Beispiel #1
void Turret::Update( )
	if( m_hOperatingObject && IsPlayer( m_hOperatingObject ))
		if( m_swtDestroyedDeactivationDelay.IsStarted( ) && m_swtDestroyedDeactivationDelay.IsTimedOut( ))
			Deactivate( );

			// Remove the turret weapon since the turret is getting removed as well...
			m_Arsenal.RemoveAllActiveWeapons( );

			// Remove ourselves now that we're dead...
			g_pLTServer->RemoveObject( m_hObject );

		CPlayerObj *pPlayer = dynamic_cast<CPlayerObj*>(g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( m_hOperatingObject ));
		if( !pPlayer || !pPlayer->IsAlive( ))
			Deactivate( );
		CWeapon *pPlayerWeapon = pPlayer->GetArsenal( )->GetCurWeapon( );
		if( pPlayerWeapon )
			pPlayerWeapon->HideWeapon( true );

		LTRigidTransform tView;
		pPlayer->GetTrueViewTransform( tView );

		CWeapon *pTurretWeapon = m_Arsenal.GetCurWeapon( );
		if( pTurretWeapon )
			g_pModelLT->GetSocket( m_hObject, "Pivot", hPivot );

			LTTransform tPivot;
			g_pModelLT->GetSocketTransform( m_hObject, hPivot, tPivot, true );

			HOBJECT hWeapon = pTurretWeapon->GetModelObject( );

			LTRigidTransform rtCur;
			g_pLTServer->GetObjectTransform( hWeapon, &rtCur );

			// Update the position if it's changed.
			if( !rtCur.m_vPos.NearlyEquals( tPivot.m_vPos, 0.0001f ) || !rtCur.m_rRot.NearlyEquals( tView.m_rRot, 0.00001f ))
				g_pLTServer->SetObjectTransform( hWeapon, LTRigidTransform(tPivot.m_vPos, tView.m_rRot) );

		CWeapon *pTurretWeapon = m_Arsenal.GetCurWeapon( );
		if( pTurretWeapon )
			g_pModelLT->GetSocket( m_hObject, "Pivot", hPivot );

			LTTransform tPivot;
			g_pModelLT->GetSocketTransform( m_hObject, hPivot, tPivot, true );

			HOBJECT hWeapon = pTurretWeapon->GetModelObject( );

			LTRigidTransform rtCur;
			g_pLTServer->GetObjectTransform( hWeapon, &rtCur );

			// Update the position if it's changed.
			if( !rtCur.m_vPos.NearlyEquals( tPivot.m_vPos, 0.0001f ) || !rtCur.m_rRot.NearlyEquals( tPivot.m_rRot, 0.00001f ))
				g_pLTServer->SetObjectTransform( hWeapon, tPivot );

	SetNextUpdate( UPDATE_NEXT_FRAME );
Beispiel #2
void ServerVoteMgr::HandleVoteStart(HCLIENT hSender, ILTMessage_Read* pMsg)
	if (!hSender)

	if (IsVoteInProgress())
		// Tell the player why their vote didn't start
		SendCancelVoteInProgress( hSender );


	VoteType eVoteType = (VoteType)pMsg->ReadBits( FNumBitsExclusive<kNumVoteTypes>::k_nValue );

	//check to see if we have a real client
	uint32 nCallerID = g_pLTServer->GetClientID( hSender );
	HCLIENT hCallerClient = g_pLTServer->GetClientHandle( nCallerID );
	if( !hCallerClient )
	GameClientData* pCallerGameClientData = ServerConnectionMgr::Instance().GetGameClientData( hCallerClient );
	if( !pCallerGameClientData )

	//check to see if the client has a live player...
	if (!GameModeMgr::Instance( ).m_grbAllowDeadVoting)
		CPlayerObj* pPlayerObj = ( CPlayerObj* )g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pCallerGameClientData->GetPlayer( ));
		if( !pPlayerObj || !pPlayerObj->IsAlive( ))


	// Make sure we start fresh.
	ClearVote( );

	case eVote_Kick:
	case eVote_TeamKick:
	case eVote_Ban:
			uint32 nTargetID = pMsg->Readuint32();
			HCLIENT hTargetClient = g_pLTServer->GetClientHandle( nTargetID );
			if( !hTargetClient )
			GameClientData* pTargetGameClientData = ServerConnectionMgr::Instance().GetGameClientData( hTargetClient );
			if( !pTargetGameClientData )
			// Iterate through all the clients and see if anyone is ready to vote.
			ServerConnectionMgr::GameClientDataList& gameClientDataList = ServerConnectionMgr::Instance( ).GetGameClientDataList( );
			ServerConnectionMgr::GameClientDataList::iterator iter = gameClientDataList.begin( );
			for( ; iter != gameClientDataList.end( ); iter++ )
				GameClientData* pGameClientData = *iter;
				if( !pGameClientData->GetClient( ))

