Beispiel #1
bool CPathFinder::TestSquare(
    const MoveDef& moveDef,
    const CPathFinderDef& pfDef,
    const PathNode* parentOpenSquare,
    const CSolidObject* owner,
    unsigned int pathOptDir,
    bool synced
) {

    const int2& dirVec2D = directionVectors2D[pathOptDir];
    const float3& dirVec3D = directionVectors3D[pathOptDir];

    // Calculate the new square.
    int2 square;
    square.x = parentOpenSquare->nodePos.x + dirVec2D.x;
    square.y = parentOpenSquare->nodePos.y + dirVec2D.y;

    // Inside map?
    if (square.x < 0 || square.y < 0 || square.x >= gs->mapx || square.y >= gs->mapy) {
        return false;

    const unsigned int sqrIdx = square.x + square.y * gs->mapx;
    const unsigned int sqrStatus = squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx];

    // Check if the square is unaccessable or used.
        return false;

    const CMoveMath::BlockType blockStatus = CMoveMath::IsBlocked(moveDef, square.x, square.y, owner);

    // Check if square are out of constraints or blocked by something.
    // Doesn't need to be done on open squares, as those are already tested.
    if (!(sqrStatus & PATHOPT_OPEN) &&
            ((blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_STRUCTURE) || !pfDef.WithinConstraints(square.x, square.y))
       ) {
        squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] |= PATHOPT_BLOCKED;
        return false;

    // Evaluate this square.
    float squareSpeedMod = CMoveMath::GetPosSpeedMod(moveDef, square.x, square.y, dirVec3D);

    if (squareSpeedMod == 0.0f) {
        squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] |= PATHOPT_FORBIDDEN;
        return false;

    if (testMobile && moveDef.avoidMobilesOnPath && (blockStatus & squareMobileBlockBits)) {
        if (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE_BUSY) {
            squareSpeedMod *= moveDef.speedModMults[MoveDef::SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_BUSY_MULT];
        } else if (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE) {
            squareSpeedMod *= moveDef.speedModMults[MoveDef::SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_IDLE_MULT];
        } else { // (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOVING)
            squareSpeedMod *= moveDef.speedModMults[MoveDef::SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_MOVE_MULT];

    const float heatCost = (PathHeatMap::GetInstance())->GetHeatCost(square.x, square.y, moveDef, ((owner != NULL)? owner->id: -1U));
    const float flowCost = (PathFlowMap::GetInstance())->GetFlowCost(square.x, square.y, moveDef, pathOptDir);

    const float dirMoveCost = (1.0f + heatCost + flowCost) * directionCosts[pathOptDir];
    const float extraCost = squareStates.GetNodeExtraCost(square.x, square.y, synced);
    const float nodeCost = (dirMoveCost / squareSpeedMod) + extraCost;

    const float gCost = parentOpenSquare->gCost + nodeCost;  // g
    const float hCost = pfDef.Heuristic(square.x, square.y); // h
    const float fCost = gCost + hCost;                       // f

    if (squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] & PATHOPT_OPEN) {
        // already in the open set
        if (squareStates.fCost[sqrIdx] <= fCost)
            return true;

        squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] &= ~PATHOPT_AXIS_DIRS;

    // Look for improvements.
    if (!exactPath && hCost < mGoalHeuristic) {
        mGoalSquareIdx = sqrIdx;
        mGoalHeuristic = hCost;

    // Store this square as open.
    openSquareBuffer.SetSize(openSquareBuffer.GetSize() + 1);
    assert(openSquareBuffer.GetSize() < MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PF);

    PathNode* os = openSquareBuffer.GetNode(openSquareBuffer.GetSize());
    os->fCost   = fCost;
    os->gCost   = gCost;
    os->nodePos = square;
    os->nodeNum = sqrIdx;

    squareStates.SetMaxCost(NODE_COST_F, std::max(squareStates.GetMaxCost(NODE_COST_F), fCost));
    squareStates.SetMaxCost(NODE_COST_G, std::max(squareStates.GetMaxCost(NODE_COST_G), gCost));

    // mark this square as open
    squareStates.fCost[sqrIdx] = os->fCost;
    squareStates.gCost[sqrIdx] = os->gCost;
    squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] |= (PATHOPT_OPEN | pathOptDir);

    return true;
Beispiel #2
 * Test the accessability of a block and its value,
 * possibly also add it to the open-blocks pqueue.
void CPathEstimator::TestBlock(
	const MoveData& moveData,
	const CPathFinderDef& peDef,
	PathNode& parentOpenBlock,
	unsigned int direction,
	bool synced
) {

	// initial calculations of the new block
	int2 block;
		block.x = parentOpenBlock.nodePos.x + directionVector[direction].x;
		block.y = parentOpenBlock.nodePos.y + directionVector[direction].y;
	const int vertexIdx =
		moveData.pathType * blockStates.GetSize() * PATH_DIRECTION_VERTICES +
		parentOpenBlock.nodeNum * PATH_DIRECTION_VERTICES +
	const int blockIdx = block.y * nbrOfBlocksX + block.x;

	if (block.x < 0 || block.x >= nbrOfBlocksX || block.y < 0 || block.y >= nbrOfBlocksZ) {
		// blocks should never be able to lie outside map to the infinite vertices at the edges

	if (vertexIdx < 0 || (unsigned int)vertexIdx >= vertices.size())

	if (vertices[vertexIdx] >= PATHCOST_INFINITY)

	// check if the block is unavailable
	if (blockStates[blockIdx].nodeMask & (PATHOPT_FORBIDDEN | PATHOPT_BLOCKED | PATHOPT_CLOSED))

	const int xSquare = blockStates[blockIdx].nodeOffsets[moveData.pathType].x;
	const int zSquare = blockStates[blockIdx].nodeOffsets[moveData.pathType].y;

	// check if the block is blocked or out of constraints
	if (!peDef.WithinConstraints(xSquare, zSquare)) {
		blockStates[blockIdx].nodeMask |= PATHOPT_BLOCKED;

	// evaluate this node (NOTE the max-res. indexing for extraCost)
	const float extraCost = blockStates.GetNodeExtraCost(xSquare, zSquare, synced);
	const float nodeCost = vertices[vertexIdx] + extraCost;

	const float gCost = parentOpenBlock.gCost + nodeCost;  // g
	const float hCost = peDef.Heuristic(xSquare, zSquare); // h
	const float fCost = gCost + hCost;                     // f

	if (blockStates[blockIdx].nodeMask & PATHOPT_OPEN) {
		// already in the open set
		if (blockStates[blockIdx].fCost <= fCost)

		blockStates[blockIdx].nodeMask &= ~PATHOPT_DIRECTION;

