Beispiel #1
// Retourne le numéro du groupe passé en paramètre
int GetNumeroGroupe( const CSString& groupe )
	CSString result;
	char buffer[100];
	char buffer2[100];
	int res;

	// *** Get the group number, and add it to group.typ if not already done
	// on recherche si le groupe est présent
	// dans le fichier item_mp_group.typ
	sprintf( buffer, "%s\" Value=\"", groupe.c_str() );
	result = GroupTypContent.splitFrom( buffer );

	// si oui, on retourne son numéro de groupe
	if ( result != "" )
		res = result.splitTo( "\"" ).atoi();
		// sinon, on génère un nouveau numéro :
		// on recupère le dernier numéro de groupe (le max)
		result = GroupTypContent.splitTo( "<LOG>" ).right(10);
		result.splitTo( "\"", true );
		result = result.splitTo( "\"" );

		// on ajoute 1 pour avoir un numéro non utilisé
		res = result.atoi() + 1;

		// on ajoute la nouvelle MP :
		// dans le fichier item_mp_group.typ
		sprintf( buffer, "<DEFINITION Label=\"%s\" Value=\"%d\"/>\n<LOG>", groupe.c_str(), res );
		GroupTypContent= GroupTypContent.replace( "<LOG>", buffer );
		GroupTypContent.writeToFile( ITEM_MP_GROUPE_TYP );

	// *** Add the text in wk.uxt (if not done)
	// Exist in wk.uxt ???
	sprintf( buffer, "mpgroup%d\t", res );
	sprintf( buffer2, "mpgroup%d ", res );
	// if not found
	if ( !WKContent.contains(buffer) && !WKContent.contains(buffer2) )
		// add it at end
		sprintf( buffer, "mpgroup%d\t\t\t[%s]\n\r\nmpSource", res, groupe.c_str() );
		WKContent= WKContent.replace( "\r\nmpSource", buffer );
		WKContent.writeToFile( WK_UXT );

	return res;
Beispiel #2
// Génération d'un item spécial
void GenerateSpecialItem( int numMP, const CSString& nomMP, const MPCraftStats& craftStats, 
						  const CSString& loc,CSString& itemData, int variation )
	CSString info, code, name;
	info = itemData.splitTo( "/", true ).toLower();

	if ( loc.left(1) == "I" )
		code = "ixx";
	else if ( loc.left(1) == "D" )
		code = "dxa";
		code = "cxx";

	CreateSheet( numMP, nomMP, code, info.c_str()[0], info.c_str()[1]-'a', craftStats, true, variation );

	name = toString( "m%04d%s%s%02d\t", numMP, code.c_str(), info.c_str(), variation ); 
	name += itemData.splitTo( "/", true ); // singulier
	name += "\t";
	name += itemData.splitTo( "/", true ); // article indéfini
	name += "\t";
	name += itemData.splitTo( "/", true ); // article défini
	name += "\t";
	name += itemData.splitTo( "/", true ); // pluriel
	name += "\t\t";
	name += itemData.splitTo( "/", true ); // article pluriel

	itemNames.insert( name );
Beispiel #3
// Nouvelle MP à traiter
void NewMP( CSString& ligne )
	CSString nomMP, groupe, loc, icon, overlay, special, stat, specialAttributes;
	MPCraftStats craftStats;
	CExtraInfo	extraInfo;
	int numMP;
	bool specialOnly = false;
	CSortedStringSet specialNames;

	// nouveau nom de famille
	nomMP = ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	if ( nomMP == "" )
		// cette ligne ne contient pas d'info
	// récupération des infos
	groupe = ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	craftStats.Craft = ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	specialAttributes= ligne.splitTo( ";" , true );
	parseSpecialAttributes(specialAttributes, craftStats, extraInfo);
	ligne.splitTo( ";" , true );
	loc = ligne.splitTo( ";" , true );
	icon = ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	ligne.splitTo( ";", true );

	stat = ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	if ( stat.firstWord() != "" )
		craftStats.bestStatA = stat.atoi();
		craftStats.bestStatA = -1;

	stat = ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	if ( stat.firstWord() != "" )
		craftStats.worstStatA1 = stat.atoi();
		craftStats.worstStatA1 = -1;

	stat = ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	if ( stat.firstWord() != "" )
		craftStats.worstStatA2 = stat.atoi();
		craftStats.worstStatA2 = -1;

	stat = ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	if ( stat.firstWord() != "" )
		craftStats.bestStatB = stat.atoi();
		craftStats.bestStatB = -1;

	stat = ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	if ( stat.firstWord() != "" )
		craftStats.worstStatB1 = stat.atoi();
		craftStats.worstStatB1 = -1;

