Beispiel #1
	// This function adds one file to the current cabinet.
	// Parameters:
	// sw_FileToAdd = Full path to the file to be added to the cabinet.
	// sw_NameInCab = path and filename under which to store the file in the cabinet
	//                "Install\Setup.exe" will create a subfolder "Install" inside the cabinet
	// b_Compress   = FALSE --> store in CAB file without compression
	BOOL AddFileW(const CStrW& sw_FileToAdd, const CStrW& sw_NameInCab, BOOL b_Compress=TRUE)
		// Every class must only be accessed by one and the same thread. See "Microsoft Cabinet.dll Doku.doc"
		if (mu32_ThreadID != GetCurrentThreadId())
			return FALSE;

		if (!mh_FCIContext)
			return FALSE;

		mb_AutoFlush = TRUE; // Flushing must be done

		#if _TraceCompress
			CTrace::TraceW(L"*** FCIAddFile('%s') ***", (WCHAR*)sw_FileToAdd);

		ULONGLONG u64_Size;
		DWORD u32_Error = CFile::GetFileSizeW(sw_FileToAdd, &u64_Size);
		if (u32_Error)
			mi_Error.Set(FCIERR_OPEN_SRC, u32_Error,0);
			return FALSE;

		if (u64_Size > 0x7FFF0000) // Cabinet.dll supports max 2 GB
			return FALSE;

		CStrA s_File, s_Name;
		if (mb_EncodeUtf) 
			mb_NameInCabIsUtf = !sw_NameInCab.IsAscii();
		else // UTF8 encoding disabled by the caller
			// Unicode filenames cannot be stored with UTF8 encoding disabled
			if (sw_NameInCab.IsUnicode())
				mi_Error.Set(FCIERR_UNICODE_NEEDS_UTF8, 0,0);
				return FALSE;

			mb_NameInCabIsUtf = FALSE;
			s_Name = sw_NameInCab;

		// When mf_FciAddFile returns FALSE the error code has already been written into mi_Error in one of the 3 callbacks.
		// If you want to debug with a Debugger to trap an error you MUST set a breakpoint in FCIGetNextCabinet, FCIUpdateStatus, FCIGetAttribsAndDate!
		// But it is much easier to enable _TraceCompress and observe in DebugView what's happening.
		return mf_FciAddFile(mh_FCIContext, 
		                     (PFNFCIGETNEXTCABINET) FCIGetNextCabinet,
		                     (PFNFCISTATUS)         FCIUpdateStatus,
		                     (PFNFCIGETOPENINFO)    FCIGetAttribsAndDate,
		                     b_Compress ? tcompTYPE_MSZIP : tcompTYPE_NONE);