Beispiel #1
// Name: operator*
// Type: Method
// Vis: Public
// Desc: Multiply the two matricies and put the result in a new matrix.
// Inputs:
//	- that: A CMatrix to multiply by.
// Outputs:
//	- retval: the new CMatrix, for operaor chaining.
CMatrix CMatrix::operator*(const CMatrix& that)
	return CMatrix(m_DXMatrix * that.GetD3DXMATRIX());

Beispiel #2
// Name: operator*=
// Type: Method
// Vis: Public
// Desc: Multiply the two matricies and set the result equal to the left hand
//		 side
// Inputs:
//	- that:  the CMatrix to multiply by.
// Outputs:
//	- retval: this CMatrix, for operator chaining.
CMatrix CMatrix::operator*=(const CMatrix& that)
	m_DXMatrix *= that.GetD3DXMATRIX();
	return *this;