	stat = ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	if ( stat.firstWord() != "" )
		craftStats.worstStatB2 = stat.atoi();
		craftStats.worstStatB2 = -1;

	stat = ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	craftStats.color = stat.firstWord().atoi();

	stat = ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
	specialOnly = stat.firstWord().contains( "x" );
	// cas particuliers
	while ( ligne != "" )
		if ( !ligne.contains( ";" ) ) 
			special = ligne;
			if ( special.firstWord() != "" )
				specialNames.insert( special );
			ligne = "";
			special = ligne.splitTo( ";", true );
			if ( special != "" )
				specialNames.insert( special );

	currentDocItem.push( DtRMFamily, nomMP );
	currentDocItem.push( DtGroup, groupe );
	// récupréation du numéro de MP
	numMP = GetNumeroMP( nomMP );
	printf( "    Processing Family %d : %s\n", numMP, nomMP.c_str() );

	GetNumeroGroupe( groupe );

	// Add the MPFamily into the list
	MPFamilies[numMP].Name= nomMP;
	MPFamilies[numMP].Icon= icon;

	// MP trouvées dans les déposits ou dans la goo
	if ( loc.left(1) != "C" )
		if ( !specialOnly )
			// Génération des items
			GenerateDepositItems( numMP, nomMP, craftStats, loc );
		// on enregistre les items se trouvant dans les deposits
		if ( loc.left(1) == "D" )
			CSString output;
			output.writeToFile( toString( "", DEPOSIT_MPS.c_str(), nomMP.toLower().replace( " ", "_" ).c_str(), numMP ) );

		overlay = nomMP.firstWord().toUpper().left(6);
	// MP trouvées sur les creature
		GenerateCreatureItems( numMP, nomMP, craftStats );

	// items spéciaux
	CSString codeSpecial, nouveauCode;
	int variation = 1;
	CSortedStringSet::const_iterator it = specialNames.begin();

	while ( it != specialNames.end() )
		CSString name = (*it);
		nouveauCode = name.left(2).toLower();

		if ( nouveauCode == codeSpecial )
			variation = 1;

		GenerateSpecialItem( numMP, nomMP, craftStats, loc, name, variation );
		codeSpecial = nouveauCode;
	// Création de la fiche parente pour la MP
	CreateParentSItem( numMP, nomMP, groupe, extraInfo.DropOrSell, icon, overlay );

	currentDocItem.reset( DtRMFamily );
	currentDocItem.reset( DtGroup );
	currentDocItem.reset( DtProp );
	currentDocItem.reset( DtCreature );
Beispiel #4
 * Return the key contained in the provided string returned by lookup() (without extension)
CSString CWordsDictionary::getWordsKey( const CSString& resultStr )
	return resultStr.splitTo( ':' );
void CItemConsumableEffectHelper::getItemConsumableEffectText(const CItemSheet *pIS, ucstring &itemText, sint32 itemQuality)
	// check if some effects are present on this item
	ucstring effects("");

	uint i;
	for( i=0; i<pIS->Consumable.Properties.size(); ++i )
		CSString eff = pIS->Consumable.Properties[i];

		if (eff == "")

		// Get name id of effect
		CSString name = toUpper(eff.splitTo(':', true));

		// Extract parameters from sheet
		vector<CSString> params;
		CSString param = eff.splitTo(':', true);
		while (param != "")
			param = eff.splitTo(':', true);

		if( name == "SP_CHG_CHARAC" )
			CHARACTERISTICS::TCharacteristics charac = CHARACTERISTICS::toCharacteristic(params[0]);
			string characUIId = "uiCaracId" + toString((uint8)charac);

			double param1, param2;
			fromString(params[1].c_str(), param1);
			fromString(params[2].c_str(), param2);
			sint32 bonus = (uint32)(param1 * itemQuality + param2);

			uint32 timeInSec;
			fromString(params[3].c_str(), timeInSec);

			ucstring result;

			if (bonus >= 0)
				result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectUpCharac");
				result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectDownCharac");

			strFindReplace(result, "%charac", CI18N::get(characUIId));
			strFindReplace(result, "%bonus", toString(bonus));
			strFindReplace(result, "%minutes", toString(timeInSec/60));
			strFindReplace(result, "%secondes", toString(timeInSec%60));

			effects += result;
			effects += "\n";

		if ( name == "SP_LIFE_AURA" )
			uint16 regenMod;
			fromString(params[0].c_str(), regenMod);
			uint32 duration;
			fromString(params[1].c_str(), duration);
			uint32 radius;
			fromString(params[2].c_str(), radius);
			uint32 targetDisableTime;
			fromString(params[3].c_str(), targetDisableTime);
			uint32 userDisableTime;
			fromString(params[4].c_str(), userDisableTime);

