double	 COccupancyGridMap2D::computeObservationLikelihood_Consensus(
			const CObservation		*obs,
			const CPose2D				&takenFrom )
	double		likResult = 0;

	// This function depends on the observation type:
	// -----------------------------------------------------
	if ( obs->GetRuntimeClass() != CLASS_ID(CObservation2DRangeScan) )
		//THROW_EXCEPTION("This method is defined for 'CObservation2DRangeScan' classes only.");
		return 1e-3;
	// Observation is a laser range scan:
	// -------------------------------------------
	const CObservation2DRangeScan		*o = static_cast<const CObservation2DRangeScan*>( obs );

	// Insert only HORIZONTAL scans, since the grid is supposed to
	//  be a horizontal representation of space.
	if ( ! o->isPlanarScan(insertionOptions.horizontalTolerance) ) return 0.5f;		// NO WAY TO ESTIMATE NON HORIZONTAL SCANS!!

	// Assure we have a 2D points-map representation of the points from the scan:
	const CPointsMap *compareMap = o->buildAuxPointsMap<mrpt::maps::CPointsMap>();

	// Observation is a points map:
	// -------------------------------------------
	size_t			Denom=0;
//	int			Acells = 1;
	TPoint2D pointGlobal,pointLocal;

	// Get the points buffers:

	//	compareMap.getPointsBuffer( n, xs, ys, zs );
	const size_t n = compareMap->size();

	for (size_t i=0;i<n;i+=likelihoodOptions.consensus_takeEachRange)
		// Get the point and pass it to global coordinates:
		takenFrom.composePoint(pointLocal, pointGlobal);

		int		cx0 = x2idx( pointGlobal.x );
		int		cy0 = y2idx( pointGlobal.y );

		likResult += 1-getCell_nocheck(cx0,cy0);
	if (Denom)	likResult/=Denom;
	likResult = pow(likResult, static_cast<double>( likelihoodOptions.consensus_pow ) );

	return log(likResult);
double	 COccupancyGridMap2D::computeObservationLikelihood_ConsensusOWA(
			const CObservation		*obs,
			const CPose2D				&takenFrom )
	double		likResult = 0;

	// This function depends on the observation type:
	// -----------------------------------------------------
	if ( obs->GetRuntimeClass() == CLASS_ID(CObservation2DRangeScan) )
		//THROW_EXCEPTION("This method is defined for 'CObservation2DRangeScan' classes only.");
		return 1e-3;
	// Observation is a laser range scan:
	// -------------------------------------------
	const CObservation2DRangeScan		*o = static_cast<const CObservation2DRangeScan*>( obs );

	// Insert only HORIZONTAL scans, since the grid is supposed to
	//  be a horizontal representation of space.
	if ( ! o->isPlanarScan(insertionOptions.horizontalTolerance) ) return 0.5;		// NO WAY TO ESTIMATE NON HORIZONTAL SCANS!!

	// Assure we have a 2D points-map representation of the points from the scan:
	CPointsMap::TInsertionOptions	insOpt;
	insOpt.minDistBetweenLaserPoints	= -1;		// ALL the laser points

	const CPointsMap *compareMap = o->buildAuxPointsMap<mrpt::maps::CPointsMap>( &insOpt );

	// Observation is a points map:
	// -------------------------------------------
	int				Acells = 1;
	TPoint2D		pointGlobal,pointLocal;

	// Get the points buffers:
	const size_t n = compareMap->size();

	// Store the likelihood values in this vector:
	for (size_t i=0;i<n;i++)
		// Get the point and pass it to global coordinates:
		takenFrom.composePoint(pointLocal, pointGlobal);

		int		cx0 = x2idx( pointGlobal.x );
		int		cy0 = y2idx( pointGlobal.y );

		int		cxMin = max(0,cx0 - Acells);
		int		cxMax = min(static_cast<int>(size_x)-1,cx0 + Acells);
		int		cyMin = max(0,cy0 - Acells);
		int		cyMax = min(static_cast<int>(size_y)-1,cy0 + Acells);

		double	lik = 0;

		for (int cx=cxMin;cx<=cxMax;cx++)
			for (int cy=cyMin;cy<=cyMax;cy++)
				lik += 1-getCell_nocheck(cx,cy);

		int		nCells = (cxMax-cxMin+1)*(cyMax-cyMin+1);

		TPairLikelihoodIndex	element;
		element.first = lik;
		element.second = pointGlobal;
		likelihoodOutputs.OWA_pairList.push_back( element );
	} // for each range point

	// Sort the list of likelihood values, in descending order:
	// ------------------------------------------------------------

	// Cut the vector to the highest "likelihoodOutputs.OWA_length" elements:
	size_t	M = likelihoodOptions.OWA_weights.size();
	ASSERT_( likelihoodOutputs.OWA_pairList.size()>=M );

	likelihoodOutputs.OWA_individualLikValues.resize( M );
	likResult = 0;
	for (size_t k=0;k<M;k++)
		likelihoodOutputs.OWA_individualLikValues[k] = likelihoodOutputs.OWA_pairList[k].first;
		likResult+= likelihoodOptions.OWA_weights[k] * likelihoodOutputs.OWA_individualLikValues[k];

	return log(likResult);