//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Form MI partial response by appending more MI value type objects to the 
//			tuple type object past in.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vPc				- (R) Address number.
//			vFnName			- (R) Function name.
//			vFileName		- (R) File name text.
//			vPath			- (R) Full file name and path text.
//			vnLine			- (R) File line number.
//			vwrMIValueTuple	- (W) MI value tuple object.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::MIResponseFormBrkPtFrameInfo( const lldb::addr_t vPc, const CMIUtilString & vFnName, const CMIUtilString & vFileName, const CMIUtilString & vPath, const MIuint vnLine, CMICmnMIValueTuple & vwrMiValueTuple )
	const CMIUtilString strAddr( CMIUtilString::Format( "0x%08llx", vPc ) );
	const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst2( strAddr );
	const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult2( "addr", miValueConst2 );
	if( !vwrMiValueTuple.Add( miValueResult2 ) )
		return MIstatus::failure;
	const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst3( vFnName );
	const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult3( "func", miValueConst3 );
	if( !vwrMiValueTuple.Add( miValueResult3 ) )
		return MIstatus::failure;
	const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst5( vFileName );
	const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult5( "file", miValueConst5 );
	if( !vwrMiValueTuple.Add( miValueResult5 ) )
		return MIstatus::failure;
	const CMIUtilString strN5 = CMIUtilString::Format( "%s/%s", vPath.c_str(), vFileName.c_str() );
	const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst6( strN5 );
	const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult6( "fullname", miValueConst6 );
	if( !vwrMiValueTuple.Add( miValueResult6 ) )
		return MIstatus::failure;
	const CMIUtilString strLine( CMIUtilString::Format( "%d", vnLine ) );
	const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst7( strLine );
	const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult7( "line", miValueConst7 );
	if( !vwrMiValueTuple.Add( miValueResult7 ) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	return MIstatus::success;
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Retrieve from the LLDB SB Value object the char value of the variable.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  CMIUtilString   - The char value of the variable.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmnLLDBUtilSBValue::GetSimpleValueChar(void) const
    const uint64_t value = m_rValue.GetValueAsUnsigned();
    if (value == 0)
        const uint64_t nFailValue = 1;
        if (nFailValue == m_rValue.GetValueAsUnsigned(nFailValue))
            return m_pUnkwn;

    const lldb::BasicType eType = m_rValue.GetType().GetBasicType();
    switch (eType)
            assert(0 && "value must be a char type");
        case lldb::eBasicTypeChar:
        case lldb::eBasicTypeSignedChar:
        case lldb::eBasicTypeUnsignedChar:
            const CMIUtilString prefix(CMIUtilString::ConvertToPrintableASCII((char)value));
            return CMIUtilString::Format("%" PRIu8 " '%s'", (uint8_t)value, prefix.c_str());
        case lldb::eBasicTypeChar16:
            const CMIUtilString prefix(CMIUtilString::ConvertToPrintableASCII((char16_t)value));
            return CMIUtilString::Format("U+%04" PRIx16 " u'%s'", (uint16_t)value, prefix.c_str());
        case lldb::eBasicTypeChar32:
            const CMIUtilString prefix(CMIUtilString::ConvertToPrintableASCII((char32_t)value));
            return CMIUtilString::Format("U+%08" PRIx32 " U'%s'", (uint32_t)value, prefix.c_str());
// Details: Unregister with the debugger, the SBListener, the type of events you
// are no
//          longer interested in. Others, like commands, may still remain
//          interested so
//          an event may not necessarily be stopped.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vClientName         - (R) ID of the client who no longer requires
// these events.
//          vBroadcasterClass   - (R) The SBBroadcaster's class name.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functionality succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functionality failed.
// Throws:  None.
bool CMICmnLLDBDebugger::UnregisterForEvent(
    const CMIUtilString &vClientName, const CMIUtilString &vBroadcasterClass) {
  MIuint clientsEventMask = 0;
  if (!ClientGetTheirMask(vClientName, vBroadcasterClass, clientsEventMask))
    return MIstatus::failure;
  if (!ClientRemoveTheirMask(vClientName, vBroadcasterClass))
    return MIstatus::failure;

  const MIuint otherClientsEventMask =
  MIuint newEventMask = 0;
  for (MIuint i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
    const MIuint bit = 1 << i;
    const MIuint clientBit = bit & clientsEventMask;
    const MIuint othersBit = bit & otherClientsEventMask;
    if ((clientBit != 0) && (othersBit == 0)) {
      newEventMask += clientBit;

