Beispiel #1
TEST(cpdf_nametree, GetUnicodeNameWithBOM) {
  // Set up the root dictionary with a Names array.
  auto pRootDict = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dictionary>();
  CPDF_Array* pNames = pRootDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Array>("Names");

  // Add the key "1" (with BOM) and value 100 into the array.
  std::ostringstream buf;
  constexpr char kData[] = "\xFE\xFF\x00\x31";
  for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(kData); ++i)
  pNames->AddNew<CPDF_String>(ByteString(buf), true);

  // Check that the key is as expected.
  CPDF_NameTree nameTree(pRootDict.get());
  WideString storedName;
  nameTree.LookupValueAndName(0, &storedName);
  EXPECT_STREQ(L"1", storedName.c_str());

  // Check that the correct value object can be obtained by looking up "1".
  WideString matchName = L"1";
  CPDF_Object* pObj = nameTree.LookupValue(matchName);
  EXPECT_EQ(100, pObj->AsNumber()->GetInteger());
Beispiel #2
int CPDF_Dest::GetPageIndex(CPDF_Document* pDoc) {
  CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(m_pObj);
  if (!pArray)
    return 0;

  CPDF_Object* pPage = pArray->GetElementValue(0);
  if (!pPage)
    return 0;
  if (pPage->IsNumber())
    return pPage->GetInteger();
  if (!pPage->IsDictionary())
    return 0;
  return pDoc->GetPageIndex(pPage->GetObjNum());
Beispiel #3
FX_DWORD CPDF_Dest::GetPageObjNum() {
  CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(m_pObj);
  if (!pArray)
    return 0;

  CPDF_Object* pPage = pArray->GetElementValue(0);
  if (!pPage)
    return 0;
  if (pPage->IsNumber())
    return pPage->GetInteger();
  if (pPage->IsDictionary())
    return pPage->GetObjNum();
  return 0;
int CPDF_FormField::CountSelectedItems() const {
  CPDF_Object* pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict, "V");
  if (!pValue) {
    pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict, "I");
    if (!pValue)
      return 0;

  if (pValue->IsString() || pValue->IsNumber())
    return pValue->GetString().IsEmpty() ? 0 : 1;
  if (CPDF_Array* pArray = pValue->AsArray())
    return pArray->GetCount();
  return 0;
uint32_t CPDF_Dest::GetPageObjNum() {
  CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(m_pObj);
  if (!pArray)
    return 0;

  CPDF_Object* pPage = pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(0);
  if (!pPage)
    return 0;
  if (pPage->IsNumber())
    return pPage->GetInteger();
  if (pPage->IsDictionary())
    return pPage->GetObjNum();
  return 0;
FX_BOOL CPDF_FormField::IsItemSelected(int index) const {
  ASSERT(GetType() == ComboBox || GetType() == ListBox);
  if (index < 0 || index >= CountOptions()) {
    return FALSE;
  if (IsOptionSelected(index)) {
    return TRUE;
  CFX_WideString opt_value = GetOptionValue(index);
  CPDF_Object* pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict, "V");
  if (!pValue) {
    pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict, "I");
    if (!pValue) {
      return FALSE;

  if (pValue->IsString())
    return pValue->GetUnicodeText() == opt_value;

  if (pValue->IsNumber()) {
    if (pValue->GetString().IsEmpty())
      return FALSE;
    return (pValue->GetInteger() == index);

  CPDF_Array* pArray = pValue->AsArray();
  if (!pArray)
    return FALSE;

  int iPos = -1;
  for (int j = 0; j < CountSelectedOptions(); j++) {
    if (GetSelectedOptionIndex(j) == index) {
      iPos = j;
  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(pArray->GetCount()); i++)
    if (pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(i)->GetUnicodeText() == opt_value &&
        i == iPos) {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
Beispiel #7
int CPDF_FormField::GetSelectedIndex(int index) {
  CPDF_Object* pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict, "V");
  if (!pValue) {
    pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict, "I");
    if (!pValue)
      return -1;
  if (pValue->IsNumber())
    return pValue->GetInteger();

  CFX_WideString sel_value;
  if (pValue->IsString()) {
    if (index != 0)
      return -1;
    sel_value = pValue->GetUnicodeText();
  } else {
    CPDF_Array* pArray = pValue->AsArray();
    if (!pArray || index < 0)
      return -1;

    CPDF_Object* elementValue = pArray->GetElementValue(index);
    sel_value =
        elementValue ? elementValue->GetUnicodeText() : CFX_WideString();
  if (index < CountSelectedOptions()) {
    int iOptIndex = GetSelectedOptionIndex(index);
    CFX_WideString csOpt = GetOptionValue(iOptIndex);
    if (csOpt == sel_value) {
      return iOptIndex;
  int nOpts = CountOptions();
  for (int i = 0; i < nOpts; i++) {
    if (sel_value == GetOptionValue(i)) {
      return i;
  return -1;