bool MUSIKAPEDecoder::OpenMedia(const char *FileName)

	int nRetVal=0;
	CSmartPtr<wchar_t> wsFileName;
	IAPEDecompress * pAPEDecompress = CreateIAPEDecompress(wsFileName, &nRetVal);
	if (pAPEDecompress != NULL)
		m_ApeInfo.pAPEDecompress = pAPEDecompress;
		m_Info.bitrate = pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_AVERAGE_BITRATE);
		m_Info.bits_per_sample = pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE);
		m_Info.channels = pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_CHANNELS);
		m_Info.frequency = pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_SAMPLE_RATE);
		m_Info.SampleCount = pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_DECOMPRESS_TOTAL_BLOCKS);
		int bytesPerBlock = m_Info.channels * (m_Info.bits_per_sample >> 3);
		int decoder_buffer_size = bytesPerBlock * (int)((APEDecodeBufferSec * pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_SAMPLE_RATE)) + 0.5);
		m_Info.FileSize = pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_APE_TOTAL_BYTES);
		return CreateBuffer(decoder_buffer_size);
Beispiel #2
Main (the main function)
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	// variable declares
	CSmartPtr<wchar_t> spInputFilename; CSmartPtr<wchar_t> spOutputFilename;
	int nMode = UNDEFINED_MODE;
	int nCompressionLevel;
	int nPercentageDone;
	// output the header
	fprintf(stderr, CONSOLE_NAME);
	// make sure there are at least four arguments (could be more for EAC compatibility)
	if (argc < 3) 

	// store the input file
	spInputFilename.Assign(GetUTF16FromANSI(argv[1]), TRUE);
	// store the output file
	spOutputFilename.Assign(GetUTF16FromANSI(argv[2]), TRUE);

	// verify that the input file exists
	if (!FileExists(spInputFilename))
		fprintf(stderr, "Input File Not Found...\n\n");

	// if the output file equals '-v', then use this as the next argument
	char cMode[256];
	strcpy(cMode, argv[2]);

	if (_strnicmp(cMode, "-v", 2) != 0)
		// verify is the only mode that doesn't use at least the third argument
		if (argc < 4) 

		// check for and skip if necessary the -b XXXXXX arguments (3,4)
		strcpy(cMode, argv[3]);

	// get the mode
	if (_strnicmp(cMode, "-c", 2) == 0)
	else if (_strnicmp(cMode, "-d", 2) == 0)
	else if (_strnicmp(cMode, "-v", 2) == 0)
		nMode = VERIFY_MODE;
	else if (_strnicmp(cMode, "-n", 2) == 0)

	// error check the mode
	if (nMode == UNDEFINED_MODE) 

	// get and error check the compression level
	if (nMode == COMPRESS_MODE || nMode == CONVERT_MODE) 
		nCompressionLevel = atoi(&cMode[2]);
		if (nCompressionLevel != 1000 && nCompressionLevel != 2000 && 
			nCompressionLevel != 3000 && nCompressionLevel != 4000 &&
			nCompressionLevel != 5000) 
			return -1;

	// set the initial tick count
	// process
	int nKillFlag = 0;
	if (nMode == COMPRESS_MODE) 
		char cCompressionLevel[16];
		if (nCompressionLevel == 1000) { strcpy(cCompressionLevel, "fast"); }
		if (nCompressionLevel == 2000) { strcpy(cCompressionLevel, "normal"); }
		if (nCompressionLevel == 3000) { strcpy(cCompressionLevel, "high"); }
		if (nCompressionLevel == 4000) { strcpy(cCompressionLevel, "extra high"); }
		if (nCompressionLevel == 5000) { strcpy(cCompressionLevel, "insane"); }

		fprintf(stderr, "Compressing (%s)...\n", cCompressionLevel);
		nRetVal = CompressFileW(spInputFilename, spOutputFilename, nCompressionLevel, &nPercentageDone, ProgressCallback, &nKillFlag);
	else if (nMode == DECOMPRESS_MODE) 
		fprintf(stderr, "Decompressing...\n");
		nRetVal = DecompressFileW(spInputFilename, spOutputFilename, &nPercentageDone, ProgressCallback, &nKillFlag);
	else if (nMode == VERIFY_MODE) 
		fprintf(stderr, "Verifying...\n");
		nRetVal = VerifyFileW(spInputFilename, &nPercentageDone, ProgressCallback, &nKillFlag);
	else if (nMode == CONVERT_MODE) 
		fprintf(stderr, "Converting...\n");
		nRetVal = ConvertFileW(spInputFilename, spOutputFilename, nCompressionLevel, &nPercentageDone, ProgressCallback, &nKillFlag);

	if (nRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) 
		fprintf(stderr, "\nSuccess...\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "\nError: %i\n", nRetVal);

	return nRetVal;
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
	// error check the command line parameters
	if (argc != 2) 
		printf("~~~Improper Usage~~~\r\n\r\n");
		printf("Usage Example: Sample 1.exe 'c:\\1.ape'\r\n\r\n");
		return 0;