  const char *pBroadCasterName = vBroadcasterClass.c_str();
  if (!m_lldbListener.StopListeningForEventClass(
          m_lldbDebugger, pBroadCasterName, newEventMask)) {
                              vClientName.c_str(), pBroadCasterName));
    return MIstatus::failure;

  return BroadcasterSaveMask(vBroadcasterClass, otherClientsEventMask);
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Retrieve from the LLDB SB Value object of type char[] the c-string value.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  CMIUtilString   - The c-string value of the variable.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmnLLDBUtilSBValue::GetSimpleValueCStringArray(void) const
    const MIuint nChildren = m_rValue.GetNumChildren();
    lldb::SBValue child = m_rValue.GetChildAtIndex(0);
    const lldb::BasicType eType = child.GetType().GetBasicType();
    switch (eType)
            assert(0 && "value must be a char[] type");
        case lldb::eBasicTypeChar:
        case lldb::eBasicTypeSignedChar:
        case lldb::eBasicTypeUnsignedChar:
            // FIXME Add slashes before double quotes
            const CMIUtilString prefix(ReadCStringFromHostMemory<char>(m_rValue, nChildren).AddSlashes());
            // TODO: to match char* it should be the following
            //       return CMIUtilString::Format("[%u] \"%s\"", nChildren, prefix.c_str());
            return CMIUtilString::Format("\"%s\"", prefix.c_str());
        case lldb::eBasicTypeChar16:
            // FIXME Add slashes before double quotes
            const CMIUtilString prefix(ReadCStringFromHostMemory<char16_t>(m_rValue, nChildren).AddSlashes());
            return CMIUtilString::Format("u\"%s\"", prefix.c_str());
        case lldb::eBasicTypeChar32:
            // FIXME Add slashes before double quotes
            const CMIUtilString prefix(ReadCStringFromHostMemory<char32_t>(m_rValue, nChildren).AddSlashes());
            return CMIUtilString::Format("U\"%s\"", prefix.c_str());
Beispiel #5
// Details: Check if two strings share equal contents.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vrLhs   - (R) String A.
//          vrRhs   - (R) String B.
// Return:  bool - True = yes equal, false - different.
// Throws:  None.
bool CMIUtilString::Compare(const CMIUtilString &vrLhs,
                            const CMIUtilString &vrRhs) {
  // Check the sizes match
  if (vrLhs.size() != vrRhs.size())
    return false;

  return (::strncmp(vrLhs.c_str(), vrRhs.c_str(), vrLhs.size()) == 0);
Beispiel #6
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Initialize setup *this driver ready for use.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	None.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMIDriver::Initialize( void )
	m_eCurrentDriverState = eDriverState_Initialising;


	if( m_bInitialized )
		return MIstatus::success;

	bool bOk = MIstatus::success;
	CMIUtilString errMsg;

	// Initialize all of the modules we depend on
	MI::ModuleInit< CMICmnLog >         ( IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_LOG          , bOk, errMsg );
	MI::ModuleInit< CMICmnStreamStdout >( IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_STREAMSTDOUT , bOk, errMsg );
	MI::ModuleInit< CMICmnStreamStderr >( IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_STREAMSTDERR , bOk, errMsg );
	MI::ModuleInit< CMICmnResources >   ( IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_RESOURCES    , bOk, errMsg );
	MI::ModuleInit< CMICmnThreadMgrStd >( IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_THREADMANAGER, bOk, errMsg );
	MI::ModuleInit< CMICmnStreamStdin > ( IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_STREAMSTDIN  , bOk, errMsg );
	MI::ModuleInit< CMICmdMgr >         ( IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_CMDMGR       , bOk, errMsg );
	bOk &= m_rLldbDebugger.SetDriver( *this );
	MI::ModuleInit< CMICmnLLDBDebugger >( IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_LLDBDEBUGGER , bOk, errMsg );

