Beispiel #1
// Adds/Replaces/Removes a resource.
// If lpData is 0 UpdateResource removes the resource.
bool CResourceEditor::UpdateResource(char* szType, char* szName, LANGID wLanguage, BYTE* lpData, DWORD dwSize) {
  CResourceDirectory* nameDir = 0;
  CResourceDirectory* langDir = 0;
  CResourceDataEntry* data = 0;
  IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY rd = {0, /*time(0),*/};
  int iTypeIdx = -1, iNameIdx = -1, iLangIdx = -1;

  iTypeIdx = m_cResDir->Find(szType);
  if (iTypeIdx > -1) {
    nameDir = m_cResDir->GetEntry(iTypeIdx)->GetSubDirectory();
    iNameIdx = nameDir->Find(szName);
    if (iNameIdx > -1) {
      langDir = nameDir->GetEntry(iNameIdx)->GetSubDirectory();
      iLangIdx = langDir->Find(wLanguage);
      if (iLangIdx > -1) {
        data = langDir->GetEntry(iLangIdx)->GetDataEntry();
  if (lpData) {
    // Replace/Add the resource
    if (data) {
      data->SetData(lpData, dwSize);
      return true;

    if (!nameDir) {
      // Type doesn't yet exist
      nameDir = new CResourceDirectory(&rd);
      m_cResDir->AddEntry(new CResourceDirectoryEntry(szType, nameDir));
    if (!langDir) {
      // Name doesn't yet exist
      langDir = new CResourceDirectory(&rd);
      nameDir->AddEntry(new CResourceDirectoryEntry(szName, langDir));
    if (!data) {
      // Language doesn't yet exist, hence data nither
      data = new CResourceDataEntry(lpData, dwSize);
      langDir->AddEntry(new CResourceDirectoryEntry(MAKEINTRESOURCE(wLanguage), data));
  else if (data) {
    // Delete the resource
    delete data;
    // Delete directories holding the resource if empty
    if (!langDir->CountEntries()) {
      delete langDir;
      if (!nameDir->CountEntries()) {
        delete nameDir;
  else return false;
  return true;