BOOL CNetworkAdapterList::SetIpAddrEntry(LPCTSTR lpstrMAC, LPCTSTR lpstrIPAddr, LPCTSTR lpstrIPNetMask , LPCTSTR lpstrGateway, LPCTSTR lpstrDhcpServer, LPCTSTR lpstrNetNumber)
	CNetworkAdapter cAdapter;

	pPosNext = GetHeadPosition();
	pPosCur = GetHeadPosition();
	while (pPosNext != NULL)
		cAdapter = GetNext( pPosNext);
		if (_tcscmp( cAdapter.GetMACAddress(), lpstrMAC) ==0)
			// That's the adapter to update
			cAdapter.SetIPAddress( lpstrIPAddr);
			cAdapter.SetIPNetMask( lpstrIPNetMask);
			cAdapter.SetGateway( lpstrGateway);
			cAdapter.SetDhcpServer( lpstrDhcpServer);
			cAdapter.SetNetNumber( lpstrNetNumber );
			SetAt( pPosCur, cAdapter);
			return TRUE;
		// Browse the next adapter and save the adapter position in the list
		pPosCur = pPosNext;
	return FALSE;
/* Concatenate MAC adresses in a CString and return it */
CString CDeviceid::getMacs()
	CSysInfo			cSysinfo;
	CNetworkAdapter		cObject;
	CNetworkAdapterList cNetworkAdapterList;
	POSITION			position;
	BOOL				bContinue;
	CString				csMacConcat;

	if (!CIPHelper::GetNetworkAdaptersJustMAC(&cNetworkAdapterList))
		return m_csMacConcat;

	position = cNetworkAdapterList.GetHeadPosition();
	bContinue = (position != NULL);

	if (bContinue)
		cObject = cNetworkAdapterList.GetNext(position);

	while (bContinue)
		bContinue = (position != NULL);
		csMacConcat += cObject.GetMACAddress();
		if (position != NULL)
			cObject = cNetworkAdapterList.GetNext( position );
	m_csMacConcat = csMacConcat;
	return m_csMacConcat;
LPCTSTR CNetworkAdapterList::GetHash()
	COcsCrypto	myHash;
	CNetworkAdapter myObject;
	BOOL		bContinue;
	CString		csToHash;

	if (GetCount() == 0)
		return NULL;
	if (!myHash.HashInit())
		return NULL;
	pos = GetHeadPosition();
	bContinue = (pos != NULL);
	if (bContinue)
		// There is one record => get the first
		myObject = GetNext( pos);
	while (bContinue)
		csToHash.Format( _T( "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s"), myObject.GetDescription(), myObject.GetType(),
						 myObject.GetTypeMIB(), myObject.GetMACAddress(),
						 myObject.GetOperationalStatus(), myObject.GetIPAddress(), myObject.GetIPNetMask(),
						 myObject.GetGateway(), myObject.GetDhcpServer());
		myHash.HashUpdate( csToHash);
		bContinue = (pos != NULL);
		if (bContinue)
			myObject = GetNext( pos);
	return myHash.HashFinal();
int CNetworkAdapter::operator==(CNetworkAdapter cObject) const
	return ((m_csNetNumber == cObject.GetNetNumber()) &&
	(m_lIndex == cObject.GetIfIndex()) &&
	(m_csDescription == cObject.GetDescription()) &&
	(m_csType == cObject.GetType()) &&
	(m_csTypeMIB == cObject.GetTypeMIB()) &&
	(m_csSpeed == cObject.GetSpeed()) &&
	(m_ulSpeed == cObject.GetByteSpeed()) &&
	(m_csHWAddr == cObject.GetMACAddress()) &&	
	(m_csOperStatus == cObject.GetOperationalStatus()) &&
	(m_csIPAddr == cObject.GetIPAddress()) &&	
	(m_csIPNetMask == cObject.GetIPNetMask()) &&
	(m_csGateway == cObject.GetGateway()) &&
	(m_csDhcpServer == cObject.GetDhcpServer()));