				// Skip clients that aren't ready to play yet.
				if( pGameClientData->GetClientConnectionState() != eClientConnectionState_InWorld )

				// Client must have reached the inworld state.
				if( !pGameClientData->IsClientInWorld( ))

				// Restrict elibible voters if it's a team kick.
				if( eVoteType == eVote_TeamKick )
					if( pCallerGameClientData->GetLastTeamId() != pGameClientData->GetLastTeamId( ))

				// Add to the eligible voter list.
				m_lstEligibleVoter.push_back( pGameClientData->GetClient( ));

			// Check if we have a quorum of voters.
			uint32 nQuorum = ( eVoteType == eVote_TeamKick ) ? GameModeMgr::Instance().m_ServerSettings.m_nMinPlayersForTeamVote :

			//figure out how many votes are needed to pass
			uint8	nVotesNeeded = ((m_lstEligibleVoter.size() + 2) / 2); //the "+ 2" is here to ensure a majority not just half

			//if we have less than the "minimum" number of players, the vote must pass unanimously
			if( m_lstEligibleVoter.size( ) < nQuorum )
				nVotesNeeded = m_lstEligibleVoter.size( );

			// Put the caller on the list of voters already cast.
			m_lstVoterCastYes.push_back( pCallerGameClientData->GetClient( ));

			float fDuration = GameModeMgr::Instance().m_ServerSettings.m_nVoteLifetime;

			m_CurrentVote.m_eVoteType = eVoteType;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nVoteID = m_CurrentVote.m_nVoteID++; //increment vote ID so that each vote is more or less unique... will wrap after 256 votes
			m_CurrentVote.m_nTargetID = nTargetID;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nCallerID = nCallerID;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nNoVotes = 0;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nYesVotes = 1;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nVotesNeeded = nVotesNeeded;

			CAutoMessage cMsg;
			cMsg.Writeuint8( MID_VOTE );
			cMsg.WriteBits( eVote_Start, FNumBitsExclusive<kNumVoteActions>::k_nValue );
			cMsg.Writeuint8( m_CurrentVote.m_nVoteID );
			cMsg.WriteBits( eVoteType, FNumBitsExclusive<kNumVoteTypes>::k_nValue );
			cMsg.Writeuint32( nCallerID );
			cMsg.Writeuint32( nTargetID );
			cMsg.Writeuint8( m_CurrentVote.m_nVotesNeeded );
			cMsg.Writedouble( m_VoteTimer.GetTimeLeft( ));

			// Send the vote start info to the eligible voters.
			SendToEligibleVoters( *cMsg.Read( ));

			// Check if we've already achieved necessary votes.
	case eVote_NextRound:
	case eVote_NextMap:
			// Iterate through all the clients and see if anyone is ready to vote.
			ServerConnectionMgr::GameClientDataList& gameClientDataList = ServerConnectionMgr::Instance( ).GetGameClientDataList( );
			ServerConnectionMgr::GameClientDataList::iterator iter = gameClientDataList.begin( );
			for( ; iter != gameClientDataList.end( ); iter++ )
				GameClientData* pGameClientData = *iter;
				if( !pGameClientData->GetClient( ))

				// Skip clients that aren't ready to play yet.
				if( pGameClientData->GetClientConnectionState() != eClientConnectionState_InWorld )

				// Client must have reached the inworld state.
				if( !pGameClientData->IsClientInWorld( ))

				// Add to the eligible voter list.
				m_lstEligibleVoter.push_back( pGameClientData->GetClient( ));

			// Check if we have a quorum of voters.
			uint32 nQuorum = GameModeMgr::Instance().m_ServerSettings.m_nMinPlayersForVote;

			//figure out how many votes are needed to pass
			uint8	nVotesNeeded = ((m_lstEligibleVoter.size() + 2) / 2); //the "+ 2" is here to ensure a majority not just half
			//if we have less than the "minimum" number of players, the vote must pass unanimously
			if( m_lstEligibleVoter.size( ) < nQuorum )
				nVotesNeeded = m_lstEligibleVoter.size( );

