Beispiel #1
  Function Name    :  vDisplayWarningLineNumber

  Input(s)         :  eMESSAGEFROM eMsgFrom, UINT unLineNo
  Output           :  -
  Functionality    :  Scrolls to the line number spaecified and
                      highlights the same.
  Member of        :  CFileView
  Friend of        :      -

  Author(s)        :
  Date Created     :
void CFileView::vDisplayWarningLineNumber( eMESSAGEFROM eMsgFrom, UINT unLineNo)
    // Get document
    CFunctionEditorDoc*  pomSrcFileDoc = omGetDocument();

    // Doc is valid
    if(pomSrcFileDoc != nullptr)

        // Main frame is valid and
        // function called from COutWnd class
        if (eMsgFrom == OUTWND)
            // Get child window, active may be
            // "COutWnd"
            CFrameWnd* pMainFrame = (CFrameWnd*)CWnd::FromHandle(CGlobalObj::sm_hWndMDIParentFrame);
            CMDIChildWnd* pChild = ( CMDIChildWnd*) pMainFrame->GetActiveFrame();

            CString omStrText = "";
            BOOL bInLoop = TRUE;

                // Get next window
                pChild = (CEditFrameWnd*) pChild->GetWindow(GW_HWNDNEXT);
                if(pChild != nullptr )
                    // Get Window caption

                    // check the title of child window,
                    // if matches, activate my window it
                    if (omStrText == omGetDocument()->GetTitle())
                        bInLoop = FALSE;
                    bInLoop = FALSE;
            while (bInLoop);

            if (pChild != nullptr)

        // Update document with the line no
        pomSrcFileDoc->m_lCurrentWarningLineNum = unLineNo;

        // Scroll to the line specified
        vGoToLine( unLineNo );

        // refresh the view
    } // end of if(pomSrcFileDoc)
void CMDITabsDialogBar::_GoBackForward(bool fForward)
    CFrameWnd *pBack = _GetNextPrev(fForward);
    if (pBack)
        _fNavigatingViaTravelLog = true;
        CMDIChildWnd *pActive = static_cast<CMDIChildWnd*>(pBack);
        _fNavigatingViaTravelLog = false;
void CMDITabsDialogBar::OnSelChange(NMHDR *pnmhdr, LRESULT *lResult)
    int iActive = GetCurSel();
    if (iActive != -1)
        TCITEM tcitem;
        tcitem.mask = TCIF_PARAM;
        if (GetItem(iActive, &tcitem))
            CMDIChildWnd *pActive = reinterpret_cast<CMDIChildWnd*>(tcitem.lParam);
            //pActive->ActivateFrame(); // This glitches maximized windows, so use MDIActivate