	// look for improvements
	if (hCost < goalHeuristic) {
		goalBlock = block;
		goalHeuristic = hCost;

	// store this block as open.
	openBlockBuffer.SetSize(openBlockBuffer.GetSize() + 1);
	assert(openBlockBuffer.GetSize() < MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PE);

	PathNode* ob = openBlockBuffer.GetNode(openBlockBuffer.GetSize());
		ob->fCost   = fCost;
		ob->gCost   = gCost;
		ob->nodePos = block;
		ob->nodeNum = blockIdx;

	blockStates.SetMaxFCost(std::max(blockStates.GetMaxFCost(), fCost));
	blockStates.SetMaxGCost(std::max(blockStates.GetMaxGCost(), gCost));

	// mark this block as open
	blockStates[blockIdx].fCost = fCost;
	blockStates[blockIdx].gCost = gCost;
	blockStates[blockIdx].nodeMask |= (direction | PATHOPT_OPEN);
	blockStates[blockIdx].parentNodePos = parentOpenBlock.nodePos;

Beispiel #3
IPath::SearchResult CPathFinder::DoSearch(const MoveDef& moveDef, const CPathFinderDef& pfDef, const CSolidObject* owner, bool synced) {
    bool foundGoal = false;

    while (!openSquares.empty() && (openSquareBuffer.GetSize() < maxOpenNodes)) {
        // Get the open square with lowest expected path-cost.
        PathNode* os = const_cast<PathNode*>(;

        // check if this PathNode has become obsolete
        if (squareStates.fCost[os->nodeNum] != os->fCost)

        // Check if the goal is reached.
        if (pfDef.IsGoal(os->nodePos.x, os->nodePos.y)) {
            mGoalSquareIdx = os->nodeNum;
            mGoalHeuristic = 0.0f;
            foundGoal = true;

        // Test the 8 surrounding squares.
        const bool right = TestSquare(moveDef, pfDef, os, owner, PATHOPT_RIGHT, synced);
        const bool left  = TestSquare(moveDef, pfDef, os, owner, PATHOPT_LEFT,  synced);
        const bool up    = TestSquare(moveDef, pfDef, os, owner, PATHOPT_UP,    synced);
        const bool down  = TestSquare(moveDef, pfDef, os, owner, PATHOPT_DOWN,  synced);

        if (up) {
            // we dont want to search diagonally if there is a blocking object
            // (not blocking terrain) in one of the two side squares
            if (right) {
                TestSquare(moveDef, pfDef, os, owner, (PATHOPT_RIGHT | PATHOPT_UP), synced);
            if (left) {
                TestSquare(moveDef, pfDef, os, owner, (PATHOPT_LEFT | PATHOPT_UP), synced);
        if (down) {
            if (right) {
                TestSquare(moveDef, pfDef, os, owner, (PATHOPT_RIGHT | PATHOPT_DOWN), synced);
            if (left) {
                TestSquare(moveDef, pfDef, os, owner, (PATHOPT_LEFT | PATHOPT_DOWN), synced);

        // Mark this square as closed.
        squareStates.nodeMask[os->nodeNum] |= PATHOPT_CLOSED;

    if (foundGoal)
        return IPath::Ok;

    // Could not reach the goal.
    if (openSquareBuffer.GetSize() >= maxOpenNodes)
        return IPath::GoalOutOfRange;

    // Search could not reach the goal, due to the unit being locked in.
    if (openSquares.empty())
        return IPath::GoalOutOfRange;

    // should be unreachable
    // LogObject() << "ERROR: CPathFinder::DoSearch() - Unhandled end of search!\n";
    return IPath::Error;
Test the accessability of a block and it's value
and possibly add it to the open-blocks-queue.
void CPathEstimator::TestBlock(const MoveData& moveData, const CPathFinderDef &peDef, OpenBlock& parentOpenBlock, unsigned int direction) {

	//Initial calculations of the new block.
	int2 block;
	block.x = parentOpenBlock.block.x + directionVector[direction].x;
	block.y = parentOpenBlock.block.y + directionVector[direction].y;
	int vertexNbr = moveData.pathType * nbrOfBlocks * PATH_DIRECTION_VERTICES + parentOpenBlock.blocknr * PATH_DIRECTION_VERTICES + directionVertex[direction];

	//Outside map?
	if(/*block.x < 0 || block.x >= nbrOfBlocksX		//the blocks should never be able to become wrong due to the infinite vertices at the edges
	|| block.y < 0 || block.y >= nbrOfBlocksZ
	||*/ vertexNbr < 0 || vertexNbr >= nbrOfVertices)

	int blocknr = block.y * nbrOfBlocksX + block.x;
	float blockCost = vertex[vertexNbr];
	if(blockCost >= PATHCOST_INFINITY)

	//Check if the block is unavailable.
	if(blockState[blocknr].options & (PATHOPT_FORBIDDEN | PATHOPT_BLOCKED | PATHOPT_CLOSED))

	int xSquare = blockState[blocknr].sqrCenter[moveData.pathType].x;
	int zSquare = blockState[blocknr].sqrCenter[moveData.pathType].y;

	//Check if the block is blocked or out of constraints.
	if(!peDef.WithinConstraints(xSquare, zSquare)) {
		blockState[blocknr].options |= PATHOPT_BLOCKED;

	//Evaluate this node.
	float heuristicCost = peDef.Heuristic(xSquare, zSquare);
	float currentCost = parentOpenBlock.currentCost + blockCost;
	float cost = currentCost + heuristicCost;

	//Check if the block is already in queue and better, then keep it.
	if(blockState[blocknr].options & PATHOPT_OPEN) {
		if(blockState[blocknr].cost <= cost)
		blockState[blocknr].options &= 255-7;

	//Looking for improvements.
	if(heuristicCost < goalHeuristic) {
		goalBlock = block;
		goalHeuristic = heuristicCost;

	//Store this block as open.
	OpenBlock* ob = ++openBlockBufferPointer;
	ob->block = block;
	ob->blocknr = blocknr;
	ob->cost = cost;
	ob->currentCost = currentCost;

	//Mark the block as open, and it's parent.
	blockState[blocknr].cost = cost;
	blockState[blocknr].options |= (direction | PATHOPT_OPEN);
	blockState[blocknr].parentBlock = parentOpenBlock.block;
Beispiel #5
IPath::SearchResult CPathManager::ArrangePath(
	MultiPath* newPath,
	const MoveDef* moveDef,
	const float3& startPos,
	const float3& goalPos,
	CSolidObject* caller
) const {
	CPathFinderDef* pfDef = &newPath->peDef;

