Beispiel #1
// Purpose: Returns true if there are any undetonated charges in the world
//			that belong to this player
// Input  :
// Output :
bool CWeapon_SLAM::AnyUndetonatedCharges(void)
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;

	while ((pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "npc_satchel" )) != NULL)
		CSatchelCharge* pSatchel = dynamic_cast<CSatchelCharge *>(pEntity);
		if (pSatchel->m_bIsLive && pSatchel->GetThrower() && pSatchel->GetThrower() == GetOwner())
			return true;
	return false;
Beispiel #2
// Purpose:
// Input  :
// Output :
void CWeapon_SLAM::SatchelThrow( void )
	// Only the player fires this way so we can cast
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	m_bThrowSatchel = false;

	Vector vecSrc	 = pPlayer->WorldSpaceCenter();
	Vector vecFacing = pPlayer->BodyDirection3D( );
	vecSrc = vecSrc + vecFacing * 18.0;
	// BUGBUG: is this because vecSrc is not from Weapon_ShootPosition()???
	vecSrc.z += 24.0f;

	Vector vecThrow;
	GetOwner()->GetVelocity( &vecThrow, NULL );
	vecThrow += vecFacing * 500;

	// Player may have turned to face a wall during the throw anim in which case
	// we don't want to throw the SLAM into the wall
	if (CanAttachSLAM())
		vecThrow = vecFacing;
		vecSrc   = pPlayer->WorldSpaceCenter() + vecFacing * 5.0;

	CSatchelCharge *pSatchel = (CSatchelCharge*)Create( "npc_satchel", vecSrc, vec3_angle, GetOwner() );

	if ( pSatchel )
		pSatchel->SetThrower( GetOwner() );
		pSatchel->ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( vecThrow );
		pSatchel->SetLocalAngularVelocity( QAngle( 0, 400, 0 ) );
		pSatchel->m_bIsLive = true;
		pSatchel->m_pMyWeaponSLAM = this;

	pPlayer->RemoveAmmo( 1, m_iSecondaryAmmoType );
	pPlayer->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 );

	//Tony; is there a different anim in the player? must check..
	ToHL2MPPlayer(pPlayer)->DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_ATTACK_PRIMARY );

	// Play throw sound
	EmitSound( "Weapon_SLAM.SatchelThrow" );
void CHL2MP_Player::DetonateTripmines( void )
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;

	while ((pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "npc_satchel" )) != NULL)
		CSatchelCharge *pSatchel = dynamic_cast<CSatchelCharge *>(pEntity);
		if (pSatchel->m_bIsLive && pSatchel->GetThrower() == this )
			g_EventQueue.AddEvent( pSatchel, "Explode", 0.20, this, this );

	// Play sound for pressing the detonator
	EmitSound( "Weapon_SLAM.SatchelDetonate" );
Beispiel #4
// Purpose:
// Input  :
// Output :
void CWeapon_SLAM::SatchelDetonate()
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;

	while ((pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "npc_satchel" )) != NULL)
		CSatchelCharge *pSatchel = dynamic_cast<CSatchelCharge *>(pEntity);
		if (pSatchel->m_bIsLive && pSatchel->GetThrower() && GetOwner() && pSatchel->GetThrower() == GetOwner())
			pSatchel->Use( GetOwner(), GetOwner(), USE_ON, 0 );
	// Play sound for pressing the detonator
	EmitSound( "Weapon_SLAM.SatchelDetonate" );

	m_bDetonatorArmed	= false;
// DeactivateSatchels - removes all satchels owned by
// the provided player. Should only be used upon death.
// Made this global on purpose.
void DeactivateSatchels(CBasePlayer *pOwner)
	edict_t *pFind;

	pFind = FIND_ENTITY_BY_CLASSNAME(NULL, "monster_satchel");
	while (!FNullEnt(pFind))
		CBaseEntity *pEnt = CBaseEntity::Instance(pFind);
		CSatchelCharge *pSatchel = (CSatchelCharge *)pEnt;

		if (pSatchel)
			if (pSatchel->pev->owner == pOwner->edict())

		pFind = FIND_ENTITY_BY_CLASSNAME(pFind, "monster_satchel");
Beispiel #6
// Purpose:
// Input  :
// Output :
void CWeapon_SLAM::SatchelAttach( void )
	CBaseCombatCharacter *pOwner  = GetOwner();
	if (!pOwner)

	m_bAttachSatchel = false;

	Vector vecSrc	 = pOwner->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
	Vector vecAiming = pOwner->BodyDirection2D( );

	trace_t tr;

	UTIL_TraceLine( vecSrc, vecSrc + (vecAiming * 128), MASK_SOLID, pOwner, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
	if (tr.fraction < 1.0)
		CBaseEntity *pEntity = tr.m_pEnt;
		if (pEntity && !(pEntity->GetFlags() & FL_CONVEYOR))
			QAngle angles;
			VectorAngles(tr.plane.normal, angles);
			angles.y -= 90;
			angles.z -= 90;
			tr.endpos.z -= 6.0f;

			EmitSound( "Weapon_SLAM.SatchelAttach" );
			CSatchelCharge *pSatchel	= (CSatchelCharge*)CBaseEntity::Create( "npc_satchel", tr.endpos + tr.plane.normal * 3, angles, NULL );
			pSatchel->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_FLY ); // no gravity
			pSatchel->m_bIsAttached		= true;
			pSatchel->m_bIsLive			= true;
			pSatchel->SetThrower( GetOwner() );
			pSatchel->SetOwnerEntity( ((CBaseEntity*)GetOwner()) );
			pSatchel->m_pMyWeaponSLAM	= this;

			pOwner->RemoveAmmo( 1, m_iSecondaryAmmoType );
Beispiel #7
// Purpose:
// Input  :
// Output :
void CWeapon_SLAM::SatchelDetonate()
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;

	while ((pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "npc_satchel" )) != NULL)
		CSatchelCharge *pSatchel = dynamic_cast<CSatchelCharge *>(pEntity);
		if (pSatchel->m_bIsLive && pSatchel->GetThrower() && GetOwner() && pSatchel->GetThrower() == GetOwner())
			//pSatchel->Use( GetOwner(), GetOwner(), USE_ON, 0 );
			//variant_t emptyVariant;
			//pSatchel->AcceptInput( "Explode", NULL, NULL, emptyVariant, 5 );
			g_EventQueue.AddEvent( pSatchel, "Explode", 0.20, GetOwner(), GetOwner() );
	// Play sound for pressing the detonator
	EmitSound( "Weapon_SLAM.SatchelDetonate" );

	m_bDetonatorArmed	= false;