	CMIDriverMgr & rDrvMgr = CMIDriverMgr::Instance();
	bOk = bOk && rDrvMgr.RegisterDriver( *g_driver, "LLDB driver" );	// Will be pass thru driver
	if( bOk )
		bOk = SetEnableFallThru( false ); // This is intentional at this time - yet to be fully implemented
		bOk = bOk && SetDriverToFallThruTo( *g_driver );
		CMIUtilString strOtherDrvErrMsg;
		if( bOk && GetEnableFallThru() && !g_driver->MISetup( strOtherDrvErrMsg ) )
			bOk = false;
			errMsg = CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC( IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_FALLTHRUDRIVER ), strOtherDrvErrMsg.c_str()  );

	m_bExitApp = false;
	bOk = bOk && InitClientIDEToMIDriver(); // Init Eclipse IDE
	m_bInitialized = bOk;

	if( !bOk )
		const CMIUtilString msg = CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC( IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_DRIVER ), errMsg.c_str() );
		SetErrorDescription( msg );
		return MIstatus::failure;

	m_eCurrentDriverState = eDriverState_RunningNotDebugging;
	return bOk;
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Determine the given file path exists or not.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vPath				- (R) File name path.
//			vwbYesAccessible	- (W) True - file exists, false = does not exist.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::AccessPath( const CMIUtilString & vPath, bool & vwbYesAccessible )
#ifdef _WIN32
	vwbYesAccessible = (::_access( vPath.c_str(), 0 ) == 0);
	vwbYesAccessible = (::access( vPath.c_str(), 0 ) == 0);
#endif // _WIN32

	return MIstatus::success;
Beispiel #8
// Details: Perform a snprintf format style on a string data. A new string
// object is
//          created and returned.
// Type:    Static method.
// Args:    vrFormat      - (R) Format string data instruction.
//          vArgs         - (R) Var list args of any type.
// Return:  CMIUtilString - Number of splits found in the string data.
// Throws:  None.
CMIUtilString CMIUtilString::FormatPriv(const CMIUtilString &vrFormat,
                                        va_list vArgs) {
  CMIUtilString strResult;
  MIint nFinal = 0;
  MIint n = vrFormat.size();

  // IOR: mysterious crash in this function on some windows builds not able to
  // duplicate
  // but found article which may be related. Crash occurs in vsnprintf() or
  // va_copy()
  // Duplicate vArgs va_list argument pointer to ensure that it can be safely
  // used in
  // a new frame
  // http://julipedia.meroh.net/2011/09/using-vacopy-to-safely-pass-ap.html
  va_list argsDup;
  va_copy(argsDup, vArgs);

  // Create a copy va_list to reset when we spin
  va_list argsCpy;
  va_copy(argsCpy, argsDup);

  if (n == 0)
    return strResult;

  n = n << 4; // Reserve 16 times as much the length of the vrFormat

  std::unique_ptr<char[]> pFormatted;
  while (1) {
    pFormatted.reset(new char[n + 1]); // +1 for safety margin
    ::strncpy(&pFormatted[0], vrFormat.c_str(), n);

    //  We need to restore the variable argument list pointer to the start again
    //  before running vsnprintf() more then once
    va_copy(argsDup, argsCpy);

    nFinal = ::vsnprintf(&pFormatted[0], n, vrFormat.c_str(), argsDup);
    if ((nFinal < 0) || (nFinal >= n))
      n += abs(nFinal - n + 1);


  strResult = pFormatted.get();

  return strResult;
Beispiel #9
// Details: Set MI's error condition description. This may be accessed by
// clients and
//          seen by users.  Message is available to the client using the server
//          and sent
//          to the Logger.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vrTxt   - (R) Text description.
// Return:  None.
// Throws:  None.
void CMICmnBase::SetErrorDescription(const CMIUtilString &vrTxt) const {
  m_strMILastErrorDescription = vrTxt;
  if (!vrTxt.empty()) {
    const CMIUtilString txt(CMIUtilString::Format("Error: %s", vrTxt.c_str()));
Beispiel #10
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Write data to existing opened file.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vData - (R) Text data.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMIUtilFileStd::Write( const CMIUtilString & vData )
	if( vData.size() == 0 )
		return MIstatus::success;