	// choose the PF or the PE depending on the projected 2D goal-distance
	// NOTE: this distance can be far smaller than the actual path length!
	// NOTE: take height difference into consideration for "special" cases
	// (unit at top of cliff, goal at bottom or vv.)
	const float heurGoalDist2D = pfDef->Heuristic(startPos.x / SQUARE_SIZE, startPos.z / SQUARE_SIZE, 1) + math::fabs(goalPos.y - startPos.y) / SQUARE_SIZE;
	const float searchDistances[] = {std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), MEDRES_SEARCH_DISTANCE, MAXRES_SEARCH_DISTANCE};

	// the circular-constraint area therefore is PI*50*50 squares (i.e. 7854
	// rounded up to nearest integer) which means MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_*>>3 is
	// only slightly larger (8192) so the constraint has no purpose even for
	// max-res queries (!)
	assert(MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PF <= 65536u);
	assert(MAXRES_SEARCH_DISTANCE <= 50.0f);

	constexpr unsigned int nodeLimits[] = {MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PE >> 3, MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PE >> 3, MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PF >> 3};

	constexpr bool useConstraints[] = {false, false, false};
	constexpr bool allowRawSearch[] = {false, false, false};

	IPathFinder* pathFinders[] = {lowResPE, medResPE, maxResPF};
	IPath::Path* pathObjects[] = {&newPath->lowResPath, &newPath->medResPath, &newPath->maxResPath};

	IPath::SearchResult bestResult = IPath::Error;

#if 1

	unsigned int bestSearch = -1u; // index

	enum {

		if (heurGoalDist2D <= (MAXRES_SEARCH_DISTANCE * modInfo.pfRawDistMult)) {
			pfDef->AllowRawPathSearch( true);
			pfDef->AllowDefPathSearch(false); // block default search

			// only the max-res CPathFinder implements DoRawSearch
			bestResult = pathFinders[PATH_MAX_RES]->GetPath(*moveDef, *pfDef, caller, startPos, *pathObjects[PATH_MAX_RES], nodeLimits[PATH_MAX_RES]);
			bestSearch = PATH_MAX_RES;

			pfDef->AllowDefPathSearch( true);

		if (bestResult != IPath::Ok) {
			// try each pathfinder in order from MAX to LOW limited by distance,
			// with constraints disabled for all three since these break search
			// completeness (CPU usage is still limited by MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_*)
			for (int n = PATH_MAX_RES; n >= PATH_LOW_RES; n--) {
				// distance-limits are in ascending order
				if (heurGoalDist2D > searchDistances[n])


				const IPath::SearchResult currResult = pathFinders[n]->GetPath(*moveDef, *pfDef, caller, startPos, *pathObjects[n], nodeLimits[n]);

				// note: GEQ s.t. MED-OK will be preferred over LOW-OK, etc
				if (currResult >= bestResult)

				bestResult = currResult;
				bestSearch = n;

				if (currResult == IPath::Ok)

	for (unsigned int n = PATH_LOW_RES; n <= PATH_MAX_RES; n++) {
		if (n != bestSearch) {

	if (bestResult == IPath::Ok)
		return bestResult;

	// if we did not get a complete path with distance/search
	// constraints enabled, run a final unconstrained fallback
	// MED search (unconstrained MAX search is not useful with
	// current node limits and could kill performance without)
	if (heurGoalDist2D > searchDistances[PATH_MED_RES]) {

		// we can only have a low-res result at this point

		bestResult = std::min(bestResult, pathFinders[PATH_MED_RES]->GetPath(*moveDef, *pfDef, caller, startPos, *pathObjects[PATH_MED_RES], nodeLimits[PATH_MED_RES]));

	return bestResult;


	enum {

	int origPathRes = PATH_LOW_RES;

	// first attempt - use ideal pathfinder (performance-wise)
		if (heurGoalDist2D < MAXRES_SEARCH_DISTANCE) {
			origPathRes = PATH_MAX_RES;
		} else if (heurGoalDist2D < MEDRES_SEARCH_DISTANCE) {
			origPathRes = PATH_MED_RES;
		//} else {
		//	origPathRes = PATH_LOW_RES;

		switch (origPathRes) {
			case PATH_MAX_RES: bestResult = maxResPF->GetPath(*moveDef, *pfDef, caller, startPos, newPath->maxResPath, nodeLimits[2]); break;
			case PATH_MED_RES: bestResult = medResPE->GetPath(*moveDef, *pfDef, caller, startPos, newPath->medResPath, nodeLimits[1]); break;
			case PATH_LOW_RES: bestResult = lowResPE->GetPath(*moveDef, *pfDef, caller, startPos, newPath->lowResPath, nodeLimits[0]); break;

		if (bestResult == IPath::Ok) {
			return bestResult;

	// second attempt - try to reverse path
		CCircularSearchConstraint reversedPfDef(goalPos, startPos, pfDef->sqGoalRadius, 7.0f, 8000);
		switch (pathres) {
			case PATH_MAX_RES: bestResult = maxResPF->GetPath(*moveDef, reversedPfDef, caller, goalPos, newPath->maxResPath, nodeLimits[2]); break;
			case PATH_MED_RES: bestResult = medResPE->GetPath(*moveDef, reversedPfDef, caller, goalPos, newPath->medResPath, nodeLimits[1]); break;
			case PATH_LOW_RES: bestResult = lowResPE->GetPath(*moveDef, reversedPfDef, caller, goalPos, newPath->lowResPath, nodeLimits[0]); break;

		if (bestResult == IPath::Ok) {

			float3 midPos;
			switch (pathres) {
				case PATH_MAX_RES: midPos = newPath->maxResPath.path.back(); break;
				case PATH_MED_RES: midPos = newPath->medResPath.path.back(); break;
				case PATH_LOW_RES: midPos = newPath->lowResPath.path.back(); break;

			CCircularSearchConstraint midPfDef(startPos, midPos, pfDef->sqGoalRadius, 3.0f, 8000);
			bestResult = maxResPF->GetPath(*moveDef, midPfDef, caller, startPos, newPath->maxResPath, MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PF >> 3);

