// get level info for given filename
BOOL GetLevelInfo(CLevelInfo &li, const CTFileName &fnm)
  // try to
  try {
    // open the world file
    CTFileStream strm;
    // skip initial chunk ids
    strm.ExpectID_t("BUIV"); // 'build version'
    INDEX iDummy;
    strm>>iDummy; // the version number
    strm.ExpectID_t("WRLD"); // 'world'
    strm.ExpectID_t("WLIF"); // 'world info'
    if (strm.PeekID_t()==CChunkID("DTRS")) {
      strm.ExpectID_t("DTRS"); // 'world info'
    // read the name
    // read the flags

    // translate name
    li.li_strName = TranslateConst(li.li_strName, 0);

    // if dummy name
    if (li.li_strName=="") {
      // use filename
      li.li_strName = fnm.FileName();

    // remember filename
    li.li_fnLevel = fnm;

    // succeed
    return TRUE;

  // if failed
  } catch (char *strError) {
    (void) strError;
    //CPrintF("Invalid world file '%s': %s\n", (const char*) fnm, strError);
    // set dummy info
    li = CLevelInfo();
    // fail
    return FALSE;
 * Load just world brushes from a file with entire world information.
void CWorld::LoadBrushes_t(const CTFileName &fnmWorld) // throw char *
  // remember the file
  wo_fnmFileName = fnmWorld;
  // open the file
  CTFileStream strmFile;

  // check engine build disallowing reinit
  BOOL bNeedsReinit;
  _pNetwork->CheckVersion_t(strmFile, FALSE, bNeedsReinit);

  strmFile.ExpectID_t("WRLD"); // 'world'
  // read the world brushes from the file