	if( m_bFileError )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	if( m_pFileHandle == nullptr )
		m_bFileError = true;
		SetErrorDescriptionn( MIRSRC( IDE_UTIL_FILE_ERR_WRITING_NOTOPEN ), m_fileNamePath.c_str() );
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Get the string size
	MIuint size = vData.size();
	if( ::fwrite( vData.c_str(), 1, size, m_pFileHandle ) == size )
		// Flush the data to the file
		::fflush( m_pFileHandle );
		return MIstatus::success;
	// Not all of the data has been transferred
	m_bFileError = true;
	SetErrorDescriptionn( MIRSRC( IDE_UTIL_FILE_ERR_WRITING_FILE ), m_fileNamePath.c_str() );
	return MIstatus::failure;
Beispiel #11
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Interpret the text data and match against current commands to see if there 
//			is a match. If a match then the command is issued and actioned on. If a
//			command cannot be found to match then vwbCmdYesValid is set to false and
//			nothing else is done here.
//			This function is used by the application's main thread.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vTextLine			- (R) Text data representing a possible command.
//			vwbCmdYesValid		- (W) True = Command invalid, false = command acted on.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMIDriver::InterpretCommandThisDriver( const CMIUtilString & vTextLine, bool & vwbCmdYesValid )
	vwbCmdYesValid = false;

	bool bCmdNotInCmdFactor = false;
	SMICmdData cmdData;
	CMICmdMgr & rCmdMgr = CMICmdMgr::Instance();
	if( !rCmdMgr.CmdInterpret( vTextLine, vwbCmdYesValid, bCmdNotInCmdFactor, cmdData ) )
		return MIstatus::failure;
	if( vwbCmdYesValid )
		// For debugging only
		//m_pLog->WriteLog( cmdData.strMiCmdAll.c_str() );
		return ExecuteCommand( cmdData );

	// Write to the Log that a 'command' was not valid. 
	// Report back to the MI client via MI result record.
	CMIUtilString strNotInCmdFactory;
	if( bCmdNotInCmdFactor )
		strNotInCmdFactory = CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC( IDS_DRIVER_CMD_NOT_IN_FACTORY ), cmdData.strMiCmd.c_str() );
	const CMIUtilString strNot( CMIUtilString::Format( "%s ", MIRSRC( IDS_WORD_NOT ) ) );
	const CMIUtilString msg( CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC( IDS_DRIVER_CMD_RECEIVED ), vTextLine.c_str(), strNot.c_str(), strNotInCmdFactory.c_str() ) );
	const CMICmnMIValueConst vconst = CMICmnMIValueConst( msg );
	const CMICmnMIValueResult valueResult( "msg", vconst );
	const CMICmnMIResultRecord miResultRecord( cmdData.strMiCmdToken, CMICmnMIResultRecord::eResultClass_Error, valueResult );
	m_rStdOut.WriteMIResponse( miResultRecord.GetString() );
	// Proceed to wait for or execute next command
	return MIstatus::success;
Beispiel #12
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Release resources for *this Stdin stream.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
    if (--m_clientUsageRefCnt > 0)
        return MIstatus::success;

    if (!m_bInitialized)
        return MIstatus::success;

    m_bInitialized = false;


    if (m_pCmdBuffer != nullptr)
        delete[] m_pCmdBuffer;
        m_pCmdBuffer = nullptr;

    bool bOk = MIstatus::success;
    CMIUtilString errMsg;

    MI::ModuleShutdown<CMICmnResources>(IDE_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_RESOURCES, bOk, errMsg);
    MI::ModuleShutdown<CMICmnLog>(IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_LOG, bOk, errMsg);

    if (!bOk)
        SetErrorDescriptionn(MIRSRC(IDE_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_STREAMSTDIN), errMsg.c_str());

    return MIstatus::success;
Beispiel #13
// Details: The invoker requires this function. The command does work in this
// function.
//          The command is likely to communicate with the LLDB SBDebugger in
//          here.
// Type:    Overridden.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
bool CMICmdCmdBreakCondition::Execute() {
  CMICMDBASE_GETOPTION(pArgNumber, Number, m_constStrArgNamedNumber);
  CMICMDBASE_GETOPTION(pArgExpr, String, m_constStrArgNamedExpr);

  m_nBrkPtId = pArgNumber->GetValue();
  m_strBrkPtExpr = pArgExpr->GetValue();
  m_strBrkPtExpr += GetRestOfExpressionNotSurroundedInQuotes();

  CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo &rSessionInfo(
  lldb::SBBreakpoint brkPt = rSessionInfo.GetTarget().FindBreakpointByID(
  if (brkPt.IsValid()) {

    CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::SBrkPtInfo sBrkPtInfo;
    if (!rSessionInfo.RecordBrkPtInfoGet(m_nBrkPtId, sBrkPtInfo)) {
                                m_cmdData.strMiCmd.c_str(), m_nBrkPtId));
      return MIstatus::failure;
    sBrkPtInfo.m_strCondition = m_strBrkPtExpr;
    rSessionInfo.RecordBrkPtInfo(m_nBrkPtId, sBrkPtInfo);
  } else {
    const CMIUtilString strBrkPtId(CMIUtilString::Format("%d", m_nBrkPtId));
    return MIstatus::failure;

  return MIstatus::success;
Beispiel #14
// Details: The invoker requires this function. The command does work in this
// function.
//          The command is likely to communicate with the LLDB SBDebugger in
//          here.
// Type:    Overridden.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
bool CMICmdCmdBreakAfter::Execute() {
  CMICMDBASE_GETOPTION(pArgNumber, Number, m_constStrArgNamedNumber);
  CMICMDBASE_GETOPTION(pArgCount, Number, m_constStrArgNamedCount);

  m_nBrkPtId = pArgNumber->GetValue();
  m_nBrkPtCount = pArgCount->GetValue();

  CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo &rSessionInfo(
  lldb::SBBreakpoint brkPt = rSessionInfo.GetTarget().FindBreakpointByID(
  if (brkPt.IsValid()) {

    CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::SBrkPtInfo sBrkPtInfo;
    if (!rSessionInfo.RecordBrkPtInfoGet(m_nBrkPtId, sBrkPtInfo)) {
                                m_cmdData.strMiCmd.c_str(), m_nBrkPtId));
      return MIstatus::failure;
    sBrkPtInfo.m_nIgnore = m_nBrkPtCount;
    rSessionInfo.RecordBrkPtInfo(m_nBrkPtId, sBrkPtInfo);
  } else {
    const CMIUtilString strBrkPtId(CMIUtilString::Format("%d", m_nBrkPtId));
    return MIstatus::failure;

  return MIstatus::success;
Beispiel #15
// Details: The invoker requires this function. The command does work in this
// function.
//          The command is likely to communicate with the LLDB SBDebugger in
//          here.
// Type:    Overridden.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
bool CMICmdCmdBreakDelete::Execute() {
  CMICMDBASE_GETOPTION(pArgBrkPt, ListOfN, m_constStrArgNamedBrkPt);

  // ATM we only handle one break point ID
  MIuint64 nBrk = UINT64_MAX;
  if (!pArgBrkPt->GetExpectedOption<CMICmdArgValNumber, MIuint64>(nBrk)) {
    return MIstatus::failure;

  CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo &rSessionInfo(
  const bool bBrkPt = rSessionInfo.GetTarget().BreakpointDelete(
  if (!bBrkPt) {
    const CMIUtilString strBrkNum(CMIUtilString::Format("%d", nBrk));
    return MIstatus::failure;

  return MIstatus::success;
Beispiel #16
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Examine the string and determine if it is a valid file name path.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrFileNamePath	- (R) File's name and directory path.
// Return:	bool -	True = yes valid file path, false = no.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValFile::IsFilePath( const CMIUtilString & vrFileNamePath ) const
	const bool bHavePosSlash = (vrFileNamePath.find_first_of( "/" ) != std::string::npos);
	const bool bHaveBckSlash = (vrFileNamePath.find_first_of( "\\" ) != std::string::npos);
	// Look for --someLongOption
	MIint nPos = vrFileNamePath.find_first_of( "--" );
	const bool bLong = (nPos == 0);
	if( bLong )
		return false;
	// Look for -f type short parameters
	nPos = vrFileNamePath.find_first_of( "-" );
	const bool bShort = (nPos == 0);
	if( bShort )
		return false;
	// Look for i1 i2 i3....
	nPos = vrFileNamePath.find_first_of( "i" );
	const bool bFoundI1 = ((nPos == 0) && (::isdigit( vrFileNamePath[ 1 ] )) );
	if( bFoundI1 )
		return false;
	const bool bValidChars = CMIUtilString::IsAllValidAlphaAndNumeric( *vrFileNamePath.c_str() );
	if( bValidChars || bHavePosSlash || bHaveBckSlash )
		return true;

	return false;
// Details: Build the MI value result string.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vrVariable  - (R) MI value's name.
//          vrValue     - (R) The MI value.
// Return:  None.
// Throws:  None.
void CMICmnMIValueResult::BuildResult(const CMIUtilString &vVariable,
                                      const CMICmnMIValue &vValue) {
  const char *pFormat = m_bUseSpacing ? "%s, %s %s %s" : "%s,%s%s%s";
  m_strValue = CMIUtilString::Format(
      pFormat, m_strValue.c_str(), vVariable.c_str(), ms_constStrEqual.c_str(),
Beispiel #18
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Determine and form the medium file's directory path and name.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	None.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmnLogMediumFile::FileFormFileNamePath( void )