			CCircularSearchConstraint restPfDef(midPos, goalPos, pfDef->sqGoalRadius, 7.0f, 8000);
			switch (pathres) {
				case PATH_MAX_RES:
				case PATH_MED_RES: bestResult = medResPE->GetPath(*moveDef, restPfDef, caller, startPos, newPath->medResPath, nodeLimits[1]); break;
				case PATH_LOW_RES: bestResult = lowResPE->GetPath(*moveDef, restPfDef, caller, startPos, newPath->lowResPath, nodeLimits[0]); break;

			return bestResult;


	// third attempt - use better pathfinder
		int advPathRes = origPathRes;
		int maxRes = (heurGoalDist2D < (MAXRES_SEARCH_DISTANCE * 2.0f)) ? PATH_MAX_RES : PATH_MED_RES;

		while (--advPathRes >= maxRes) {
			switch (advPathRes) {
				case PATH_MAX_RES: bestResult = maxResPF->GetPath(*moveDef, *pfDef, caller, startPos, newPath->maxResPath, nodeLimits[2]); break;
				case PATH_MED_RES: bestResult = medResPE->GetPath(*moveDef, *pfDef, caller, startPos, newPath->medResPath, nodeLimits[1]); break;
				case PATH_LOW_RES: bestResult = lowResPE->GetPath(*moveDef, *pfDef, caller, startPos, newPath->lowResPath, nodeLimits[0]); break;

			if (bestResult == IPath::Ok) {
				return bestResult;

	// fourth attempt - unconstrained search radius (performance heavy, esp. on max_res)
	if (origPathRes > PATH_MAX_RES) {
		int advPathRes = origPathRes;
		int maxRes = PATH_MED_RES;

		while (--advPathRes >= maxRes) {
			switch (advPathRes) {
				case PATH_MAX_RES: bestResult = maxResPF->GetPath(*moveDef, *pfDef, caller, startPos, newPath->maxResPath, nodeLimits[2]); break;
				case PATH_MED_RES: bestResult = medResPE->GetPath(*moveDef, *pfDef, caller, startPos, newPath->medResPath, nodeLimits[1]); break;
				case PATH_LOW_RES: bestResult = lowResPE->GetPath(*moveDef, *pfDef, caller, startPos, newPath->lowResPath, nodeLimits[0]); break;

			if (bestResult == IPath::Ok) {
				return bestResult;

	LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "PathManager: no path found");
	return bestResult;
Beispiel #6
 * Test the availability and value of a square,
 * and possibly add it to the queue of open squares.
bool CPathFinder::TestSquare(
	const MoveData& moveData,
	const CPathFinderDef& pfDef,
	const PathNode* parentOpenSquare,
	unsigned int enterDirection,
	int ownerId,
	bool synced
) {

	// Calculate the new square.
	int2 square;
		square.x = parentOpenSquare->nodePos.x + directionVector[enterDirection].x;
		square.y = parentOpenSquare->nodePos.y + directionVector[enterDirection].y;

	// Inside map?
	if (square.x < 0 || square.y < 0 || square.x >= gs->mapx || square.y >= gs->mapy) {
		return false;

	const int sqrIdx = square.x + square.y * gs->mapx;
	const int sqrStatus = squareStates[sqrIdx].nodeMask;

	// Check if the square is unaccessable or used.
		return false;

	const int blockStatus = moveData.moveMath->IsBlocked2(moveData, square.x, square.y);
	int blockBits = (CMoveMath::BLOCK_STRUCTURE | CMoveMath::BLOCK_TERRAIN);

	// Check if square are out of constraints or blocked by something.
	// Doesn't need to be done on open squares, as those are already tested.
	if ((!pfDef.WithinConstraints(square.x, square.y) || (blockStatus & blockBits)) &&
		!(sqrStatus & PATHOPT_OPEN)) {

		squareStates[sqrIdx].nodeMask |= PATHOPT_BLOCKED;
		return false;

	// Evaluate this square.
	float squareSpeedMod = moveData.moveMath->SpeedMod(moveData, square.x, square.y);
	blockBits = (CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE | CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOVING | CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE_BUSY);

	if (squareSpeedMod == 0) {
		squareStates[sqrIdx].nodeMask |= PATHOPT_FORBIDDEN;
		return false;

	if (testMobile && (blockStatus & blockBits)) {
		if (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOVING)
			squareSpeedMod *= 0.65f;
		else if (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE)
			squareSpeedMod *= 0.35f;
			squareSpeedMod *= 0.10f;

	// Include heatmap cost adjustment.
	float heatCostMod = 1.0f;
	if (heatMapping && moveData.heatMapping && GetHeatOwner(square.x, square.y) != ownerId) {
		heatCostMod += (moveData.heatMod * GetHeatValue(square.x,square.y));

	const float dirMoveCost = (heatCostMod * moveCost[enterDirection]);
	const float extraCost = squareStates.GetNodeExtraCost(square.x, square.y, synced);
	const float nodeCost = (dirMoveCost / squareSpeedMod) + extraCost;

	const float gCost = parentOpenSquare->gCost + nodeCost;  // g
	const float hCost = pfDef.Heuristic(square.x, square.y); // h
	const float fCost = gCost + hCost;                       // f

	if (squareStates[sqrIdx].nodeMask & PATHOPT_OPEN) {
		// already in the open set
		if (squareStates[sqrIdx].fCost <= fCost)
			return true;

		squareStates[sqrIdx].nodeMask &= ~PATHOPT_DIRECTION;

	// Look for improvements.
	if (!exactPath && hCost < goalHeuristic) {
		goalSquare = sqrIdx;
		goalHeuristic = hCost;

	// Store this square as open.
	openSquareBuffer.SetSize(openSquareBuffer.GetSize() + 1);
	assert(openSquareBuffer.GetSize() < MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PF);

	PathNode* os = openSquareBuffer.GetNode(openSquareBuffer.GetSize());
		os->fCost   = fCost;
		os->gCost   = gCost;
		os->nodePos = square;
		os->nodeNum = sqrIdx;

	squareStates.SetMaxFCost(std::max(squareStates.GetMaxFCost(), fCost));
	squareStates.SetMaxGCost(std::max(squareStates.GetMaxGCost(), gCost));

	// mark this square as open
	squareStates[sqrIdx].fCost = os->fCost;
	squareStates[sqrIdx].gCost = os->gCost;
	squareStates[sqrIdx].nodeMask |= (PATHOPT_OPEN | enterDirection);
	return true;
Beispiel #7
 * Search with several start positions
IPath::SearchResult CPathFinder::GetPath(
	const MoveData& moveData,
	const std::vector<float3>& startPos,
	const CPathFinderDef& pfDef,
	IPath::Path& path,
	int ownerId,
	bool synced
) {
	// Clear the given path.
	path.pathCost = PATHCOST_INFINITY;