	// variable declares
	int					nRetVal = 0;										// generic holder for return values
	char				cTempBuffer[256]; ZeroMemory(&cTempBuffer[0], 256);	// generic buffer for string stuff
	char *				pFilename = argv[1];								// the file to open
	IAPEDecompress *	pAPEDecompress = NULL;								// APE interface
	CSmartPtr<wchar_t> spInput;

	spInput.Assign(GetUTF16FromANSI(argv[1]), TRUE);
	// open the file and error check
	pAPEDecompress = CreateIAPEDecompress(spInput, &nRetVal);
	if (pAPEDecompress == NULL) 
		printf("Error opening APE file. (error code %d)\r\n\r\n", nRetVal);
		return 0;

	// display some information about the file
	printf("Displaying information about '%s':\r\n\r\n", pFilename);

	// file format information
	printf("File Format:\r\n");
	printf("\tVersion: %.2f\r\n", float(pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_FILE_VERSION)) / float(1000));
	switch (pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_COMPRESSION_LEVEL))
		case COMPRESSION_LEVEL_FAST: printf("\tCompression level: Fast\r\n\r\n"); break;
		case COMPRESSION_LEVEL_NORMAL: printf("\tCompression level: Normal\r\n\r\n"); break;
		case COMPRESSION_LEVEL_HIGH: printf("\tCompression level: High\r\n\r\n"); break;
		case COMPRESSION_LEVEL_EXTRA_HIGH: printf("\tCompression level: Extra High\r\n\r\n"); break;

	// audio format information
	printf("Audio Format:\r\n");
	printf("\tSamples per second: %" PRIiPTR "\r\n", pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_SAMPLE_RATE));
	printf("\tBits per sample: %" PRIiPTR "\r\n", pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE));
	printf("\tNumber of channels: %" PRIiPTR "\r\n", pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_CHANNELS));
	printf("\tPeak level: %" PRIiPTR "\r\n\r\n", pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_PEAK_LEVEL));

	// size and duration information
	printf("Size and Duration:\r\n");
	printf("\tLength of file (s): %" PRIiPTR "\r\n", pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_LENGTH_MS) / 1000);
	printf("\tFile Size (kb): %" PRIiPTR "\r\n\r\n", pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_APE_TOTAL_BYTES) / 1024);
	// tag information
	printf("Tag Information:\r\n");
	CAPETag * pAPETag = (CAPETag *) pAPEDecompress->GetInfo(APE_INFO_TAG);
	BOOL bHasID3Tag = pAPETag->GetHasID3Tag();
	BOOL bHasAPETag = pAPETag->GetHasAPETag();

	if (bHasID3Tag || bHasAPETag)
	    printf("\tID3 Tag: %s, APE Tag: %s", bHasID3Tag ? "Yes" : "No", bHasAPETag ? "" : "No");
	    if (bHasAPETag)
		printf("%d", pAPETag->GetAPETagVersion() / 1000);
		// iterate through all the tag fields
		//BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
		CAPETagField * pTagField;
//		while (pAPETag->GetNextTagField(bFirst, &pTagField))
		int index = 0;
		while ((pTagField = pAPETag->GetTagField(index)) != NULL)
			//bFirst = FALSE;
			index ++;
			// output the tag field properties (don't output huge fields like images, etc.)
			if (pTagField->GetFieldValueSize() > 128)
				printf("\t%s: --- too much data to display ---\r\n", GetANSIFromUTF16(pTagField->GetFieldName()));
			    const wchar_t *fieldName;
			    char *name;
			    wchar_t fieldValue[255];
			    char *value;

			    fieldName = pTagField->GetFieldName();
			    name = GetANSIFromUTF16(fieldName);

			    memset(fieldValue, 0, 255 * sizeof(wchar_t));
			    int len;
			    pAPETag->GetFieldString(fieldName, fieldValue, &len);
			    value = GetANSIFromUTF16(fieldValue);
			    const wchar_t *fieldName;
			    char *name;
			    const char *fieldValue;
			    char *value;

			    fieldName = pTagField->GetFieldName();
			    name = GetANSIFromUTF16(fieldName);

			    fieldValue = pTagField->GetFieldValue();
			    if (pAPETag->GetAPETagVersion() == CURRENT_APE_TAG_VERSION)
				value = GetANSIFromUTF8((unsigned char *)fieldValue);
				value = (char *)fieldValue;
			    printf("\t%s : %s\n", name, value);
		printf("\tNot tagged\r\n\r\n");
	// cleanup (just delete the object
	delete pAPEDecompress;

	// quit
	return 0;