	CMIUtilString strPathName;
	if( CMIUtilSystem().GetLogFilesPath( strPathName ) )
		const CMIUtilString strPath = CMIUtilFileStd().StripOffFileName( strPathName );

		// ToDo: Review this LINUX log file quick fix so not hidden
        // AD: 
        //      Linux was creating a log file here called '.\log.txt'.  The '.' on linux
        //      signifies that this file is 'hidden' and not normally visible.  A quick fix
        //      is to remove the path component all together.  Linux also normally uses '/'
        //      as directory separators, again leading to the problem of the hidden log.
#if defined ( _MSC_VER )
        m_fileNamePath = CMIUtilString::Format( "%s\\%s", strPath.c_str(), m_constMediumFileName.c_str() );
        m_fileNamePath = CMIUtilString::Format( "%s", m_constMediumFileName.c_str() );
#endif // defined ( _MSC_VER )

		return MIstatus::success;

	return MIstatus::failure;
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Release resources for *this Stdin stream.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	None.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmnStreamStdinLinux::Shutdown( void )
	if( !m_bInitialized )
		return MIstatus::success;

	m_bInitialized = false;


	bool bOk = MIstatus::success;
	CMIUtilString errMsg;

	// Tidy up
	if( m_pCmdBuffer != nullptr )
		delete [] m_pCmdBuffer;
		m_pCmdBuffer = nullptr;
	m_pStdin = nullptr;

	// Note shutdown order is important here 	
	MI::ModuleShutdown< CMICmnResources >( IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_RESOURCES, bOk, errMsg );
	MI::ModuleShutdown< CMICmnLog >      ( IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_LOG      , bOk, errMsg );

	if( !bOk )
		SetErrorDescriptionn( MIRSRC( IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_OS_STDIN_HANDLER ), errMsg.c_str() );

	return MIstatus::success;
Beispiel #20
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: The invoker requires this function. The command does work in this function.
//          The command is likely to communicate with the LLDB SBDebugger in here.
// Type:    Overridden.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Function succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Function failed.
// Throws:  None.
    CMICMDBASE_GETOPTION(pArgArguments, ListOfN, m_constStrArgArguments);

    CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo &rSessionInfo(CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::Instance());
    lldb::SBTarget sbTarget = rSessionInfo.GetTarget();
    if (!sbTarget.IsValid())
        SetError(CMIUtilString::Format(MIRSRC(IDS_CMD_ERR_INVALID_TARGET_CURRENT), m_cmdData.strMiCmd.c_str()));
        return MIstatus::failure;

    lldb::SBLaunchInfo sbLaunchInfo = sbTarget.GetLaunchInfo();
    sbLaunchInfo.SetArguments(NULL, false);

    CMIUtilString strArg;
    size_t nArgIndex = 0;
    while (pArgArguments->GetExpectedOption<CMICmdArgValString, CMIUtilString>(strArg, nArgIndex))
        const char *argv[2] = { strArg.c_str(), NULL };
        sbLaunchInfo.SetArguments(argv, true);


    return MIstatus::success;
Beispiel #21
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Build the MI value result string.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrVariable	- (R) MI value's name.
//			vrValue		- (R) The MI value.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmnMIValueResult::BuildResult( const CMIUtilString & vVariable, const CMICmnMIValue & vValue )
	const MIchar * pFormat =  m_bUseSpacing ? "%s, %s %s %s" : "%s,%s%s%s";
	m_strValue = CMIUtilString::Format( pFormat, m_strValue.c_str(), vVariable.c_str(), ms_constStrEqual.c_str(), vValue.GetString().c_str() );

	return MIstatus::success;
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Work function. Client (the driver's user) is able to append their own message
//          in to the MI's Log trace file.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vMessage          - (R) Client's text message.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
CMIDriver::WriteMessageToLog(const CMIUtilString &vMessage)
    CMIUtilString msg;
    msg = CMIUtilString::Format(MIRSRC(IDS_MI_CLIENT_MSG), vMessage.c_str());
    return m_pLog->Write(msg, CMICmnLog::eLogVerbosity_ClientMsg);
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Write text data to stderr. The text data does not need to
//          include a carriage line return as this is added to the text. The function also
//          then passes the text data into the CMICmnLog logger.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vText           - (R) Text data. May be prefixed with MI app's short name.
//          vTxtForLogFile  - (R) Text data.
//          vbSendToLog     - (R) True = Yes send to the Log file too, false = do not. (Dflt = true)
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmnStreamStderr::WritePriv(const CMIUtilString &vText, const CMIUtilString &vTxtForLogFile, const bool vbSendToLog /* = true */)
    if (vText.length() == 0)
        return MIstatus::failure;

    bool bOk = MIstatus::success;
        // Grab the stderr thread lock while we print
        CMIUtilThreadLock _lock(m_mutex);