	// Store som basic data.
	maxSquaresToBeSearched = MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PF - 8U;
	testMobile = false;
	exactPath = true;
	needPath = true;

	// If exact path is reqired and the goal is blocked, then no search is needed.
	if (exactPath && pfDef.GoalIsBlocked(moveData, (CMoveMath::BLOCK_STRUCTURE | CMoveMath::BLOCK_TERRAIN)))
		return IPath::CantGetCloser;

	// If the starting position is a goal position, then no search need to be performed.
	if (pfDef.IsGoal(startxSqr, startzSqr))
		return IPath::CantGetCloser;

	// Clearing the system from last search.


	for (std::vector<float3>::const_iterator si = startPos.begin(); si != startPos.end(); ++si) {
		start = *si;
		startxSqr = (int(start.x) / SQUARE_SIZE) | 1;
		startzSqr = (int(start.z) / SQUARE_SIZE) | 1;
		startSquare = startxSqr + startzSqr * gs->mapx;
		goalSquare = startSquare;

		squareStates[startSquare].nodeMask = (PATHOPT_START | PATHOPT_OPEN);
		squareStates[startSquare].fCost = 0.0f;
		squareStates[startSquare].gCost = 0.0f;

		if (openSquareBuffer.GetSize() >= MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PF) {

		PathNode* os = openSquareBuffer.GetNode(openSquareBuffer.GetSize());
			os->fCost     = 0.0f;
			os->gCost     = 0.0f;
			os->nodePos.x = startxSqr;
			os->nodePos.y = startzSqr;
			os->nodeNum   = startSquare;
		openSquareBuffer.SetSize(openSquareBuffer.GetSize() + 1);

	// note: DoSearch, not InitSearch
	IPath::SearchResult result = DoSearch(moveData, pfDef, ownerId, synced);

	// Respond to the success of the search.
	if (result == IPath::Ok) {
		FinishSearch(moveData, path);
		if (PATHDEBUG) {
			LogObject() << "Path found.\n";
			LogObject() << "Nodes tested: " << testedNodes << "\n";
			LogObject() << "Open squares: " << openSquareBuffer.GetSize() << "\n";
			LogObject() << "Path nodes: " << path.path.size() << "\n";
			LogObject() << "Path cost: " << path.pathCost << "\n";
	} else {
		if (PATHDEBUG) {
			LogObject() << "No path found!\n";
			LogObject() << "Nodes tested: " << testedNodes << "\n";
			LogObject() << "Open squares: " << openSquareBuffer.GetSize() << "\n";
	return result;
Beispiel #8
 * Test the accessability of a block and its value,
 * possibly also add it to the open-blocks pqueue.
void CPathEstimator::TestBlock(const MoveData& moveData, const CPathFinderDef &peDef, OpenBlock& parentOpenBlock, unsigned int direction) {

	// initial calculations of the new block
	int2 block;
	block.x = parentOpenBlock.block.x + directionVector[direction].x;
	block.y = parentOpenBlock.block.y + directionVector[direction].y;
	int vertexNbr = moveData.pathType * nbrOfBlocks * PATH_DIRECTION_VERTICES + parentOpenBlock.blocknr * PATH_DIRECTION_VERTICES + directionVertex[direction];

	if (block.x < 0 || block.x >= nbrOfBlocksX || block.y < 0 || block.y >= nbrOfBlocksZ) {
		// blocks should never be able to lie outside map to the infinite vertices at the edges

	if (vertexNbr < 0 || (unsigned int)vertexNbr >= nbrOfVertices)

	int blocknr = block.y * nbrOfBlocksX + block.x;
	float blockCost = vertex[vertexNbr];
	if (blockCost >= PATHCOST_INFINITY)

	// check if the block is unavailable
	if (blockState[blocknr].options & (PATHOPT_FORBIDDEN | PATHOPT_BLOCKED | PATHOPT_CLOSED))

	int xSquare = blockState[blocknr].sqrCenter[moveData.pathType].x;
	int zSquare = blockState[blocknr].sqrCenter[moveData.pathType].y;

	// check if the block is blocked or out of constraints
	if (!peDef.WithinConstraints(xSquare, zSquare)) {
		blockState[blocknr].options |= PATHOPT_BLOCKED;

	// evaluate this node
	float heuristicCost = peDef.Heuristic(xSquare, zSquare);
	float currentCost = parentOpenBlock.currentCost + blockCost;
	float cost = currentCost + heuristicCost;

	// check if the block is already in queue and keep it if it's better
	if (blockState[blocknr].options & PATHOPT_OPEN) {
		if (blockState[blocknr].cost <= cost)
		blockState[blocknr].options &= 255 - 7;

	// look for improvements
	if (heuristicCost < goalHeuristic) {
		goalBlock = block;
		goalHeuristic = heuristicCost;

	// store this block as open.
	assert(openBlockBufferIndex < MAX_SEARCHED_BLOCKS);

	OpenBlock* ob = &openBlockBuffer[openBlockBufferIndex];
		ob->block = block;
		ob->blocknr = blocknr;
		ob->cost = cost;
		ob->currentCost = currentCost;

	// Mark the block as open, and its parent.
	blockState[blocknr].cost = cost;
	blockState[blocknr].options |= (direction | PATHOPT_OPEN);
	blockState[blocknr].parentBlock = parentOpenBlock.block;
Beispiel #9
bool CPathFinder::TestSquare(
	const MoveDef& moveDef,
	const CPathFinderDef& pfDef,
	const PathNode* parentOpenSquare,
	unsigned int enterDirection,
	int ownerId,
	bool synced
) {

	const int2& dirVec2D = dirVectors2D[enterDirection];
	const float3& dirVec3D = dirVectors3D[enterDirection];

	// Calculate the new square.
	int2 square;
		square.x = parentOpenSquare->nodePos.x + dirVec2D.x;
		square.y = parentOpenSquare->nodePos.y + dirVec2D.y;

	// Inside map?
	if (square.x < 0 || square.y < 0 || square.x >= gs->mapx || square.y >= gs->mapy) {
		return false;

	const int sqrIdx = square.x + square.y * gs->mapx;
	const int sqrStatus = squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx];

	// Check if the square is unaccessable or used.
		return false;

	const CMoveMath::BlockType blockStatus = moveDef.moveMath->IsBlocked(moveDef, square.x, square.y);

