init (file);
		root = read.getRootNode();

	catch (Exception &e)
		// Output error
		root = NULL;
		nlwarning ("CFormLoader: Error while loading the xml input file : %s", e.what());
	if (!root)
		nlinfo ("no root element in xml file %s",fileName.c_str());
		return false;
	//the root node name should be input_config
	if (strcmp( (char*)root->name,"input_config") )
		nlinfo("in a xml input config, the root node must be <input_config>");
		return false;

	//get all system nodes
	xmlNodePtr cur = root->xmlChildrenNode;
	while (cur)
		// Read all combo_key_chat setup.
		if ( !strcmp((char*)cur->name,"combo_key_chat") )

		cur= cur->next;

	return true;
// init
void	CGenericXmlMsgHeaderManager::init(const string &filename)
	// open xml file
	CIFile file;
	if (! (filename))
		nlwarning("Cannot open xml file '%s', unable to initialize generic messages", filename.c_str());

	// Init an xml stream
	CIXml read;
	read.init (file);

	// create root node from root xml node
	_Root = new CNode(read.getRootNode(), 0);
//	init
void CCDBSynchronised::init( const string &fileName, NLMISC::IProgressCallback &progressCallBack )
		CIFile file;
		if ( (fileName))
			// Init an xml stream
			CIXml read;
			read.init (file);

			//Parse the parser output!!!
			CCDBNodeBranch::resetNodeBankMapping(); // in case the game is restarted from start
			_Database = new CCDBNodeBranch("SERVER");
			_Database->init( read.getRootNode (), progressCallBack, true );
	catch (Exception &e)
		// Output error
		nlwarning ("CFormLoader: Error while loading the form %s: %s", fileName.c_str(), e.what());
void CRingAccess::init()

	if (_Initialised ) { return; } // no double initialisation
	//CSheetId::init() must be called first


	for (uint32 i = 0 ; i <= 184 ; ++i)
		_R2PlotItemSheetId.insert( CSheetId( NLMISC::toString("r2_plot_item_%d.sitem", i)));

	_SheetIdToAccess.clear();//only usefull when manualy re init file
	// File stream
	CIFile file;

	std::string pathFileName = CPath::lookup(RingAccessFilename, false, false, false);
	// Open the file
	if (pathFileName.empty() || !
		nlinfo("Can't open the file for reading : %s", RingAccessFilename.c_str());

	// Create the XML stream
	CIXml input;

	// Init
		xmlNodePtr entitiesAccess = input.getRootNode();
		xmlNodePtr entityAccess = input.getFirstChildNode(entitiesAccess, "entityAccess");

		while (entityAccess != 0)

			// island name
			CXMLAutoPtr namePtr( (const char*) xmlGetProp(entityAccess, (xmlChar*) "name") );
			CXMLAutoPtr packagePtr( (const char*) xmlGetProp(entityAccess, (xmlChar*) "package") );
			CXMLAutoPtr sheetClientPtr( (const char*) xmlGetProp(entityAccess, (xmlChar*) "sheetClient") );
			CXMLAutoPtr sheetPtr( (const char*) xmlGetProp(entityAccess, (xmlChar*) "sheetServer") );

			if (!namePtr.getDatas()|| !packagePtr.getDatas() || !sheetPtr.getDatas() || !sheetPtr.getDatas())
				nlerror( "Syntax error in %s", pathFileName.c_str());

			std::string sheet( sheetPtr.getDatas() );
			std::string package( packagePtr.getDatas() );
			std::string sheetClient(sheetClientPtr.getDatas());

			CSheetId sheetClientId(sheetClient);
			CSheetId sheetId; // no sheet server

			if (sheet.empty())
				bool ok = _SheetIdToAccess.insert( std::make_pair(std::make_pair(sheetClientId, sheetId), package)).second;
				if (!ok)
					std::string previousPackage = _SheetIdToAccess[std::make_pair(sheetClientId, sheetId)];
					// only display warning if one key has multiple package
					if ( previousPackage != package )
						nlwarning("%s: Entity %s sheet(%s) is defined more than once with different package definition. Previous definition is '%s', current definition is '%s'", RingAccessFilename.c_str(), namePtr.getDatas(), sheetClientPtr.getDatas(), previousPackage.c_str(), package.c_str());


				sheetId = CSheetId(sheet);
				if (_CustomNpcSheetId.find(sheetClientId) != _CustomNpcSheetId.end())

					bool ok = _SheetIdToAccess.insert( std::make_pair(std::make_pair(sheetClientId, sheetId), package)).second;
					if (!ok)
						std::string previousPackage = _SheetIdToAccess[std::make_pair(sheetClientId, sheetId)];
						// only display warning if one key has multiple package
						if ( previousPackage != package )
							nlwarning("%s: Entity %s sheet(%s) is defined more than once. Previous definition is '%s', current definition is '%s'", RingAccessFilename.c_str(), namePtr.getDatas(), sheetPtr.getDatas(), previousPackage.c_str(), package.c_str());
					nlwarning("%s: Entity %s has invalid sheets %s %s", RingAccessFilename.c_str(), namePtr.getDatas(), sheetClientPtr.getDatas(), sheetPtr.getDatas());

			entityAccess = input.getNextChildNode(entityAccess, "entityAccess");

	// Close the file
	file.close ();

	_Initialised = true;
