Beispiel #1
 * Reads the received numberOfScans scans from the device. If not enough data is available (errorCode == 2) or the application buffer overruns (errorCode == 1), this method returns false.
 * float* destBuffer:	the array that returns the received data from the application data buffer. 
						Data is aligned as follows: element at position destBuffer[scanIndex * numChannels + channelIndex] is sample of channel channelIndex (zero-based) of the scan with zero-based scanIndex.
						channelIndex ranges from 0..numChannelsPerDevices where numChannelsPerDevice the total number of channels of the device including the trigger line.
 * int numberOfScans:	the number of scans to retrieve from the application buffer.
bool ReadData(float* destBuffer, int numberOfScans, int *errorCode, string *errorMessage)
	int numChannels = NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS + (int) ENABLE_TRIGGER;
	int validPoints = numChannels * numberOfScans;

	//wait until requested amount of data is ready
	if (_buffer.GetSize() < validPoints)
		*errorCode = 2;
		*errorMessage = "Not enough data available";
		return false;

	//acquire lock on the application buffer for reading

		//if buffer run over report error and reset buffer
		if (_bufferOverrun)
			*errorCode = 1;
			*errorMessage = "Error on reading data from the application data buffer: buffer overrun.";
			_bufferOverrun = false;
			return false;

		//copy the data from the application buffer into the destination buffer
		_buffer.Read(destBuffer, validPoints);

	*errorCode = 0;
	*errorMessage = "No error occured.";
	return true;
Beispiel #2
//this is the main entry point of the application
void main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	zmq::context_t context(1);
	zmq::socket_t publisher(context, ZMQ_PUB);

	CStopWatch timer;

		cout << "Opening device '" << _deviceSerial << "'...\n";

		//open device
		_hDevice = GT_OpenDevice(0);
		//_hDevice = GT_OpenDeviceEx(_deviceSerial);

		if (_hDevice == NULL)
			throw string("Error on GT_OpenDeviceEx: couldn't open device ").append(_deviceSerial);

		cout << "Configuring device...\n";

		int nossr = 0;

		int nof;
		cout<<"nof: "<<nof<<endl;

		FILT* flt = new FILT[nof];

		for (int i=0; i< nof; i++) {
		//GT_GetNumberOfSupportedSampleRates(_hDevice, &nossr);
		//cout<<"nossr: "<<nossr<<endl;
		/*GT_GetNumberOfSupportedSampleRates(_hDevice, &nossr);

		float* ssr = new float[nossr];
		GT_GetSupportedSampleRates(_hDevice, ssr);
		for (int i=0; i<nossr; i++)

		//configure device

		for (int i = 0; i<256; i++) {

		BOOL status = GT_GetImpedance(_hDevice, &imp);
		cout<<"imp: "<<status<<" : ";
		for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) {
			cout<<imp.Impedance[i]<<" ";
		//determine how many scans should be read and processed at once by the processing thread (not the acquisition thread!)
		int numScans = NUMBER_OF_SCANS;
		int numChannels = NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS + (int) ENABLE_TRIGGER;

		//initialize temporary data buffer where data from the application buffer will be copied out
		float *receivedData = new float[numScans * numChannels];

			//for receiving error messages from ReadData
			int errorCode;
			string errorMessage;

			//initialize file stream where received data should be written to
			//CFile outputFile; 

			//if (!outputFile.Open(_T("receivedData.bin"), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::typeBinary))
			//	throw string("Error on creating/opening output file: file 'receivedData.bin' couldn't be opened.");

				cout<<sizeof(float)<<" "<<sizeof(double)<<endl;
				cout << "Starting acquisition...\n";

				//start data acquisition

				//cout << "Receiving data for " << NUM_SECONDS_RUNNING << " seconds...\n";
				cout << "Receiving data ...\n";

				//to stop the application after a specified time, get start time
				long startTime = clock();
				long endTime = startTime + NUM_SECONDS_RUNNING * CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

				//this is the data processing thread; data received from the devices will be written out to a file here
				//while (clock() < endTime)
				while (!_kbhit())
					//to release CPU resources wait until the acquisition thread tells that new data has been received and is available in the buffer.
					WaitForSingleObject(_newDataAvailable.m_hObject, 1000);

					while (_buffer.GetSize() >= numScans * numChannels)
						//read data from the application buffer and stop application if buffer overrun
						if (!ReadData(receivedData, numScans, &errorCode, &errorMessage))
							if (errorCode == 2)
								throw errorMessage;
						//cout<<"t: "<<setprecision(12)<<timer.getElapsedTime()<<endl;
						//stringstream ss;
						//ss<<setprecision(9)<<timer.getElapsedTime()<<" ";

						//for (size_t i=0; i<numScans * numChannels; i++) {
						//	ss<<receivedData[i]<<" ";
						//zmq::message_t message(ss.str().size()+1);
						zmq::message_t message(sizeof(double) + sizeof(float)* numScans * numChannels);
						//memcpy(, ss.str().c_str(), ss.str().size()+1);
						double ct = timer.getElapsedTime();
						memcpy(, &ct, sizeof(double));
						memcpy((char *) (, receivedData, sizeof(float)* numScans * numChannels);
						//write data to file
						//outputFile.Write(receivedData, numScans * numChannels * sizeof(float));
						//cout<<"d1: "<<receivedData[64]<<endl;

			catch (string& exception)
				//an exception occured during data acquisition
				cout << "\t" << exception << "\n";

				//continue execution in every case to clean up allocated resources (since no finally-block exists)

			//in every case, stop data acquisition and clean up allocated resources 
			//since no finally statement exists in c++ and we can't mix it with the C __finally statement, the clean-up code follows the try-catch block.

			//stop data acquisition
			//close output file
		catch (string& exception)
			//an exception occured
			cout << "\t" << exception << "\n";

			//continue execution in every case to clean up allocated resources (since no finally-block exists)

		cout << "Closing device...\n";
		//close device
		if (!GT_CloseDevice(&_hDevice))
			cout << "Error on GT_CloseDevice: couldn't close device" << GetDeviceErrorMessage() << "\n";

		//free allocated resources
		delete [] receivedData;

		cout << "Clean up complete. Bye bye!" << "\n\n";
	catch (string& exception)
		//in case an error occured during opening and initialization, report it and stop execution
		cout << "\t" << exception << "\n\n";
	cout << "Press ENTER to exit...";