	// Check if square are out of constraints or blocked by something.
	// Doesn't need to be done on open squares, as those are already tested.
	if (!(sqrStatus & PATHOPT_OPEN) &&
		((blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_STRUCTURE) || !pfDef.WithinConstraints(square.x, square.y))
	) {
		squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] |= PATHOPT_BLOCKED;
		return false;

	// Evaluate this square.
	float squareSpeedMod = moveDef.moveMath->GetPosSpeedMod(moveDef, square.x, square.y, dirVec3D);
	float heatCostMod = 1.0f;

	if (squareSpeedMod == 0.0f) {
		squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] |= PATHOPT_FORBIDDEN;
		return false;

	if (testMobile && moveDef.avoidMobilesOnPath && (blockStatus & squareMobileBlockBits)) {
		if (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE_BUSY) {
			squareSpeedMod *= moveDef.speedModMults[MoveDef::SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_BUSY_MULT];
		} else if (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE) {
			squareSpeedMod *= moveDef.speedModMults[MoveDef::SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_IDLE_MULT];
		} else { // (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOVING)
			squareSpeedMod *= moveDef.speedModMults[MoveDef::SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_MOVE_MULT];

	// Include heatmap cost adjustment.
	if (heatMapping && moveDef.heatMapping && GetHeatOwner(square.x, square.y) != ownerId) {
		heatCostMod += (moveDef.heatMod * GetHeatValue(square.x, square.y));

	const float dirMoveCost = (heatCostMod * moveCost[enterDirection]);
	const float extraCost = squareStates.GetNodeExtraCost(square.x, square.y, synced);
	const float nodeCost = (dirMoveCost / squareSpeedMod) + extraCost;

	const float gCost = parentOpenSquare->gCost + nodeCost;  // g
	const float hCost = pfDef.Heuristic(square.x, square.y); // h
	const float fCost = gCost + hCost;                       // f

	if (squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] & PATHOPT_OPEN) {
		// already in the open set
		if (squareStates.fCost[sqrIdx] <= fCost)
			return true;

		squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] &= ~PATHOPT_DIRECTION;

	// Look for improvements.
	if (!exactPath && hCost < goalHeuristic) {
		goalSquare = sqrIdx;
		goalHeuristic = hCost;

	// Store this square as open.
	openSquareBuffer.SetSize(openSquareBuffer.GetSize() + 1);
	assert(openSquareBuffer.GetSize() < MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PF);

	PathNode* os = openSquareBuffer.GetNode(openSquareBuffer.GetSize());
		os->fCost   = fCost;
		os->gCost   = gCost;
		os->nodePos = square;
		os->nodeNum = sqrIdx;

	squareStates.SetMaxFCost(std::max(squareStates.GetMaxFCost(), fCost));
	squareStates.SetMaxGCost(std::max(squareStates.GetMaxGCost(), gCost));

	// mark this square as open
	squareStates.fCost[sqrIdx] = os->fCost;
	squareStates.gCost[sqrIdx] = os->gCost;
	squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] |= (PATHOPT_OPEN | enterDirection);
	return true;
Test the availability and value of a square,
and possibly add it to the queue of open squares.
bool CPathFinder::TestSquare(const MoveData& moveData, const CPathFinderDef& pfDef, OpenSquare* parentOpenSquare, unsigned int enterDirection) {

    //Calculate the new square.
    int2 square;
    square.x = parentOpenSquare->square.x + directionVector[enterDirection].x;
    square.y = parentOpenSquare->square.y + directionVector[enterDirection].y;

    //Inside map?
    if(square.x < 0 || square.y < 0	|| square.x >= gs->mapx || square.y >= gs->mapy)
        return false;
    int sqr = square.x + square.y * gs->mapx;

    //Check if the square is unaccessable or used.
    if(squareState[sqr].status & (PATHOPT_CLOSED | PATHOPT_FORBIDDEN | PATHOPT_BLOCKED)) {
        if(squareState[sqr].status & PATHOPT_BLOCKED)
            return false;
            return false;

    int blockStatus=moveData.moveMath->IsBlocked2(moveData, square.x, square.y);
    //Check if square are out of constraints or blocked by something.
    //Don't need to be done on open squares, as whose are already tested.
    if(!(squareState[sqr].status & PATHOPT_OPEN) && (!pfDef.WithinConstraints(square.x, square.y) || (blockStatus & (CMoveMath::BLOCK_STRUCTURE | CMoveMath::BLOCK_TERRAIN)))) {
        squareState[sqr].status |= PATHOPT_BLOCKED;
        return false;

    //Evaluate this node.
    float squareSpeedMod = moveData.moveMath->SpeedMod(moveData, square.x, square.y);

    if(squareSpeedMod==0) {
        squareState[sqr].status |= PATHOPT_FORBIDDEN;
        return false;
    if(testMobile && (blockStatus & (CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE | CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOVING | CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE_BUSY))) {
        if(blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOVING)
        else if(blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE)
    float squareCost = moveCost[enterDirection] / squareSpeedMod;
    float heuristicCost = pfDef.Heuristic(square.x, square.y);

    //Summarize cost.
    float currentCost = parentOpenSquare->currentCost + squareCost;
    float cost = currentCost + heuristicCost;

    //Checks if this square are in que already.
    //If the old one is better then keep it, else change it.
    if(squareState[sqr].status & PATHOPT_OPEN) {
        if(squareState[sqr].cost <= cost)
            return true;
        squareState[sqr].status &= ~PATHOPT_DIRECTION;

    //Looking for improvements.
    if(!exactPath	&& heuristicCost < goalHeuristic) {
        goalSquare = sqr;
        goalHeuristic = heuristicCost;

    //Store this square as open.
    OpenSquare *os = ++openSquareBufferPointer;		//Take the next OpenSquare in buffer.
    os->square = square;
    os->sqr = sqr;
    os->currentCost = currentCost;
    os->cost = cost;

    //Set this one as open and the direction from which it was reached.
    squareState[sqr].cost = os->cost;
    squareState[sqr].status |= (PATHOPT_OPEN | enterDirection);
    return true;
Search with several start positions
IPath::SearchResult CPathFinder::GetPath(const MoveData& moveData, std::vector<float3> startPos, const CPathFinderDef& pfDef, Path& path) {
    //Clear the given path.
    path.pathCost = PATHCOST_INFINITY;

    //Store som basic data.
    maxNodesToBeSearched = MAX_SEARCHED_SQARES;
    exactPath = true;

    //If exact path is reqired and the goal is blocked, then no search is needed.
    if(exactPath && pfDef.GoalIsBlocked(moveData, (CMoveMath::BLOCK_STRUCTURE | CMoveMath::BLOCK_TERRAIN)))
        return CantGetCloser;