			// Put the caller on the list of voters already cast.
			m_lstVoterCastYes.push_back( pCallerGameClientData->GetClient( ));

			float fDuration = GameModeMgr::Instance().m_ServerSettings.m_nVoteLifetime;

			m_CurrentVote.m_eVoteType = eVoteType;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nVoteID = m_CurrentVote.m_nVoteID++; //increment vote ID so that each vote is more or less unique... will wrap after 256 votes
			m_CurrentVote.m_nTargetID = 0;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nCallerID = nCallerID;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nNoVotes = 0;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nYesVotes = 1;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nVotesNeeded = nVotesNeeded;

			CAutoMessage cMsg;
			cMsg.Writeuint8( MID_VOTE );
			cMsg.WriteBits( eVote_Start, FNumBitsExclusive<kNumVoteActions>::k_nValue );
			cMsg.Writeuint8( m_CurrentVote.m_nVoteID );
			cMsg.WriteBits( eVoteType, FNumBitsExclusive<kNumVoteTypes>::k_nValue );
			cMsg.Writeuint32( nCallerID );
			cMsg.Writeuint32( 0 );
			cMsg.Writeuint8( m_CurrentVote.m_nVotesNeeded );
			cMsg.Writedouble( m_VoteTimer.GetTimeLeft( ));

			// Send the vote start info to the eligible voters.
			SendToEligibleVoters( *cMsg.Read( ));

			// Check if we've already achieved necessary votes.
	case eVote_SelectMap:
			uint32 nMapIndex = pMsg->Readuint32();
			uint32 nCallerID = g_pLTServer->GetClientID( hSender );
			HCLIENT hCallerClient = g_pLTServer->GetClientHandle( nCallerID );
			if( !hCallerClient )
			GameClientData* pCallerGameClientData = ServerConnectionMgr::Instance().GetGameClientData( hCallerClient );
			if( !pCallerGameClientData )

			// Iterate through all the clients and see if anyone is ready to vote.
			ServerConnectionMgr::GameClientDataList& gameClientDataList = ServerConnectionMgr::Instance( ).GetGameClientDataList( );
			ServerConnectionMgr::GameClientDataList::iterator iter = gameClientDataList.begin( );
			for( ; iter != gameClientDataList.end( ); iter++ )
				GameClientData* pGameClientData = *iter;
				if( !pGameClientData->GetClient( ))

				// Skip clients that aren't ready to play yet.
				if( pGameClientData->GetClientConnectionState() != eClientConnectionState_InWorld )

				// Client must have reached the inworld state.
				if( !pGameClientData->IsClientInWorld( ))

				// Add to the eligible voter list.
				m_lstEligibleVoter.push_back( pGameClientData->GetClient( ));

			// Check if we have a quorum of voters.
			uint32 nQuorum = GameModeMgr::Instance().m_ServerSettings.m_nMinPlayersForVote;
			//figure out how many votes are needed to pass
			uint8	nVotesNeeded = ((m_lstEligibleVoter.size() + 2) / 2); //the "+ 2" is here to ensure a majority not just half

			//if we have less than the "minimum" number of players, the vote must pass unanimously
			if( m_lstEligibleVoter.size( ) < nQuorum )
				nVotesNeeded = m_lstEligibleVoter.size( );

			// Put the caller on the list of voters already cast.
			m_lstVoterCastYes.push_back( pCallerGameClientData->GetClient( ));

			float fDuration = GameModeMgr::Instance().m_ServerSettings.m_nVoteLifetime;

			m_CurrentVote.m_eVoteType = eVoteType;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nVoteID = m_CurrentVote.m_nVoteID++; //increment vote ID so that each vote is more or less unique... will wrap after 256 votes
			m_CurrentVote.m_nTargetID = nMapIndex;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nCallerID = nCallerID;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nNoVotes = 0;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nYesVotes = 1;
			m_CurrentVote.m_nVotesNeeded = nVotesNeeded;

			CAutoMessage cMsg;
			cMsg.Writeuint8( MID_VOTE );
			cMsg.WriteBits( eVote_Start, FNumBitsExclusive<kNumVoteActions>::k_nValue );
			cMsg.Writeuint8( m_CurrentVote.m_nVoteID );
			cMsg.WriteBits( eVoteType, FNumBitsExclusive<kNumVoteTypes>::k_nValue );
			cMsg.Writeuint32( nCallerID );
			cMsg.Writeuint32( nMapIndex );
			cMsg.Writeuint8( m_CurrentVote.m_nVotesNeeded );
			cMsg.Writedouble( m_VoteTimer.GetTimeLeft( ));

			// Send the vote start info to the eligible voters.
			SendToEligibleVoters( *cMsg.Read( ));

			// Check if we've already achieved necessary votes.