			ucstring result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectLifeAura");
			strFindReplace(result, "%modifier", toString(regenMod));
			strFindReplace(result, "%minutes", toString(duration/60));
			strFindReplace(result, "%secondes", toString(duration%60));
			strFindReplace(result, "%radius", toString(radius));
			strFindReplace(result, "%targetDisableTime", toString(targetDisableTime));
			strFindReplace(result, "%userDisableTime", toString(userDisableTime));

			effects += result;
			effects += "\n";

		if ( name == "SP_STAMINA_AURA" )
			uint16 regenMod;
			fromString(params[0].c_str(), regenMod);
			uint32 duration;
			fromString(params[1].c_str(), duration);
			uint32 radius;
			fromString(params[2].c_str(), radius);
			uint32 targetDisableTime;
			fromString(params[3].c_str(), targetDisableTime);
			uint32 userDisableTime;
			fromString(params[4].c_str(), userDisableTime);

			ucstring result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectStaminaAura");
			strFindReplace(result, "%modifier", toString(regenMod));
			strFindReplace(result, "%minutes", toString(duration/60));
			strFindReplace(result, "%secondes", toString(duration%60));
			strFindReplace(result, "%radius", toString(radius));
			strFindReplace(result, "%targetDisableTime", toString(targetDisableTime));
			strFindReplace(result, "%userDisableTime", toString(userDisableTime));

			effects += result;
			effects += "\n";

		if ( name == "SP_SAP_AURA" )
			uint16 regenMod;
			fromString(params[0].c_str(), regenMod);
			uint32 duration;
			fromString(params[1].c_str(), duration);
			uint32 radius;
			fromString(params[2].c_str(), radius);
			uint32 targetDisableTime;
			fromString(params[3].c_str(), targetDisableTime);
			uint32 userDisableTime;
			fromString(params[4].c_str(), userDisableTime);

			ucstring result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectSapAura");
			strFindReplace(result, "%modifier", toString(regenMod));
			strFindReplace(result, "%minutes", toString(duration/60));
			strFindReplace(result, "%secondes", toString(duration%60));
			strFindReplace(result, "%radius", toString(radius));
			strFindReplace(result, "%targetDisableTime", toString(targetDisableTime));
			strFindReplace(result, "%userDisableTime", toString(userDisableTime));

			effects += result;
			effects += "\n";

		// skill modifier consumables
		ucstring result("");
		uint8 paramIdx = 0;
		if( name == "SP_MOD_DEFENSE" )
			if( toLower(params[0]) == "dodge" )
				result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectModDodgeSuccess");
			if( toLower(params[0]) == "parry" )
				result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectModParrySuccess");
				result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectModDefenseSuccess");
		if( name == "SP_MOD_MELEE_SUCCESS" )
			result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectModMeleeSuccess");
		if( name == "SP_MOD_RANGE_SUCCESS" )
			result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectModRangeSuccess");
		if( name == "SP_MOD_MAGIC_SUCCESS" )
			result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectModMagicSuccess");
		if( name == "SP_MOD_CRAFT_SUCCESS" )
			result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectModCraftSuccess");
		if( name == "SP_MOD_FORAGE_SUCCESS" )
			if( toLower(params[0]) == "commonecosystem" )
				result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectModForageSuccess");
			if( toLower(params[0]) == "desert" )
				result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectModDesertForageSuccess");
			if( toLower(params[0]) == "forest" )
				result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectModForestForageSuccess");
			if( toLower(params[0]) == "lacustre" )
				result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectModLacustreForageSuccess");
			if( toLower(params[0]) == "jungle" )
				result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectModJungleForageSuccess");
			if( toLower(params[0]) == "primaryroot" )
				result = CI18N::get("uiItemConsumableEffectModPrimaryRootForageSuccess");
		if( !result.empty() )
			double param1, param2;
			fromString(params[paramIdx], param1);
			fromString(params[paramIdx+1], param2);
			sint32 modifier = (sint32)(param1 * itemQuality + param2);
			if( modifier < 0 )
				strFindReplace(result, "%modifier", "@{E42F}-"+toString(modifier)+"@{FFFF}");
				strFindReplace(result, "%modifier", "@{0F0F}"+toString(modifier)+"@{FFFF}");

			uint32 timeInSec;
			fromString(params[paramIdx+2], timeInSec);
			strFindReplace(result, "%minutes", toString(timeInSec/60));
			strFindReplace(result, "%secondes", toString(timeInSec%60));

			effects += result;
			effects += "\n";

	// Display consumable effects info.
	strFindReplace(itemText, "%consumable_effects", effects);