    //If the starting position is a goal position, then no search need to be performed.
    if(pfDef.IsGoal(startxSqr, startzSqr))
        return CantGetCloser;

    //Clearing the system from last search.

    openSquareBufferPointer = &openSquareBuffer[0];

    for(std::vector<float3>::iterator si=startPos.begin(); si!=startPos.end(); ++si) {
        start = *si;
        startxSqr = (int(start.x) / SQUARE_SIZE)|1;
        startzSqr = (int(start.z) / SQUARE_SIZE)|1;
        startSquare = startxSqr + startzSqr * gs->mapx;

        squareState[startSquare].status = (PATHOPT_START | PATHOPT_OPEN);
        squareState[startSquare].cost = 0;

        goalSquare = startSquare;

        OpenSquare *os = ++openSquareBufferPointer;	//Taking first OpenSquare in buffer.
        os->currentCost = 0;
        os->cost = 0;
        os->square.x = startxSqr;
        os->square.y = startzSqr;
        os->sqr = startSquare;

    //Performs the search.
    SearchResult result = DoSearch(moveData, pfDef);

    //Respond to the success of the search.
    if(result == Ok) {
        FinishSearch(moveData, path);
        if(PATHDEBUG) {
            *info << "Path found.\n";
            *info << "Nodes tested: " << (int)testedNodes << "\n";
            *info << "Open squares: " << (openSquareBufferPointer - openSquareBuffer) << "\n";
            *info << "Path steps: " << (int)(path.path.size()) << "\n";
            *info << "Path cost: " << path.pathCost << "\n";
    } else {
        if(PATHDEBUG) {
            *info << "Path not found!\n";
            *info << "Nodes tested: " << (int)testedNodes << "\n";
            *info << "Open squares: " << (openSquareBufferPointer - openSquareBuffer) << "\n";
    return result;
Beispiel #12
bool CPathFinder::TestBlock(
	const MoveDef& moveDef,
	const CPathFinderDef& pfDef,
	const PathNode* parentSquare,
	const CSolidObject* owner,
	const unsigned int pathOptDir,
	const unsigned int blockStatus,
	float speedMod
) {

	// initial calculations of the new block
	const int2 square = parentSquare->nodePos + PF_DIRECTION_VECTORS_2D[pathOptDir];
	const unsigned int sqrIdx = BlockPosToIdx(square);

	// bounds-check
	assert((unsigned)square.x < nbrOfBlocks.x);
	assert((unsigned)square.y < nbrOfBlocks.y);
	assert((blockStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] & (PATHOPT_CLOSED | PATHOPT_BLOCKED)) == 0);
	assert((blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_STRUCTURE) == 0);
	assert(speedMod != 0.0f);

	if (pfDef.testMobile && moveDef.avoidMobilesOnPath && (blockStatus & squareMobileBlockBits)) {
		if (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE_BUSY) {
			speedMod *= moveDef.speedModMults[MoveDef::SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_BUSY_MULT];
		} else if (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE) {
			speedMod *= moveDef.speedModMults[MoveDef::SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_IDLE_MULT];
		} else { // (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOVING)
			speedMod *= moveDef.speedModMults[MoveDef::SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_MOVE_MULT];

	const float heatCost  = (pfDef.testMobile) ? (PathHeatMap::GetInstance())->GetHeatCost(square.x, square.y, moveDef, ((owner != NULL)? owner->id: -1U)) : 0.0f;
	//const float flowCost  = (pfDef.testMobile) ? (PathFlowMap::GetInstance())->GetFlowCost(square.x, square.y, moveDef, pathOptDir) : 0.0f;
	const float extraCost = blockStates.GetNodeExtraCost(square.x, square.y, pfDef.synced);

	const float dirMoveCost = (1.0f + heatCost) * PF_DIRECTION_COSTS[pathOptDir];
	const float nodeCost = (dirMoveCost / speedMod) + extraCost;

	const float gCost = parentSquare->gCost + nodeCost;      // g
	const float hCost = pfDef.Heuristic(square.x, square.y); // h
	const float fCost = gCost + hCost;                       // f

	if (blockStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] & PATHOPT_OPEN) {
		// already in the open set, look for a cost-improvement
		if (blockStates.fCost[sqrIdx] <= fCost)
			return true;

		blockStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] &= ~PATHOPT_CARDINALS;

	// if heuristic says this node is closer to goal than previous h-estimate, keep it
	if (!pfDef.exactPath && hCost < mGoalHeuristic) {
		mGoalBlockIdx = sqrIdx;
		mGoalHeuristic = hCost;

	// store and mark this square as open (expanded, but not yet pulled from pqueue)
	openBlockBuffer.SetSize(openBlockBuffer.GetSize() + 1);
	assert(openBlockBuffer.GetSize() < MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PF);

	PathNode* os = openBlockBuffer.GetNode(openBlockBuffer.GetSize());
		os->fCost   = fCost;
		os->gCost   = gCost;
		os->nodePos = square;
		os->nodeNum = sqrIdx;

	blockStates.SetMaxCost(NODE_COST_F, std::max(blockStates.GetMaxCost(NODE_COST_F), fCost));
	blockStates.SetMaxCost(NODE_COST_G, std::max(blockStates.GetMaxCost(NODE_COST_G), gCost));

	blockStates.fCost[sqrIdx] = os->fCost;
	blockStates.gCost[sqrIdx] = os->gCost;
	blockStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] |= (PATHOPT_OPEN | pathOptDir);

	return true;
Beispiel #13
void CPathFinder::TestNeighborSquares(
	const MoveDef& moveDef,
	const CPathFinderDef& pfDef,
	const PathNode* square,
	const CSolidObject* owner
) {
	// early out
	if (!pfDef.WithinConstraints(square->nodePos.x, square->nodePos.y)) {
		blockStates.nodeMask[square->nodeNum] |= PATHOPT_CLOSED;

	struct SqState {
		SqState() : blockedState(CMoveMath::BLOCK_NONE), speedMod(0.0f), inSearch(false) {}
		CMoveMath::BlockType blockedState;
		float speedMod;
		bool inSearch;

	SqState ngbStates[PATH_DIRECTIONS];