        // Send this text to stderr
        const MIint status = ::fputs(vText.c_str(), stderr);
        if (status == EOF)
            const CMIUtilString errMsg(CMIUtilString::Format(MIRSRC(IDS_STDERR_ERR_NOT_ALL_DATA_WRITTEN), vText.c_str()));
            bOk = MIstatus::failure;
            ::fprintf(stderr, "\n");

        // Send this text to the log
        if (bOk && vbSendToLog)
            bOk &= m_pLog->WriteLog(vTxtForLogFile);

    return bOk;
// Details: Release resources for *this thread manager.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
bool CMICmnThreadMgrStd::Shutdown() {
  if (--m_clientUsageRefCnt > 0)
    return MIstatus::success;

  if (!m_bInitialized)
    return MIstatus::success;

  m_bInitialized = false;


  bool bOk = MIstatus::success;
  CMIUtilString errMsg;

  // Tidy up

  // Note shutdown order is important here
  MI::ModuleShutdown<CMICmnResources>(IDE_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_RESOURCES, bOk, errMsg);
  MI::ModuleShutdown<CMICmnLog>(IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_LOG, bOk, errMsg);

  if (!bOk) {
    SetErrorDescriptionn(MIRSRC(IDS_MI_SHUTDOWN_ERR), errMsg.c_str());

  return bOk;
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Unbind detach or release resources used by *this driver.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
    if (--m_clientUsageRefCnt > 0)
        return MIstatus::success;

    if (!m_bInitialized)
        return MIstatus::success;

    m_eCurrentDriverState = eDriverState_ShuttingDown;


    bool bOk = MIstatus::success;
    CMIUtilString errMsg;

    // Shutdown all of the modules we depend on
    MI::ModuleShutdown<CMICmnLLDBDebugger>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_LLDBDEBUGGER, bOk, errMsg);
    MI::ModuleShutdown<CMICmdMgr>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_CMDMGR, bOk, errMsg);
    MI::ModuleShutdown<CMICmnStreamStdin>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_STREAMSTDIN, bOk, errMsg);
    MI::ModuleShutdown<CMICmnThreadMgrStd>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_THREADMANAGER, bOk, errMsg);
    MI::ModuleShutdown<CMICmnResources>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_RESOURCES, bOk, errMsg);
    MI::ModuleShutdown<CMICmnStreamStderr>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_STREAMSTDERR, bOk, errMsg);
    MI::ModuleShutdown<CMICmnStreamStdout>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_STREAMSTDOUT, bOk, errMsg);
    MI::ModuleShutdown<CMICmnLog>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_LOG, bOk, errMsg);

    if (!bOk)
        SetErrorDescriptionn(MIRSRC(IDS_MI_SHUTDOWN_ERR), errMsg.c_str());

    m_eCurrentDriverState = eDriverState_NotRunning;

    return bOk;
// Details: Initialise resources for *this thread manager.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
bool CMICmnThreadMgrStd::Initialize() {

  if (m_bInitialized)
    return MIstatus::success;

  bool bOk = MIstatus::success;

  CMIUtilString errMsg;

  // Note initialisation order is important here as some resources depend on
  // previous
  MI::ModuleInit<CMICmnLog>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_LOG, bOk, errMsg);
  MI::ModuleInit<CMICmnResources>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_RESOURCES, bOk, errMsg);

  m_bInitialized = bOk;

  if (!bOk) {
    CMIUtilString strInitError(CMIUtilString::Format(
        MIRSRC(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_THREADMGR), errMsg.c_str()));
    return MIstatus::failure;