	// precompute structure-blocked for all neighbors
	for (unsigned int dir = 0; dir < PATH_DIRECTIONS; dir++) {
		const int2 ngbSquareCoors = square->nodePos + PF_DIRECTION_VECTORS_2D[ PathDir2PathOpt(dir) ];
		const int ngbSquareIdx = BlockPosToIdx(ngbSquareCoors);

		if ((unsigned)ngbSquareCoors.x >= nbrOfBlocks.x || (unsigned)ngbSquareCoors.y >= nbrOfBlocks.y)

		if (blockStates.nodeMask[ngbSquareIdx] & (PATHOPT_CLOSED | PATHOPT_BLOCKED)) //FIXME

		// very time expensive call
		SqState& sqState = ngbStates[dir];
		sqState.blockedState = CMoveMath::IsBlockedNoSpeedModCheck(moveDef, ngbSquareCoors.x, ngbSquareCoors.y, owner);

		if (sqState.blockedState & CMoveMath::BLOCK_STRUCTURE) {
			blockStates.nodeMask[ngbSquareIdx] |= PATHOPT_CLOSED;
			continue; // early-out (20% chance)

		// hint: use posSpeedMod for PE! cause it assumes path costs are bidirectional and so it only saves one `cost` for left & right movement
		// hint2: not worth to put in front of the above code, it only has a ~2% chance (heavily depending on the map) to early-out
		if (!pfDef.dirIndependent) {
			sqState.speedMod = CMoveMath::GetPosSpeedMod(moveDef, ngbSquareCoors.x, ngbSquareCoors.y, PF_DIRECTION_VECTORS_3D[ PathDir2PathOpt(dir) ]);
		} else {
			sqState.speedMod = CMoveMath::GetPosSpeedMod(moveDef, ngbSquareCoors.x, ngbSquareCoors.y);
			// only close node if we're dirIndependent
			// otherwise, it's possible we'll be able to enter it from another direction.
			if (sqState.speedMod == 0.0f) {
				blockStates.nodeMask[ngbSquareIdx] |= PATHOPT_CLOSED;
		if (sqState.speedMod != 0.0f) {
			sqState.inSearch = pfDef.WithinConstraints(ngbSquareCoors.x, ngbSquareCoors.y);

	const auto CAN_TEST_SQUARE_SM = [&](const int dir) { return (ngbStates[dir].speedMod != 0.0f); };
	const auto CAN_TEST_SQUARE_IS = [&](const int dir) { return (ngbStates[dir].inSearch); };

	// first test squares along the cardinal directions
	for (unsigned int dir: PATHDIR_CARDINALS) {
		if (!CAN_TEST_SQUARE_SM(dir))

		const SqState& sqState = ngbStates[dir];
		const unsigned int opt = PathDir2PathOpt(dir);
		TestBlock(moveDef, pfDef, square, owner, opt, sqState.blockedState, sqState.speedMod);

	// next test the diagonal squares
	// don't search diagonally if there is a blocking object
	// (or blocking terrain!) in one of the two side squares
	// e.g. do not consider the edge (p, q) passable if X is
	// impassable in this situation:
	//   +---+---+
	//   | X | q |
	//   +---+---+
	//   | p | X |
	//   +---+---+
	// *** IMPORTANT ***
	// if either side-square is merely outside the constrained
	// area but the diagonal square is not, we do consider the
	// edge passable since we still need to be able to jump to
	// diagonally adjacent PE-blocks!
	const auto TEST_DIAG_SQUARE = [&](const int BASE_DIR_X, const int BASE_DIR_Y, const int BASE_DIR_XY) {
				const unsigned int ngbOpt = PathDir2PathOpt(BASE_DIR_XY);
				const SqState& sqState = ngbStates[BASE_DIR_XY];
				TestBlock(moveDef, pfDef, square, owner, ngbOpt, sqState.blockedState, sqState.speedMod);


	// mark this square as closed
	blockStates.nodeMask[square->nodeNum] |= PATHOPT_CLOSED;
Beispiel #14
// set up the starting point of the search
IPath::SearchResult IPathFinder::InitSearch(const MoveDef& moveDef, const CPathFinderDef& pfDef, const CSolidObject* owner)
	int2 square = mStartBlock;

	if (BLOCK_SIZE != 1)
		square = blockStates.peNodeOffsets[moveDef.pathType][mStartBlockIdx];

	const bool isStartGoal = pfDef.IsGoal(square.x, square.y);
	const bool startInGoal = pfDef.startInGoalRadius;

	const bool allowRawPath = pfDef.allowRawPath;
	const bool allowDefPath = pfDef.allowDefPath;

	assert(allowRawPath || allowDefPath);

	// cleanup after the last search

	IPath::SearchResult results[] = {IPath::CantGetCloser, IPath::Ok, IPath::CantGetCloser};

	// although our starting square may be inside the goal radius, the starting coordinate may be outside.
	// in this case we do not want to return CantGetCloser, but instead a path to our starting square.
	if (isStartGoal && startInGoal)
		return results[allowRawPath];

	// mark and store the start-block; clear all bits except PATHOPT_OBSOLETE
	blockStates.nodeMask[mStartBlockIdx] &= PATHOPT_OBSOLETE;
	blockStates.nodeMask[mStartBlockIdx] |= PATHOPT_OPEN;
	blockStates.fCost[mStartBlockIdx] = 0.0f;
	blockStates.gCost[mStartBlockIdx] = 0.0f;
	blockStates.SetMaxCost(NODE_COST_F, 0.0f);
	blockStates.SetMaxCost(NODE_COST_G, 0.0f);


	// start a new search and add the starting block to the open-blocks-queue
	PathNode* ob = openBlockBuffer.GetNode(openBlockBuffer.GetSize());
		ob->fCost   = 0.0f;
		ob->gCost   = 0.0f;
		ob->nodePos = mStartBlock;
		ob->nodeNum = mStartBlockIdx;

	// mark starting point as best found position
	mGoalHeuristic = pfDef.Heuristic(square.x, square.y, BLOCK_SIZE);

	enum {
		RAW = 0,
		IPF = 1,

	// perform the search
	results[RAW] = (allowRawPath                                )? DoRawSearch(moveDef, pfDef, owner): IPath::Error;
	results[IPF] = (allowDefPath && results[RAW] == IPath::Error)? DoSearch(moveDef, pfDef, owner): results[RAW];

	if (results[IPF] == IPath::Ok)
		return IPath::Ok;
	if (mGoalBlockIdx != mStartBlockIdx)
		return results[IPF];

	// if start and goal are within the same block but distinct squares (or
	// considered a single point for search purposes), then we probably can
	// not get closer and should return CGC *unless* the caller requested a
	// raw search only
	return results[IPF + ((!allowRawPath || allowDefPath) && (!isStartGoal || startInGoal))];