  return bOk;
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ bool CMIDriver::StartWorkerThreads() {
    const CMIUtilString errMsg = CMIUtilString::Format(
    -    SetErrorDescriptionn(errMsg);
    +    SetErrorDescriptionn(errMsg.c_str());
    return MIstatus::failure;
Beispiel #28
// Details: Show a dialog to the process/application halts. It gives the
// opportunity to
//          attach a debugger.
// Type:    Static method.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  None.
// Throws:  None.
void CMIUtilDebug::ShowDlgWaitForDbgAttach() {
  const CMIUtilString strCaption(CMIDriver::Instance().GetAppNameShort());
#ifdef _WIN32
  ::MessageBoxA(NULL, "Attach your debugger now", strCaption.c_str(), MB_OK);
// ToDo: Implement other platform version of an Ok to continue dialog box
#endif // _WIN32
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Execute commands from command source file in specified mode, and
//          set exit-flag if needed.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vbAsyncMode       - (R) True = execute commands in asynchronous mode, false = otherwise.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Function succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Function failed.
// Throws:  None.
CMIDriver::ExecuteCommandFile(const bool vbAsyncMode)
    std::ifstream ifsStartScript(m_strCmdLineArgCommandFileNamePath.c_str());
    if (!ifsStartScript.is_open())
        const CMIUtilString errMsg(
            CMIUtilString::Format(MIRSRC(IDS_UTIL_FILE_ERR_OPENING_FILE_UNKNOWN), m_strCmdLineArgCommandFileNamePath.c_str()));
        const bool bForceExit = true;
        return MIstatus::failure;

    // Switch lldb to synchronous mode
    CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo &rSessionInfo(CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::Instance());
    const bool bAsyncSetting = rSessionInfo.GetDebugger().GetAsync();

    // Execute commands from file
    bool bOk = MIstatus::success;
    CMIUtilString strCommand;
    while (!m_bExitApp && std::getline(ifsStartScript, strCommand))
        // Print command
        bOk = CMICmnStreamStdout::TextToStdout(strCommand);

        // Skip if it's a comment or empty line
        if (strCommand.empty() || strCommand[0] == '#')

        // Execute if no error
        if (bOk)
            CMIUtilThreadLock lock(rSessionInfo.GetSessionMutex());
            bOk = InterpretCommand(strCommand);

        // Draw the prompt after command will be executed (if enabled)
        bOk = bOk && CMICmnStreamStdout::WritePrompt();

        // Exit if there is an error
        if (!bOk)
            const bool bForceExit = true;

        // Wait while the handler thread handles incoming events

    // Switch lldb back to initial mode

    return bOk;
Beispiel #30
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Carry out work to complete the request to prepare and send back information
//          asked for.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
    CMICmnStreamStdout &rStdout = CMICmnStreamStdout::Instance();
    bool bOk = rStdout.TextToStdout("~\"From        To          Syms Read   Shared Object Library\"");

    CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo &rSessionInfo(CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::Instance());
    lldb::SBTarget sbTarget = rSessionInfo.GetTarget();
    const MIuint nModules = sbTarget.GetNumModules();
    for (MIuint i = 0; bOk && (i < nModules); i++)
        lldb::SBModule module = sbTarget.GetModuleAtIndex(i);
        if (module.IsValid())
            const CMIUtilString strModuleFilePath(module.GetFileSpec().GetDirectory());
            const CMIUtilString strModuleFileName(module.GetFileSpec().GetFilename());
            const CMIUtilString strModuleFullPath(CMIUtilString::Format("%s/%s", strModuleFilePath.c_str(), strModuleFileName.c_str()));
            const CMIUtilString strHasSymbols = (module.GetNumSymbols() > 0) ? "Yes" : "No";
            lldb::addr_t addrLoadS = 0xffffffff;
            lldb::addr_t addrLoadSize = 0;
            bool bHaveAddrLoad = false;
            const MIuint nSections = module.GetNumSections();
            for (MIuint j = 0; j < nSections; j++)
                lldb::SBSection section = module.GetSectionAtIndex(j);
                lldb::addr_t addrLoad = section.GetLoadAddress(sbTarget);
                if (addrLoad != (lldb::addr_t) - 1)
                    if (!bHaveAddrLoad)
                        bHaveAddrLoad = true;
                        addrLoadS = addrLoad;

                    addrLoadSize += section.GetByteSize();
            bOk = bOk &&
                  rStdout.TextToStdout(CMIUtilString::Format("~\"0x%08x\t0x%08x\t%s\t\t%s\"", addrLoadS, addrLoadS + addrLoadSize,
                                                             strHasSymbols.c_str(), strModuleFullPath.c_str()));

    return bOk;